This study proposes an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) based Industry 4.0 maturity. The model aims to make the vast array of Industry 4.0 technologies comprehensible and actionable for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) by mapping them to specific ERP functions, thus enabling a more agile and tailored approach to digitalization. A comprehensive literature review revealed limited research on this integrated approach and highlighted the need for a model that supports quick assessments and adaptable implementation strategies. A sample application has been conducted in a manufacturing company and it has been seen that the model leverages ERP's modularity to address company-specific needs and includes rapid evaluation features that provides to the dynamic requirements of SMEs, enhancing their competitive edge in the digital landscape. Additionally, the findings serve as a valuable guide for ERP designers/vendors, providing insights into the integration of Industry 4.0 technologies that can enhance ERP system capabilities.
1. Cordeiro, R.F., Reis, L.P., Fernandes, J.M., 2024. A Study on the Barriers that Impact the Adoption of Industry 4.0 in the Context of Brazilian Companies. The TQM Journal, 36(1), 361-384.
2. Figliè, R., Amadio, R., Tyrovolas, M., Stylios, C., Paśko, Ł., Stadnicka, D., Mazzei, D., 2024. Towards a Taxonomy of Industrial Challenges and Enabling Technologies in Industry 4.0. IEEE Access, 12, 19355-19374.
3. Folgado, F.J., Calderón, D., González, I., Calderón, A.J., 2024. Review of Industry 4.0 from the Perspective of Automation and Supervision Systems: Definitions, Architectures and Recent Trends. Electronics, 13(4),
4. Vargas, G.B., Gomes, J.D.O., Vargas Vallejos, R., 2024. A Framework for the Prioritization of Industry 4.0 and Lean Manufacturing Technologies Based on Network Theory. Journal of Manufacturing Technology
Management, 35(1), 95-118.
5. Elibal, K., Özceylan, E., 2024. An Industry 4.0 Maturity Model Proposal Based on Total Quality Management Principles: An Application to an Automotive Parts Manufacturer. IEEE Transactions on Engineering
Management, 71, 10815-10832.
6. Müller, J.M., Islam, N., Kazantsev, N., Romanello, R., Olivera, G., Das, D., Hamzeh, R., 2024. Barriers and Enablers for Industry 4.0 in SMEs: A Combined Integration Framework. IEEE Transactions on Engineering
7. Basl, J., Novakova, M., 2019. Analysis of Selected ERP 4.0 Features and Proposal of an ERP 4.0 Maturity Model. Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems: 13th IFIP WG 8.9 International
Conference, CONFENIS 2019, Prague, Czech Republic, 13, 3-11.
8. Rashid, M.A., Riaz, Z., Turan, E., Haskilic, V., Sunje, A., Khan, N., 2012. Smart Factory: E-Business Perspective of Enhanced ERP in Aircraft Manufacturing Industry. Proceedings of PICMET'12: Technology Management
for Emerging Technologies, 3262-3275.
9. Haddara, M., Elragal, A., 2015. The Readiness of ERP Systems for the Factory of the Future. Procedia Computer Science, 64, 721-728.
10. Stojkić, Ž., Veža, I., Bošnjak, I., 2016. A Concept of Information System Implementation (CRM and ERP) within Industry 4.0. Proceedings of the 26th DAAAM International Symposium, 912-919.
11. Trusculescu, A., Draghici, A., Albulescu, C.T., 2015. Key Metrics and Key Drivers in the Valuation of Public Enterprise Resource Planning Companies. Procedia Computer Science, 64, 917-923.
12. Christmann, D., Schmidt, A., Giehl, C., Reichardt, M., Ohmer, M., Berg, M., Herfet, T., 2016. Vertical Integration and Adaptive Services in Networked Production Environments. Innovations in Enterprise Information
Systems Management and Engineering: 4th International Conference.
13. Majeed, A.A., Rupasinghe, T.D., 2017. Internet of Things (IoT) Embedded Future Supply Chains for Industry 4.0: An Assessment from an ERP-based Fashion Apparel and Footwear Industry. International Journal of
Supply Chain Management, 6(1), 25-40.
14. Basl, J., 2018. Penetration of Industry 4.0 Principles into ERP Vendors’ Products and Services–A Central European Study. Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems: 11th IFIP WG 8.9 Working
Conference, Shanghai, China.
15. Sishi, M., Telukdarie, A., 2020. Implementation of Industry 4.0 Technologies in the Mining Industry-A Case Study. International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering, 11(1), 1-22.
16. Mladineo, M., Veza, I., Gjeldum, N., Crnjac, M., Aljinovic, A., Basic, A., 2019. Integration and Testing of the RFID-enabled Smart Factory Concept within the Learning Factory. Procedia Manufacturing, 31, 384-389.
17. Telukdarie, A., Sishi, M.N., 2018. Enterprise Definition for Industry 4.0. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 849-853.
18. Bytniewski, A., Matouk, K., Rot, A., Hernes, M., Kozina, A., 2020. Towards Industry 4.0: Functional and Technological Basis for ERP 4.0 Systems. Towards Industry 4.0. Current Challenges in Information Systems, 3-19.
19. Gupta, S., Meissonier, R., Drave, V.A., Roubaud, D., 2020. Examining the Impact of Cloud ERP on Sustainable Performance: A Dynamic Capability View. International Journal of Information Management, 51,
20. Majstorovic, V., Stojadinovic, S., Lalic, B., Marjanovic, U., 2020. ERP in Industry 4.0 Context. IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems, 287-294.
21. Nugroho, A., Rizaludin, D., Soebandhi, S., Junaedi, L., Winardi, S., Al-Azam, M.N., 2020. Automatic Sign of Commencement of Work from Enterprise Resource Planning. International Conference on Smart
Technology and Applications (ICoSTA), 1-6.
22. Tsai, W.H., Lan, S.H., Lee, H.L., 2020. Applying ERP and MES to Implement the IFRS 8 Operating Segments: A Steel Group’s Activity-Based Standard Costing Production Decision Model. Sustainability, 12(10), 4303.
23. Wang, S., Guo, M., Hu, Y.X., Chiu, Y.K., Jing, C., 2022. Smart Manufacturing Business Management System for Network Industry Spin-off Enterprises. Enterprise Information Systems, 16(2), 285-306.
24. Zeba, G., Čičak, M., 2020. Application of RFID Technology for Better Efficiency of Resource Planning. New Technologies, Development and Application III 6, 382-387.
25. Dasaklis, T.K., Voutsinas, T.G., Mihiotis, A., 2021. Integrating Blockchain with Enterprise Resource Planning systems: Benefits and Challenges. Proceedings of the 25th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics,
26. Ferrari, A.M., Volpi, L., Settembre-Blundo, D., García-Muiña, F.E., 2021. Dynamic Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Integrating Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in an Industry 4.0
Environment. Journal of Cleaner Production, 286, 125314.
27. Polivka, M., Dvořáková, L., 2021. The Current State of the Use of Selected Industry 4.0 Technologies in Manufacturing Companies. Proceedings of the 32nd DAAAM International Symposium, 0652-0659,
28. Mantravadi, S., Møller, C., Chen, L.I., Schnyder, R., 2022. Design Choices for Next-Generation IIoT-connected MES/MOM: An Empirical Study on Smart Factories. Robotics and Computer-Integrated
Manufacturing, 73, 102225.
29. Parra, B., Pando Cerra, P., Álvarez Peñín, P.I., 2022. Combining ERP, Lean Philosophy and ICT: An Industry 4.0 Approach in an SME in the Manufacturing Sector in Spain. Engineering Management Journal, 34(4),
30. Paththinige, P., Thilakarathne, K., Rathnasekara, T., Wickramaarachchi, R., Withanaarachchi, A., 2022. Examine the Impact of IoT for Supply Chain-Based Operations in ERP Systems: Systematic Literature Review.
International Research Conference on Smart Computing and Systems Engineering (SCSE) 5, 344-350.
31. Prakash, V., Savaglio, C., Garg, L., Bawa, S., Spezzano, G., 2022. Cloud and Edge-Based ERP Systems for Industrial Internet of Things and Smart Factory. Procedia Computer Science, 200, 537-545.
32. Bakale, T., Picek, R., 2023. Application of Augmented Reality in Creating Added Value for an ERP System. 4th International Conference on Communications, Information, Electronic and Energy Systems (CIEES),
33. Giuliano, F., Rombo, S.E., Bonomo, M., Iiritano, S., Granata, L., Ruffolo, M., Tinnirello, I., 2023. Amarelli's Industry 4.0 Transformation with IoT and Digital Advertisement: Optimizing Operations and Engaging
Customers. EDBT/ICDT Workshops.
34. Kopishynska, O., Utkin, Y., Makhmudov, K., Kalashnik, O., Moroz, S., Somych, M., 2023. Digital Transformation of Resource Management of Territorial Communities Based on the Cloud ERP System in the Concept of Industry 4.0. Journal of Systemics. Cybernetics and Informatics, 21(2), 21-29.
35. Kopishynska, O., Utkin, Y., Sliusar, I., Muravlov, V., Makhmudov, K., Chip, L., 2023. Application of Modern Enterprise Resource Planning Systems for Agri-Food Supply Chains as a Strategy for Reaching the Level of Industry 4.0 for Non-Manufacturing Organizations. Engineering Proceedings, 40(1), 15.
36. Majstorovic, V., Simeunovic, V., Mitrovic, R., Stosic, D., Dimitrijevic, S., Miskovic, Z., 2023. Development of Cloud ERP Model and Its Application in Smart Mining. International Conference on Intelligent Systems in Production Engineering and Maintenance, 28-42.
37. Morawiec, P., Sołtysik-Piorunkiewicz, A., 2023. ERP System Development for Business Agility in Industry 4.0 - A Literature Review Based on the TOE Framework. Sustainability, 15(5), 4646.
38. Polívka, M., Dvořáková, L., 2023. The Importance of Industry 4.0 Technologies when Selecting an ERP System–An Empirical Study. Business Administration and Management, 26(3), 51-69.
39. Tong, Q., Ming, X., Zhang, X., 2023. Construction of Sustainable Digital Factory for Automated Warehouse Based on Integration of ERP and WMS. Sustainability, 15(2), 1022.
40. Borda, F., Cosma, A.M., Filice, L., 2024. Enabling Industry 4.0 Transformation in Calabria Region: Framework, Machine Interconnection and ERP Synergy. Procedia Computer Science, 232, 1151-1163.
41. Durão, L.F.C., Zancul, E., Schützer, K., 2024. Digital Twin Data Architecture for Product-Service Systems. Procedia CIRP, 121, 79-84.
42. Garg, P., Khurana, R., 2017. Applying Structural Equation Model to Study the Critical Risks in ERP Implementation in Indian Retail. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 24(1), 143-162.
43. Raja, S. L. N., Joseph, N., Totawar, A., 2020. Analysing ERP Implementations from Organizational Change Perspective: An Exploratory Study. International Working Conference on Transfer and Diffusion of IT, 674-678.
44. Rajapakse, D.P.P.K., Thushara, S.C., 2023. Critical Failure Factors in ERP Implementation: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Business and Technology, 7(1).
Bu çalışma Kurumsal Kaynak Planlaması (ERP) tabanlı bir Endüstri 4.0 olgunluk modeli önermektedir. Önerilen model, çok çeşitli Endüstri 4.0 teknolojilerini belirli ERP işlevleriyle eşleştirerek, bu teknolojileri Küçük ve Orta Ölçekli İşletmeler (KOBİ'ler) için anlaşılır ve uygulanabilir hale getirmeyi, böylece dijitalleşmeye daha çevik ve özel bir yaklaşım sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Yapılan kapsamlı literatür taraması ERP-Endüstri 4.0 entegrasyonu hakkında kısıtlı çalışmalar olduğunu göstermiş, hızlı ve çabuk adapte edilebilir bir değerlendirme modelinin gerekliliğini ortaya koymuştur. Geliştirilen model ile bir üretim şirketinde örnek bir uygulama yapılmış ve modelin, ERP'nin modülerliğinden yararlanarak şirkete özel ihtiyaçları karşıladığı ve KOBİ'lerin dinamik gereksinimlerini karşılayarak dijital ortamda rekabet güçlerini artıran hızlı değerlendirme özelliklerini içerdiği görülmüştür. Ek olarak bulgular, ERP tasarımcıları/tedarikçileri için değerli bir rehber görevi görmekte ve ERP sistem yeteneklerini geliştirebilecek Endüstri 4.0 teknolojilerinin entegrasyonuna ilişkin bilgiler sağlamaktadır.
1. Cordeiro, R.F., Reis, L.P., Fernandes, J.M., 2024. A Study on the Barriers that Impact the Adoption of Industry 4.0 in the Context of Brazilian Companies. The TQM Journal, 36(1), 361-384.
2. Figliè, R., Amadio, R., Tyrovolas, M., Stylios, C., Paśko, Ł., Stadnicka, D., Mazzei, D., 2024. Towards a Taxonomy of Industrial Challenges and Enabling Technologies in Industry 4.0. IEEE Access, 12, 19355-19374.
3. Folgado, F.J., Calderón, D., González, I., Calderón, A.J., 2024. Review of Industry 4.0 from the Perspective of Automation and Supervision Systems: Definitions, Architectures and Recent Trends. Electronics, 13(4),
4. Vargas, G.B., Gomes, J.D.O., Vargas Vallejos, R., 2024. A Framework for the Prioritization of Industry 4.0 and Lean Manufacturing Technologies Based on Network Theory. Journal of Manufacturing Technology
Management, 35(1), 95-118.
5. Elibal, K., Özceylan, E., 2024. An Industry 4.0 Maturity Model Proposal Based on Total Quality Management Principles: An Application to an Automotive Parts Manufacturer. IEEE Transactions on Engineering
Management, 71, 10815-10832.
6. Müller, J.M., Islam, N., Kazantsev, N., Romanello, R., Olivera, G., Das, D., Hamzeh, R., 2024. Barriers and Enablers for Industry 4.0 in SMEs: A Combined Integration Framework. IEEE Transactions on Engineering
7. Basl, J., Novakova, M., 2019. Analysis of Selected ERP 4.0 Features and Proposal of an ERP 4.0 Maturity Model. Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems: 13th IFIP WG 8.9 International
Conference, CONFENIS 2019, Prague, Czech Republic, 13, 3-11.
8. Rashid, M.A., Riaz, Z., Turan, E., Haskilic, V., Sunje, A., Khan, N., 2012. Smart Factory: E-Business Perspective of Enhanced ERP in Aircraft Manufacturing Industry. Proceedings of PICMET'12: Technology Management
for Emerging Technologies, 3262-3275.
9. Haddara, M., Elragal, A., 2015. The Readiness of ERP Systems for the Factory of the Future. Procedia Computer Science, 64, 721-728.
10. Stojkić, Ž., Veža, I., Bošnjak, I., 2016. A Concept of Information System Implementation (CRM and ERP) within Industry 4.0. Proceedings of the 26th DAAAM International Symposium, 912-919.
11. Trusculescu, A., Draghici, A., Albulescu, C.T., 2015. Key Metrics and Key Drivers in the Valuation of Public Enterprise Resource Planning Companies. Procedia Computer Science, 64, 917-923.
12. Christmann, D., Schmidt, A., Giehl, C., Reichardt, M., Ohmer, M., Berg, M., Herfet, T., 2016. Vertical Integration and Adaptive Services in Networked Production Environments. Innovations in Enterprise Information
Systems Management and Engineering: 4th International Conference.
13. Majeed, A.A., Rupasinghe, T.D., 2017. Internet of Things (IoT) Embedded Future Supply Chains for Industry 4.0: An Assessment from an ERP-based Fashion Apparel and Footwear Industry. International Journal of
Supply Chain Management, 6(1), 25-40.
14. Basl, J., 2018. Penetration of Industry 4.0 Principles into ERP Vendors’ Products and Services–A Central European Study. Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems: 11th IFIP WG 8.9 Working
Conference, Shanghai, China.
15. Sishi, M., Telukdarie, A., 2020. Implementation of Industry 4.0 Technologies in the Mining Industry-A Case Study. International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering, 11(1), 1-22.
16. Mladineo, M., Veza, I., Gjeldum, N., Crnjac, M., Aljinovic, A., Basic, A., 2019. Integration and Testing of the RFID-enabled Smart Factory Concept within the Learning Factory. Procedia Manufacturing, 31, 384-389.
17. Telukdarie, A., Sishi, M.N., 2018. Enterprise Definition for Industry 4.0. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 849-853.
18. Bytniewski, A., Matouk, K., Rot, A., Hernes, M., Kozina, A., 2020. Towards Industry 4.0: Functional and Technological Basis for ERP 4.0 Systems. Towards Industry 4.0. Current Challenges in Information Systems, 3-19.
19. Gupta, S., Meissonier, R., Drave, V.A., Roubaud, D., 2020. Examining the Impact of Cloud ERP on Sustainable Performance: A Dynamic Capability View. International Journal of Information Management, 51,
20. Majstorovic, V., Stojadinovic, S., Lalic, B., Marjanovic, U., 2020. ERP in Industry 4.0 Context. IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems, 287-294.
21. Nugroho, A., Rizaludin, D., Soebandhi, S., Junaedi, L., Winardi, S., Al-Azam, M.N., 2020. Automatic Sign of Commencement of Work from Enterprise Resource Planning. International Conference on Smart
Technology and Applications (ICoSTA), 1-6.
22. Tsai, W.H., Lan, S.H., Lee, H.L., 2020. Applying ERP and MES to Implement the IFRS 8 Operating Segments: A Steel Group’s Activity-Based Standard Costing Production Decision Model. Sustainability, 12(10), 4303.
23. Wang, S., Guo, M., Hu, Y.X., Chiu, Y.K., Jing, C., 2022. Smart Manufacturing Business Management System for Network Industry Spin-off Enterprises. Enterprise Information Systems, 16(2), 285-306.
24. Zeba, G., Čičak, M., 2020. Application of RFID Technology for Better Efficiency of Resource Planning. New Technologies, Development and Application III 6, 382-387.
25. Dasaklis, T.K., Voutsinas, T.G., Mihiotis, A., 2021. Integrating Blockchain with Enterprise Resource Planning systems: Benefits and Challenges. Proceedings of the 25th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics,
26. Ferrari, A.M., Volpi, L., Settembre-Blundo, D., García-Muiña, F.E., 2021. Dynamic Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Integrating Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in an Industry 4.0
Environment. Journal of Cleaner Production, 286, 125314.
27. Polivka, M., Dvořáková, L., 2021. The Current State of the Use of Selected Industry 4.0 Technologies in Manufacturing Companies. Proceedings of the 32nd DAAAM International Symposium, 0652-0659,
28. Mantravadi, S., Møller, C., Chen, L.I., Schnyder, R., 2022. Design Choices for Next-Generation IIoT-connected MES/MOM: An Empirical Study on Smart Factories. Robotics and Computer-Integrated
Manufacturing, 73, 102225.
29. Parra, B., Pando Cerra, P., Álvarez Peñín, P.I., 2022. Combining ERP, Lean Philosophy and ICT: An Industry 4.0 Approach in an SME in the Manufacturing Sector in Spain. Engineering Management Journal, 34(4),
30. Paththinige, P., Thilakarathne, K., Rathnasekara, T., Wickramaarachchi, R., Withanaarachchi, A., 2022. Examine the Impact of IoT for Supply Chain-Based Operations in ERP Systems: Systematic Literature Review.
International Research Conference on Smart Computing and Systems Engineering (SCSE) 5, 344-350.
31. Prakash, V., Savaglio, C., Garg, L., Bawa, S., Spezzano, G., 2022. Cloud and Edge-Based ERP Systems for Industrial Internet of Things and Smart Factory. Procedia Computer Science, 200, 537-545.
32. Bakale, T., Picek, R., 2023. Application of Augmented Reality in Creating Added Value for an ERP System. 4th International Conference on Communications, Information, Electronic and Energy Systems (CIEES),
33. Giuliano, F., Rombo, S.E., Bonomo, M., Iiritano, S., Granata, L., Ruffolo, M., Tinnirello, I., 2023. Amarelli's Industry 4.0 Transformation with IoT and Digital Advertisement: Optimizing Operations and Engaging
Customers. EDBT/ICDT Workshops.
34. Kopishynska, O., Utkin, Y., Makhmudov, K., Kalashnik, O., Moroz, S., Somych, M., 2023. Digital Transformation of Resource Management of Territorial Communities Based on the Cloud ERP System in the Concept of Industry 4.0. Journal of Systemics. Cybernetics and Informatics, 21(2), 21-29.
35. Kopishynska, O., Utkin, Y., Sliusar, I., Muravlov, V., Makhmudov, K., Chip, L., 2023. Application of Modern Enterprise Resource Planning Systems for Agri-Food Supply Chains as a Strategy for Reaching the Level of Industry 4.0 for Non-Manufacturing Organizations. Engineering Proceedings, 40(1), 15.
36. Majstorovic, V., Simeunovic, V., Mitrovic, R., Stosic, D., Dimitrijevic, S., Miskovic, Z., 2023. Development of Cloud ERP Model and Its Application in Smart Mining. International Conference on Intelligent Systems in Production Engineering and Maintenance, 28-42.
37. Morawiec, P., Sołtysik-Piorunkiewicz, A., 2023. ERP System Development for Business Agility in Industry 4.0 - A Literature Review Based on the TOE Framework. Sustainability, 15(5), 4646.
38. Polívka, M., Dvořáková, L., 2023. The Importance of Industry 4.0 Technologies when Selecting an ERP System–An Empirical Study. Business Administration and Management, 26(3), 51-69.
39. Tong, Q., Ming, X., Zhang, X., 2023. Construction of Sustainable Digital Factory for Automated Warehouse Based on Integration of ERP and WMS. Sustainability, 15(2), 1022.
40. Borda, F., Cosma, A.M., Filice, L., 2024. Enabling Industry 4.0 Transformation in Calabria Region: Framework, Machine Interconnection and ERP Synergy. Procedia Computer Science, 232, 1151-1163.
41. Durão, L.F.C., Zancul, E., Schützer, K., 2024. Digital Twin Data Architecture for Product-Service Systems. Procedia CIRP, 121, 79-84.
42. Garg, P., Khurana, R., 2017. Applying Structural Equation Model to Study the Critical Risks in ERP Implementation in Indian Retail. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 24(1), 143-162.
43. Raja, S. L. N., Joseph, N., Totawar, A., 2020. Analysing ERP Implementations from Organizational Change Perspective: An Exploratory Study. International Working Conference on Transfer and Diffusion of IT, 674-678.
44. Rajapakse, D.P.P.K., Thushara, S.C., 2023. Critical Failure Factors in ERP Implementation: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Business and Technology, 7(1).
Elibal, K., Özceylan, E., & Çetinkaya, C. (2024). An ERP Based Industry 4.0 Maturity Model Proposal. Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi, 39(2), 535-544.