1- Current Veterinary Science (abbreviated title: Curr Vet Sci), published quarterly (e-ISSN: …), is an open access journal that uses a double-blind peer-review process. Therefore, authors should remove their names and any acknowledgments from the manuscript before submission. Author names, affiliations, and present/permanent addresses should be provided on the title page only. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.
The journal publishes full-length research papers, short communications, preliminary scientific reports, case reports, observations, letters to the editor, and reviews. The scope of the journal encompasses all aspects of veterinary medicine and animal science.
2- The official language of journal is English.
3- Manuscripts submitted for publication should be prepared in Times New Roman font, size 12, on A4 paper with 1.5 line spacing and 2.5 cm margins on all sides. The legend or caption for all illustrations, such as figures and tables, and their appropriate positions should be indicated in the text. Refer to tables and figures in the main text by their numbers. Additionally, figure legends and explanations should be provided at the end of the text.
Figures should be at least 300 dpi resolution.
The manuscript and supplementary files (e.g., figures) should be submitted using the online manuscript submission system at the address provided.
During the submission process, authors should upload the figures of the manuscript to the online manuscript submission system. If the manuscript is accepted for publication, the Copyright Transfer Agreement Form, signed by all the authors, should be sent to the editorial office.
4- Authors should indicate the name of the institution that approved the necessary ethical commission report and provide the serial number of the approval in the Material and Methods section. If necessary, the editorial board may request the official document of the ethical commission report. In case reports, a statement confirming that "informed consent" was received from the owner should be included in the main document. If an ethical issue is detected (e.g., not reporting project information, lack of ethical committee information, conflict of interest), the editorial board may reject the manuscript at any stage of the evaluation process.
5- In the interests of brevity and standalone readability, Current Veterinary Science strongly discourages the submission of multi-part manuscripts. Authors who believe their topic requires an exception should obtain approval from the editor before submitting a multi-part manuscript. If submitted, multi-part manuscripts may be assigned to different editorial board members and independent external reviewers. All parts of the manuscript must be uploaded to the online system simultaneously.
Types of Manuscripts
Original (full-length) manuscripts are original and proper scientific papers based on sufficient scientific investigations, observations, and experiments. Manuscripts consist of the title, abstract and keywords, introduction, material and methods, results, discussion, and references and should not exceed 12 pages, including text. The number of references should not exceed 50. The page limit does not include tables and illustrations. The abstract should contain 200 ± 20 words.
Short communication manuscripts contain recent information and findings on related topics. These are written with insufficient length to be a full-length original article. They should be prepared in the format of a full-length original article, but the abstract should not exceed 100 words, the number of references should not exceed 15, and the length of the text should be no longer than 6 pages in total. The page limit does not include tables and illustrations. Additionally, they should not contain more than 4 figures or tables.
Preliminary scientific reports are a short description of partially completed original research findings at an interpretable level. These should be prepared in the format of full-length original articles. The length of the text should be no longer than 4 pages in total.
Case reports describe rare significant findings encountered in the application, clinic, and laboratory of related fields. The title and summary of these articles should be written in the format of full-length original articles, and the remaining sections should follow the Introduction, Case History, Discussion, and References. The length of the text should be no longer than 5 pages in total. The page limit does not include tables and illustrations.
Letters to the editor are short and picture-documented presentations of subjects with scientific or practical benefits or interesting cases. The length of the text should be no longer than 2 pages in total. The page limit includes tables and illustrations.
Reviews are original manuscripts that gather the literature on current and significant subjects along with the commentary and findings of the author on a particular subject. The title and summary of this manuscript should be prepared as described for full-length original articles, and the remaining sections should follow the Introduction, text (with appropriate titles), Conclusion, and References. The length of the text should be no longer than 12 pages in total.
The necessary descriptive information (thesis, projects, financial supports, etc.) scripted in italic font style should be explained below the manuscript title after placing a superscript mark at the end of the title.
References should be listed in numerical order as they appear in the text, and the reference number should be indicated inside parentheses at the cited text location. References should follow the order of surnames and initials of the authors, title of the article, title of the journal (original abbreviated title), volume and issue numbers, page numbers, and the year of publication. The formatting should be as shown in the example below.
Example: Yang L, Liu B, Yan X, Zhang L, Gao F, Liu Z: Expression of ISG15 in bone marrow during early pregnancy in ewes. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 23 (5): 767-772, 2017. DOI: 10.9775/kvfd.2017.17726
If the reference is a book, it should follow surnames and initials of the authors, title of the book, edition number, page numbers, name and location of the publisher, and year of publication. If a chapter in a book with an editor and several authors is used, include the names of chapter authors, name of chapter, editors, name of the book, edition number, page numbers, name and location of the publisher, and year of publication. The formatting should be as shown in the example below.
Example: Mcllwraith CW: Disease of joints, tendons, ligaments, and related structures. In, Stashak TS (Ed): Adam’s Lameness in Horses. 4th ed., 339-447, Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, 1988.
DOI number should be added to the end of the reference.
At least 30% of the references of any submitted manuscript (for all article categories) should include references published in the last five years.
For references that can be reached online only, include the web address and connection date at the end of the reference information. Other references must comply with generally accepted scientific writing instructions. Abbreviations, such as “et al.” and “and friends,” should not be used in the list of references.
Latin expressions such as species names of bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi, as well as anatomical terms, should be written in italic characters, maintaining their original forms.
The editorial board has the right to make necessary modifications and reductions in manuscripts submitted for publication and to express recommendations to the authors. Manuscripts sent to authors for correction should be returned to the editorial office within a month. After pre-evaluation and agreement by the editorial board, the article can only be published after the approval of the field editor and specialized referees.
All responsibilities for published articles belong solely to the authors. According to the ethical policy of our journal, plagiarism/self-plagiarism is not tolerated. All manuscripts are checked using plagiarism detection software, which compares the content of the manuscript with a broad database of academic publications.
• Please refer to the list below to verify your submission before sending it to the journal for review. Ensure the following items are included in your submission:
- Cover Letter
• The significance and acceptability of the work submitted to the journal have been addressed. (Avoid repeating information already present in the abstract and introduction.)
• The editorial board should be informed of the following details: the manuscript has not been previously published and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
- Title Page
• Title, Running Title (a concise version of the paper's title, no more than 50 characters).
• The author's Name and SURNAME, institutional affiliation, and Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID).
• Information regarding congress-symposium, project, thesis, etc. (if applicable).
• Corresponding author's address, phone number, and email information.
- Manuscript
• Title, abstract, keywords, and main text. (Please refer to article types)
• All figures must include appropriate captions.
• All tables (including titles, descriptions, and footnotes)
• Ensure that all figure and table citations in the text match the provided files.
- Declarations
• Availability of Data and Materials
• Acknowledgements
• Funding Support
• Competing Interests
• Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI)
• Authors’ Contributions
Further Considerations
• The journal policies detailed in this guide have been reviewed.
• The manuscript has undergone thorough checks for spelling and grammar.
• Relevant declarations of interest have been made.
• The statement of author contributions has been incorporated into the text.
• An acknowledgment and conflicts of interest statement is also included.
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