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Yıl 2016, Cilt: 25 Sayı: 3, 1 - 14, 30.10.2016


Sovyet Rusya’nın dağılması ile birlikte komünist ülkelerin piyasa ekonomisine doğru geçişi ekonomik bir dönüşüme neden olurken, aynı zamanda toplumdaki formel ve enformel kısıtlarda, kurumsal yapıda ve hukuki normlarda da bir dönüşüm yaşanmasına neden olmuştur. Bu ülkelerin piyasa ekonomisine geçmesinde neoliberal politikalar, IMF ve Dünya Bankası’nın yayınladığı raporlar ve yine içinde neoliberal politikaları barındıran ve Dünya Bankası raporlarında yer alan yönetişim kavramı etkili faktörler olmuştur. Bu makalede, geçiş ekonomisi ülkelerinin 2014 yılı itibariyle yönetişim kalitelerinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Çalışmada Dünya Bankası Yönetişim Göstergeleri ve Freedom House verisetinden faydalanılarak Ward’ın (1963) Minimum Varyans yöntemi ile kümeleme analizine başvurulmaktadır.


  • Abed G. T. (1998), “Governance Issues and Transition Economies”, IMF, May 27- 28,“Challenges to Economies in Transition: Stabilization, Growth, and Governance” adlı konferansta sunulmuştur. Acemoğlu, D. & Robinson, J. A. (2012), Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Andrijauskas K. (2013), “Chinaʼs Economic Penetration into Post-Soviet Central Asia and Eastern Europe.” Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review, 30, s. 113-131. Cihangir D. (2011), AB Aday ve Potansiyel Aday Ülkelerinin 2011 İlerleme Raporları. EURASIAN (2016), Freedom House (2014), Freedom House in the World 2014. Freedom House (2015), Freedom House in the World 2015. Gainsborough, M. (2012), “Elites vs. reform in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam” Journal of Democracy, 23(2), April, s. 34-46. Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., & Anderson, R. E. (2009), Multivariate Data Analysis, 7th Ed., Prentice Hall, London, UK. Hu, J., Ray, B.K. & Singh, M. (2007), Statistical Methods for Automated Generation of Service Engagement Staffing Plans-References. IBM Journal of Research and Development, 51, s. 281–293. Johnson C. (2002), “Democratic transition in the Balkans: Romania's Hungarian and Bulgaria's Turkish Minority (1989–99)”, Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 8:1, s. 1-28. Kooiman, J. (1993), Modern Governance: New Government-Society Interactions, SAGE. London. Maldona, N. (2010), The World Bank's Evolving Concept of Good Governance and Its Impact on Human Rights. Stockholm, Sweden. Mikheev, S. (2006), Post-Soviet Space: Elites are Against Integration. (Postsovetskoje Prostranstvo: Elity Protiv Integracii). Mikhnovets, I. (2015), Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia: What Has Been Done After the Decisive Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius in 2013, Austria Institut für Europa- Und Sıcherheitspolitik. Mukhamedzhanova Darya (2007), “Economic Preconditions of Regional Integration in the Post-Soviet Space” (Ekonomicheskiye predposylki regionaloi integratsii napostsovetskom prostranstve) Journal of Kazakhstan in the Global Processes (Kazakhstan v global’nyx processax) 4, s.138-149. North, D. (1990), Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance. Cambridge University Press. Rodrik, D. (2007), One Economics, Many Recipes: Globalization, Institutions, and Economic Growth. Princeton University Press. Svenjnar, J. (2002), Transition Economies: Performance and Challenges, The Journal of Economic Perspectives. Vol. 16, No. 1 (Winter, 2002), s. 3-28. Ünlükaplan, İ. & Canıkalp E. (2015), Dünya Bankası Göstergeleri İle Türkiye'nin Yönetişim Kalitesi Konumunun Belirlenmesi: Kümeleme Analizi, Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt 37, Sayı II, s.409-428. Ward, J. H., Jr. (1963), Hierarchical Grouping to Optimize an Objective Function, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 58, s. 236–244. World Bank (1989), Sub Saharan Africa :From Crisis to Sustainable Growth – A Long Term Perspective Study, Washington, DC. World Bank (1992), Governance and Development. World Bank, Washington, DC. World Bank (1994), Governance and World Bank Experiences, World Bank. Washington, DC. World Bank (1997), The State in a Changing World, World Bank. Washington, DC: World Bank (2001), Issue Note: E-Government and the World Bank, World Bank. Washington, DC. Yesdauletova A. & Yesdauletov A. (2014), “The Eurasian Union: Dynamics and Difficulties of the Post-Soviet Integration,” Trames, vol. 18 no.1. Yüksel, M. (2000). Yönetişim Kavramı Üzerine. Ankara Barosu Dergisi, 3,s. 145-159., Erişim Tarihi: 16.12.2015., Erişim Tarihi: 14.12.2015.
Yıl 2016, Cilt: 25 Sayı: 3, 1 - 14, 30.10.2016



  • Abed G. T. (1998), “Governance Issues and Transition Economies”, IMF, May 27- 28,“Challenges to Economies in Transition: Stabilization, Growth, and Governance” adlı konferansta sunulmuştur. Acemoğlu, D. & Robinson, J. A. (2012), Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Andrijauskas K. (2013), “Chinaʼs Economic Penetration into Post-Soviet Central Asia and Eastern Europe.” Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review, 30, s. 113-131. Cihangir D. (2011), AB Aday ve Potansiyel Aday Ülkelerinin 2011 İlerleme Raporları. EURASIAN (2016), Freedom House (2014), Freedom House in the World 2014. Freedom House (2015), Freedom House in the World 2015. Gainsborough, M. (2012), “Elites vs. reform in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam” Journal of Democracy, 23(2), April, s. 34-46. Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., & Anderson, R. E. (2009), Multivariate Data Analysis, 7th Ed., Prentice Hall, London, UK. Hu, J., Ray, B.K. & Singh, M. (2007), Statistical Methods for Automated Generation of Service Engagement Staffing Plans-References. IBM Journal of Research and Development, 51, s. 281–293. Johnson C. (2002), “Democratic transition in the Balkans: Romania's Hungarian and Bulgaria's Turkish Minority (1989–99)”, Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 8:1, s. 1-28. Kooiman, J. (1993), Modern Governance: New Government-Society Interactions, SAGE. London. Maldona, N. (2010), The World Bank's Evolving Concept of Good Governance and Its Impact on Human Rights. Stockholm, Sweden. Mikheev, S. (2006), Post-Soviet Space: Elites are Against Integration. (Postsovetskoje Prostranstvo: Elity Protiv Integracii). Mikhnovets, I. (2015), Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia: What Has Been Done After the Decisive Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius in 2013, Austria Institut für Europa- Und Sıcherheitspolitik. Mukhamedzhanova Darya (2007), “Economic Preconditions of Regional Integration in the Post-Soviet Space” (Ekonomicheskiye predposylki regionaloi integratsii napostsovetskom prostranstve) Journal of Kazakhstan in the Global Processes (Kazakhstan v global’nyx processax) 4, s.138-149. North, D. (1990), Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance. Cambridge University Press. Rodrik, D. (2007), One Economics, Many Recipes: Globalization, Institutions, and Economic Growth. Princeton University Press. Svenjnar, J. (2002), Transition Economies: Performance and Challenges, The Journal of Economic Perspectives. Vol. 16, No. 1 (Winter, 2002), s. 3-28. Ünlükaplan, İ. & Canıkalp E. (2015), Dünya Bankası Göstergeleri İle Türkiye'nin Yönetişim Kalitesi Konumunun Belirlenmesi: Kümeleme Analizi, Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt 37, Sayı II, s.409-428. Ward, J. H., Jr. (1963), Hierarchical Grouping to Optimize an Objective Function, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 58, s. 236–244. World Bank (1989), Sub Saharan Africa :From Crisis to Sustainable Growth – A Long Term Perspective Study, Washington, DC. World Bank (1992), Governance and Development. World Bank, Washington, DC. World Bank (1994), Governance and World Bank Experiences, World Bank. Washington, DC. World Bank (1997), The State in a Changing World, World Bank. Washington, DC: World Bank (2001), Issue Note: E-Government and the World Bank, World Bank. Washington, DC. Yesdauletova A. & Yesdauletov A. (2014), “The Eurasian Union: Dynamics and Difficulties of the Post-Soviet Integration,” Trames, vol. 18 no.1. Yüksel, M. (2000). Yönetişim Kavramı Üzerine. Ankara Barosu Dergisi, 3,s. 145-159., Erişim Tarihi: 16.12.2015., Erişim Tarihi: 14.12.2015.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makaleler

Ebru Canıkalp

İlter Ünlükaplan

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Ekim 2016
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Ekim 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 25 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Canıkalp, E., & Ünlükaplan, İ. (2016). GEÇİŞ EKONOMİLERİNDE YÖNETİŞİM KALİTESİNİN KÜMELEME ANALİZİ İLE BELİRLENMESİ. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 25(3), 1-14.