This study is about the comparison of distance education with class education however it is also focused on some sub factors affecting the distance education success These factors are the accessibility to the computer at any time motivation perception of distance education and interaction level of student While the accessibility of computer motivation and perception of distance education are being investigated either affecting the success of distance education or not which aspects of interaction affect the success of distance education are also investigated Controlled experiment survey analysis and exam analysis are used as a method through the application The students attending the 5th semester of Business Administration Department of Suleyman Demirel University are chosen as a sample Data were collected by using exam and survey forms from four section of those students and comparisons were made by using mean and t tests There are 165 students included to this study Keywords: Distance Education Face to Face Education Perception of Distance Education Operations Research Motivation Interaction
ARBAUGH, J. B., (2002), “Managing the on-line classroom—A study of technological and behavioral characteristics of Web-based MBA courses,” Journal of High Technology Management Research, 13(2).
BAKER, J. D., (2004), “An Investigation Of Relationships Among Instructor Immediacy And Affective And Cognitive Learning In The Online Classroom,” The Internet and Higher Education, Cilt: 7, Sayı: 1, 1st Quarter.
BANGERT-DROWNS, R. L., L. M. RUDNER, (1991), Meta-Analysis in Educational Research, ERIC Digest, ERIC Clearinghouse on Tests Measurement and Evaluation: Washington, DC. ED33948.
BARRY, M., G. RUNYAN, (1995), “A review of Distance Learning Studies in the U.S. Military,” The American Journal of Distance Education, Cilt:9, Sayı:3.
BLUSTAIN H., P. GOLDSTEİN., G. LOZİER, (1997), “Assessing the New Competitive Landscape,” in Dancing with the Devil, Editors: Richard N. Katz and Associates, Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco ve Drucker, Peter.
BROWN, A. A. GALLOWAY, C. BRENNAN, (1999), “Videoconferencing: Active Reflection on New Technologies When Lecturing,” Active Learning, Sayı:11.
CARR, S. M., (2000), “Online Psychology Instruction Is Effective, But Not Satisfying, Study Finds,” Chronicle of Higher Education, 46 (27), March 10.
CHAN, B., (2002), “A Study of the Relationship Between Tutor's Personality and Teaching Effectiveness: Does Culture Make A Difference?,” International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, Cilt: 3. Sayı: 2, ISSN: 1492-3831.
COOKSON, P.S., (1989), “Research on Learners and Learning in Distance Education,” TheAmerican Journal of Distance Education, Cilt:2, Sayı:1.
DELLANA, S., W. COLIİNS, ve D. WEST, (2000), “Online Education İn A Management Science Course Effectiveness And Performance Factors, Journal of Education for Business, Sayı:76.
DESANTIS, C. (2002), “” Retrieved November 2 <>, (16.04.2004).
DRIVER, M., (2002), “Exploring Student Perceptions Of Group İnteraction And Class Satisfaction In The Web-Enhanced Classroom,” Pages 35-45, The Internet and Higher Education, Cilt: 5, Sayı: 1.
EASTMAN, J., C. SWIFT, (2001), “New horizons in distance education: The online learner-centered marketing class,” Journal of Marketing Education, Cilt: 23, Sayı:1.
ERGUL, H., (2004), “Relationship Between Student Characteristics and Academic Achievement in Distance Education and Application on Students of Anadolu University,” Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE, ISSN 1302-6488 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2.
GRIGOROVICI, D., S. NAM VE C. RUSSILL, (2003), “The Effects Of Online Syllabus Interactivity On Students' Perception Of The Course And Instructor, Pages 41-52, The Internet and Higher Education, Cilt: 6, Sayı: 1.
HUFF, M.T., (2000), “A Comparison Study Of Live İnstruction Versus İnteractive Television For Teaching MSW Students Critical Thinking Skills,” Research on Social Work Practice, Cilt:10, Sayı:4, July.
IRANI, T., R. TELG., C. SCHERLER ve M. HARRINGTON, (2003) “Personality Type And Its Relationshıp To Distance Education Students' Course Perceptions And Performance,” Quarterly Review of Distance Education, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 4, (AN 12620968).
JEGEDE, O.J., KIRKWOOD, J. (1994), “Students’ anxiety in Learning Through Distance Education,” Distance Education, Cilt:15, Sayı:2.
KANUKA,H., N. NOCENTE, (2003), “Exploring the Effects of Personality Type on Perceived Satisfaction with Web-Based Learning in Continuing Professional Development,” Distance Education, Cilt: 24, Sayı: 2.
MARSDEN, R., (1996), “Time, Space and Distane Education,” Distance Education, Cilt:17, Sayı:2.
MC ISAAC, M. S., GUNAWARDENA, C. N., (1996), “Distance education. In Jonassen, D. H. (Ed.), Handbook Of Research For Education Communications And Technology, NewYork: Macmillan.
MOORE, M., (1993), Theory Of Transactional Distance. In Theoretical Principles Of Distance Education, D. Keegan. (Ed.), (Sayfa: 22-38). New York: Routledge.
MOORE, M.G., (1991), “Editorial: Distance Education Theory,” The American Journal of Distance Education, Cilt:5, Sayı:3.
NAKOS, G., E., M. H. DEİS VE L. JOURDAN, (2002), “Students’ Perceptions of On- line Courses: An Exploratory Study,” TOJDE, ISSN 1302-6488 Cilt:3 Sayı:1.
O’MALLEY, J., H. MCCRAW, (1999), “Students Perceptions of Distance Learning, Online Learning and the Traditional Classroom,”Journal of Distance Learning Administration, Cilt: II, Sayı: IV, State University of West Georgia, Distance Education Center
OFFIR, B., I. BARTH, Y. LEV VE A. SHTEINBOK, (2003), “Teacher–Student Interactions And Learning Outcomes İn A Distance Learning Environment,”, The Internet and Higher Education, Cilt: 6, Sayı: 1.
PETRACCHI, H,.E. (2000), “Distance education: What do our students tell us? Research on Social Work Practice,” Research on Social Work Practice, , Vol: 10, Sayı: 3.
PETRIDES, L.A., (2002), “Web-Based Technologies For Distributed (Or Distance) Learning: Creating Learning-Centered Educational Experiences In The Higher Education Classroom,” International Journal of Instructional Media, Cilt:29, Sayı:1.
RUSSEL, T., (1997), “The ‘‘no significant difference’’ phenomenon,” <>, (25.04.2004).
SHACHAR, M., Y. NEUMANN, (2003), “Differences Between Traditional and Distance Education Academic Performances: A Meta-Analytic Approach,” International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, Cilt: 4., Sayı: 2, ISSN: 1492-3831.
SONG, L., E. S. SINGLETON, J. R. HILL ve M. H. KOH, (2004), “Improving Online Learning: Student Perceptions Of Useful And Challenging Characteristics,” The Internet and Higher Education, Cilt:7, Sayı: 1, (1st Quarter 2004)
THOMPSON, M. M., (1997), Distance Learners in Higher Education, In C. Gibson (Ed.) Distance Learners in Higher Education, pp 9-24 ; Madison, WI:Atwood.
TUOVINEN, J., (2000), “Multimedia Distance Education Interactions,” Educational Media International Cilt:37, Sayı:1.
VERDUIN, J. R., T. A. CLARK, (1991), Distance Education: The Foundations Of Effective Practice, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
VIVIEN, N., (1998), “Motivational Differences Between OU, Mature and Traditional University Students,” Open Learning, The Journal of Open and Distance Learning, Cilt:13, Sayı.2.
VONDERWELL, S., (2003), “An Examination Of Asynchronous Communication Experiences And Perspectives Of Students İn An Online Course: A Case Study,” Internet and Higher Education, 6.
WHEELER, S., (2002), “Student Perceptıons Of Learnıng Support In Dıstance Educatıon,” Quarterly Review Of Distance Education, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 4, P419, 11p; (An 9242534).
YILDIZ, S., C. CHANG, (2003), “Case Studies of Distance Students' Perceptions of Participation and Interaction in Three Asynchronous Web-based Conferencing Classes in The U.S.,” Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE, ISSN 1302-6488 Cilt:4 Sayı:2.
ZHANG, S., C. P. FULFORD, (1994), “Are İnteraction Time And Psychological İnteractivity The Same Thing In The Distance Learning Television Classroom? Educational Technology, Cilt:34, Sayı:6.
Uzaktan Eğitimin Başarısında imkan Algı Motivasyon Ve Etkileşim Faktörlerinin Etkileri: Karşılaştırmalı Bir Uygulama
Bu çalışma temelde uzaktan eğitim ile sınıf ortamındaki eğitimi karşılaştırmaya yönelik bir çalışma olmakla beraber uzaktan eğitimdeki başarıya etki eden bazı alt faktörlere de odaklanmıştır Bu faktörler öğrencinin bilgisayara istediği zaman ulaşabilme imkanı motivasyonu uzaktan eğitim ile ilgili algısı ve etkileşim düzeyidir Bunlardan bilgisayara ulaşabilme imkanı motivasyon ve uzaktan eğitim ile ilgili algının uzaktan eğitimdeki başarıya etki edip etmediği araştırılırken etkileşimin uzaktan eğitimdeki başarıya hangi açıdan etki ettiği de araştırılmıştır Gerçekleştirilen uygulamada kontrollü deney anket analizi ve sınav sonuç analizi yöntem olarak kullanılmıştır Örneklem olarak Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi İşletme Bölümü 3 sınıf öğrencilerinin tamamı belirlenmiştir Toplam 4 şubeden oluşan bu öğrencilerden sınav ve anket uygulamaları ile veri toplanmış olup ortalama ve t testleri kullanılarak karşılaştırmalar yapılmıştır Uygulamaya toplam 165 kişi dahil olmuştur Anahtar Kelimeler: Uzaktan Eğitim Sınıf Ortamında Eğitim Uzaktan eğitim Algısı Yöneylem Araştırması Motivasyon Etkileşim
ARBAUGH, J. B., (2002), “Managing the on-line classroom—A study of technological and behavioral characteristics of Web-based MBA courses,” Journal of High Technology Management Research, 13(2).
BAKER, J. D., (2004), “An Investigation Of Relationships Among Instructor Immediacy And Affective And Cognitive Learning In The Online Classroom,” The Internet and Higher Education, Cilt: 7, Sayı: 1, 1st Quarter.
BANGERT-DROWNS, R. L., L. M. RUDNER, (1991), Meta-Analysis in Educational Research, ERIC Digest, ERIC Clearinghouse on Tests Measurement and Evaluation: Washington, DC. ED33948.
BARRY, M., G. RUNYAN, (1995), “A review of Distance Learning Studies in the U.S. Military,” The American Journal of Distance Education, Cilt:9, Sayı:3.
BLUSTAIN H., P. GOLDSTEİN., G. LOZİER, (1997), “Assessing the New Competitive Landscape,” in Dancing with the Devil, Editors: Richard N. Katz and Associates, Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco ve Drucker, Peter.
BROWN, A. A. GALLOWAY, C. BRENNAN, (1999), “Videoconferencing: Active Reflection on New Technologies When Lecturing,” Active Learning, Sayı:11.
CARR, S. M., (2000), “Online Psychology Instruction Is Effective, But Not Satisfying, Study Finds,” Chronicle of Higher Education, 46 (27), March 10.
CHAN, B., (2002), “A Study of the Relationship Between Tutor's Personality and Teaching Effectiveness: Does Culture Make A Difference?,” International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, Cilt: 3. Sayı: 2, ISSN: 1492-3831.
COOKSON, P.S., (1989), “Research on Learners and Learning in Distance Education,” TheAmerican Journal of Distance Education, Cilt:2, Sayı:1.
DELLANA, S., W. COLIİNS, ve D. WEST, (2000), “Online Education İn A Management Science Course Effectiveness And Performance Factors, Journal of Education for Business, Sayı:76.
DESANTIS, C. (2002), “” Retrieved November 2 <>, (16.04.2004).
DRIVER, M., (2002), “Exploring Student Perceptions Of Group İnteraction And Class Satisfaction In The Web-Enhanced Classroom,” Pages 35-45, The Internet and Higher Education, Cilt: 5, Sayı: 1.
EASTMAN, J., C. SWIFT, (2001), “New horizons in distance education: The online learner-centered marketing class,” Journal of Marketing Education, Cilt: 23, Sayı:1.
ERGUL, H., (2004), “Relationship Between Student Characteristics and Academic Achievement in Distance Education and Application on Students of Anadolu University,” Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE, ISSN 1302-6488 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2.
GRIGOROVICI, D., S. NAM VE C. RUSSILL, (2003), “The Effects Of Online Syllabus Interactivity On Students' Perception Of The Course And Instructor, Pages 41-52, The Internet and Higher Education, Cilt: 6, Sayı: 1.
HUFF, M.T., (2000), “A Comparison Study Of Live İnstruction Versus İnteractive Television For Teaching MSW Students Critical Thinking Skills,” Research on Social Work Practice, Cilt:10, Sayı:4, July.
IRANI, T., R. TELG., C. SCHERLER ve M. HARRINGTON, (2003) “Personality Type And Its Relationshıp To Distance Education Students' Course Perceptions And Performance,” Quarterly Review of Distance Education, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 4, (AN 12620968).
JEGEDE, O.J., KIRKWOOD, J. (1994), “Students’ anxiety in Learning Through Distance Education,” Distance Education, Cilt:15, Sayı:2.
KANUKA,H., N. NOCENTE, (2003), “Exploring the Effects of Personality Type on Perceived Satisfaction with Web-Based Learning in Continuing Professional Development,” Distance Education, Cilt: 24, Sayı: 2.
MARSDEN, R., (1996), “Time, Space and Distane Education,” Distance Education, Cilt:17, Sayı:2.
MC ISAAC, M. S., GUNAWARDENA, C. N., (1996), “Distance education. In Jonassen, D. H. (Ed.), Handbook Of Research For Education Communications And Technology, NewYork: Macmillan.
MOORE, M., (1993), Theory Of Transactional Distance. In Theoretical Principles Of Distance Education, D. Keegan. (Ed.), (Sayfa: 22-38). New York: Routledge.
MOORE, M.G., (1991), “Editorial: Distance Education Theory,” The American Journal of Distance Education, Cilt:5, Sayı:3.
NAKOS, G., E., M. H. DEİS VE L. JOURDAN, (2002), “Students’ Perceptions of On- line Courses: An Exploratory Study,” TOJDE, ISSN 1302-6488 Cilt:3 Sayı:1.
O’MALLEY, J., H. MCCRAW, (1999), “Students Perceptions of Distance Learning, Online Learning and the Traditional Classroom,”Journal of Distance Learning Administration, Cilt: II, Sayı: IV, State University of West Georgia, Distance Education Center
OFFIR, B., I. BARTH, Y. LEV VE A. SHTEINBOK, (2003), “Teacher–Student Interactions And Learning Outcomes İn A Distance Learning Environment,”, The Internet and Higher Education, Cilt: 6, Sayı: 1.
PETRACCHI, H,.E. (2000), “Distance education: What do our students tell us? Research on Social Work Practice,” Research on Social Work Practice, , Vol: 10, Sayı: 3.
PETRIDES, L.A., (2002), “Web-Based Technologies For Distributed (Or Distance) Learning: Creating Learning-Centered Educational Experiences In The Higher Education Classroom,” International Journal of Instructional Media, Cilt:29, Sayı:1.
RUSSEL, T., (1997), “The ‘‘no significant difference’’ phenomenon,” <>, (25.04.2004).
SHACHAR, M., Y. NEUMANN, (2003), “Differences Between Traditional and Distance Education Academic Performances: A Meta-Analytic Approach,” International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, Cilt: 4., Sayı: 2, ISSN: 1492-3831.
SONG, L., E. S. SINGLETON, J. R. HILL ve M. H. KOH, (2004), “Improving Online Learning: Student Perceptions Of Useful And Challenging Characteristics,” The Internet and Higher Education, Cilt:7, Sayı: 1, (1st Quarter 2004)
THOMPSON, M. M., (1997), Distance Learners in Higher Education, In C. Gibson (Ed.) Distance Learners in Higher Education, pp 9-24 ; Madison, WI:Atwood.
TUOVINEN, J., (2000), “Multimedia Distance Education Interactions,” Educational Media International Cilt:37, Sayı:1.
VERDUIN, J. R., T. A. CLARK, (1991), Distance Education: The Foundations Of Effective Practice, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
VIVIEN, N., (1998), “Motivational Differences Between OU, Mature and Traditional University Students,” Open Learning, The Journal of Open and Distance Learning, Cilt:13, Sayı.2.
VONDERWELL, S., (2003), “An Examination Of Asynchronous Communication Experiences And Perspectives Of Students İn An Online Course: A Case Study,” Internet and Higher Education, 6.
WHEELER, S., (2002), “Student Perceptıons Of Learnıng Support In Dıstance Educatıon,” Quarterly Review Of Distance Education, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 4, P419, 11p; (An 9242534).
YILDIZ, S., C. CHANG, (2003), “Case Studies of Distance Students' Perceptions of Participation and Interaction in Three Asynchronous Web-based Conferencing Classes in The U.S.,” Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE, ISSN 1302-6488 Cilt:4 Sayı:2.
ZHANG, S., C. P. FULFORD, (1994), “Are İnteraction Time And Psychological İnteractivity The Same Thing In The Distance Learning Television Classroom? Educational Technology, Cilt:34, Sayı:6.
İbicioğlu, D. D. H., & Antalyalı, U. Ö. L. (2005). Uzaktan Eğitimin Başarısında imkan Algı Motivasyon Ve Etkileşim Faktörlerinin Etkileri: Karşılaştırmalı Bir Uygulama. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 14(2), 325-338.