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Örgüt Kültürünün Ekip Kaynak Yönetimi Uygulamalarına Etkisi: Türk Sivil Havayolu Firmalarında Görgül Bir Araştırma

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 20 Sayı: 3, 201 - 232, 01.09.2011


Crew Resource Management CRM accepted as a solution for preventing civilian air accident due to mistakes made about leadership stres and fatique rules and procedures team management and communication This solution contents of some attitudes beliefs and behaviours which cockpit crew must be attained Studies results shows that cockpit crews behaviour attitude and belief may be effected by cultural aspects This study aim is to examine organizational culture and CRM mutual interaction in the same national cultural environment For this puspose 5 Turkish airlines company were examined in this study Results shows that culture effects CRM Key words: Organizational culture Crew Resource Management Leardership Team Management Rule and Procedures Stress and Fatique Communication


  • CAA, (2002), CAP 720, Flight Crew Training: Cockpit Resource Management (CRM) and Line-Oriented Flight Training (LOFT), ICAO, 217AN/132.
  • CAA, (2006), “CAP 737, Crew Resource Management (CRM) Training, Guidance for Flight Crew, CRM Instructors (CRMIS) and CRM Instructor-Examiners (CRMIES)”.
  • Cooper, G.E., M.D. White ve Lauber J.K.(1979), Resource Management on the Flight Deck, Proceedings of NASA/ Industry Workshop.
  • Danışman, A. ve H. Özgen, (2003), “Örgüt Kültürü Çalışmalarında Yöntem Tartışması:
  • Niteliksel-Niceliksel Yöntem
  • İkileminde Niceliksel Ölçümler ve Bir Ölçek Önerisi”,
  • Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, c.3. S.2. ss.91-124.
  • Department of Defense (2001), “Cockpit/Crew Resource Management Training Program”, Air Force Instruction, AFI 11–290, e- Publication, Air Force Flight Standards Agency, Andrews AFB.
  • Federal Aviation Administration (1999), Crew Resource Management Training, Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR 120-51B,2) Washington DC.
  • France, J.Daniel, R. Stiles, F.A. Gaffney, M.R. Seddon, E.L. Grogan, W.R. Nixon and T. Speroff, (2005), “Crew Resource Management-Clinicians Reaction and Attitudes”, Home Study Program, Vol. 82, No.2.
  • Fischer, U. ve Orasanu, J. (1999), “Say It Again, Sam Effective Communication Strategies to Mitigate Pilot Error”, 10th. International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Columbus, OH.
  • Helmreich, R.L. ve Merritt, A.C. (1998), Culture at Work in Aviation and Medicine National, Organizational and Professional Influences, Ashgate Publishing Limited, Gower House, Croft Road, Aldershot Hampshire GU 11 3HR, England.
  • Helmreich, R.L. (2000), “Culture and Error in Space: Implications from Analog
  • Environments”, Aviation, Space, and
  • Environmental Medicine, 71(9-11), ss. 133-139.
  • Helmreich, R.L. (1998), “Error Management as Organizational Strategy”, In Proceedings of the IATA Human Factors Seminar, ss.1- 7, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Helmreich, R.L. (1999), “Building Safety on the Three Cultures of Aviation”, In Proceeding of the IATA Human Factor Seminar, ss. 39-43, Bangkok, Thailand, August12, 1998.
  • Helmreich, R.L. ve Merritt, A.C. (2000), “Safety and Error Management: The Role of Crew Resource Management”, Aviation Resource Management, ss.107-119, Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
  • Hinings, C.R., L. Thibault, T.Slack ve L.M. Kikulis (1996), “Values and Organizational Culture”, Human Relations, 49/7, ss. 885- 916.
  • Hoang, V.R. (1996), “Cockpit-Cabin Communication: The Impact of National and Occupational Cultures.”, Thesis of Master of Science, San Jose University.
  • Kenny, D.A. (1987), “Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences”, ISBN 0-316-48915-8.
  • Keyes, R.J. (1990), “Cockpit Resource Management A New Approach to Aircrew Coordination Training”, Maxwell AFB AL 36112-5532.
  • Klampfer, B., R. Flin, R.L. Helmreich, R. Hausler, B. Sexton, G. Fletcher, P. Field, S. Staender, K. Lauche, P. Dieckmann, A. Amacher, (2001), “Enhancing in High Risk Environment: Recomendations for the Use of Behaivoural Markers”, GIHRE-Aviation : Swiss Federal Institude of Technology (ETH) University of Bern, Swiss Air Training Center.
  • Klinect, J. (2005), “Line Operations Safety Audit: A Cockpit Observation Methodology for Monitoring Commercial Airline Safety Performance”, Doctoral Dissertation, The University of Texas at Austin.
  • Kikulis, L., Slack, T. ve Hinings, C.R. (1995), “Sector Specific Patterns of Organizational Design Change”, Journal of Management Studies, c.32, ss. 67-100.
  • Martin, J. (2002), Organizational Culture Mapping the Terrain, Sage Publications.
  • Merritt, A. (1999), “Culture and Technology”, Colleque Scientifique Commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Ecole Nationale de L’Aviation Civilie Seminerinde sunulmuştur.
  • Merritt, A. ve Maurino, D. (2003), Majority Rules? The Evolution and Safety Consequnces of A Dominant Culture in Aviation, University of Texas.
  • Merritt, A.C. (1996), “National Culture and Work Attitudes in Commercial Aviation: A Cross-Cultural Investigation”, Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, The University of Texas.
  • Merritt, A. (1994), “Cross-Cultural Issues in CRM Training”, ICAO Flight Safety and Human Factors Amsterdam Seminerinde sunulmuştur.
  • Merrittt, A.C., Helmreich, R.L., Wilhelm, J.A. ve Sherman, P.J. (1996), Flight Management Attitudes Questionnaire 2.0., The University of Texas.
  • Merritt, A. ve Ratwatte, S. (2003), Who Are You Calling A Safety Threat? A Debate on Safety in Mono Versus Multi- Cultural Cockpits, University of Texas.
  • Miller, Danny & P. Friesen (1984), Organizations: A Quantum View,
  • Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
  • Musson, D.M. (2000), “A Proposal fort he Integration of Behavioural Research into International Space Station Operations”, Space Technology and Application International Forum da sunulmuştur, The University of Texas.
  • Musson, Helmreich, R.L. (2004), “Management in Health Care: Current Issues and Future Directions”, Harvard Health Policy Review, Vol. 5, No. 1.
  • Musson, D.M. (2003), “Personality Determinants of Professional Culture: Evidence from Astronauts, Pilots and Physicians”, Doktora tezi, The University of Texas.
  • Orlady, H.W. ve Foushee, H.C. (1986), “Cockpit Resource Management Training”, NASA Conference Publication, 2455.
  • Seamster, Thomas. L, Deborah, A.Bohem-Davis, Robert, W.Holt and Kim Schultz, (1998), “Devoloping Advanced Crew Resource Management (ACRM) Training: A Training Manual”, Federal Aviation Administration, AAR-100.
  • Schein, E.H. (1992), Organizational Culture and Leadership, Jossey- Bass Inc.
  • Sexton, J.B. ve Helmreich, R.L. (1992), Analyzing Cockpit Communicaiton: The Links Between Language, Performance, Error, and Workload, The University of Texas Austin.
  • Sexton, J.B., Thomas, E.J. ve Helmreich, R. (2000), “Error, Stress, and Teamwork in Medicine and Aviation Cross Sectional Surveys”, BMJ, Vol.320.


Yıl 2011, Cilt: 20 Sayı: 3, 201 - 232, 01.09.2011


Ekip Kaynak Yönetimi EKY ; sivil havayolu kazalarında iletişim liderlik stres ve yorgunluk kurallara uyum ve takım yönetimi ile ilgili yapılan hataların giderilmesi ve kaza kırımların önlenebilmesi için oluşturulan bir çözüm önerisidir Bu çözüm önerisi kokpit ekibinin kazanması gerektiği düşünülen bir dizi tutum ve davranışı içermektedir Bu kapsamda yapılan çalışmalar EKY’nin eğitim faaliyetleri aracılığı ile kokpit ekibine kazandırılması düşünülen tutum ve davranışların kültür faktöründen de etkilenebileceğine dair önemli bilgi ve bulgular sağlamaktadır Bu çalışmanın amacı aynı toplumsal kültür ortamında farklı örgüt kültürüne sahip sivil havayolu firmalarında kültür ile EKY etkileşimini incelemektir Bu amaçla Türk sivil havayolunda faaliyette bulunan 5 firmanın örgüt kültürü ve EKY uygulamaları incelenmiştir Çalışmadan elde edilen bulgular kültür faktörünün EKY’yi etkilediğini göstermektedir


  • CAA, (2002), CAP 720, Flight Crew Training: Cockpit Resource Management (CRM) and Line-Oriented Flight Training (LOFT), ICAO, 217AN/132.
  • CAA, (2006), “CAP 737, Crew Resource Management (CRM) Training, Guidance for Flight Crew, CRM Instructors (CRMIS) and CRM Instructor-Examiners (CRMIES)”.
  • Cooper, G.E., M.D. White ve Lauber J.K.(1979), Resource Management on the Flight Deck, Proceedings of NASA/ Industry Workshop.
  • Danışman, A. ve H. Özgen, (2003), “Örgüt Kültürü Çalışmalarında Yöntem Tartışması:
  • Niteliksel-Niceliksel Yöntem
  • İkileminde Niceliksel Ölçümler ve Bir Ölçek Önerisi”,
  • Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, c.3. S.2. ss.91-124.
  • Department of Defense (2001), “Cockpit/Crew Resource Management Training Program”, Air Force Instruction, AFI 11–290, e- Publication, Air Force Flight Standards Agency, Andrews AFB.
  • Federal Aviation Administration (1999), Crew Resource Management Training, Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR 120-51B,2) Washington DC.
  • France, J.Daniel, R. Stiles, F.A. Gaffney, M.R. Seddon, E.L. Grogan, W.R. Nixon and T. Speroff, (2005), “Crew Resource Management-Clinicians Reaction and Attitudes”, Home Study Program, Vol. 82, No.2.
  • Fischer, U. ve Orasanu, J. (1999), “Say It Again, Sam Effective Communication Strategies to Mitigate Pilot Error”, 10th. International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Columbus, OH.
  • Helmreich, R.L. ve Merritt, A.C. (1998), Culture at Work in Aviation and Medicine National, Organizational and Professional Influences, Ashgate Publishing Limited, Gower House, Croft Road, Aldershot Hampshire GU 11 3HR, England.
  • Helmreich, R.L. (2000), “Culture and Error in Space: Implications from Analog
  • Environments”, Aviation, Space, and
  • Environmental Medicine, 71(9-11), ss. 133-139.
  • Helmreich, R.L. (1998), “Error Management as Organizational Strategy”, In Proceedings of the IATA Human Factors Seminar, ss.1- 7, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Helmreich, R.L. (1999), “Building Safety on the Three Cultures of Aviation”, In Proceeding of the IATA Human Factor Seminar, ss. 39-43, Bangkok, Thailand, August12, 1998.
  • Helmreich, R.L. ve Merritt, A.C. (2000), “Safety and Error Management: The Role of Crew Resource Management”, Aviation Resource Management, ss.107-119, Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
  • Hinings, C.R., L. Thibault, T.Slack ve L.M. Kikulis (1996), “Values and Organizational Culture”, Human Relations, 49/7, ss. 885- 916.
  • Hoang, V.R. (1996), “Cockpit-Cabin Communication: The Impact of National and Occupational Cultures.”, Thesis of Master of Science, San Jose University.
  • Kenny, D.A. (1987), “Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences”, ISBN 0-316-48915-8.
  • Keyes, R.J. (1990), “Cockpit Resource Management A New Approach to Aircrew Coordination Training”, Maxwell AFB AL 36112-5532.
  • Klampfer, B., R. Flin, R.L. Helmreich, R. Hausler, B. Sexton, G. Fletcher, P. Field, S. Staender, K. Lauche, P. Dieckmann, A. Amacher, (2001), “Enhancing in High Risk Environment: Recomendations for the Use of Behaivoural Markers”, GIHRE-Aviation : Swiss Federal Institude of Technology (ETH) University of Bern, Swiss Air Training Center.
  • Klinect, J. (2005), “Line Operations Safety Audit: A Cockpit Observation Methodology for Monitoring Commercial Airline Safety Performance”, Doctoral Dissertation, The University of Texas at Austin.
  • Kikulis, L., Slack, T. ve Hinings, C.R. (1995), “Sector Specific Patterns of Organizational Design Change”, Journal of Management Studies, c.32, ss. 67-100.
  • Martin, J. (2002), Organizational Culture Mapping the Terrain, Sage Publications.
  • Merritt, A. (1999), “Culture and Technology”, Colleque Scientifique Commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Ecole Nationale de L’Aviation Civilie Seminerinde sunulmuştur.
  • Merritt, A. ve Maurino, D. (2003), Majority Rules? The Evolution and Safety Consequnces of A Dominant Culture in Aviation, University of Texas.
  • Merritt, A.C. (1996), “National Culture and Work Attitudes in Commercial Aviation: A Cross-Cultural Investigation”, Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, The University of Texas.
  • Merritt, A. (1994), “Cross-Cultural Issues in CRM Training”, ICAO Flight Safety and Human Factors Amsterdam Seminerinde sunulmuştur.
  • Merrittt, A.C., Helmreich, R.L., Wilhelm, J.A. ve Sherman, P.J. (1996), Flight Management Attitudes Questionnaire 2.0., The University of Texas.
  • Merritt, A. ve Ratwatte, S. (2003), Who Are You Calling A Safety Threat? A Debate on Safety in Mono Versus Multi- Cultural Cockpits, University of Texas.
  • Miller, Danny & P. Friesen (1984), Organizations: A Quantum View,
  • Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
  • Musson, D.M. (2000), “A Proposal fort he Integration of Behavioural Research into International Space Station Operations”, Space Technology and Application International Forum da sunulmuştur, The University of Texas.
  • Musson, Helmreich, R.L. (2004), “Management in Health Care: Current Issues and Future Directions”, Harvard Health Policy Review, Vol. 5, No. 1.
  • Musson, D.M. (2003), “Personality Determinants of Professional Culture: Evidence from Astronauts, Pilots and Physicians”, Doktora tezi, The University of Texas.
  • Orlady, H.W. ve Foushee, H.C. (1986), “Cockpit Resource Management Training”, NASA Conference Publication, 2455.
  • Seamster, Thomas. L, Deborah, A.Bohem-Davis, Robert, W.Holt and Kim Schultz, (1998), “Devoloping Advanced Crew Resource Management (ACRM) Training: A Training Manual”, Federal Aviation Administration, AAR-100.
  • Schein, E.H. (1992), Organizational Culture and Leadership, Jossey- Bass Inc.
  • Sexton, J.B. ve Helmreich, R.L. (1992), Analyzing Cockpit Communicaiton: The Links Between Language, Performance, Error, and Workload, The University of Texas Austin.
  • Sexton, J.B., Thomas, E.J. ve Helmreich, R. (2000), “Error, Stress, and Teamwork in Medicine and Aviation Cross Sectional Surveys”, BMJ, Vol.320.
Toplam 42 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Dr. Cengiz Mengenci Bu kişi benim

Dr. Ömür Gündüz Topçu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2011
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Aralık 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2011 Cilt: 20 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Mengenci, D. C., & Topçu, D. Ö. G. (2011). ÖRGÜT KÜLTÜRÜNÜN EKİP KAYNAK YÖNETİMİ UYGULAMALARINA ETKİSİ: TÜRK SİVİL HAVAYOLU FİRMALARINDA GÖRGÜL BİR ARAŞTIRMA. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 20(3), 201-232.