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Dimensions of the Stress (Doubt, İncompatibility, Contradiction etc.) in Religious Thought

Yıl 2005, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 22, 11 - 40, 01.06.2005


This study ventures to sketch the dimensions of the stress in religious thinking among students in secondary schools and theology departments. As a result of review of related literature and employment of surveys with a total of 1252 respondents and interview with 15 participants, the percentage, of those who experienced intense religious stress, the types, the source, the content, the ways of resolution, the duration and the period of religious stress were identified. Finally, the possible challenges the students were exposed were delineated and certain ways to overcome these problems were outlined with some suggestions for further research in the future


  • Abelson, R. P. (1959). Modes of resolution of belief dilemmas. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 3, 343- 352.
  • Bahadır, A. (2002). Ergenlik Döneminde Dini Şüphe ve Tereddütler. H. Hökelekli (Ed. ). Gençlik, Din ve Değerler Psikolojisi. Ankara: Ankara Okulu.
  • Batson, C.D. (1975). Rational processing or rau'onalization?: the effect of discon- firming information on a stated religious belief. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 32, 176- 184.
  • Batson, A. D. & Schoenrade, P. A. (1991). Measuring religion as quest: 1) validity concern. Journal for the Scıentı'fic Study of Religion, 30, 416— 429.
  • Berger, P. L., Berger, B. 8r. Kelner, H. (1981). The Homeless Mind. Middlesex: Penguin Books.
  • Bergin, A. E. & Payne, 1. R. (1997). Proposed A.g.e.nda for a Spiritual Strategy in Personality and Psychotherapy. In B Spilka and D. N. McIntosh (Eds), The Psychology of Religion: theoretical Approaches. Oxford: WestviewPress.
  • Bei-gin, A. E., Payne, 1. R., & Richards, P. S. (1997). Values in Psychotherapy. In E. P. Shafranske (ed.), Religion and the Clinical Practice of Psychology. Was- hington: American Psychological Association.
  • Brown, D. J. (1981).Doubt andAnxiety in Theological and Psychological Perspective with Implications for Pastoral Care and Pastoral Theology. PhD. Diss., South- _western Baptist Theological Seminary
  • Bryman, A. & Cramer, D. (2001). Quantitative Data Analysis with SPSS Release 10
  • ' for Windows: a guide for social scientists. East Sussex: Routietge.
  • Cafer, C. N. & AppIey, M. H. (1964). Motivation: Theory and Research. New York: Norton. '
  • Çağlar, K. (1986). Ergenlik Çağındakı' Gençlerin Dini Şüphe ve Tereddütleri. Basılma- mış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Uludağ Üniversitesi, Bursa, Türkiye
  • Demirel, Ö. (2003). Eğitim Sözlüğü. Ankara: Pegem
  • Demirkol, B. (1989). Vaizlerin ehliyetleri v'e mesleğe yatkınlıkları üzerine deney- sel bir araştırma.A. Ü. İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 31, 283-330.
  • Dobson, C. B. (1981). Stress: the hidden adversary. Lancaster: MTP Press Limited.
  • Festinger, L., (1957). A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance. New York: Row, Peterson and Company. '
  • »Festinger, L., Rieckeıı, H. W., & Schaohter, S. (1956). When Prophecy Fails. New York: Harper & Row.
  • Fisher, S. (1994). Stress in Academic Life: the mental assembly line. Bristol: The Society for Research into Higher Education & Open University Press.
  • Fowler, J. (1981). Sta.g.e.s of Faith. San Francisco: Harper & Row.
  • Fraenkel, J. R. and Wallen, N. E. (1990) How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education. New York: McGraw-Hill Pub.
  • Funk, R. A. (1967). A Survey of Attitudes toward Religion and Philosophy of Life in M. E. Shaw ve .J. M. Wright (eds. ). Scales for the Measurement ofAttitucles. New York: McGrow— Hill.
  • Genia, V. (1990a). Psychospiritual Group Counseling for College Students. Jour- nal of College Student Development, 31, 279—280.
  • Geniz, V. (1990b). Interreligious Encounter Group: a psychospiritual experience for faith development. Counselling and Values, 35, 39-51.
  • Göka, E. (1994). Dindar hastaya psikiyatrik yaklaşım ve yardım. Türkiye Günlüğü, 31, 147-159. -
  • Havens, J. (1970). The course of college religious conşict.Rel1‘gious Education, LXI; 257-265.
  • Helfaer, P. M. (1972). The Psychology of Religious Doubt. Boston: Beacon Press.
  • 'Hökelekli, H. (1986). Ergenlik çağı davranışlarına din eğitiminin etkisi. U. Ü İ. F. Dergisi, 14, 35- 51.
  • Hökelekli, H. (1988). Ergenlik döneminde dini şüpheler. M E. B. Din ÖğretimiDer— gisi, 14, 73- 82.
  • Hull, J. M. (2002). Spiritual development: interpretations and applications. Bri- tish Journal ofReligious Education, 24, 171— 182.
  • Hunsberger, B. ,McKerızie, B. Pratt, M, & Pancer, S. M. (1993). Religious doubt. a social psychological analysis. ln M. L. Lynn & D. O. Moberg (Eds), Research' 1n the Social ScientiŞc Study ofReligı'on (V. 5, pp. 27—51). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
  • Kelly, G. A. (1955). The Psychology ofPersonal Constructs (volume one), NewYork: WW Norton & Company. Inc.
  • Kula, N. (1986). Ergenlerde Kimlik Bunalımı ve Din Eğitiminin Etkisi, Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Uludağ Üniversitesi, Bursa, Türkiye.
  • Kula, T. (Bitirme aşamasında). ErgenlerdeDını Stres Diyarbakır örneği. Basılma- mış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi, Sivas, Türkiye.
  • Lester, P. E. ve Bishop, L. K. (2000). Handbook of Tests and Measurement in Education and the Social Sciences. London: The Scarecrow Pres.
  • Mahaffy, K. A. (1996). Cognitive dissonance and' ıts resolution: a study of lesbian Christians. Journal for the ScientiŞc Study of Religion 35, 392- 402.
  • Nielsen, M. E. & Fultz J. (1995). Further examination of the relationships of religious orientation to religious Conflict. Review ofReligiaus Research, 36, 369- 381.
  • Nielsen, M. E. (1998). An assessment of religious'conflicts and their resolutions. ' Journal For the ScientiŞc Study of Religion 37, 181- 190.
  • Nursi, S. B. (Tarilısiz). Sözler. İstanbul. Ensar Neşriyat
  • Ok, U. (1997). Dinsel Danışmanlığın Teorik Çatısı. Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi Ankara Üniversitesi, Ankara, Türkiye. '
  • Ok, U. (2002). Challenges of Studying Religion at University Level: an inquiry into stress experienced by Turkish Muslim theology students' ın their thinking abo- ut religion. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, University of Birmingham, Bir- mingham, UK.
  • ser,_F. and Reich, K. H. (1987). The challenge of competing explanations: the development Of thinking in terms of complementarity. Human Development, 30, 178- 186.
  • Öncül, R. (200). Eğitim ve Eğitim Bilimleri Sözlüğü: Dizinler. İstanbul: M. E. BYay.
  • Öztürk, H. (1992). Ergenlerde Clin duygusu ve Allah' ınancının boyutları. M. E. B. Din Öğretimi Dergisi, 32, 44- SS.
  • Özdemir, Z. (2004). Ergenlerde dini konulara ve dini çoğulculuğa karşı tutum: Sivas ili örneği. Basılmamış Lisans Tezi. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi, Sivas, Türkiye
  • Parks, S. (1986). The Critical Years: the young adult search for a faith to live by. San Francisco. Harper & Row, Publishers.
  • Piker, S. (1971). The problem of consistency in Thai religion. Journal for the Scien- tiŞc Study ofReligion, 11,211 2—29.
  • Rector, L. J. (1986). Toward cı Phenomenology ofthe Experience ofReligiaus Doubt. Unpublished Doctoral Dis'sertation, University of Boston University. Boston, USA
  • Rodriguez, E. M. & Ouellette, S. C. (2000). Gay and lesbian Christians: homo- sexual and religious identity' ıntegration in the members and participants of a gay— positive church. Journal fo1 the Scientific Study ofReligion, 39, 333- 347.
  • Rokeach, M. (1960). The Open and Closed Mind: investigations into the nature of belief systems and personality systems. New York: Basic Books.
  • Simon, L. ,Greenberg, J. & Brehm, J. (1995). Trivialization: the forgotten mode of dissonance reduction Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 68, 2.47- 260.

Dini Düşüncede Yaşanan Stresin (Şüphe, Uyumsuzluk, Çelişki v.b.) Boyutları

Yıl 2005, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 22, 11 - 40, 01.06.2005



  • Abelson, R. P. (1959). Modes of resolution of belief dilemmas. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 3, 343- 352.
  • Bahadır, A. (2002). Ergenlik Döneminde Dini Şüphe ve Tereddütler. H. Hökelekli (Ed. ). Gençlik, Din ve Değerler Psikolojisi. Ankara: Ankara Okulu.
  • Batson, C.D. (1975). Rational processing or rau'onalization?: the effect of discon- firming information on a stated religious belief. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 32, 176- 184.
  • Batson, A. D. & Schoenrade, P. A. (1991). Measuring religion as quest: 1) validity concern. Journal for the Scıentı'fic Study of Religion, 30, 416— 429.
  • Berger, P. L., Berger, B. 8r. Kelner, H. (1981). The Homeless Mind. Middlesex: Penguin Books.
  • Bergin, A. E. & Payne, 1. R. (1997). Proposed A.g.e.nda for a Spiritual Strategy in Personality and Psychotherapy. In B Spilka and D. N. McIntosh (Eds), The Psychology of Religion: theoretical Approaches. Oxford: WestviewPress.
  • Bei-gin, A. E., Payne, 1. R., & Richards, P. S. (1997). Values in Psychotherapy. In E. P. Shafranske (ed.), Religion and the Clinical Practice of Psychology. Was- hington: American Psychological Association.
  • Brown, D. J. (1981).Doubt andAnxiety in Theological and Psychological Perspective with Implications for Pastoral Care and Pastoral Theology. PhD. Diss., South- _western Baptist Theological Seminary
  • Bryman, A. & Cramer, D. (2001). Quantitative Data Analysis with SPSS Release 10
  • ' for Windows: a guide for social scientists. East Sussex: Routietge.
  • Cafer, C. N. & AppIey, M. H. (1964). Motivation: Theory and Research. New York: Norton. '
  • Çağlar, K. (1986). Ergenlik Çağındakı' Gençlerin Dini Şüphe ve Tereddütleri. Basılma- mış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Uludağ Üniversitesi, Bursa, Türkiye
  • Demirel, Ö. (2003). Eğitim Sözlüğü. Ankara: Pegem
  • Demirkol, B. (1989). Vaizlerin ehliyetleri v'e mesleğe yatkınlıkları üzerine deney- sel bir araştırma.A. Ü. İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 31, 283-330.
  • Dobson, C. B. (1981). Stress: the hidden adversary. Lancaster: MTP Press Limited.
  • Festinger, L., (1957). A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance. New York: Row, Peterson and Company. '
  • »Festinger, L., Rieckeıı, H. W., & Schaohter, S. (1956). When Prophecy Fails. New York: Harper & Row.
  • Fisher, S. (1994). Stress in Academic Life: the mental assembly line. Bristol: The Society for Research into Higher Education & Open University Press.
  • Fowler, J. (1981). Sta.g.e.s of Faith. San Francisco: Harper & Row.
  • Fraenkel, J. R. and Wallen, N. E. (1990) How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education. New York: McGraw-Hill Pub.
  • Funk, R. A. (1967). A Survey of Attitudes toward Religion and Philosophy of Life in M. E. Shaw ve .J. M. Wright (eds. ). Scales for the Measurement ofAttitucles. New York: McGrow— Hill.
  • Genia, V. (1990a). Psychospiritual Group Counseling for College Students. Jour- nal of College Student Development, 31, 279—280.
  • Geniz, V. (1990b). Interreligious Encounter Group: a psychospiritual experience for faith development. Counselling and Values, 35, 39-51.
  • Göka, E. (1994). Dindar hastaya psikiyatrik yaklaşım ve yardım. Türkiye Günlüğü, 31, 147-159. -
  • Havens, J. (1970). The course of college religious conşict.Rel1‘gious Education, LXI; 257-265.
  • Helfaer, P. M. (1972). The Psychology of Religious Doubt. Boston: Beacon Press.
  • 'Hökelekli, H. (1986). Ergenlik çağı davranışlarına din eğitiminin etkisi. U. Ü İ. F. Dergisi, 14, 35- 51.
  • Hökelekli, H. (1988). Ergenlik döneminde dini şüpheler. M E. B. Din ÖğretimiDer— gisi, 14, 73- 82.
  • Hull, J. M. (2002). Spiritual development: interpretations and applications. Bri- tish Journal ofReligious Education, 24, 171— 182.
  • Hunsberger, B. ,McKerızie, B. Pratt, M, & Pancer, S. M. (1993). Religious doubt. a social psychological analysis. ln M. L. Lynn & D. O. Moberg (Eds), Research' 1n the Social ScientiŞc Study ofReligı'on (V. 5, pp. 27—51). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
  • Kelly, G. A. (1955). The Psychology ofPersonal Constructs (volume one), NewYork: WW Norton & Company. Inc.
  • Kula, N. (1986). Ergenlerde Kimlik Bunalımı ve Din Eğitiminin Etkisi, Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Uludağ Üniversitesi, Bursa, Türkiye.
  • Kula, T. (Bitirme aşamasında). ErgenlerdeDını Stres Diyarbakır örneği. Basılma- mış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi, Sivas, Türkiye.
  • Lester, P. E. ve Bishop, L. K. (2000). Handbook of Tests and Measurement in Education and the Social Sciences. London: The Scarecrow Pres.
  • Mahaffy, K. A. (1996). Cognitive dissonance and' ıts resolution: a study of lesbian Christians. Journal for the ScientiŞc Study of Religion 35, 392- 402.
  • Nielsen, M. E. & Fultz J. (1995). Further examination of the relationships of religious orientation to religious Conflict. Review ofReligiaus Research, 36, 369- 381.
  • Nielsen, M. E. (1998). An assessment of religious'conflicts and their resolutions. ' Journal For the ScientiŞc Study of Religion 37, 181- 190.
  • Nursi, S. B. (Tarilısiz). Sözler. İstanbul. Ensar Neşriyat
  • Ok, U. (1997). Dinsel Danışmanlığın Teorik Çatısı. Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi Ankara Üniversitesi, Ankara, Türkiye. '
  • Ok, U. (2002). Challenges of Studying Religion at University Level: an inquiry into stress experienced by Turkish Muslim theology students' ın their thinking abo- ut religion. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, University of Birmingham, Bir- mingham, UK.
  • ser,_F. and Reich, K. H. (1987). The challenge of competing explanations: the development Of thinking in terms of complementarity. Human Development, 30, 178- 186.
  • Öncül, R. (200). Eğitim ve Eğitim Bilimleri Sözlüğü: Dizinler. İstanbul: M. E. BYay.
  • Öztürk, H. (1992). Ergenlerde Clin duygusu ve Allah' ınancının boyutları. M. E. B. Din Öğretimi Dergisi, 32, 44- SS.
  • Özdemir, Z. (2004). Ergenlerde dini konulara ve dini çoğulculuğa karşı tutum: Sivas ili örneği. Basılmamış Lisans Tezi. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi, Sivas, Türkiye
  • Parks, S. (1986). The Critical Years: the young adult search for a faith to live by. San Francisco. Harper & Row, Publishers.
  • Piker, S. (1971). The problem of consistency in Thai religion. Journal for the Scien- tiŞc Study ofReligion, 11,211 2—29.
  • Rector, L. J. (1986). Toward cı Phenomenology ofthe Experience ofReligiaus Doubt. Unpublished Doctoral Dis'sertation, University of Boston University. Boston, USA
  • Rodriguez, E. M. & Ouellette, S. C. (2000). Gay and lesbian Christians: homo- sexual and religious identity' ıntegration in the members and participants of a gay— positive church. Journal fo1 the Scientific Study ofReligion, 39, 333- 347.
  • Rokeach, M. (1960). The Open and Closed Mind: investigations into the nature of belief systems and personality systems. New York: Basic Books.
  • Simon, L. ,Greenberg, J. & Brehm, J. (1995). Trivialization: the forgotten mode of dissonance reduction Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 68, 2.47- 260.
Toplam 50 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Üzeyir Ok Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2005
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2005 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 22

Kaynak Göster

ISNAD Ok, Üzeyir. “Dini Düşüncede Yaşanan Stresin (Şüphe, Uyumsuzluk, Çelişki v.B.) Boyutları”. Dini Araştırmalar 8/22 (Haziran 2005), 11-40.