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Religion Education in England at Pre-School and Primary School I: The Sample of Public Schools

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2, 175 - 204, 01.04.2013


This study which examines theoretical foundations and practical applications of religious education in pre-school and primary schools in England, is about early childhood religion education at a public school sample in 2013-2014 academic year. In our sample, religious education during early childhood with Christian faith and with a phenomenological approach is discussed also in conjunction with citizenship and values education within the framework of political aims. Based on Christianity, religion education at the level of general knowledge about religions, although bringing significant gains in areas such as the coexistence of religious education, the recognition of others and respect for other religions and cultures, it is seen that this kind of education is not enough for child to learn his religion at expected level.


  • ________, Alakuş, Fatih & Bahçekapılı, Mehmet, Din Eğitimi Açısından İngiltere ve Türkiye, Özgü Yay., İstanbul 2009.
  • Barnes, Philip, “Religious Education and the Misrepresentation of Religion”, (ed. M. Felderhof, P. Thompson, D. Torevell), Inspiring Faith in Schools-Studies in Religious Education, Ashgate Publishing Limited, Hampshire 2007. Philip Barnes, “Religious Education and the Misrepresentation of Religion”, (ed. M. Felderhof, P. Thompson, D. Torevell), Inspiring Faith in Schools-Studies in Religious Education, Ashgate Publishing Limited, Hampshire 2007, (ss.75-86), s.75-76.
  • BAS, Birmingham Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education, Birmingham City Council, Birmingham 2007.
  • Baumfield, Vivienne, “Understanding the Wider Context: Meaning and Purpose in Religious Education”, British Journal of Religious Education, 34:1, (ss.1-4), 2012.
  • Bell, Robert & Fowler, Gerald & Little, Ken, Education in Great Britain and Ireland, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London 1973.
  • Conroy, J.C., Does Religious Education Work? A Three-year investigation into the practices and outcomes of Religious Education: A Briefing Paper, Glasgow 2011.
  • Copley, Terence Religious Education 7-11 Developing Primary Teaching Skills, Routledge, London 1994.
  • ________, Teaching Religion-Sixty Years of Religious Education in England and Wales, University of Exeter Press, Devon 2008.
  • Cox, E. & Cairns, J. M., Reforming Religious Education, Kogan Page, London 1989.
  • Davies, Geraint, “Gender and Attitudes towards Religious Education in the Primary School”, British Journal of Religious Education, 26:1, (ss.85-94), 2004.
  • DCSF, Religious Education in English Schools: Non-Statutory Guidance 2010, Department for Children, Schools and Families, London 2010.
  • DFE, Circular 1/94: Religious Education and Collective Worship, London 1994.
  • DfE, Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage-Setting the standards for learning, development and care for children from birth to five, Department for Education, London 2012.
  • EC-European Commission, Organization of the Education System in the United KingdomEngland, Wales and Northern Ireland 2009/2010, Education, Audiovisual& Culture Executive Agency, 2010.
  • Engebretson, Kathleen, “Phenomenology and Religious Education Theory”, M. de Souza vd. (ed.), International Handbook of the Religious, Moral and Spiritual Dimensions in Education, Springer, Dordrecht 2009.
  • ERA, Education Reform Act, HMSO, London 1988.
  • Fuess, Albrecht, “Islamic Religious Education in Western Europe: Models of Integration and the German Approach”, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 27:2, (ss.215239), 2007.
  • Gill, Jeannette, “The Act of Collective Worship: Pupils’ Perspectives”, British Journal of Religious Education, 26:2, (ss.185-196), 2004.
  • Goldman, Ronald, Religious Thinking from Childhood To Adolescence, The Seabury Press, New York 1964.
  • ________, Readiness for Religion-A Basis For Developmental Religious Education, The Seabury Press, New York 1965.
  • Grimmitt, Michael & Grove, Julie & Hull, John & Spencer, Louise, A Gift to the Child: Religious Education in the Primary School-Teachers’ Source Book, Simon & Schuster, London 1991.
  • Grimmitt, Micheal, Religious education and human development: The relationship between studying religions and personal, social and moral education, McCrimmons, Essex 19 ________, “Contemporary Pedagogies of Religious Education: What are They?”, M. Grimmitt (Ed.), Pedagogies of Religious Education: Case Studies in the Research and Development of Good Pedagogic Practice in RE, McCrimmons, Essex 2000, (ss.24-52). (er. 04.04.2012) (er. 07.06.2012) (er. 06.12.2013)
  • Hull, John M., ‘Collective Worship: the Search for Spirituality’, Future Progress in Religious Education: The Templeton London Lectures at the RSA, London1995 ( (er. 10.05.2012).
  • Jackson, Robert, Rethinking Religious Education and Plurality, Routledge Taylor Francis Group, London 2004.
  • ________, “Religion, Education, Dialogue and Conflict: Editorial Introduction”, British Journal of Religious Education, 33:2, (ss.105-109), 2011.
  • Kaymakcan, Recep, Günümüz İngiltere’sinde Din Eğitimi, Dem Yay., İstanbul 2004.
  • Mandaville, Peter, “Islamic Education in Britain: Approaches to Religious Knowledge in a Pluralistic Society”, (ed. R.W. Hefner & M. Q. Zaman), Schooling Islam-The Culture and Politics of Modern Muslim Education, Princeton University Press, Oxford 200 McCreery, Elaine, “Preparing Primary School Teachers to Teach Religious Education”, British Journal of Religious Education, 27:3, (ss.265-277), 2005.
  • Moulin, Dan, “Giving Voice to ‘the Silent Minority’: the Experience of Religious Students in Secondary School Religious Education Lessons”, British Journal of Religious Education, 33:3, (ss.313-326), 2011.
  • OfNS, Religion in England and Wales 2011, Office for National Statistics, December 2012. Ofsted, Making Sense of Religion: A Report on Religious Education in Schools and the Impact of Locally Agreed Syllabuses, London 2007.
  • Ofsted, Transforming Religious Education: Religious Education in Schools 2006-09, Manchester 2010.
  • Osler, Audrey, “Patriotism, Citizenship and Multiculturalism: Political Discourse and the Curriculum”, (ed. M. Grimmitt) Religious Education and Social and Community Cohesion, McCrimmon Publishing Co Ltd, Essex 2010.
  • Pauly, Robert J., Islam in Europe-Integration or Marginalization, Ashgate, Hampshire 200 QCA, Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage, Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, London 2000.
  • QCA, Religious Education: The Non-statutory National Framework, Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, London 2004.
  • SCAA, Model 1: Living Faiths Today, London1994.
  • ________, Model 2: Questions and Teachings, London 1994.
  • Seddon, Mohammad S., Muslim Communities in Britain: A Historiography’, British Muslims Between Assimilation and Segregation Historical, Legal and Social Realities, The Islamic Foundation, Leicester 2006.
  • Smart, Ninian, Secular Education-the Logic of Religion, Faber and Faber, London1968.
  • Teece, Geoff, “Is it learning about and from religions, religion or religious education? And is it any wonder some teachers don’t get it?”, British Journal of Religious Education, 32:2, (ss.93-103). 2010.
  • Thanissaro, Phra N., “Measuring Attitude Towards RE: Factoring Pupil Experience and Home Faith Background into Assessment”, British Journal of Religious Education, 34:2, (ss.195-212), 2012.
  • Thompson, Penny, “Religious Education from Spens to Swam”, M. Felderhof (ed.), Inspiring Faith in Schools, Ashgate Publishing, Hampshire 2007.
  • ________, “Whose Confession? Which Tradition?”, British Journal of Religious Education, 26:1, (ss.61-72), 2004.
  • Walford, Geoffrey, “Faith Schools and Community Cohesion”, (ed. M. Grimmitt) Religious Education and Social and Community Cohesion, McCrimmon Publishing Co Ltd., Essex 2010.
  • Watson, Brenda, “Secularism, Schools and Religious Education”, (ed. M. Felderhof, P. Thompson, D. Torevell), Inspiring Faith in Schools-Studies in Religious Education, Ashgate Publishing Limited, Hampshire 2007.
  • Weisse, Wolfram, “Reflection on the REDCo Project”, British Journal of Religious Education, 33:2, (ss.111-125), 2011.
  • Weller, Paul, Religions in the UK, the Multi-Faith Centre at the University of Derby, Derby 200 

İngiltere’de Okul Öncesi VE İlköğretim Okullarında Resmi Din Eğitimi I: Devlet Okulu Örneği

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2, 175 - 204, 01.04.2013


İngiltere’de okul öncesi ve ilköğretim okullarındaki din eğitiminin teorik temelleri ve pratik uygulamalarını inceleyen bu çalışma, 2012-2013 eğitim-öğretim döneminde bir devlet okulu örnekleminden hareketle erken çocukluk dönemi din eğitimini konu edinmektedir. İnceleme örneğimizde din eğitimi erken çocukluk dönemlerinden itibaren Hıristiyanlık inancı doğrultusunda ve fenomenolojik bir yaklaşımla ele alınmakta, aynı zamanda vatandaşlık ve değerler eğitimiyle bağlantılı olarak politik amaçlar içermektedir. Hıristiyanlık esas olmak üzere, dinler hakkında genel kültür düzeyinde verilen din eğitimi her ne kadar birlikte yaşama, ötekini tanıma ve diğer din ve kültürlere saygı duyma gibi konularda önemli kazanımlar sağlasa da, bu tarz bir eğitimin çocuğun kendi inancını istenen düzeyde öğrenmesi bakımından yeterli olmadığı gözlemlenmiştir.


  • ________, Alakuş, Fatih & Bahçekapılı, Mehmet, Din Eğitimi Açısından İngiltere ve Türkiye, Özgü Yay., İstanbul 2009.
  • Barnes, Philip, “Religious Education and the Misrepresentation of Religion”, (ed. M. Felderhof, P. Thompson, D. Torevell), Inspiring Faith in Schools-Studies in Religious Education, Ashgate Publishing Limited, Hampshire 2007. Philip Barnes, “Religious Education and the Misrepresentation of Religion”, (ed. M. Felderhof, P. Thompson, D. Torevell), Inspiring Faith in Schools-Studies in Religious Education, Ashgate Publishing Limited, Hampshire 2007, (ss.75-86), s.75-76.
  • BAS, Birmingham Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education, Birmingham City Council, Birmingham 2007.
  • Baumfield, Vivienne, “Understanding the Wider Context: Meaning and Purpose in Religious Education”, British Journal of Religious Education, 34:1, (ss.1-4), 2012.
  • Bell, Robert & Fowler, Gerald & Little, Ken, Education in Great Britain and Ireland, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London 1973.
  • Conroy, J.C., Does Religious Education Work? A Three-year investigation into the practices and outcomes of Religious Education: A Briefing Paper, Glasgow 2011.
  • Copley, Terence Religious Education 7-11 Developing Primary Teaching Skills, Routledge, London 1994.
  • ________, Teaching Religion-Sixty Years of Religious Education in England and Wales, University of Exeter Press, Devon 2008.
  • Cox, E. & Cairns, J. M., Reforming Religious Education, Kogan Page, London 1989.
  • Davies, Geraint, “Gender and Attitudes towards Religious Education in the Primary School”, British Journal of Religious Education, 26:1, (ss.85-94), 2004.
  • DCSF, Religious Education in English Schools: Non-Statutory Guidance 2010, Department for Children, Schools and Families, London 2010.
  • DFE, Circular 1/94: Religious Education and Collective Worship, London 1994.
  • DfE, Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage-Setting the standards for learning, development and care for children from birth to five, Department for Education, London 2012.
  • EC-European Commission, Organization of the Education System in the United KingdomEngland, Wales and Northern Ireland 2009/2010, Education, Audiovisual& Culture Executive Agency, 2010.
  • Engebretson, Kathleen, “Phenomenology and Religious Education Theory”, M. de Souza vd. (ed.), International Handbook of the Religious, Moral and Spiritual Dimensions in Education, Springer, Dordrecht 2009.
  • ERA, Education Reform Act, HMSO, London 1988.
  • Fuess, Albrecht, “Islamic Religious Education in Western Europe: Models of Integration and the German Approach”, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 27:2, (ss.215239), 2007.
  • Gill, Jeannette, “The Act of Collective Worship: Pupils’ Perspectives”, British Journal of Religious Education, 26:2, (ss.185-196), 2004.
  • Goldman, Ronald, Religious Thinking from Childhood To Adolescence, The Seabury Press, New York 1964.
  • ________, Readiness for Religion-A Basis For Developmental Religious Education, The Seabury Press, New York 1965.
  • Grimmitt, Michael & Grove, Julie & Hull, John & Spencer, Louise, A Gift to the Child: Religious Education in the Primary School-Teachers’ Source Book, Simon & Schuster, London 1991.
  • Grimmitt, Micheal, Religious education and human development: The relationship between studying religions and personal, social and moral education, McCrimmons, Essex 19 ________, “Contemporary Pedagogies of Religious Education: What are They?”, M. Grimmitt (Ed.), Pedagogies of Religious Education: Case Studies in the Research and Development of Good Pedagogic Practice in RE, McCrimmons, Essex 2000, (ss.24-52). (er. 04.04.2012) (er. 07.06.2012) (er. 06.12.2013)
  • Hull, John M., ‘Collective Worship: the Search for Spirituality’, Future Progress in Religious Education: The Templeton London Lectures at the RSA, London1995 ( (er. 10.05.2012).
  • Jackson, Robert, Rethinking Religious Education and Plurality, Routledge Taylor Francis Group, London 2004.
  • ________, “Religion, Education, Dialogue and Conflict: Editorial Introduction”, British Journal of Religious Education, 33:2, (ss.105-109), 2011.
  • Kaymakcan, Recep, Günümüz İngiltere’sinde Din Eğitimi, Dem Yay., İstanbul 2004.
  • Mandaville, Peter, “Islamic Education in Britain: Approaches to Religious Knowledge in a Pluralistic Society”, (ed. R.W. Hefner & M. Q. Zaman), Schooling Islam-The Culture and Politics of Modern Muslim Education, Princeton University Press, Oxford 200 McCreery, Elaine, “Preparing Primary School Teachers to Teach Religious Education”, British Journal of Religious Education, 27:3, (ss.265-277), 2005.
  • Moulin, Dan, “Giving Voice to ‘the Silent Minority’: the Experience of Religious Students in Secondary School Religious Education Lessons”, British Journal of Religious Education, 33:3, (ss.313-326), 2011.
  • OfNS, Religion in England and Wales 2011, Office for National Statistics, December 2012. Ofsted, Making Sense of Religion: A Report on Religious Education in Schools and the Impact of Locally Agreed Syllabuses, London 2007.
  • Ofsted, Transforming Religious Education: Religious Education in Schools 2006-09, Manchester 2010.
  • Osler, Audrey, “Patriotism, Citizenship and Multiculturalism: Political Discourse and the Curriculum”, (ed. M. Grimmitt) Religious Education and Social and Community Cohesion, McCrimmon Publishing Co Ltd, Essex 2010.
  • Pauly, Robert J., Islam in Europe-Integration or Marginalization, Ashgate, Hampshire 200 QCA, Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage, Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, London 2000.
  • QCA, Religious Education: The Non-statutory National Framework, Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, London 2004.
  • SCAA, Model 1: Living Faiths Today, London1994.
  • ________, Model 2: Questions and Teachings, London 1994.
  • Seddon, Mohammad S., Muslim Communities in Britain: A Historiography’, British Muslims Between Assimilation and Segregation Historical, Legal and Social Realities, The Islamic Foundation, Leicester 2006.
  • Smart, Ninian, Secular Education-the Logic of Religion, Faber and Faber, London1968.
  • Teece, Geoff, “Is it learning about and from religions, religion or religious education? And is it any wonder some teachers don’t get it?”, British Journal of Religious Education, 32:2, (ss.93-103). 2010.
  • Thanissaro, Phra N., “Measuring Attitude Towards RE: Factoring Pupil Experience and Home Faith Background into Assessment”, British Journal of Religious Education, 34:2, (ss.195-212), 2012.
  • Thompson, Penny, “Religious Education from Spens to Swam”, M. Felderhof (ed.), Inspiring Faith in Schools, Ashgate Publishing, Hampshire 2007.
  • ________, “Whose Confession? Which Tradition?”, British Journal of Religious Education, 26:1, (ss.61-72), 2004.
  • Walford, Geoffrey, “Faith Schools and Community Cohesion”, (ed. M. Grimmitt) Religious Education and Social and Community Cohesion, McCrimmon Publishing Co Ltd., Essex 2010.
  • Watson, Brenda, “Secularism, Schools and Religious Education”, (ed. M. Felderhof, P. Thompson, D. Torevell), Inspiring Faith in Schools-Studies in Religious Education, Ashgate Publishing Limited, Hampshire 2007.
  • Weisse, Wolfram, “Reflection on the REDCo Project”, British Journal of Religious Education, 33:2, (ss.111-125), 2011.
  • Weller, Paul, Religions in the UK, the Multi-Faith Centre at the University of Derby, Derby 200 
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Cemil Oruç Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

ISNAD Oruç, Cemil. “İngiltere’de Okul Öncesi VE İlköğretim Okullarında Resmi Din Eğitimi I: Devlet Okulu Örneği”. Dinbilimleri Akademik Araştırma Dergisi 13/2 (Nisan 2013), 175-204.