In this article, a treatise on oath of Khayr al-Dīn al-Ramlī (d. 1081/1671), a Ḥanafī fiqh scholar who lived in the 17th century, will be examined and its text will be critically published. The treatise consists of the Ottoman Shaykh al-Islām Minkārīzāde Yahyā Efendi's (d. 1088/1678) question, Ramlī's answer to this question, and Yahya Efendi's second letter on an issue related to the oath. The correspondence took place over a matter of oath. The issue -which consists of judgments and evaluations on the solution and interpretation of the issue- which we can summarize as "whether a person will leave Islam if he does something, or whether he will leave Islam with this word in various forms of expression," included in the fiqh books about the types of oaths and their wording, is discussed in the aforementioned letters. The main purpose of our article is to shed light on the background of these correspondences and to evaluate the highlights of the content. Another aim is to publish the original text of the treatise as a critical edition. In our article, qualitative research methods were used and the explicit and implicit data presented by the text were evaluated. Opinions and comments have also been expressed to the extent that the text and available information about the authors allow. In the introduction, after briefly touching on the history of the subject in the Ḥanafī sect, the lives of the two authors and their intersections were highlighted, and then the content of the treatise was examined. Finally, the critical edition of the text is included.