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Exploring The Relationship Between Ecological and Critical Literacy Levels of Preservice English Language Teachers

Yıl 2024, Sayı: 61, 2326 - 2337, 27.09.2024


In the globalized world, numerous skills are needed for 21st-century language teachers, ranging from digital literacy to ecological literacy and critical literacy. This study investigated the relationship between preservice ELT teachers' ecological and critical literacy skills. The study adopted the quantitative survey method to accomplish this aim. The analyses showed that a slight correlation existed between preservice ELT teachers' ecological and critical literacy skills. The role of gender, age, and academic success (GPA) in the preservice ELT teachers' ecological and critical literacy skills was the second focus of the current study. The results revealed that there was a significant difference between female and male participants in favour of the female participants in terms of ecological literacy. As for the other variables, the results showed that there was no connection among these literacy types, and these variables did not play a crucial role in the participants' ecological and critical literacy skills.


  • Atabek-Yiğit, E., Köklükaya, N., Yavuz, M., & Demirhan, E. (2014). Development and validation of environmental literacy scale for adults (ELSA). Journal of Baltic Science Education, 13(3), 425–435.
  • Berkowitz, A. R., Ford, M. E., & Brewer, C. A. (2005). A framework for integrating ecological literacy, civics literacy and environmental citizenship in environmental education. In E. Johnson & M. Mappin (Eds.), Environmental education and advocacy: Changing perspectives of ecology and education (pp. 227–266). Cambridge University Press.
  • Capra, F. (1996). The web of life: A new synthesis of mind and matter. Doubleday.
  • Çiftçi, H. (2019). Üniversite öğrencilerinin internet için eleştirel okuryazarlık düzeylerinin karşılaştırılması. Erciyes İletişim Dergisi, 6(2), 1341–1358.
  • Coyle, K. J. (2005). Coyle, K. (2005). Environmental literacy in America: What ten years of NEETF/Roper research and related studies say about environmental literacy in the US.
  • Erkılıç, H. H. S. (2019). Middle school students’ environmental literacy levels and identify attitude towards environment: Example of Sakarya [Master’s Thesis]. Sakarya University.
  • Erol, G. H., & Gezer, K. (2006). Prospective of elementary school teachers’ attitudes toward environment and environmental problems. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 1(1), 65–77.
  • Goldman, D., Yavetz, B., & Pe’er, S. (2006). Environmental literacy in teacher training in Israel: Environmental behavior of new students. The Journal of Environmental Education, 38(1), 3–22.
  • Hastürk, G. (2022). Investigation of the relationship between the ecological identities and the environmental literacy of prospective primary school teachers [Master’s Thesis]. Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University.
  • Jones, S. (2006). Girls, social class, and literacy: What teachers can do to make a difference. Heinemann.
  • Karademir, E., & Ulucinar, U. (2017). Examining the relationship between middle school students’ critical reading skills, science literacy skills and attitudes: A structural equation modeling. Journal of Education in Science, Environment and Health, 3(1), 29–29.
  • Karaman, M. K. (2016). Öğretmen adaylarının medya okuryazarlık düzeyleri ve eleştirel düşünme eğilimleri üzerine bir araştırma. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi, 4(1), 326–350.
  • Kurt Taşpınar, H., & Çubukçu, F. (2020). The impact of critical literacy Instruction on adult EFL learners' reading comprehension. Language Teaching and Educational Research, 3(1), 34–55.
  • Lewison, M., Flint, A. S., & Van Sluys, K. (2002). Taking on critical literacy: The journey of newcomers and novices. Language Arts, 79(5), 382-392
  • Lohrey, A. (1998). Critical literacy: A professional development resource. Language Australia.
  • Norris,K., Lucas, L. & Prudhoe, C. (2012). Examining critical literacy.Multicultural Education, 59-62. Accessed on March 31, 2024.
  • Orr, D. W. (1992). Ecological literacy: Education and the transition to a postmodern world. SUNNY Press.
  • Padmanabhan, J., & Rao, M. P. (2008). Environmental awareness and environmental attitude of secondary school teachers of Maldives: A study. Journal Recheard Gate, 6(1), 1–12.
  • Ramdani, A., Jufri, A. W., Gunawan, G., Fahrurrozi, M., & Yustiqvar, M. (2021). Analysis of students' critical thinking skills in terms of gender using science teaching materials based on the 5E learning cycle integrated with local wisdom. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 10(2), 187-199.
  • Semerci, N., & Semerci, Ç. (2017). The effect of teacher candidates’ critical literacy levels on their media literacy levels. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 5(12A), 13–18.
  • Şengül, H. (2023). Examination of environmental literacy level of secondary school students: The example of Isparta [Master’s Thesis]. Süleyman Demirel University.
  • Uyar, A., & Temiz, A. (2019). Determination of environmental literacy levels of classroom teachers and its analysis with regard to some variables. Journal of International Social Research, 12(66), 954–961.
  • Yılmaz, E. (2013). Relationship between primary school teaching prospective teachers habits of reading periodical publications and their level of critical and media literacy [Master’s thesis]. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi.
  • Vasquez, V.M. (2014). Negotiating critical literacies with young children. Routledge.
  • Vasquez, V. M. & Felderman, C. B. (2012). Technology and critical literacy in early childhood. Routledge.

İngilizce Öğretmeni Adaylarının Ekolojik ve Eleştirel Okuryazarlık Düzeyleri Arasındaki İlişkinin Araştırılması

Yıl 2024, Sayı: 61, 2326 - 2337, 27.09.2024


Küreselleşen dünyada, 21. yüzyıl dil öğretmenlerinin ihtiyaç duyduğu dijital okuryazarlıktan, ekolojik okuryazarlığa ve eleştirel okuryazarlığa kadar çok sayıda beceri bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışma, İngilizce öğretmen adaylarının ekolojik okuryazarlığı ile eleştirel okuryazarlık becerileri arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmayı amaçlamıştır. Bu amacı gerçekleştirmek için çalışmada nicel araştırma yöntemi benimsenmiştir. Analizler, İngilizce öğretmen adaylarının ekolojik ve eleştirel okuryazarlık becerileri arasında hafif bir korelasyon olduğunu göstermiştir. Hizmet öncesi İngilizce öğretmeni adaylarının ekolojik ve eleştirel okuryazarlık becerilerinde cinsiyet, yaş ve akademik başarının (GPA) rolü bu çalışmanın ikinci odak noktası olmuştur. Sonuçlar, ekolojik okuryazarlık açısından kadın ve erkek katılımcılar arasında kadın katılımcılar lehine anlamlı bir fark olduğunu ortaya çıkarmıştır. Diğer değişkenlere gelince, sonuçlar bu okuryazarlık türleri arasında bir bağlantı olmadığını ve bu değişkenlerin katılımcıların ekolojik ve eleştirel okuryazarlık becerilerinde çok önemli bir rol oynamadığını göstermiştir.


  • Atabek-Yiğit, E., Köklükaya, N., Yavuz, M., & Demirhan, E. (2014). Development and validation of environmental literacy scale for adults (ELSA). Journal of Baltic Science Education, 13(3), 425–435.
  • Berkowitz, A. R., Ford, M. E., & Brewer, C. A. (2005). A framework for integrating ecological literacy, civics literacy and environmental citizenship in environmental education. In E. Johnson & M. Mappin (Eds.), Environmental education and advocacy: Changing perspectives of ecology and education (pp. 227–266). Cambridge University Press.
  • Capra, F. (1996). The web of life: A new synthesis of mind and matter. Doubleday.
  • Çiftçi, H. (2019). Üniversite öğrencilerinin internet için eleştirel okuryazarlık düzeylerinin karşılaştırılması. Erciyes İletişim Dergisi, 6(2), 1341–1358.
  • Coyle, K. J. (2005). Coyle, K. (2005). Environmental literacy in America: What ten years of NEETF/Roper research and related studies say about environmental literacy in the US.
  • Erkılıç, H. H. S. (2019). Middle school students’ environmental literacy levels and identify attitude towards environment: Example of Sakarya [Master’s Thesis]. Sakarya University.
  • Erol, G. H., & Gezer, K. (2006). Prospective of elementary school teachers’ attitudes toward environment and environmental problems. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 1(1), 65–77.
  • Goldman, D., Yavetz, B., & Pe’er, S. (2006). Environmental literacy in teacher training in Israel: Environmental behavior of new students. The Journal of Environmental Education, 38(1), 3–22.
  • Hastürk, G. (2022). Investigation of the relationship between the ecological identities and the environmental literacy of prospective primary school teachers [Master’s Thesis]. Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University.
  • Jones, S. (2006). Girls, social class, and literacy: What teachers can do to make a difference. Heinemann.
  • Karademir, E., & Ulucinar, U. (2017). Examining the relationship between middle school students’ critical reading skills, science literacy skills and attitudes: A structural equation modeling. Journal of Education in Science, Environment and Health, 3(1), 29–29.
  • Karaman, M. K. (2016). Öğretmen adaylarının medya okuryazarlık düzeyleri ve eleştirel düşünme eğilimleri üzerine bir araştırma. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi, 4(1), 326–350.
  • Kurt Taşpınar, H., & Çubukçu, F. (2020). The impact of critical literacy Instruction on adult EFL learners' reading comprehension. Language Teaching and Educational Research, 3(1), 34–55.
  • Lewison, M., Flint, A. S., & Van Sluys, K. (2002). Taking on critical literacy: The journey of newcomers and novices. Language Arts, 79(5), 382-392
  • Lohrey, A. (1998). Critical literacy: A professional development resource. Language Australia.
  • Norris,K., Lucas, L. & Prudhoe, C. (2012). Examining critical literacy.Multicultural Education, 59-62. Accessed on March 31, 2024.
  • Orr, D. W. (1992). Ecological literacy: Education and the transition to a postmodern world. SUNNY Press.
  • Padmanabhan, J., & Rao, M. P. (2008). Environmental awareness and environmental attitude of secondary school teachers of Maldives: A study. Journal Recheard Gate, 6(1), 1–12.
  • Ramdani, A., Jufri, A. W., Gunawan, G., Fahrurrozi, M., & Yustiqvar, M. (2021). Analysis of students' critical thinking skills in terms of gender using science teaching materials based on the 5E learning cycle integrated with local wisdom. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 10(2), 187-199.
  • Semerci, N., & Semerci, Ç. (2017). The effect of teacher candidates’ critical literacy levels on their media literacy levels. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 5(12A), 13–18.
  • Şengül, H. (2023). Examination of environmental literacy level of secondary school students: The example of Isparta [Master’s Thesis]. Süleyman Demirel University.
  • Uyar, A., & Temiz, A. (2019). Determination of environmental literacy levels of classroom teachers and its analysis with regard to some variables. Journal of International Social Research, 12(66), 954–961.
  • Yılmaz, E. (2013). Relationship between primary school teaching prospective teachers habits of reading periodical publications and their level of critical and media literacy [Master’s thesis]. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi.
  • Vasquez, V.M. (2014). Negotiating critical literacies with young children. Routledge.
  • Vasquez, V. M. & Felderman, C. B. (2012). Technology and critical literacy in early childhood. Routledge.
Toplam 25 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler Eğitimi (Ekonomi, İşletme ve Yönetim Hariç), Alan Eğitimleri (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Esat Kuzu 0000-0002-9542-9648

Feryal Cubukcu 0000-0003-3313-6011

Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Eylül 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Nisan 2024
Kabul Tarihi 30 Mayıs 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Sayı: 61

Kaynak Göster

APA Kuzu, E., & Cubukcu, F. (2024). Exploring The Relationship Between Ecological and Critical Literacy Levels of Preservice English Language Teachers. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Buca Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi(61), 2326-2337.