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Yıl 2017, Cilt: 19 Sayı: 57, 968 - 986, 01.09.2017


This study investigates the importance of clustering activities in order to increase the quality and effectiveness of logistics industry, also shows the determination of basic needs and assessment of logistics processes for different stakeholders operating in Bolu. The effects of different stakeholders in logistics sector over capacity and resource sharing and increasing the value-added services by using the knowledge sharing, education and learning abilities are performed with the detailed analysis. The roadmap for the development of logistics sector and regional development is prepared by analyzing the data with equivalent measurement tests at various stages using different important variables and by sharing the importance of clustering activities for member of triple helix structures. As a consequence, the positive impact of capacity and maturity level increases of companies over the variables of the models is observed


  • [1]. TIS – 2023 Türkiye İhracat Stratejisi ve Eylemi. 2012. er/2012/06/20120613-31-1.pdf Erişim Tarihi (11.02.2017).
  • [2]. Beamon, B. M., Designing the green supply chain. 1999. Logistics information management, 12 (4), 332- 342.
  • [3]. Zhu, Q., Sarkis, J., Lai, K. H. 2008. Confirmation of a measurement model for green supply chain management practices implementation. International journal of production economics, 111(2), 261- 273.
  • [4]. Carter, C. R., Kale, R., Grimm, C. M. 2000. Environmental purchasing and firm performance: an empirical investigation. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 36(3), 219- 228.
  • [5]. Masoumik, S. M., Abdul-Rashid, S. H., Olugu, E. U., Raja Ghazilla, R. A. 2014. Sustainable supply chain design: A configurational approach. The Scientific World Journal.
  • [6]. Pishvaee, M. S., Torabi, S. A., Razmi, J. 2012. Credibility-based fuzzy mathematical programming model for green logistics design under uncertainty. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 62(2), 624-632.
  • [7]. Marshall, A. 1898. Principles of economics. Vol. 1.
  • [8]. Porter, M. E. 1998. Cluster and the new economics of competition.
  • [9]. Liu, C. L., Lyons, A. C. 2011. An analysis of third-party logistics performance and service provision. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 47(4), 547-570.
  • [10]. Awasthi, A., Chauhan, S. S. 2012. A hybrid approach integrating Affinity Diagram, AHP and fuzzy TOPSIS for sustainable city logistics planning. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 36(2), 573-584.
  • [11]. Aktas, E., Agaran, B., Ulengin, F., Onsel, S. 2011. The use of outsourcing logistics activities: The case of turkey. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 19(5), 833- 852.
  • [12]. Jane, C. C. 2011. Performance evaluation of logistics systems under cost and reliability considerations. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 47(2), 130- 137.
  • [13]. Ramanathan, R. 2010. The moderating roles of risk and efficiency on the relationship between logistics performance and customer loyalty in e-commerce. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 46(6), 950- 962.
  • [14]. Ishfaq, R., Sox, C. R. 2010. Intermodal logistics: The interplay of financial, operational and service issues. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 46(6), 926-949.
  • [15]. Rivera, L., Sheffi, Y., Knoppen, D. 2016. Logistics clusters: the impact of further agglomeration, training and firm size on collaboration and value added services. International Journal of Production Economics.
  • [16]. Van Den Heuvel, F., Langen, P., Van Donselaar, K. Fransoo, J. 2012. Proximity matters: synergies through co-location of logistics establishments. Beta Working Paper Series, 380.
  • [17]. Schuldt, A., Werner, S. 2007. Distributed clustering of autonomous shipping containers by concept, location, and time. Multiagent System Technologies. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 121–132.
  • [18]. Jing, N., Cai, W. 2010. Analysis on the spatial distribution of logistics industry in the developed East Coast Area in China. Ann. Reg. Sci. 45 (2), 331–350.
  • [19]. Lam, H.Y., Choy, K.L., Ho, G.T., Cheng, S., Lee, C. 2015. A knowledgebased logistics operations planning system for mitigating risk in warehouse order fulfillment. Int. J. Prod. Econ. 170, 763–779.
  • [20]. Czuchry, A., Yasin, M., Khuzhakhmetov, D. 2009. Enhancing organizational effectiveness through the implementation of supplier parks: the case of the automotive industry. J. Int. Bus. Res. 8 (1), 45–61.
  • [21]. Sako, M. 2003. Governing Supplier Parks: Implications for Firm Boundaries and Clusters. University of Oxford.
  • [22]. Musso, F. 2013. Is industrial districts logistics suitable for industrial parks? Acta Univ. Danub. 9 (4).
  • [23]. Resat, H. G., Turkay, M. 2015. Design and operation of intermodal transportation network in the Marmara region of Turkey. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 83, 16-33.
  • [24]. Pateman, H., Cahoon, S., Chen, S., The role and value of collaboration in the logistics industry: an empirical study in Australia. Asian J. Shipp. Logist. 32 (1), 33–40, 2016.
  • [25]. Sheffi, Y. 2012. Logistics Clusters: Delivering Value and Driving Growth. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
  • [26]. Kam, B.H., Tsahuridu, E.E., Ding, M.J. 2010. Does Human Resource Management Contribute to the Development of Logistics and Supply Chain Capabilities? An Empirical Study of Logistics Service Providers in China, Research and Practice in Human Resource Management, vol. 18, 2, pp. 15–34.
  • [27]. Lannone, F. 2012. The private and social cost efficiency of port hinterland container distribution through a regional logistics system. Transp. Res. Part A 46, 1424–1448.
  • [28]. Reichhart, A., Holweg, M. 2008. Colocated supplier clusters: forms, functions and theoretical perspectives. Int. J. Oper. Prod. Manag. 28 (1), 53–78.
  • [29]. Grando, A., Belvedere, V. 2006. District's manufacturing performances: a comparison among large, small-to-medium-sized and district enterprises. Int. J. Prod. Econ. 104 (1), 85–99.
  • [30]. Soinio, J., Tanskanen, K., Finne, M. 2012. How logistics-service providers can develop value-added services for SMEs: a dyadic perspective. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 23(1), 31-49.
  • [31]. BTS-Bolu Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası, 2015. /tir-karnesi/ (Erişim tarihi 16.07.2016).
  • [32].KGM-Karayolları Genel Müdürlüğü, 2016. nDocuments/KGMdocuments/Istatist ikler/TrafikveUlasimBilgileri/15Trafi kUlas%C4%B1mBilgileri.pdf. (Erişim tarihi 16.07.2016).
  • [33].MARKA-Doğu Marmara Kalkınma Ajansı, 2016. iles/MarkaBolgePlani/DoguMarmara BolgePlani.pdf. (Erişim tarihi 16.07.2016).
  • [34].BTS-Bolu Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası, 2015b. 2015_001_DisTicaretSektorAnalizRap oru_20150112_01.pdf. (Erişim tarihi 16.07.2016).
  • [35]. SPSS, I. 2011. IBM SPSS statistics for Windows, version 20.0. New York: IBM Corp.
  • [36]. Resat, H. G. 2015. Bolu ili geçici depolama tesisi fizibilite ve analiz raporu. Bolu Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası, Bolu.
  • [37]. Cronbach, L. J. 1951. Coefficient alpha and the internal structure of tests.psychometrika, 16(3), 297-334.
  • [38]. Brown, R. F., Schutte, N. S. 2006. Direct and indirect relationships between emotional intelligence and subjective fatigue in university students.Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 60(6), 585-593.
  • [39]. Cheung, G. W., Rensvold, R. B. 2002. Evaluating goodness-of-fit indexes for testing measurement invariance. Structural equation modeling,9(2), 233-255.
  • [40]. Millsap, R. E., Olivera-Aguilar, M. 2012. Investigating measurement invariance using confirmatory factor analysis. Handbook of structural equation modeling, 380-392.
  • [41]. Byrne, B. M., Shavelson, R. J., Muthén, B. 1989. Testing for the equivalence of factor covariance and mean structures: The issue of partial measurement invariance. Psychological bulletin, 105(3), 456.
  • [42]. Steenkamp, J. B. E., Baumgartner, H. 1998. Assessing measurement invariance in cross-national consumer research. Journal of consumer research, 25(1), 78-90.
  • [43]. LIKERT, R., ROSLOW, S., MURPHY, G. 1934. “A Simple and Reliable Method of Scoring the Thurstone Attitude Scales”. The Journal of Social Psychology, USA.
  • [44]. Rigdon, E. E. 1996. CFI versus RMSEA: A comparison of two fit indexes for structural equation modeling. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, pg. 369-379.


Yıl 2017, Cilt: 19 Sayı: 57, 968 - 986, 01.09.2017


Bu çalışma ile birlikte Bolu ilinde faaliyet gösteren firmaların lojistik süreçlerindeki temel ihtiyaçlarının belirlenmesi ve yapılan iyileştirme çalışmalarının lojistik kümelenme faaliyetleri için önemi araştırılmıştır. Lojistik sektöründeki farklı oyuncularının bilgi paylaşımı, eğitim ve öğrenme kabiliyetlerini kullanarak kaynak ve kapasite paylaşımı ve katma değerli hizmetlerin artırılması üzerine algılarının anket çalışmaları ile elde edilen veriler doğrultusunda detaylı incelemesi yapılmıştır. Lojistik sektörüne yoğun etkisi olan farklı değişkenler kullanılarak çeşitli aşamalarda ölçme değişmezliği testleri yardımıyla verilerin analizinin yapılması ve bölge genelinde kümelenme faaliyetlerinin üçlü sarmal yapının paydaşları için faydaları ortaya konulmuştur. Araştırma sonucunda şirketlerin sektör içerisindeki kapasite artışları veya firmaların çalışma yaşlarındaki artış çıktı değişkenleri üzerinde olumlu etkileri olduğu gözlenmiştir


  • [1]. TIS – 2023 Türkiye İhracat Stratejisi ve Eylemi. 2012. er/2012/06/20120613-31-1.pdf Erişim Tarihi (11.02.2017).
  • [2]. Beamon, B. M., Designing the green supply chain. 1999. Logistics information management, 12 (4), 332- 342.
  • [3]. Zhu, Q., Sarkis, J., Lai, K. H. 2008. Confirmation of a measurement model for green supply chain management practices implementation. International journal of production economics, 111(2), 261- 273.
  • [4]. Carter, C. R., Kale, R., Grimm, C. M. 2000. Environmental purchasing and firm performance: an empirical investigation. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 36(3), 219- 228.
  • [5]. Masoumik, S. M., Abdul-Rashid, S. H., Olugu, E. U., Raja Ghazilla, R. A. 2014. Sustainable supply chain design: A configurational approach. The Scientific World Journal.
  • [6]. Pishvaee, M. S., Torabi, S. A., Razmi, J. 2012. Credibility-based fuzzy mathematical programming model for green logistics design under uncertainty. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 62(2), 624-632.
  • [7]. Marshall, A. 1898. Principles of economics. Vol. 1.
  • [8]. Porter, M. E. 1998. Cluster and the new economics of competition.
  • [9]. Liu, C. L., Lyons, A. C. 2011. An analysis of third-party logistics performance and service provision. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 47(4), 547-570.
  • [10]. Awasthi, A., Chauhan, S. S. 2012. A hybrid approach integrating Affinity Diagram, AHP and fuzzy TOPSIS for sustainable city logistics planning. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 36(2), 573-584.
  • [11]. Aktas, E., Agaran, B., Ulengin, F., Onsel, S. 2011. The use of outsourcing logistics activities: The case of turkey. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 19(5), 833- 852.
  • [12]. Jane, C. C. 2011. Performance evaluation of logistics systems under cost and reliability considerations. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 47(2), 130- 137.
  • [13]. Ramanathan, R. 2010. The moderating roles of risk and efficiency on the relationship between logistics performance and customer loyalty in e-commerce. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 46(6), 950- 962.
  • [14]. Ishfaq, R., Sox, C. R. 2010. Intermodal logistics: The interplay of financial, operational and service issues. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 46(6), 926-949.
  • [15]. Rivera, L., Sheffi, Y., Knoppen, D. 2016. Logistics clusters: the impact of further agglomeration, training and firm size on collaboration and value added services. International Journal of Production Economics.
  • [16]. Van Den Heuvel, F., Langen, P., Van Donselaar, K. Fransoo, J. 2012. Proximity matters: synergies through co-location of logistics establishments. Beta Working Paper Series, 380.
  • [17]. Schuldt, A., Werner, S. 2007. Distributed clustering of autonomous shipping containers by concept, location, and time. Multiagent System Technologies. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 121–132.
  • [18]. Jing, N., Cai, W. 2010. Analysis on the spatial distribution of logistics industry in the developed East Coast Area in China. Ann. Reg. Sci. 45 (2), 331–350.
  • [19]. Lam, H.Y., Choy, K.L., Ho, G.T., Cheng, S., Lee, C. 2015. A knowledgebased logistics operations planning system for mitigating risk in warehouse order fulfillment. Int. J. Prod. Econ. 170, 763–779.
  • [20]. Czuchry, A., Yasin, M., Khuzhakhmetov, D. 2009. Enhancing organizational effectiveness through the implementation of supplier parks: the case of the automotive industry. J. Int. Bus. Res. 8 (1), 45–61.
  • [21]. Sako, M. 2003. Governing Supplier Parks: Implications for Firm Boundaries and Clusters. University of Oxford.
  • [22]. Musso, F. 2013. Is industrial districts logistics suitable for industrial parks? Acta Univ. Danub. 9 (4).
  • [23]. Resat, H. G., Turkay, M. 2015. Design and operation of intermodal transportation network in the Marmara region of Turkey. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 83, 16-33.
  • [24]. Pateman, H., Cahoon, S., Chen, S., The role and value of collaboration in the logistics industry: an empirical study in Australia. Asian J. Shipp. Logist. 32 (1), 33–40, 2016.
  • [25]. Sheffi, Y. 2012. Logistics Clusters: Delivering Value and Driving Growth. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
  • [26]. Kam, B.H., Tsahuridu, E.E., Ding, M.J. 2010. Does Human Resource Management Contribute to the Development of Logistics and Supply Chain Capabilities? An Empirical Study of Logistics Service Providers in China, Research and Practice in Human Resource Management, vol. 18, 2, pp. 15–34.
  • [27]. Lannone, F. 2012. The private and social cost efficiency of port hinterland container distribution through a regional logistics system. Transp. Res. Part A 46, 1424–1448.
  • [28]. Reichhart, A., Holweg, M. 2008. Colocated supplier clusters: forms, functions and theoretical perspectives. Int. J. Oper. Prod. Manag. 28 (1), 53–78.
  • [29]. Grando, A., Belvedere, V. 2006. District's manufacturing performances: a comparison among large, small-to-medium-sized and district enterprises. Int. J. Prod. Econ. 104 (1), 85–99.
  • [30]. Soinio, J., Tanskanen, K., Finne, M. 2012. How logistics-service providers can develop value-added services for SMEs: a dyadic perspective. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 23(1), 31-49.
  • [31]. BTS-Bolu Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası, 2015. /tir-karnesi/ (Erişim tarihi 16.07.2016).
  • [32].KGM-Karayolları Genel Müdürlüğü, 2016. nDocuments/KGMdocuments/Istatist ikler/TrafikveUlasimBilgileri/15Trafi kUlas%C4%B1mBilgileri.pdf. (Erişim tarihi 16.07.2016).
  • [33].MARKA-Doğu Marmara Kalkınma Ajansı, 2016. iles/MarkaBolgePlani/DoguMarmara BolgePlani.pdf. (Erişim tarihi 16.07.2016).
  • [34].BTS-Bolu Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası, 2015b. 2015_001_DisTicaretSektorAnalizRap oru_20150112_01.pdf. (Erişim tarihi 16.07.2016).
  • [35]. SPSS, I. 2011. IBM SPSS statistics for Windows, version 20.0. New York: IBM Corp.
  • [36]. Resat, H. G. 2015. Bolu ili geçici depolama tesisi fizibilite ve analiz raporu. Bolu Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası, Bolu.
  • [37]. Cronbach, L. J. 1951. Coefficient alpha and the internal structure of tests.psychometrika, 16(3), 297-334.
  • [38]. Brown, R. F., Schutte, N. S. 2006. Direct and indirect relationships between emotional intelligence and subjective fatigue in university students.Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 60(6), 585-593.
  • [39]. Cheung, G. W., Rensvold, R. B. 2002. Evaluating goodness-of-fit indexes for testing measurement invariance. Structural equation modeling,9(2), 233-255.
  • [40]. Millsap, R. E., Olivera-Aguilar, M. 2012. Investigating measurement invariance using confirmatory factor analysis. Handbook of structural equation modeling, 380-392.
  • [41]. Byrne, B. M., Shavelson, R. J., Muthén, B. 1989. Testing for the equivalence of factor covariance and mean structures: The issue of partial measurement invariance. Psychological bulletin, 105(3), 456.
  • [42]. Steenkamp, J. B. E., Baumgartner, H. 1998. Assessing measurement invariance in cross-national consumer research. Journal of consumer research, 25(1), 78-90.
  • [43]. LIKERT, R., ROSLOW, S., MURPHY, G. 1934. “A Simple and Reliable Method of Scoring the Thurstone Attitude Scales”. The Journal of Social Psychology, USA.
  • [44]. Rigdon, E. E. 1996. CFI versus RMSEA: A comparison of two fit indexes for structural equation modeling. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, pg. 369-379.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA57VH63NS
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

H. Giray Reşat Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 19 Sayı: 57

Kaynak Göster

APA Reşat, H. G. (2017). TEDARİK ZİNCİRİ YÖNETİMİNDE LOJİSTİK KÜMELERİN ÖNEMİ: BOLU İLİ İÇİN UYGULAMA. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 19(57), 968-986.
Chicago Reşat, H. Giray. “TEDARİK ZİNCİRİ YÖNETİMİNDE LOJİSTİK KÜMELERİN ÖNEMİ: BOLU İLİ İÇİN UYGULAMA”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi 19, sy. 57 (Eylül 2017): 968-86.
EndNote Reşat HG (01 Eylül 2017) TEDARİK ZİNCİRİ YÖNETİMİNDE LOJİSTİK KÜMELERİN ÖNEMİ: BOLU İLİ İÇİN UYGULAMA. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi 19 57 968–986.
ISNAD Reşat, H. Giray. “TEDARİK ZİNCİRİ YÖNETİMİNDE LOJİSTİK KÜMELERİN ÖNEMİ: BOLU İLİ İÇİN UYGULAMA”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi 19/57 (Eylül 2017), 968-986.
MLA Reşat, H. Giray. “TEDARİK ZİNCİRİ YÖNETİMİNDE LOJİSTİK KÜMELERİN ÖNEMİ: BOLU İLİ İÇİN UYGULAMA”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi, c. 19, sy. 57, 2017, ss. 968-86.

Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi Dekanlığı Tınaztepe Yerleşkesi, Adatepe Mah. Doğuş Cad. No: 207-I / 35390 Buca-İZMİR.