this study, it was aimed to investigate the potential advantages of the use of
geotextiles as a reinforcing material, and an evaluation of their effects on
mechanical behavior of clayey soils was made, including a comparison of the
experimental results obtained with those from earlier studies concentrated on the
same topic. As a result, a series of unconfined compression tests were
conducted to evaluate certain parameters which possibly influences the behavior
of geotextile reinforced clayey soil. For this aim, parameters including
geotextile type (nonwoven, woven), water content, rate of loading and the
number of geotextile layers were analyzed .
[1] Long, P.V., Bergado, D.T., Abuel-Naga, H.M., 2007. Geosynthetics reinforcement application for tsunami reconstruction: evaluation of interface parameters with silty sand and weathered clay. Geotextiles and Geomembranes 25 (4-5), 311–323.DOI:10.1016/j.geotexmem.2007.02.007.
[2] Ingold, T.S., 1979. Reinforced clay – a preliminary study using the triaxial apparatus Argile Armee – Etude Preliminaire a L’appareil triaxial. Ground Engineering, 59–64.
[4] Lafleur, J., Sall, M., Ducharme, A., 1987. Frictional characteristics of geotextiles with compacted lateritic gravels and clays. Proceedings of Geosynthetics 87 (1), 205–215.
[6] Indraratna, B., Satkunaseelan, K.S., Rasul, M.G., 1991. Laboratory properties of a soft marine clay reinforced with woven and nonwoven geotextiles. Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM 14 (3), 288–295.
[7] Zornberg, J.G., Mitchell, J.K., 1994. Reinforced soil structures with poorly draining backfills, Part I. Geosynthetics International 1 (2), 103–148.
[8] Unnikrishnan, N., Rajagopal, K., Krishnaswamy, N.R., 2002. Behavior of reinforced clay under monotonic and cyclic loading. Geotextiles and Geomembranes 20, 117–133.
[9] Noorzad, R., Mirmoradi S.H., 2010, Laboratory evaluation of the behavior of a geotextile reinforced clay, Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 28,386-392.
[10] Ghazavi, M., Roustaie, M., 2010, The influence of freze thaw cycles on the unconfined compressive strength of the fiber reinforced clay, Cold Regions Science and Technology, 61, 125-131.
[11] Maher MH, Gray DH, 1990. Static response of sand reinforced with randomly distributed fibers. Journal of Geotech Eng ASCE 116(11):1661–1677
[12] Al-Rafeai T.O., 1991. Behavior of granular soils reinforced with discrete randomly oriented inclusions. Geotext Geomembr 10:319–333
[13] Consoli NC, Vendruscolo MA, Fonini A, Dalla Rosa F 2009. Fiber reinforcement effects on sand considering a wide cementation range. Geotext Geomembr 27:196–203
[14] Yetimoglu T, Salbas O 2003. A study on shear strength of sands reinforced with randomly distributed fiber. Geotext Geomembr 21:103–110
[15] Ahmad F, Bateni F, Azmi M 2010. Performance evaluation of silty sand reinforced with fibers. Geotext Geomembr 28:93–99
[16] Maher MH, Ho YC, 1994. Mechanical properties of kaolinite/fiber soil composition. J Geotech Eng ASCE 120(8):1381–1393
[17] Consoli NC, Montardo JP, Prietto PDM, Pasa GS 2002. Engineering behavior of a sand reinforced with plastic waste. J Geotech Geoenviron Eng ASCE 128(6):462–472
[18] Mesbah A, Morel JC, Walker P, Ghavami Kh 2004. Development of a direct tensile test for compacted earth blocks reinforced with natural fibers. J Mater Civil Eng ASCE 16:95–98
[19] Kumar A, Walia BS, Bajaj A 2006. Compressive strength of fiber reinforced highly compressible clay. J Constr Build Mater 20:1063–1068
[20] Tang C, Shi B, Gao W, Chen F, Cai, Y 2007. Strength and mechanical behavior of short polypropylene-fiber reinforced and cement stabilized clayey soil. Geotext Geomembr 25:194–202
[21] Attom MF, Al-Akhras N M, Malkawi AIH 2009. Effect of fibers on the mechanical properties of clayey soil. In: Proceedings of the institute of civil engineers, geotechnical engineering, vol 162(GES), 277–282
[22] ASTM D2166 / D2166M – 13 Standard Test Method for Unconfined Compressive Strength of Cohesive Soil
[23] Tang GX, Graham J. A method for testing tensile strength in unsaturated soils. Geotechnical Testing Journal 2000; 23 (3) : 377 e 81.
[24] R. Noorzad, S.H. Mirmoradi , 2010. Laboratory evaluation of the behavior of a geotextile reinforced clay, Geotextiles and Geomembranes 28 (2010) 386–392.DOI : 10. 1016 / j. geo tex mem. 2009. 12.002
[25] Fabian, K.J., Fourie, A.B., 1986. Performance of geotextile reinforced clay samples in undrained triaxial test. Geotextiles and Geomembranes 4 (1), 53
[26] ASTM D422-63(2007)e2 Standard Test Method for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils
Geotekstil Donatılı Kil Zeminlerin Kayma Dayanımına Etki Eden Faktörler
Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 20 Sayı: 60, 725 - 742, 15.09.2018
çalışmada donatılı zemin olarak geotekstil kullanımının potansiyel
avantajlarının araştırılması amaçlanmış ve kil zeminlerin mekanik davranışına
olan etkileri hesaplanmıştır. Elde edilen deneysel sonuçlar ile aynı konuda
daha önceki çalışmaların karşılaştırması
yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, geotekstille güçlendirilmiş kil zeminin
davranışını etkileyebilecek bazı parametreler tanımlanmış ve bir dizi serbest
basınç deneyi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu amaçla, incelenen parametreler,
geotekstil türü (örgülü, örgüsüz), su içeriği, yükleme hızı ve kullanılan
geotekstil katmanlarının sayısını içermektedir.
[1] Long, P.V., Bergado, D.T., Abuel-Naga, H.M., 2007. Geosynthetics reinforcement application for tsunami reconstruction: evaluation of interface parameters with silty sand and weathered clay. Geotextiles and Geomembranes 25 (4-5), 311–323.DOI:10.1016/j.geotexmem.2007.02.007.
[2] Ingold, T.S., 1979. Reinforced clay – a preliminary study using the triaxial apparatus Argile Armee – Etude Preliminaire a L’appareil triaxial. Ground Engineering, 59–64.
[4] Lafleur, J., Sall, M., Ducharme, A., 1987. Frictional characteristics of geotextiles with compacted lateritic gravels and clays. Proceedings of Geosynthetics 87 (1), 205–215.
[6] Indraratna, B., Satkunaseelan, K.S., Rasul, M.G., 1991. Laboratory properties of a soft marine clay reinforced with woven and nonwoven geotextiles. Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM 14 (3), 288–295.
[7] Zornberg, J.G., Mitchell, J.K., 1994. Reinforced soil structures with poorly draining backfills, Part I. Geosynthetics International 1 (2), 103–148.
[8] Unnikrishnan, N., Rajagopal, K., Krishnaswamy, N.R., 2002. Behavior of reinforced clay under monotonic and cyclic loading. Geotextiles and Geomembranes 20, 117–133.
[9] Noorzad, R., Mirmoradi S.H., 2010, Laboratory evaluation of the behavior of a geotextile reinforced clay, Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 28,386-392.
[10] Ghazavi, M., Roustaie, M., 2010, The influence of freze thaw cycles on the unconfined compressive strength of the fiber reinforced clay, Cold Regions Science and Technology, 61, 125-131.
[11] Maher MH, Gray DH, 1990. Static response of sand reinforced with randomly distributed fibers. Journal of Geotech Eng ASCE 116(11):1661–1677
[12] Al-Rafeai T.O., 1991. Behavior of granular soils reinforced with discrete randomly oriented inclusions. Geotext Geomembr 10:319–333
[13] Consoli NC, Vendruscolo MA, Fonini A, Dalla Rosa F 2009. Fiber reinforcement effects on sand considering a wide cementation range. Geotext Geomembr 27:196–203
[14] Yetimoglu T, Salbas O 2003. A study on shear strength of sands reinforced with randomly distributed fiber. Geotext Geomembr 21:103–110
[15] Ahmad F, Bateni F, Azmi M 2010. Performance evaluation of silty sand reinforced with fibers. Geotext Geomembr 28:93–99
[16] Maher MH, Ho YC, 1994. Mechanical properties of kaolinite/fiber soil composition. J Geotech Eng ASCE 120(8):1381–1393
[17] Consoli NC, Montardo JP, Prietto PDM, Pasa GS 2002. Engineering behavior of a sand reinforced with plastic waste. J Geotech Geoenviron Eng ASCE 128(6):462–472
[18] Mesbah A, Morel JC, Walker P, Ghavami Kh 2004. Development of a direct tensile test for compacted earth blocks reinforced with natural fibers. J Mater Civil Eng ASCE 16:95–98
[19] Kumar A, Walia BS, Bajaj A 2006. Compressive strength of fiber reinforced highly compressible clay. J Constr Build Mater 20:1063–1068
[20] Tang C, Shi B, Gao W, Chen F, Cai, Y 2007. Strength and mechanical behavior of short polypropylene-fiber reinforced and cement stabilized clayey soil. Geotext Geomembr 25:194–202
[21] Attom MF, Al-Akhras N M, Malkawi AIH 2009. Effect of fibers on the mechanical properties of clayey soil. In: Proceedings of the institute of civil engineers, geotechnical engineering, vol 162(GES), 277–282
[22] ASTM D2166 / D2166M – 13 Standard Test Method for Unconfined Compressive Strength of Cohesive Soil
[23] Tang GX, Graham J. A method for testing tensile strength in unsaturated soils. Geotechnical Testing Journal 2000; 23 (3) : 377 e 81.
[24] R. Noorzad, S.H. Mirmoradi , 2010. Laboratory evaluation of the behavior of a geotextile reinforced clay, Geotextiles and Geomembranes 28 (2010) 386–392.DOI : 10. 1016 / j. geo tex mem. 2009. 12.002
[25] Fabian, K.J., Fourie, A.B., 1986. Performance of geotextile reinforced clay samples in undrained triaxial test. Geotextiles and Geomembranes 4 (1), 53
[26] ASTM D422-63(2007)e2 Standard Test Method for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils
Karakan, E. (2018). Factors Effecting the Shear Strength of Geotextile Reinforced Compacted Clays. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 20(60), 725-742.
Karakan E. Factors Effecting the Shear Strength of Geotextile Reinforced Compacted Clays. DEUFMD. Eylül 2018;20(60):725-742.
Karakan, Eyyüb. “Factors Effecting the Shear Strength of Geotextile Reinforced Compacted Clays”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi 20, sy. 60 (Eylül 2018): 725-42.
Karakan E (01 Eylül 2018) Factors Effecting the Shear Strength of Geotextile Reinforced Compacted Clays. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi 20 60 725–742.
E. Karakan, “Factors Effecting the Shear Strength of Geotextile Reinforced Compacted Clays”, DEUFMD, c. 20, sy. 60, ss. 725–742, 2018.
Karakan, Eyyüb. “Factors Effecting the Shear Strength of Geotextile Reinforced Compacted Clays”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi 20/60 (Eylül 2018), 725-742.
Karakan E. Factors Effecting the Shear Strength of Geotextile Reinforced Compacted Clays. DEUFMD. 2018;20:725–742.
Karakan, Eyyüb. “Factors Effecting the Shear Strength of Geotextile Reinforced Compacted Clays”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi, c. 20, sy. 60, 2018, ss. 725-42.
Karakan E. Factors Effecting the Shear Strength of Geotextile Reinforced Compacted Clays. DEUFMD. 2018;20(60):725-42.