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Öncelik Seviyelerine Sahip Çoklu Yetenek Gerektiren İşler için Ekip Oluşturma, Çizelgeleme ve Rotalama

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 20 Sayı: 60, 930 - 945, 15.09.2018


çalışmada, tüm saha hizmet operasyonlarında gözlemlenen, çoklu yetenek
gereksinimi içeren işgücü rotalama ve çizelgeleme problemi ele alınmıştır.
Problem, gerçek hayatta enerji dağıtım şirketlerinin günlük olarak karşılaştığı
bir planlama probleminden yola çıkılarak tanımlanmıştır. Amaç, farklı
konumları, öncelikleri ve yetenek gereksinimleri olan işler için; uygun
teknisyen ekiplerinin ve sıralı iş listelerinin optimal bir şekilde
belirlenmesidir. Öncelikle, problem için iki öncelikli amaç fonksiyonu bulunan
bir matematiksel model geliştirilmiştir. Problem boyutu büyüdükçe modelin kabul
edilebilir sürede ve kalitede çözüm vermemesi nedeniyle,  büyük ölçekli problemler için kısa sürede
kaliteli çözümler üreten, üç aşamalı bir sezgisel yöntem geliştirilmiştir.
Geliştirilen yöntemin etkinliği hem rastgele türetilmiş, hem de gerçekçi veri
kümeleri üzerinde gösterilmiştir.


  • [1] Fikar, C. and Hirsch P., 2016. Home health care routing and scheduling: A review, Computers & Operations Research, 77, 86-95, 2017.
  • [2] Cheng, E. and Rich, J. L., 1998. A home health care routing and scheduling problem, Technical Report 98-04, Computational and Applied Mathematics, Rice University
  • [3] Eveborn, P, Rönnqvist, M, Einarsdottir, H, Eklund, M, Lidén, K, Almroth, M., 2009. Operations Research Improves Quality and Efficiency in Home Care, Interfaces, Vol. 39, No. 1, 18-34, DOI 10.1287/inte.1080.0411
  • [4] Cordeau, J.-F., Laporte, G., Pasin, F., and Ropke, S., 2010. Scheduling Technicians and Tasks in a Telecommunications Company, Journal of Scheduling, 13, 393–409. 18
  • [5] Misir, M., Smet, P., Verbeeck, K., and Vanden Berghe, G. 2011. Security personnel routing and rostering: a hyper-heuristic approach. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Applied Operational Research, ICAOR2011, Istanbul, Turkey, pages 193–205
  • [6] Allaoua, H., Borne, S., L´etocart, L., and Calvo, R. W., 2013. A matheuristic approach for solving a home health care problem, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 41 (0):471 – 478, 2013
  • [7] Kovacs, A., Parragh, A. A., Doerner, K. F., Hartl, R. F., 2012. Adaptive large neighborhood search for service technician routing and scheduling problems, Journal of Scheduling, 15(5) 579-600.
  • [8] Trautsamwieser, A., & Hirsch, P., 2014. A branch-price-and-cut approach for solving the medium-term home health care planning problem, Networks 64(3), 143-159
  • [9] Zamorano, E., & Stolletz, R., 2016. Branch-and-price approaches for the Multiperiod Technician Routing and Scheduling Problem, European Journal of Operational Research, 257(1), 55–68
  • [10] Fırat, M. and Hurkens, C. A. J., 2012. An improved MIP-based approach for a multi-skill workforce scheduling problem, Journal of Scheduling, vol. 15, pp. 363-380
  • [11] Rasmussen, M. S., Justesen, T., Dohn, A., & Larsen, J. (2012). The home care crew scheduling problem: Preference-based visit clustering and temporal dependencies. European Journal of Operational Research, 219(3), 598–610
  • [12] Hiermann, G., Puchinger, J., Ropke, S., and Hartl, R. F., 2015. The Electric Fleet Size and Mix Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Recharging Stations, Transportation Science. In press.
  • [13] Misir, M., Smet, P., & Vanden Berghe, G., 2015. An analysis of generalised heuristics for vehicle routing and personnel rostering problems. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 66(5), 858–870.
  • [14] Fosgerau, M., Engelson, L., 2011. The value of travel time variance. Transportation Research Part B 45, 1–8.
  • [15] Bostel, N., Dejax, P., Guez, P., & Tricoire, F., 2008. Multiperiod planning and routing on a rolling horizon for field force optimization logistics. In Bruce Golden, S. Raghavan, & Edward Wasil (Eds.). The vehicle routing problem: Latest advances and new challenges (43, pp. 503–525).
  • [16] Barrera, D., Velasco, N., & Amaya, C.-A., 2012. A network-based approach to the multi-activity combined timetabling and crew scheduling problem: Workforce scheduling for public health policy implementation. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 63(4), 802–812.
  • [17] Goel, A., Meisel, F., 2013. Workforce routing and scheduling for electricity network maintenance with downtime minimization. European Journal of Operational Research 231 (1), 210–228
  • [18] Francis, P.M., Smilowitz, K.R., Tzur, M., 2008. The period vehicle routing problem and its extensions. In: Golden BL, Raghavan S, Wasil E, editors. The vehicle routing problem: latest advances and new challenges.
  • [19] Blakeley, F., Bozkaya, B., Cao, B., Hall, W., Knolmajer, J., 2003. Optimizing periodic maintenance operations for Schindler Elevator Corporation. Interfaces 33 (1), 67–79
  • [20] Tang, H., Millerhooks, E. and Tomastik, R., 2007. Scheduling technicians for planned maintenance of geographically distributed equipment. Transportation Research Part E – Logistics and Transportation Review 43 (2007) 591–609
  • [21] Shao, Y., Jonathan, F. B. and Jarrah, A. I., 2012. The therapist routing and scheduling problem, IIE Trans. Oper. Eng. Anal. 44 (10) (2012) 868–893
  • [22] Bard, J. F., Shao, Y. and Jarrah, A. I., 2014. A sequential GRASP for the therapist routing and scheduling problem, J. Sched. 17 (2) (2014) 109–133.
  • [23] Hindle, T., Hindle, A., Spollent, M., 2000. Resource allocation modelling for homebased health and social care services in areas having differential population density levels: a case study in Northern Ireland. Health Services Management Research 13, 164–169
  • [24] Rest K. D., Hirsch P., 2015. Daily scheduling of home health care services using time-dependent public transport, Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal.
  • [25] Lanzarone, E., Matta, A., 2014. Robust nurse-to-patient assignment in home care services to minimize overtimes under continuity of care, Oper. Res. Health Care 3 (2), 48–58.
  • [26] Yuan, B., Liu, R., & Jiang, Z., 2015. A branch-and-price algorithm for the home health care scheduling and routing problem with stochastic service times and skill requirements, International Journal of Production Research, 53(24), 7450–7464
  • [27] Dutot, P., Laugier, A. & Bustos, A., 2006. Technicians and Interventions Scheduling for Telecommunications. Technical report, France Telecom R&D. 18

Forming, Scheduling and Routing Field Service Teams for Multi-Skill Prioritized Tasks

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 20 Sayı: 60, 930 - 945, 15.09.2018


this research, we study the multi-skill workforce scheduling and routing
problem that arises in all field service operations. The problem originates
from a daily planning problem faced by the electricity distribution companies.
Given a set of geographically dispersed tasks with different priorities and
skill requirements, and a set of technicians with different skills; the
objective is to form teams of technicians while assigning a sequence of tasks
to each team in an optimal manner. 
First, we develop a mathematical model that has two prioritized
objective functions for the problem. Since the solution time and quality of the
model degrades quickly as the problem size increases, we devise a three-phased
heuristic that generates good solutions efficiently for large-scale problems.
We demonstrate the performance of the heuristic through randomly generated and
realistic problem instances.


  • [1] Fikar, C. and Hirsch P., 2016. Home health care routing and scheduling: A review, Computers & Operations Research, 77, 86-95, 2017.
  • [2] Cheng, E. and Rich, J. L., 1998. A home health care routing and scheduling problem, Technical Report 98-04, Computational and Applied Mathematics, Rice University
  • [3] Eveborn, P, Rönnqvist, M, Einarsdottir, H, Eklund, M, Lidén, K, Almroth, M., 2009. Operations Research Improves Quality and Efficiency in Home Care, Interfaces, Vol. 39, No. 1, 18-34, DOI 10.1287/inte.1080.0411
  • [4] Cordeau, J.-F., Laporte, G., Pasin, F., and Ropke, S., 2010. Scheduling Technicians and Tasks in a Telecommunications Company, Journal of Scheduling, 13, 393–409. 18
  • [5] Misir, M., Smet, P., Verbeeck, K., and Vanden Berghe, G. 2011. Security personnel routing and rostering: a hyper-heuristic approach. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Applied Operational Research, ICAOR2011, Istanbul, Turkey, pages 193–205
  • [6] Allaoua, H., Borne, S., L´etocart, L., and Calvo, R. W., 2013. A matheuristic approach for solving a home health care problem, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 41 (0):471 – 478, 2013
  • [7] Kovacs, A., Parragh, A. A., Doerner, K. F., Hartl, R. F., 2012. Adaptive large neighborhood search for service technician routing and scheduling problems, Journal of Scheduling, 15(5) 579-600.
  • [8] Trautsamwieser, A., & Hirsch, P., 2014. A branch-price-and-cut approach for solving the medium-term home health care planning problem, Networks 64(3), 143-159
  • [9] Zamorano, E., & Stolletz, R., 2016. Branch-and-price approaches for the Multiperiod Technician Routing and Scheduling Problem, European Journal of Operational Research, 257(1), 55–68
  • [10] Fırat, M. and Hurkens, C. A. J., 2012. An improved MIP-based approach for a multi-skill workforce scheduling problem, Journal of Scheduling, vol. 15, pp. 363-380
  • [11] Rasmussen, M. S., Justesen, T., Dohn, A., & Larsen, J. (2012). The home care crew scheduling problem: Preference-based visit clustering and temporal dependencies. European Journal of Operational Research, 219(3), 598–610
  • [12] Hiermann, G., Puchinger, J., Ropke, S., and Hartl, R. F., 2015. The Electric Fleet Size and Mix Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Recharging Stations, Transportation Science. In press.
  • [13] Misir, M., Smet, P., & Vanden Berghe, G., 2015. An analysis of generalised heuristics for vehicle routing and personnel rostering problems. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 66(5), 858–870.
  • [14] Fosgerau, M., Engelson, L., 2011. The value of travel time variance. Transportation Research Part B 45, 1–8.
  • [15] Bostel, N., Dejax, P., Guez, P., & Tricoire, F., 2008. Multiperiod planning and routing on a rolling horizon for field force optimization logistics. In Bruce Golden, S. Raghavan, & Edward Wasil (Eds.). The vehicle routing problem: Latest advances and new challenges (43, pp. 503–525).
  • [16] Barrera, D., Velasco, N., & Amaya, C.-A., 2012. A network-based approach to the multi-activity combined timetabling and crew scheduling problem: Workforce scheduling for public health policy implementation. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 63(4), 802–812.
  • [17] Goel, A., Meisel, F., 2013. Workforce routing and scheduling for electricity network maintenance with downtime minimization. European Journal of Operational Research 231 (1), 210–228
  • [18] Francis, P.M., Smilowitz, K.R., Tzur, M., 2008. The period vehicle routing problem and its extensions. In: Golden BL, Raghavan S, Wasil E, editors. The vehicle routing problem: latest advances and new challenges.
  • [19] Blakeley, F., Bozkaya, B., Cao, B., Hall, W., Knolmajer, J., 2003. Optimizing periodic maintenance operations for Schindler Elevator Corporation. Interfaces 33 (1), 67–79
  • [20] Tang, H., Millerhooks, E. and Tomastik, R., 2007. Scheduling technicians for planned maintenance of geographically distributed equipment. Transportation Research Part E – Logistics and Transportation Review 43 (2007) 591–609
  • [21] Shao, Y., Jonathan, F. B. and Jarrah, A. I., 2012. The therapist routing and scheduling problem, IIE Trans. Oper. Eng. Anal. 44 (10) (2012) 868–893
  • [22] Bard, J. F., Shao, Y. and Jarrah, A. I., 2014. A sequential GRASP for the therapist routing and scheduling problem, J. Sched. 17 (2) (2014) 109–133.
  • [23] Hindle, T., Hindle, A., Spollent, M., 2000. Resource allocation modelling for homebased health and social care services in areas having differential population density levels: a case study in Northern Ireland. Health Services Management Research 13, 164–169
  • [24] Rest K. D., Hirsch P., 2015. Daily scheduling of home health care services using time-dependent public transport, Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal.
  • [25] Lanzarone, E., Matta, A., 2014. Robust nurse-to-patient assignment in home care services to minimize overtimes under continuity of care, Oper. Res. Health Care 3 (2), 48–58.
  • [26] Yuan, B., Liu, R., & Jiang, Z., 2015. A branch-and-price algorithm for the home health care scheduling and routing problem with stochastic service times and skill requirements, International Journal of Production Research, 53(24), 7450–7464
  • [27] Dutot, P., Laugier, A. & Bustos, A., 2006. Technicians and Interventions Scheduling for Telecommunications. Technical report, France Telecom R&D. 18
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Gözde Kutayer Bilgin Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-2532-7136

Eda Yücel 0000-0002-3448-1522

Gültekin Kuyzu 0000-0002-1997-306X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Eylül 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 20 Sayı: 60

Kaynak Göster

APA Kutayer Bilgin, G., Yücel, E., & Kuyzu, G. (2018). Öncelik Seviyelerine Sahip Çoklu Yetenek Gerektiren İşler için Ekip Oluşturma, Çizelgeleme ve Rotalama. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 20(60), 930-945.
AMA Kutayer Bilgin G, Yücel E, Kuyzu G. Öncelik Seviyelerine Sahip Çoklu Yetenek Gerektiren İşler için Ekip Oluşturma, Çizelgeleme ve Rotalama. DEUFMD. Eylül 2018;20(60):930-945.
Chicago Kutayer Bilgin, Gözde, Eda Yücel, ve Gültekin Kuyzu. “Öncelik Seviyelerine Sahip Çoklu Yetenek Gerektiren İşler için Ekip Oluşturma, Çizelgeleme Ve Rotalama”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi 20, sy. 60 (Eylül 2018): 930-45.
EndNote Kutayer Bilgin G, Yücel E, Kuyzu G (01 Eylül 2018) Öncelik Seviyelerine Sahip Çoklu Yetenek Gerektiren İşler için Ekip Oluşturma, Çizelgeleme ve Rotalama. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi 20 60 930–945.
IEEE G. Kutayer Bilgin, E. Yücel, ve G. Kuyzu, “Öncelik Seviyelerine Sahip Çoklu Yetenek Gerektiren İşler için Ekip Oluşturma, Çizelgeleme ve Rotalama”, DEUFMD, c. 20, sy. 60, ss. 930–945, 2018.
ISNAD Kutayer Bilgin, Gözde vd. “Öncelik Seviyelerine Sahip Çoklu Yetenek Gerektiren İşler için Ekip Oluşturma, Çizelgeleme Ve Rotalama”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi 20/60 (Eylül 2018), 930-945.
JAMA Kutayer Bilgin G, Yücel E, Kuyzu G. Öncelik Seviyelerine Sahip Çoklu Yetenek Gerektiren İşler için Ekip Oluşturma, Çizelgeleme ve Rotalama. DEUFMD. 2018;20:930–945.
MLA Kutayer Bilgin, Gözde vd. “Öncelik Seviyelerine Sahip Çoklu Yetenek Gerektiren İşler için Ekip Oluşturma, Çizelgeleme Ve Rotalama”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi, c. 20, sy. 60, 2018, ss. 930-45.
Vancouver Kutayer Bilgin G, Yücel E, Kuyzu G. Öncelik Seviyelerine Sahip Çoklu Yetenek Gerektiren İşler için Ekip Oluşturma, Çizelgeleme ve Rotalama. DEUFMD. 2018;20(60):930-45.

Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi Dekanlığı Tınaztepe Yerleşkesi, Adatepe Mah. Doğuş Cad. No: 207-I / 35390 Buca-İZMİR.