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Yıl 2023, , 1162 - 1181, 15.09.2023


İşletmelerin etkinliğini artırarak daha iyi bir işleyişe sahip olmaları için liderlik yaklaşımlarını yerinde ve hedefe yönelik kullanmaları önem taşımaktadır. Bu araştırma, kapsayıcı liderliğin çalışanların proaktif davranışlarına ve psikolojik açıdan güvenli hissetmelerine olan etkisine odaklanmaktadır. Bu maksatla kapsayıcı lider, proaktif davranış ve psikolojik güvenlik değişkenlerini içeren bir model önerilmiştir. Bu modelin test edilmesi için de İstanbul ve Ankara illerinde çeşitli sektörlerde faaliyet gösteren çalışanlardan anket aracılığıyla veriler toplanmıştır (N=381). Elde edilen veriler, SPSS- 27 ve AMOS-22 yazılımları kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Analizler sonucunda, kapsayıcı liderliğin hem proaktif davranışlar hem de psikolojik güvelik üzerinde ayrı ayrı anlamlı ve pozitif yönlü bir etkisinin olduğu ortaya konulmuştur. Ayrıca literatürde daha önce ele alınmamış olan, psikolojik güvenliğin, kapsayıcı liderliğin proaktif davranışlara etkisindeki aracı rolü de test edilmiş olup, aracı (mediate) rolün olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Böylece önerilen model literatürde özgün bir konuma gelmektedir. Analizler sonucunda elde edilen bulgular, kapsayıcı liderliğin başta proaktif davranışlar olmak üzere etkilediği örgütsel davranış başlıklarını zenginleştirmektedir. Ayrıca bu bulguların hem akademik literatüre hem de işletme yöneticilerine uygulamalar esnasında katkı sağlayacağı değerlendirilmektedir.


  • Ashikali, T., Groeneveld, S. & Kuipers, B. (2021). The role of inclusive leadership in supporting an inclusive climate in diverse public sector teams. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 41 (3), 497-519.
  • Avery, D. R., McKay, P. F., Wilson, D. C. & Volpone, S. (2008, August). Attenuating the effect of seniority on intent to remain: The role of perceived inclusiveness. In meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA.
  • Ayça, B. (2023). Association between Authentic Leadership and Job Performance—The Moderating Roles of Trust in the Supervisor and Trust in the Organization: The Example of Türkiye. Sustainability, 15 (8), 6539.
  • Brislin, R. W., Lonner, W. J. & Thorndike, R. M. (1973). Cross-Cultural Research Methods, New York, John Wiley - SonsPub.
  • Burke, C. S., Sims, D. E., Lazzara, E. H. & Salas, E. (2007). Trust in leadership: A multi-level review and integration. Leadership Quarterly, 18, 606–632.
  • Carmeli, A. & Gittell, J. H. (2009). High-quality relationships, psychological safety, and learning from failures in work organizations. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 30, 709–729.
  • Carmeli, A., Brueller, D. & Dutton, J. E. (2009). Learning behaviors in the workplace: The role of high-quality interpersonal relationships and psychological safety. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 26, 81–98.
  • Carmeli, A., Reiter-Palmon, R. & Ziv, E. (2010). Inclusive leadership and employee involvement in creative tasks in the workplace: The mediating role of psychological safety. Creativity Research Journal, 22 (3), 250-260.
  • Chang, P. C., Ma, G. & Lin, Y. Y. (2022). Inclusive Leadership and Employee Proactive Behavior: A Cross-Level Moderated Mediation Model. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 1797-1808.
  • Choi, S. B., Tran, T. B. H. & Kang, S. W. (2017). Inclusive leadership and employee well-being: The mediating role of person-job fit. Journal of Happiness Studies, 18, 1877-1901.
  • Crant, J. M. (2000). Proactive behavior in organizations. Journal of management, 26 (3), 435-462.
  • Duan, J. Y. (2011). The research of employee voice in Chinese context: Construct, Formation Mechanism and Effect. Advances in Psychological Science, 19, 185–192.
  • Edmondson, A. (1999). Psychological Safety and Learning Behavior in Work Teams. Administrative Science Quarterly, 44 (2), 350–383.
  • Edmondson, A. C. (2004). Psychological safety, trust, and learning in organizations: A group-level lens. In R. M. Kramer & K. S. Cook (Eds.), Trust and distrust in organizations: Dilemmas and approaches (pp. 239–272). New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
  • Edmondson, A. C. & Lei, Z. (2014). Psychological safety: The history, renaissance, and future of an interpersonal construct. Annu. Rev. Organ. Psychol. Organ. Behav., 1 (1), 23-43.
  • Elsaied, M. M. (2019). Supportive leadership, proactive personality and employee voice behavior: The mediating role of psychological safety. American Journal of Business, 34 (1), 2-18.
  • Fang, Y. C., Chen, J. Y., Wang, M. J. & Chen, C. Y. (2019). The impact of inclusive leadership on employees’ innovative behaviors: the mediation of psychological capital. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 1803.
  • Fornell, C. & Larcker, D. F. (1981). Structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error: Algebra and statistics.
  • Frazier, M. L., Fainshmidt, S., Klinger, R. L., Pezeshkan, A. & Vracheva, V. (2016). Psychological safety: a meta-analytic review and extension. Personal Psychology, 70, 113–165.
  • Griffin, M. A., Neal, A. & Parker, S. K. (2007). A new model of work role performance: Positive be¬havior in uncertain and interdependent contexts. Academy of Management Journal, 50, 327–347.
  • Guo, Y., Zhu, Y. & Zhang, L. (2020). Inclusive leadership, leader identification and employee voice behavior: The moderating role of power distance. Current Psychology, 1-10.
  • Hair, J. F., Anderson, R. E., Tatham, R. L. & Black, W. C. (2009) Multivariate Data Analysis. Prentice Hall.
  • Hayes, A. F. (2018). Introduction to mediation, moderation, and conditional process analysis: A regression-based approach- 2nd Edition. New York: The Guilford Press.
  • He, B., He, Q. & Sarfraz, M. (2021). Inclusive leadership and subordinates’ pro-social rule breaking in the workplace: mediating role of self-efficacy and moderating role of employee relations climate. Psychology research and behavior management, 1691-1706.
  • Jafri, M. H., Dem, C. & Choden, S. (2016). Emotional intelligence and employee creativity: Moderating role of proactive personality and organizational climate. Business Perspectives and Research, 4 (1), 54-66.
  • Jiang, W. & Gu, Q. (2016). How abusive supervision and abusive supervisory climate influence salesperson creativity and sales team effectiveness in China. Management Decision, 54, 455–475.
  • Kahn, W. A. (1990). Psychological conditions of personal engagement and disengagement at work. Academy of management journal, 33 (4), 692-724.
  • Kim, J. E. (2021). Paradoxical leadership and proactive work behavior: The role of psychological safety in the hotel industry. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8 (5), 167-178.
  • Kolbe, M., Eppich, W., Rudolph, J., Meguerdichian, M., Catena, H., Cripps, A., ... & Cheng, A. (2020). Managing psychological safety in debriefings: a dynamic balancing act. BMJ simulation & technology enhanced learning, 6 (3), 164.
  • Kuknor, S. C. & Bhattacharya, S. (2022). Inclusive leadership: new age leadership to foster organizational inclusion. European Journal of Training and Development, 46 (9), 771-797.
  • Liang, J., Farh, C. I. C. & Farh, J. L. (2012). Psychological antecedents of promotive and prohibitive voice: A two-wave examination. Academy of Management Journal, 55, 71–92.
  • Meyers, M. C. (2020). The neglected role of talent proactivity: Integrating proactive behavior into talent-management theorizing. Human Resource Management Review, 30 (2), 100703.
  • Minehart, R. D., Foldy, E. G., Long, J. A. & Weller, J. M. (2020). Challenging gender stereotypes and advancing inclusive leadership in the operating theatre. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 124 (3), 148-154.
  • Morrison, E. W. & Phelps, C. C. (1999). Taking charge at work: Extrarole efforts to initiate workplace change. The Academy of Management Journal, 42 (4), 403–419.
  • Nembhard, I. M. & Edmondson, A. C. (2006). Making it safe: The effects of leader inclusiveness and professional status on psychological safety and improvement efforts in health care teams. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 27, 941–966.
  • Newman, A., Donohue, R. & Eva, N. (2017). Psychological safety: A systematic review of the literature. Human resource management review, 27 (3), 521-535.
  • Nishii, L. H. & Mayer, D. M. (2009). Do inclusive leaders help to reduce turnover in diverse groups? The moderating role of leader–member exchange in the diversity to turnover relationship. Journal of applied psychology, 94 (6), 1412-1426.
  • Parker, S. K. & Collins, C. G. (2010). Taking stock: Integrating and differentiating multiple proactive behaviors. Journal of Management, 36 (3), 633–662.
  • Parker, S. K., Williams, H. M. & Turner, N. (2006). Modeling the antecedents of proactive behavior at work. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91 (3), 636–652.
  • Randel, A. E., Galvin, B. M., Shore, L. M., Ehrhart, K. H., Chung, B. G., Dean, M. A. & Kedharnath, U. (2018). Inclusive leadership: Realizing positive outcomes through belongingness and being valued for uniqueness. Human Resource Management Review, 28 (2), 190–203.
  • Roussin, C. J., MacLean, T. L. & Rudolph, J. W. (2016). The safety in unsafe teams: a multilevel approach to team psychological safety. Journal of management, 42 (6), 1409-1433.
  • Shore, L. M. & Chung, B. G. (2022). Inclusive leadership: How leaders sustain or discourage work group inclusion. Group & Organization Management, 47 (4), 723-754.
  • Sürücü, L. (2021). Lider Üye Etkileşimi: Literatür Taraması. Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, 17 (1), 257-277.
  • Sürücü, L. & Maslakçı, A. (2020). Validity and reliability in quantitative research. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 8 (3), 2694-2726.
  • Sürücü, L. & Maslakçı, A. (2021). Kapsayıcı Liderlik Ölçeğinin Türkçeye Uyarlanması: Geçerlik Ve Güvenirlik Çalışması. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 22 (2), 201-215.
  • Sürücü, L., Şeşen, H. & Maslakçı, A. (2023). Regression, Mediation/ Moderation, and Structural Equation Modeling with SPSS, AMOS, and PROCESS Macro, Livre de Lyon, France
  • Sürücü, L., Yıkılmaz, İ. & Maslakçı, A. (2022). Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) in Quantitative Researches and Practical Considerations (No. fgd4e). Center for Open Science.
  • Şimşek, Ö. F. (2007). Yapısal eşitlik modellemesine giriş, temel ilkeler ve LİSREL uygulamaları. Ankara: Ekinoks. Tabachnick, B. G. & Fidell, L. S. (2013). Using multivariate statistics (6th ed.), Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
  • Wang, Q., Wang, J., Zhou, X., Li, F. & Wang, M. (2020). How inclusive leadership enhances follower taking charge: the mediating role of affective commitment and the moderating role of traditionality. Psychology research and behavior management, 1103-1114.
  • Wasserman, I.C., Gallegos, P.V. & Ferdman, B.M. (2008), “Dancing with resistance”, Diversity Resistance in Organizations, pp. 175-200.
  • Wu, X., Lyu, Y., Kwan, H. K. & Zhai, H. (2019). The impact of mentoring quality on protégés' organization‐based self‐esteem and proactive behavior: The moderating role of traditionality. Human Resource Management, 58 (4), 417-430.
  • Yener, S. (2015). Psikolojik rahatlık ölçeğinin türkçe formunun geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Ordu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5(13), 280-305.
  • Zeng, H., Zhao, L. & Zhao, Y. (2020). Inclusive leadership and taking-charge behavior: roles of psychological safety and thriving at work. Frontiers in psychology, 11, 62.


Yıl 2023, , 1162 - 1181, 15.09.2023


It is important for organizations to use leadership approaches appropriately and target-oriented so that they can operate more efficiently by increasing their effectiveness. This research focuses on impact of inclusive leadership on employees' proactive behavior and feeling psychologically safety. For this purpose, a model including inclusive leader, proactive behavior and psychological safety variables has been proposed. In order to test this research model, data were collected from employees working in various sectors in the provinces of Istanbul and Ankara through questionnaires (N=381). The obtained data were analyzed using SPSS-27 and AMOS-22 software. As a result of the analyzes, it has been revealed that inclusive leadership has a significant and positive effect on both proactive behaviors and psychological safety. In addition, the mediating role of psychological safety in the effect of inclusive leadership on employees’proactive behaviors, which has not been discussed in the literature before, has also been tested and it has been observed that there is a mediate role. Thus, the proposed model has a unique position in the literature.The findings obtained as a result of the analyzes enrich the organizational behavior titles that inclusive leadership affects, especially proactive behaviors. In addition, it is considered that these findings will contribute to both the academic literature and business managers during the work process.


  • Ashikali, T., Groeneveld, S. & Kuipers, B. (2021). The role of inclusive leadership in supporting an inclusive climate in diverse public sector teams. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 41 (3), 497-519.
  • Avery, D. R., McKay, P. F., Wilson, D. C. & Volpone, S. (2008, August). Attenuating the effect of seniority on intent to remain: The role of perceived inclusiveness. In meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA.
  • Ayça, B. (2023). Association between Authentic Leadership and Job Performance—The Moderating Roles of Trust in the Supervisor and Trust in the Organization: The Example of Türkiye. Sustainability, 15 (8), 6539.
  • Brislin, R. W., Lonner, W. J. & Thorndike, R. M. (1973). Cross-Cultural Research Methods, New York, John Wiley - SonsPub.
  • Burke, C. S., Sims, D. E., Lazzara, E. H. & Salas, E. (2007). Trust in leadership: A multi-level review and integration. Leadership Quarterly, 18, 606–632.
  • Carmeli, A. & Gittell, J. H. (2009). High-quality relationships, psychological safety, and learning from failures in work organizations. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 30, 709–729.
  • Carmeli, A., Brueller, D. & Dutton, J. E. (2009). Learning behaviors in the workplace: The role of high-quality interpersonal relationships and psychological safety. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 26, 81–98.
  • Carmeli, A., Reiter-Palmon, R. & Ziv, E. (2010). Inclusive leadership and employee involvement in creative tasks in the workplace: The mediating role of psychological safety. Creativity Research Journal, 22 (3), 250-260.
  • Chang, P. C., Ma, G. & Lin, Y. Y. (2022). Inclusive Leadership and Employee Proactive Behavior: A Cross-Level Moderated Mediation Model. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 1797-1808.
  • Choi, S. B., Tran, T. B. H. & Kang, S. W. (2017). Inclusive leadership and employee well-being: The mediating role of person-job fit. Journal of Happiness Studies, 18, 1877-1901.
  • Crant, J. M. (2000). Proactive behavior in organizations. Journal of management, 26 (3), 435-462.
  • Duan, J. Y. (2011). The research of employee voice in Chinese context: Construct, Formation Mechanism and Effect. Advances in Psychological Science, 19, 185–192.
  • Edmondson, A. (1999). Psychological Safety and Learning Behavior in Work Teams. Administrative Science Quarterly, 44 (2), 350–383.
  • Edmondson, A. C. (2004). Psychological safety, trust, and learning in organizations: A group-level lens. In R. M. Kramer & K. S. Cook (Eds.), Trust and distrust in organizations: Dilemmas and approaches (pp. 239–272). New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
  • Edmondson, A. C. & Lei, Z. (2014). Psychological safety: The history, renaissance, and future of an interpersonal construct. Annu. Rev. Organ. Psychol. Organ. Behav., 1 (1), 23-43.
  • Elsaied, M. M. (2019). Supportive leadership, proactive personality and employee voice behavior: The mediating role of psychological safety. American Journal of Business, 34 (1), 2-18.
  • Fang, Y. C., Chen, J. Y., Wang, M. J. & Chen, C. Y. (2019). The impact of inclusive leadership on employees’ innovative behaviors: the mediation of psychological capital. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 1803.
  • Fornell, C. & Larcker, D. F. (1981). Structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error: Algebra and statistics.
  • Frazier, M. L., Fainshmidt, S., Klinger, R. L., Pezeshkan, A. & Vracheva, V. (2016). Psychological safety: a meta-analytic review and extension. Personal Psychology, 70, 113–165.
  • Griffin, M. A., Neal, A. & Parker, S. K. (2007). A new model of work role performance: Positive be¬havior in uncertain and interdependent contexts. Academy of Management Journal, 50, 327–347.
  • Guo, Y., Zhu, Y. & Zhang, L. (2020). Inclusive leadership, leader identification and employee voice behavior: The moderating role of power distance. Current Psychology, 1-10.
  • Hair, J. F., Anderson, R. E., Tatham, R. L. & Black, W. C. (2009) Multivariate Data Analysis. Prentice Hall.
  • Hayes, A. F. (2018). Introduction to mediation, moderation, and conditional process analysis: A regression-based approach- 2nd Edition. New York: The Guilford Press.
  • He, B., He, Q. & Sarfraz, M. (2021). Inclusive leadership and subordinates’ pro-social rule breaking in the workplace: mediating role of self-efficacy and moderating role of employee relations climate. Psychology research and behavior management, 1691-1706.
  • Jafri, M. H., Dem, C. & Choden, S. (2016). Emotional intelligence and employee creativity: Moderating role of proactive personality and organizational climate. Business Perspectives and Research, 4 (1), 54-66.
  • Jiang, W. & Gu, Q. (2016). How abusive supervision and abusive supervisory climate influence salesperson creativity and sales team effectiveness in China. Management Decision, 54, 455–475.
  • Kahn, W. A. (1990). Psychological conditions of personal engagement and disengagement at work. Academy of management journal, 33 (4), 692-724.
  • Kim, J. E. (2021). Paradoxical leadership and proactive work behavior: The role of psychological safety in the hotel industry. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8 (5), 167-178.
  • Kolbe, M., Eppich, W., Rudolph, J., Meguerdichian, M., Catena, H., Cripps, A., ... & Cheng, A. (2020). Managing psychological safety in debriefings: a dynamic balancing act. BMJ simulation & technology enhanced learning, 6 (3), 164.
  • Kuknor, S. C. & Bhattacharya, S. (2022). Inclusive leadership: new age leadership to foster organizational inclusion. European Journal of Training and Development, 46 (9), 771-797.
  • Liang, J., Farh, C. I. C. & Farh, J. L. (2012). Psychological antecedents of promotive and prohibitive voice: A two-wave examination. Academy of Management Journal, 55, 71–92.
  • Meyers, M. C. (2020). The neglected role of talent proactivity: Integrating proactive behavior into talent-management theorizing. Human Resource Management Review, 30 (2), 100703.
  • Minehart, R. D., Foldy, E. G., Long, J. A. & Weller, J. M. (2020). Challenging gender stereotypes and advancing inclusive leadership in the operating theatre. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 124 (3), 148-154.
  • Morrison, E. W. & Phelps, C. C. (1999). Taking charge at work: Extrarole efforts to initiate workplace change. The Academy of Management Journal, 42 (4), 403–419.
  • Nembhard, I. M. & Edmondson, A. C. (2006). Making it safe: The effects of leader inclusiveness and professional status on psychological safety and improvement efforts in health care teams. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 27, 941–966.
  • Newman, A., Donohue, R. & Eva, N. (2017). Psychological safety: A systematic review of the literature. Human resource management review, 27 (3), 521-535.
  • Nishii, L. H. & Mayer, D. M. (2009). Do inclusive leaders help to reduce turnover in diverse groups? The moderating role of leader–member exchange in the diversity to turnover relationship. Journal of applied psychology, 94 (6), 1412-1426.
  • Parker, S. K. & Collins, C. G. (2010). Taking stock: Integrating and differentiating multiple proactive behaviors. Journal of Management, 36 (3), 633–662.
  • Parker, S. K., Williams, H. M. & Turner, N. (2006). Modeling the antecedents of proactive behavior at work. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91 (3), 636–652.
  • Randel, A. E., Galvin, B. M., Shore, L. M., Ehrhart, K. H., Chung, B. G., Dean, M. A. & Kedharnath, U. (2018). Inclusive leadership: Realizing positive outcomes through belongingness and being valued for uniqueness. Human Resource Management Review, 28 (2), 190–203.
  • Roussin, C. J., MacLean, T. L. & Rudolph, J. W. (2016). The safety in unsafe teams: a multilevel approach to team psychological safety. Journal of management, 42 (6), 1409-1433.
  • Shore, L. M. & Chung, B. G. (2022). Inclusive leadership: How leaders sustain or discourage work group inclusion. Group & Organization Management, 47 (4), 723-754.
  • Sürücü, L. (2021). Lider Üye Etkileşimi: Literatür Taraması. Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, 17 (1), 257-277.
  • Sürücü, L. & Maslakçı, A. (2020). Validity and reliability in quantitative research. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 8 (3), 2694-2726.
  • Sürücü, L. & Maslakçı, A. (2021). Kapsayıcı Liderlik Ölçeğinin Türkçeye Uyarlanması: Geçerlik Ve Güvenirlik Çalışması. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 22 (2), 201-215.
  • Sürücü, L., Şeşen, H. & Maslakçı, A. (2023). Regression, Mediation/ Moderation, and Structural Equation Modeling with SPSS, AMOS, and PROCESS Macro, Livre de Lyon, France
  • Sürücü, L., Yıkılmaz, İ. & Maslakçı, A. (2022). Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) in Quantitative Researches and Practical Considerations (No. fgd4e). Center for Open Science.
  • Şimşek, Ö. F. (2007). Yapısal eşitlik modellemesine giriş, temel ilkeler ve LİSREL uygulamaları. Ankara: Ekinoks. Tabachnick, B. G. & Fidell, L. S. (2013). Using multivariate statistics (6th ed.), Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
  • Wang, Q., Wang, J., Zhou, X., Li, F. & Wang, M. (2020). How inclusive leadership enhances follower taking charge: the mediating role of affective commitment and the moderating role of traditionality. Psychology research and behavior management, 1103-1114.
  • Wasserman, I.C., Gallegos, P.V. & Ferdman, B.M. (2008), “Dancing with resistance”, Diversity Resistance in Organizations, pp. 175-200.
  • Wu, X., Lyu, Y., Kwan, H. K. & Zhai, H. (2019). The impact of mentoring quality on protégés' organization‐based self‐esteem and proactive behavior: The moderating role of traditionality. Human Resource Management, 58 (4), 417-430.
  • Yener, S. (2015). Psikolojik rahatlık ölçeğinin türkçe formunun geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Ordu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5(13), 280-305.
  • Zeng, H., Zhao, L. & Zhao, Y. (2020). Inclusive leadership and taking-charge behavior: roles of psychological safety and thriving at work. Frontiers in psychology, 11, 62.
Toplam 53 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Strateji, Yönetim ve Örgütsel Davranış (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

İlkay Güleryüz 0000-0002-4700-3386

Lütfi Sürücü 0000-0002-6286-4184

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Eylül 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 17 Mayıs 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Güleryüz, İ., & Sürücü, L. (2023). KAPSAYICI LİDERLİK VE PROAKTİF DAVRANIŞLAR: PSİKOLOJİK GÜVENLİĞİN ROLÜ. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 25(3), 1162-1181.