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The Determinants of Justice Service Demand in Turkey: An Application of Life Satisfaction Methodology

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1, 187 - 222, 31.03.2021


The objective of this study is to provide a detailed analysis of public services within the framework of the life satisfaction method. The study thus aims to reveal the economic performance rationales that result in individuals to demand justice services in Turkey. The first reason of chosing the justice services is the belief that justice reflects the society’s perception as a whole since it is subjected to collective consumption. The absence of a substitution or close substitution, its grift structure with individuals’ value judgements and its structrure not been radically changed over the years are the other reasons. The study is conducted with TURKSTAT Life-Satisfaction-Survey 2004-2012 data by employing binary probit regression. Findings reveal that while age and maritial status have no significiant effect on the provision satisfaction; gender, residency, education, income and expectations on future strongly affect it. Moreover, individuals’ perception on fair-and-unbiased implementations of justice and litigation also have strong impacts. The study deduces that urbanized, highly educated and high income citizens don’t prefer or demand the existing provision of the services. Also, individuals with high expectations have a high level of provision satisfaction, and their perceptions of service delivery performance are determined by personal characteristics and attitutes.


  • Anomaly, J. (2015). Public Goods and Government Action. Politics, Philosophy and Economics, 14(2): 109-128.
  • Atchley, R.C. (2006). Active Theory. (Ed: L. Noelker, K. Rockwood & R.L. Sprott.), The Encyclopedia of Aging Vol. 1 (: 9-13), New York: Springer Publishing Company
  • Buchanan, J. M (1968). Demand and Supply of Public Goods. Chicago: Rand McNally Pub.
  • Clarke, E. H. (1971). Multipart pricing of public goods, Public Choice, 11(1): 17-33.
  • Due, J.F. ve Friedlaender A.F. (1973). Government Finance: Economics of the Public Sector. Fifth edition. Homewood: Irwin.
  • Esarey, J. ve Du, J. (2014). Determining Goodness of Fit for a Binary Dependent Variable Model with the heatmapFit Package in R. 1-18. University of Rice sayfasından erişildi: http://jee3.web.rice.edu/heatmap2-plain.pdf (Erişim Tarihi: 23.10.2016
  • Everitt, B.S. ve Rabe-Hesketh, S. (2007). A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using Stata, Dördüncü Baskı, Washington D.C.: Chapmann and Hall Publication
  • Ferreira, S., Moro M. ve J.P. Clinch (2006). Valuing the environment using the life-satisfaction approach, Working Paper, Planning and Environmental Policy Research Series; PEP/06/05. University College Dublin: Ireland
  • Frey, B. S., Luechinger, S., ve A. Stutzer (2004). Valuing public goods: the life satisfaction approach. Working paper 1158, Institute Center for Economic Studies Munich: Germany
  • Frey, B.S., Luechinger, S., ve Stutzer A. (2009). The Life Satisfaction Approach to Environmental Valuation. Discussion Paper No.4478. IZA Institute of Labor Economics Discussion Paper Series
  • Frey, B.S., ve Gallus, J. (2016). Happiness: Research and Policy Considerations, (Ed: T. Tachibanaki), Advances in Happiness Research: A Comparative Perspective (9-22). Japan: Springer
  • Gujarati, D. N. (2006). Temel Ekonometri, Dördüncü Baskı, (Çev: Ü. Şenesen, G. Göktürk Şenesen), İstanbul: Literatür Yayıncılık
  • Heady, B., Veenhoven, R. ve A. Wearing (1991). Top Down versus Bottom-up Theories of Subjective Well Being, Social Indicators Research, 24(1): 81-100
  • Hindiriks, J ve Myles, G.D. (2006). Intermediate Public Economics, Cambridge: The MIT Press
  • Holcombe, R.G. (1997). A Theory of the Theory of Public Goods, Review of Austrian Economics, 10 (1): 1- 22
  • Jackman, S. (2015). Package “pscl”. Political Science Computational Laboratory. Standford Universitesi resmi web sayfasından erişildi: http://pscl.standford.edu (Erişim tarihi: 18. 04.2017)
  • James, O. (2009). Evaluating the Expectations Disconfirmation and Expectations Anchoring Approaches to Citizen Satisfaction with Local Public Services, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 19(1): 107-123.
  • Kahneman, D., P.P. Wakker ve R. Sarin (1997). Back to Bentham? Explorations of Experienced Utility, Quarterly Journal of Economics: 112(2): 325-405. Levinson, A. (2009). Valuing Public Goods Using Happiness Data: The Case of Air Quality, Working Paper No: 15156, The National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge
  • Mert, M. (2016). Spss, Stata, Yatay Kesit Veri Analizi Bilgisayar Uygulamaları, Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık
  • Musgrave, R. (1959). The Theory of Public Finance; A Study in Public Economy, New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing
  • North, D.C. (1981). Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  • Ng, Y.K. (2000). Happiness, Life Satisfaction, or Subjective Well-being? A Measurement and Moral Philosophical Perspective. Working Paper. Singapore Nanyang Tecnological University.
  • Roch, C. H. ve Poister, T. H. (2006). Citizens, Accountability, and Service Satisfaction, Urban Affairs Review, 41(3): 292-308.
  • Rosen, H., ve Gayer, T. (2008). Public Finance, Sekizinci Baskı, New York: McGraw-Hill
  • Samuelson, P. A. (1954). The Pure Theory of Public Expenditure, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 36(4): 387-389
  • Sousa, L. ve Lyubomirsky, S. (2002). Life satisfaction, İçinde: Encylopedia of women and gender: Sex similarities and differences and the impact of society on gender Vol. 2 (: 667-676) (Ed: J. Worell), California: Academic Press
  • Söderbom, M. (2011). Econometrics II, Lecture Discrete Choice Models, Göteburg Üniversitesi resmi web sayfasından erişilmiştir: www.economics.gu.se/soderbom (Erişim tarihi: 30.06.2017)
  • Stiglitz, J. (2000). Economics of Public Sector, New York: W.W. Norton &Company.
  • Swan, J. ve Trawick, F. (1980). Satisfaction Related to Predictive vs. Desired Expectations, İçinde: Refining Concepts and Measures of Consumer Satisfaction and Complaining Behavior (: 15-22) (Eds: H. Hunt ve R. Day). Indiana: Indiana University Press
  • Van Ryzin, G. (2004). The Measurement of Overall Citizen Satisfaction., Public Performance & Management Review, 27(3): 9-28.
  • Welsch, H. (2002). Preferences over Prosperity and Pollution: Environmental Valuation Based on Happiness Surveys, Kyklos, 55(4): 473-494.
  • Wilson, A., Zeithaml, V., Bitner, M.J., ve D.D. Gremler (2008). Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm, London: McGraw-Hill Education
  • Wolf, C. (1989). Markets or Governments: Choosing Between Imperfect Alternatives, Cambridge: MIT Press


Yıl 2021, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1, 187 - 222, 31.03.2021


Bu çalışmanın amacı, yaşam memnuniyeti yöntemini kullanarak Türkiye’de yaşayan bireylerin adalete ilişkin tercih ve taleplerini etkileyebilecek ekonomik performans rasyonellerinin ortaya çıkarılması, kamusal hizmet sunum performans algılarının tespit edilmesidir. Analiz için adalet hizmetlerinin seçilmesinin birinci sebebi, bir tam kamusal mal olarak kollektif tüketime konu olması nedeniyle toplumun genel kanılarını diğer mal ve hizmetlere göre daha iyi yansıtacağı düşüncesidir. Adalet malının ikamesinin ya da yakın ikamesinin bulunmaması, bireylerin değer yargıları ile oldukça grift olması ile araştırma yapılan yıllar arasında adalet hizmetinin niteliğinin köklü bir değişime uğramaması ise diğer nedenlerdir. Bu çalışmada 2004-2012 TÜİK Yaşam Memnuniyeti Anket verileri, ikili probit regresyon analizi kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Bulgular, bireylerin yaş ve medeni hallerinin adalet malının sunumuna yönelik memnuniyetleri üzerinde önemli bir etkisi olmadığını; gelir, cinsiyet, yaşanılan yer, eğitim ve geleceğe yönelik beklentilerinin ise oldukça önemli etkilerinin bulunduğu göstermektedir. Bireylerin yasaların adil-ve-tarafsız uygulanmasına yönelik görüşleri ile mahkemeye başvurma/işlem yapma durumlarının da sunum memnuniyetini etkileyen diğer unsurlar olduğu belirlenmiştir. Çalışma kentlerde yaşayan, eğitim ve gelir seviyesi yüksek vatandaşların adaleti varolan şekliyle tercih ve talep etmedikleri sonucuna ulaşmıştır. Gelecekten beklentileri yüksek olan bireylerin sunum memnuniyetlerinin de yüksek olduğu, bireylerin hizmet sunum performansına yönelik algılarının ise kişisel özellikler ve malın sunumuna yönelik düşünceler tarafından belirlendiği çalışma neticesinde ulaşılan diğer çıkarımlardır.


  • Anomaly, J. (2015). Public Goods and Government Action. Politics, Philosophy and Economics, 14(2): 109-128.
  • Atchley, R.C. (2006). Active Theory. (Ed: L. Noelker, K. Rockwood & R.L. Sprott.), The Encyclopedia of Aging Vol. 1 (: 9-13), New York: Springer Publishing Company
  • Buchanan, J. M (1968). Demand and Supply of Public Goods. Chicago: Rand McNally Pub.
  • Clarke, E. H. (1971). Multipart pricing of public goods, Public Choice, 11(1): 17-33.
  • Due, J.F. ve Friedlaender A.F. (1973). Government Finance: Economics of the Public Sector. Fifth edition. Homewood: Irwin.
  • Esarey, J. ve Du, J. (2014). Determining Goodness of Fit for a Binary Dependent Variable Model with the heatmapFit Package in R. 1-18. University of Rice sayfasından erişildi: http://jee3.web.rice.edu/heatmap2-plain.pdf (Erişim Tarihi: 23.10.2016
  • Everitt, B.S. ve Rabe-Hesketh, S. (2007). A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using Stata, Dördüncü Baskı, Washington D.C.: Chapmann and Hall Publication
  • Ferreira, S., Moro M. ve J.P. Clinch (2006). Valuing the environment using the life-satisfaction approach, Working Paper, Planning and Environmental Policy Research Series; PEP/06/05. University College Dublin: Ireland
  • Frey, B. S., Luechinger, S., ve A. Stutzer (2004). Valuing public goods: the life satisfaction approach. Working paper 1158, Institute Center for Economic Studies Munich: Germany
  • Frey, B.S., Luechinger, S., ve Stutzer A. (2009). The Life Satisfaction Approach to Environmental Valuation. Discussion Paper No.4478. IZA Institute of Labor Economics Discussion Paper Series
  • Frey, B.S., ve Gallus, J. (2016). Happiness: Research and Policy Considerations, (Ed: T. Tachibanaki), Advances in Happiness Research: A Comparative Perspective (9-22). Japan: Springer
  • Gujarati, D. N. (2006). Temel Ekonometri, Dördüncü Baskı, (Çev: Ü. Şenesen, G. Göktürk Şenesen), İstanbul: Literatür Yayıncılık
  • Heady, B., Veenhoven, R. ve A. Wearing (1991). Top Down versus Bottom-up Theories of Subjective Well Being, Social Indicators Research, 24(1): 81-100
  • Hindiriks, J ve Myles, G.D. (2006). Intermediate Public Economics, Cambridge: The MIT Press
  • Holcombe, R.G. (1997). A Theory of the Theory of Public Goods, Review of Austrian Economics, 10 (1): 1- 22
  • Jackman, S. (2015). Package “pscl”. Political Science Computational Laboratory. Standford Universitesi resmi web sayfasından erişildi: http://pscl.standford.edu (Erişim tarihi: 18. 04.2017)
  • James, O. (2009). Evaluating the Expectations Disconfirmation and Expectations Anchoring Approaches to Citizen Satisfaction with Local Public Services, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 19(1): 107-123.
  • Kahneman, D., P.P. Wakker ve R. Sarin (1997). Back to Bentham? Explorations of Experienced Utility, Quarterly Journal of Economics: 112(2): 325-405. Levinson, A. (2009). Valuing Public Goods Using Happiness Data: The Case of Air Quality, Working Paper No: 15156, The National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge
  • Mert, M. (2016). Spss, Stata, Yatay Kesit Veri Analizi Bilgisayar Uygulamaları, Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık
  • Musgrave, R. (1959). The Theory of Public Finance; A Study in Public Economy, New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing
  • North, D.C. (1981). Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  • Ng, Y.K. (2000). Happiness, Life Satisfaction, or Subjective Well-being? A Measurement and Moral Philosophical Perspective. Working Paper. Singapore Nanyang Tecnological University.
  • Roch, C. H. ve Poister, T. H. (2006). Citizens, Accountability, and Service Satisfaction, Urban Affairs Review, 41(3): 292-308.
  • Rosen, H., ve Gayer, T. (2008). Public Finance, Sekizinci Baskı, New York: McGraw-Hill
  • Samuelson, P. A. (1954). The Pure Theory of Public Expenditure, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 36(4): 387-389
  • Sousa, L. ve Lyubomirsky, S. (2002). Life satisfaction, İçinde: Encylopedia of women and gender: Sex similarities and differences and the impact of society on gender Vol. 2 (: 667-676) (Ed: J. Worell), California: Academic Press
  • Söderbom, M. (2011). Econometrics II, Lecture Discrete Choice Models, Göteburg Üniversitesi resmi web sayfasından erişilmiştir: www.economics.gu.se/soderbom (Erişim tarihi: 30.06.2017)
  • Stiglitz, J. (2000). Economics of Public Sector, New York: W.W. Norton &Company.
  • Swan, J. ve Trawick, F. (1980). Satisfaction Related to Predictive vs. Desired Expectations, İçinde: Refining Concepts and Measures of Consumer Satisfaction and Complaining Behavior (: 15-22) (Eds: H. Hunt ve R. Day). Indiana: Indiana University Press
  • Van Ryzin, G. (2004). The Measurement of Overall Citizen Satisfaction., Public Performance & Management Review, 27(3): 9-28.
  • Welsch, H. (2002). Preferences over Prosperity and Pollution: Environmental Valuation Based on Happiness Surveys, Kyklos, 55(4): 473-494.
  • Wilson, A., Zeithaml, V., Bitner, M.J., ve D.D. Gremler (2008). Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm, London: McGraw-Hill Education
  • Wolf, C. (1989). Markets or Governments: Choosing Between Imperfect Alternatives, Cambridge: MIT Press
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Sevilay Ece Gümüş Özuyar 0000-0002-1957-3648

Alparslan Başaran 0000-0003-1027-8375

Necmiddin Bağdadioğlu 0000-0002-6928-5273

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Mart 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 3 Nisan 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Gümüş Özuyar, S. E., Başaran, A., & Bağdadioğlu, N. (2021). TÜRKİYE’DE ADALET HİZMETLERİ TALEBİNİN BELİRLEYİCİLERİ: YAŞAM MEMNUNİYETİ YÖNTEMİYLE BİR UYGULAMA. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 23(1), 187-222. https://doi.org/10.16953/deusosbil.713839