Bu çalışma dilbilimsel sıfır kavramını eleştirel bir bakış açısı ile incelemektedir. Makalede ilk olarak dilbilim literatüründeki sıfır uygulamalarının tarihsel arka planı sunulmaktadır. Bu değerlendirmenin ardından çalışma Türkçe dilbilgisi için literatürde önerilen sıfır uygulamalarını sorgulamaktadır. Makale dilbilimsel analizde sıfırın uygulanması için sağlam bir bilimsel temel oluşturmayı amaçlayan çeşitli önerilerle de sonuçlanmaktadır.
ALEKSEEVA, Maria; MYACHYKOV, Andiy ve SHTYROV, Yury (2022). “Inflectional Zero Morphology – Linguistic Myth Or Neurocognitive Reality?” Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1015435.
ALLEN, William Sidney (1956). “Zero and Panini”. Indian Linguistics, 16, 106–113.
ANDERSON, Stephen R. (1992). A-Morphous Morphology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
BALLY, Charles (1922). “Copule Zéro et Faits Connexes”. Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris, 23I: 1–6.
BANK, Sebastian ve TROMMER, Jochen (2015). “Learning and the Complexity of Ø‐marking”. Içinde Understanding and Measuring Morphological Complexity (Edt. M. Baerman vd.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
BERWICK, Robert. C. ve CHOMSKY, Noam (2016). Why Only Us: Language and Evolution. Cambridge, Masss.: The MIT Press.
BLOOMFIELD, Leonard (1933). Language. Chicago: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.
CANDOTTI, Maria Piera ve PONTILLO, Tiziana (2014). “Pāṇini’s Zero Morphs as Allomorphs in the Complexity of Lnguistic Context”. Bulletin d’études indiennes, 32: 55–86.
CAVIRANI, Edoardo ve van OOSTENDORP, Marc (2017). “On Silent Markedness”. Beyond Markedness in Formal Phonology (Edt. B. D. Samuels). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 101–120.
CHOMSKY, Noam (1957). Syntactic Structures. The Hauge: Mouton.
CHRISTIANSEN, Morten. H. ve CHATER, Nick (2015). “The Language Faculty That Wasn’t: A Usage-Based Account of Natural Language Recursion”. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1182.
CLARK, Eve V. (2007). “Morphology in Language Acquisition”. The Handbook of Morphology (Edt. Andrew Spencer - Arnold M. Zwicky). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 374–389.
CRYSTAL, David (2008). A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics (6. baskı). London: Blackwell.
DAHL, Eystein ve FÁBREGAS, Antonio (2018). “Zero Morphemes”. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Oxford University Press.
DARWIN, Charles (1871). The Decent of Man. London: Murray.
de SAUSSURE, Ferdinand (1998). Genel Dilbilim Dersleri (çev. B. Vardar). İstanbul: Multilingual.
DIEHL, Cathrine (2009). “The Empty Space in Structure: Theories of the Zero from Gauthiot to Deleuze”. Diacritics, 38/3: 93–119.
DILLER, Anthony (1996). “Linguistic Zero in Asia: From Pāṇini to Pro-drop”. The Fourth International Symposium on Language and Linguistics, Thailand, 242–258.
ECO, Umberto (2004). Avrupa Kültüründe Kusursuz Dil Arayışı (çev. Kemal Atakay). İstanbul: Literatür.
ERGİN, Muharrem (1993). Türk Dil Bilgisi. İstanbul: Bayrak Yay.
ERKMAN-AKERSON, Fatma (2007). Türkçe Örneklerle Dile Genel Bir Bakış. İstanbul: Multilingual.
EVANS, Nicholas ve LEVINSON, Stephen C. (2009). “The Myth of Language Universals: Language Diversity and Its Importance for Cognitive Science”. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 32/5: 429–492.
EVANS, Vyvyan (2020). Dil Miti. Dil Neden Bir İçgüdü Değildir (Çev. Mehmet Doğan). İstanbul: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
EVERETT, Daniel (2012). Language: The Cultural Tool. New York: Pantheon Books.
GAUTHIOT, Robert (1902). “Note sur le degré zéro”. Mélanges linguistiques offerts à M. Antoine Meillet par ses élèves. Klincksieck, 49-60.
GEMALMAZ, Efrasiyab (1996). “STT’nde İşaretsiz (/.0./) Görev Ögeleri Üzerine”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Dergisi, 6: 1–4.
GERNER, Mathias ve LING, Zahng. (2020). “Zero Morphemes in Paradigms”. Studies in Language, 44/1: 1–26.
GÖKSEL, Aslı ve KERSLAKE, Celia (2005). Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar. London: Routledge.
HAAS, William (1957). “Zero in Linguistic Description”. Studies in Linguistic Analysis (Edt. J. R. Firth) Oxford: Blackwell, 33–53.
HALLE, Morris ve MARANTZ, Alec (1993). “Distributed Morphology and the Pieces of Inflection”. The View from Building 20 (Edt. K. Hale ve J. Keyser), Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press, 111–176.
HARRIS, Zellig S. (1957). “Co-Occurrence and Transformation in Linguistic Structure”. Language, 33/3: 283.
HASPELMATH, Martin (2019). “Why There Are No Zero Markers in Grammar”. Diversity Linguistics Comment.
HASPELMATH, Martin (2020a). “Zeroes and Transformations: Good for P-Analyses, Useless for G-Linguistics?” . Diversity Linguistics Comment.
HASPELMATH, Martin (2020b). “The Morph as a Minimal Linguistic Form”. Morphology, 30/2: 117–134.
IFRAH, Georges (1997). Sıfırın Gücü (Rakamların Evrensel Tarihi 5) (çev. Kurtuluş Dinçer): Ankara: Tübitak Yay.
İLBAŞ, Songül (2019). “Dilsel Boşluk Kavramı: Tanım, Sınıflandırma ve Örnekler.” Dede Korkut Uluslararası Türk Dili ve Edebiyati Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8/20: 26–46.
JAKOBSON, Roman (1972). “Signe Zéro”. Selected writings II. The Hauge: Mouton, 211–219.
JOHANSON, Lars (2021). Turkic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
KAPLAN, Robert (1999). The Nothing That Is: A Natural History of Zero. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
KERİMOĞLU, Caner (2014a). Genel Dilbilime Giriş. Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
KERİMOĞLU, Caner (2014b). “Türkiye Türkçesi Gramerindeki Düzensizlikler ve Eş Zamanlı Gramer Yazımı”. Dil Araştırmaları, 14: 75–96.
KERİMOĞLU, Caner (2022). “Dilin Bilimi Mümkün müdür?” Türk Dili Araştırmaları Yıllığı- Belleten, 74: 69–100.
KIM, Seong-Gi., RICHTER, Wolfgang ve UǦURBİL, Kamil (1997). “Limitations of Temporal Resolution in Functional MRI”. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 37/4: 631–636.
KORKMAZ, Zeynep (2003). Turkiye Turkcesi Grameri (Şekil Bilgisi). Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu.
KUMMEROW, David (2012). “The Person That Isn’t: On Defining the Third-Person, Negatively and Positively So”. Australian Journal of Linguistics, 32/2: 259–290.
MATTHEWS, Peter Hugoe (1991). Morphology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
MCGREGOR, William (2003). “The Nothing That Is, The Zero That Isn’t”. Studia Linguistica, 57/2: 75–119.
MEL’ČUK, Igor (2006). Aspects of the Theory of Morphology. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
MEL’ČUK, Igor (2002). “Towards a Formal Concept ‘Zero Linguistic Sign’”. Selected papers from the 9th Morphology Meeting, 24–28 February 2000 (Edt. S. Bendjaballah, W. Dressler, O. Pfeiffer ve M. Voeikova) Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing, 241–258.
MITHUN, Marianne (1986). “When Zero Isn’t There”. Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, 12: 195–211.
NIDA, Eugene (1946). Morphology: The Descriptive Analysis of Words. University of Michigan Press.
NIELSEN, Peter Juul (2015). “Jakobson’s Zero and the Pleasure and Pitfalls of Structural Beauty”. S K A S E Journal of Theoretical Linguistics, 12/3: 398–421.
ÖZSOY, Sumru ve TURAN, Ümit Deniz (Edt.). (2018). Genel Dilbilim. Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları.
PESETSKY, David (1995). Zero Syntax: Experiencers and Cascades. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
PINKER, Steven ve BLOOM, Paul (1990). “Natural Language and Natural Selection”. Brain and Behavioural Science, 13: 707–784.
PLUNGJAN, Vladimir (1994). “K Probleme Morfologičeskogo Nulja”. (Ed.), Znak: Sbornik Statej Po Lingvistike, Semiotike i Poètike (Edt. N. Belikov, vd.). Moskva: Russkij ucebnyj centr., 148–155.
POPPER, Karl R. (1998). Bilimsel Araştırmanın Mantığı (çev. İlknur Aka). İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları.
POSTAL, Paul M. (2009). “The Incoherence of Chomsky’s “Biolinguistic” Ontology”. Biolinguistics, 3/1: 104–123.
ROBBINS, Robert H. (2013). A Short History of Linguistics (4. baskı). London: Routledge - Taylor and Francis.
SAHIN, Ned. T., PINKER, Steven ve HALGREN, Eric (2006). “Abstract Grammatical Processing of Nouns and Verbs in Broca’s Area: Evidence from FMRI”. Cortex, 42(4): 540–562.
SAMPSON, Geoffrey (2017). The Linguistics Delusion. Equinox Publishing.
SAPORTA, Sol (1964). “On the Use of Zero in Morphemics”. Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Linguists, Cambridge, Mass., August 27–31, 1962 (Edt. H. G. Lunt). Berlin: De Gruyter, 228–230.
SCHAAIK, Gerjan van. (2020). The Oxford Turkish Grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
SCHLEICHER, August (1863). Die Darwinsche Theorie und die Sprachwissenschaft. Weimar. Herman Böhlau.
SEBZECİOĞLU, Turgay (2016). Dilbilim Kavramlarıyla Türkçe Dilbilgisi. İstanbul: Kesit.
SEGEL, Esben (2008). “Re-evaluating Zero: When Nothing Makes Sense”. Skase Journal of Theoretical Linguistics, 5/2: 1–20.
SIEWIERSKA, Anna (2013). “Third Person Zero of Verbal Person Marking”., WALS Online (v2020.3) [Data set] (Edt. M. Dryer ve M. Haspelmath) . Zenodo.
SLEEMAN, Petra (2023). “Zero-Suffixes and Their Alternatives: A View from French”. Zeitschrift fur Sprachwissenschaft, 42/1: 63–85.
STAAL, Frits (2010). “On the Origins of Zero”. Studies in the History of Indian Mathematics (Edt. C. S. Seshadri). Hindustan Book Agency, Gurgaon, 39–53.
TROMMER, Jochen (2012). “ØEexponence”. The Morphology and Phonology of Exponence. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
UNDERHILL, Robert (1985). Turkish Grammar. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press.
ÜSTÜNOVA, Kerime (2002). “Eksilti ya da sıfır tekrar”. Dil Yazıları. Ankara: Akçağ, 111–121.
UZUN, Nadir Engin (2000). Anaçizgileriyle Evrensel Dilbilgisi ve Türkçe. Multilingual.
UZUN, Nadir Engin (2006). Biçimbilim: Temel Kavramlar. Papatya.
VERSTEEGH, Kees (1997). Landmarks in Linguistic Thought Volume III. The Arabic Linguistic Tradition. London: Taylor Francis.
WUJASTYK, Dominik, HAYASHI, Takao, KELLER, Agathe, MONTELLE, Clemency ve PLOFKER, Kim (2017). “The Bakhshālī Manuscript: A Response to the Bodleian Library’s Radiocarbon Dating”. History of Science in South Asia, 5/1.
WUNDERLICH, Dieter ve FABRI, Ray (1995). “Minimalist Morphology: An Approach to Inflection”. Zeitschrift fur Sprachwissenschaft, 14/2: 236–294.
This study critically examines the concept of linguistic zero. After a comprehensive review of the historical background of zero applications in the linguistic literature, the study examines the proposed implementations of zero in Turkish grammar. The paper concludes with several recommendations aimed at establishing a sound scientific basis for the application of zero in linguistic analysis
ALEKSEEVA, Maria; MYACHYKOV, Andiy ve SHTYROV, Yury (2022). “Inflectional Zero Morphology – Linguistic Myth Or Neurocognitive Reality?” Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1015435.
ALLEN, William Sidney (1956). “Zero and Panini”. Indian Linguistics, 16, 106–113.
ANDERSON, Stephen R. (1992). A-Morphous Morphology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
BALLY, Charles (1922). “Copule Zéro et Faits Connexes”. Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris, 23I: 1–6.
BANK, Sebastian ve TROMMER, Jochen (2015). “Learning and the Complexity of Ø‐marking”. Içinde Understanding and Measuring Morphological Complexity (Edt. M. Baerman vd.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
BERWICK, Robert. C. ve CHOMSKY, Noam (2016). Why Only Us: Language and Evolution. Cambridge, Masss.: The MIT Press.
BLOOMFIELD, Leonard (1933). Language. Chicago: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.
CANDOTTI, Maria Piera ve PONTILLO, Tiziana (2014). “Pāṇini’s Zero Morphs as Allomorphs in the Complexity of Lnguistic Context”. Bulletin d’études indiennes, 32: 55–86.
CAVIRANI, Edoardo ve van OOSTENDORP, Marc (2017). “On Silent Markedness”. Beyond Markedness in Formal Phonology (Edt. B. D. Samuels). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 101–120.
CHOMSKY, Noam (1957). Syntactic Structures. The Hauge: Mouton.
CHRISTIANSEN, Morten. H. ve CHATER, Nick (2015). “The Language Faculty That Wasn’t: A Usage-Based Account of Natural Language Recursion”. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1182.
CLARK, Eve V. (2007). “Morphology in Language Acquisition”. The Handbook of Morphology (Edt. Andrew Spencer - Arnold M. Zwicky). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 374–389.
CRYSTAL, David (2008). A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics (6. baskı). London: Blackwell.
DAHL, Eystein ve FÁBREGAS, Antonio (2018). “Zero Morphemes”. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Oxford University Press.
DARWIN, Charles (1871). The Decent of Man. London: Murray.
de SAUSSURE, Ferdinand (1998). Genel Dilbilim Dersleri (çev. B. Vardar). İstanbul: Multilingual.
DIEHL, Cathrine (2009). “The Empty Space in Structure: Theories of the Zero from Gauthiot to Deleuze”. Diacritics, 38/3: 93–119.
DILLER, Anthony (1996). “Linguistic Zero in Asia: From Pāṇini to Pro-drop”. The Fourth International Symposium on Language and Linguistics, Thailand, 242–258.
ECO, Umberto (2004). Avrupa Kültüründe Kusursuz Dil Arayışı (çev. Kemal Atakay). İstanbul: Literatür.
ERGİN, Muharrem (1993). Türk Dil Bilgisi. İstanbul: Bayrak Yay.
ERKMAN-AKERSON, Fatma (2007). Türkçe Örneklerle Dile Genel Bir Bakış. İstanbul: Multilingual.
EVANS, Nicholas ve LEVINSON, Stephen C. (2009). “The Myth of Language Universals: Language Diversity and Its Importance for Cognitive Science”. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 32/5: 429–492.
EVANS, Vyvyan (2020). Dil Miti. Dil Neden Bir İçgüdü Değildir (Çev. Mehmet Doğan). İstanbul: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
EVERETT, Daniel (2012). Language: The Cultural Tool. New York: Pantheon Books.
GAUTHIOT, Robert (1902). “Note sur le degré zéro”. Mélanges linguistiques offerts à M. Antoine Meillet par ses élèves. Klincksieck, 49-60.
GEMALMAZ, Efrasiyab (1996). “STT’nde İşaretsiz (/.0./) Görev Ögeleri Üzerine”. Atatürk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Dergisi, 6: 1–4.
GERNER, Mathias ve LING, Zahng. (2020). “Zero Morphemes in Paradigms”. Studies in Language, 44/1: 1–26.
GÖKSEL, Aslı ve KERSLAKE, Celia (2005). Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar. London: Routledge.
HAAS, William (1957). “Zero in Linguistic Description”. Studies in Linguistic Analysis (Edt. J. R. Firth) Oxford: Blackwell, 33–53.
HALLE, Morris ve MARANTZ, Alec (1993). “Distributed Morphology and the Pieces of Inflection”. The View from Building 20 (Edt. K. Hale ve J. Keyser), Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press, 111–176.
HARRIS, Zellig S. (1957). “Co-Occurrence and Transformation in Linguistic Structure”. Language, 33/3: 283.
HASPELMATH, Martin (2019). “Why There Are No Zero Markers in Grammar”. Diversity Linguistics Comment.
HASPELMATH, Martin (2020a). “Zeroes and Transformations: Good for P-Analyses, Useless for G-Linguistics?” . Diversity Linguistics Comment.
HASPELMATH, Martin (2020b). “The Morph as a Minimal Linguistic Form”. Morphology, 30/2: 117–134.
IFRAH, Georges (1997). Sıfırın Gücü (Rakamların Evrensel Tarihi 5) (çev. Kurtuluş Dinçer): Ankara: Tübitak Yay.
İLBAŞ, Songül (2019). “Dilsel Boşluk Kavramı: Tanım, Sınıflandırma ve Örnekler.” Dede Korkut Uluslararası Türk Dili ve Edebiyati Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8/20: 26–46.
JAKOBSON, Roman (1972). “Signe Zéro”. Selected writings II. The Hauge: Mouton, 211–219.
JOHANSON, Lars (2021). Turkic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
KAPLAN, Robert (1999). The Nothing That Is: A Natural History of Zero. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
KERİMOĞLU, Caner (2014a). Genel Dilbilime Giriş. Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
KERİMOĞLU, Caner (2014b). “Türkiye Türkçesi Gramerindeki Düzensizlikler ve Eş Zamanlı Gramer Yazımı”. Dil Araştırmaları, 14: 75–96.
KERİMOĞLU, Caner (2022). “Dilin Bilimi Mümkün müdür?” Türk Dili Araştırmaları Yıllığı- Belleten, 74: 69–100.
KIM, Seong-Gi., RICHTER, Wolfgang ve UǦURBİL, Kamil (1997). “Limitations of Temporal Resolution in Functional MRI”. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 37/4: 631–636.
KORKMAZ, Zeynep (2003). Turkiye Turkcesi Grameri (Şekil Bilgisi). Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu.
KUMMEROW, David (2012). “The Person That Isn’t: On Defining the Third-Person, Negatively and Positively So”. Australian Journal of Linguistics, 32/2: 259–290.
MATTHEWS, Peter Hugoe (1991). Morphology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
MCGREGOR, William (2003). “The Nothing That Is, The Zero That Isn’t”. Studia Linguistica, 57/2: 75–119.
MEL’ČUK, Igor (2006). Aspects of the Theory of Morphology. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
MEL’ČUK, Igor (2002). “Towards a Formal Concept ‘Zero Linguistic Sign’”. Selected papers from the 9th Morphology Meeting, 24–28 February 2000 (Edt. S. Bendjaballah, W. Dressler, O. Pfeiffer ve M. Voeikova) Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing, 241–258.
MITHUN, Marianne (1986). “When Zero Isn’t There”. Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, 12: 195–211.
NIDA, Eugene (1946). Morphology: The Descriptive Analysis of Words. University of Michigan Press.
NIELSEN, Peter Juul (2015). “Jakobson’s Zero and the Pleasure and Pitfalls of Structural Beauty”. S K A S E Journal of Theoretical Linguistics, 12/3: 398–421.
ÖZSOY, Sumru ve TURAN, Ümit Deniz (Edt.). (2018). Genel Dilbilim. Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları.
PESETSKY, David (1995). Zero Syntax: Experiencers and Cascades. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
PINKER, Steven ve BLOOM, Paul (1990). “Natural Language and Natural Selection”. Brain and Behavioural Science, 13: 707–784.
PLUNGJAN, Vladimir (1994). “K Probleme Morfologičeskogo Nulja”. (Ed.), Znak: Sbornik Statej Po Lingvistike, Semiotike i Poètike (Edt. N. Belikov, vd.). Moskva: Russkij ucebnyj centr., 148–155.
POPPER, Karl R. (1998). Bilimsel Araştırmanın Mantığı (çev. İlknur Aka). İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları.
POSTAL, Paul M. (2009). “The Incoherence of Chomsky’s “Biolinguistic” Ontology”. Biolinguistics, 3/1: 104–123.
ROBBINS, Robert H. (2013). A Short History of Linguistics (4. baskı). London: Routledge - Taylor and Francis.
SAHIN, Ned. T., PINKER, Steven ve HALGREN, Eric (2006). “Abstract Grammatical Processing of Nouns and Verbs in Broca’s Area: Evidence from FMRI”. Cortex, 42(4): 540–562.
SAMPSON, Geoffrey (2017). The Linguistics Delusion. Equinox Publishing.
SAPORTA, Sol (1964). “On the Use of Zero in Morphemics”. Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Linguists, Cambridge, Mass., August 27–31, 1962 (Edt. H. G. Lunt). Berlin: De Gruyter, 228–230.
SCHAAIK, Gerjan van. (2020). The Oxford Turkish Grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
SCHLEICHER, August (1863). Die Darwinsche Theorie und die Sprachwissenschaft. Weimar. Herman Böhlau.
SEBZECİOĞLU, Turgay (2016). Dilbilim Kavramlarıyla Türkçe Dilbilgisi. İstanbul: Kesit.
SEGEL, Esben (2008). “Re-evaluating Zero: When Nothing Makes Sense”. Skase Journal of Theoretical Linguistics, 5/2: 1–20.
SIEWIERSKA, Anna (2013). “Third Person Zero of Verbal Person Marking”., WALS Online (v2020.3) [Data set] (Edt. M. Dryer ve M. Haspelmath) . Zenodo.
SLEEMAN, Petra (2023). “Zero-Suffixes and Their Alternatives: A View from French”. Zeitschrift fur Sprachwissenschaft, 42/1: 63–85.
STAAL, Frits (2010). “On the Origins of Zero”. Studies in the History of Indian Mathematics (Edt. C. S. Seshadri). Hindustan Book Agency, Gurgaon, 39–53.
TROMMER, Jochen (2012). “ØEexponence”. The Morphology and Phonology of Exponence. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
UNDERHILL, Robert (1985). Turkish Grammar. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press.
ÜSTÜNOVA, Kerime (2002). “Eksilti ya da sıfır tekrar”. Dil Yazıları. Ankara: Akçağ, 111–121.
UZUN, Nadir Engin (2000). Anaçizgileriyle Evrensel Dilbilgisi ve Türkçe. Multilingual.
UZUN, Nadir Engin (2006). Biçimbilim: Temel Kavramlar. Papatya.
VERSTEEGH, Kees (1997). Landmarks in Linguistic Thought Volume III. The Arabic Linguistic Tradition. London: Taylor Francis.
WUJASTYK, Dominik, HAYASHI, Takao, KELLER, Agathe, MONTELLE, Clemency ve PLOFKER, Kim (2017). “The Bakhshālī Manuscript: A Response to the Bodleian Library’s Radiocarbon Dating”. History of Science in South Asia, 5/1.
WUNDERLICH, Dieter ve FABRI, Ray (1995). “Minimalist Morphology: An Approach to Inflection”. Zeitschrift fur Sprachwissenschaft, 14/2: 236–294.
Toplam 80 adet kaynakça vardır.
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Dilsel Yapılar (Fonoloji, Morfoloji ve Sözdizimi dahil)