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Yıl 2011, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2, 243 - 255, 01.07.2011


Liderlik ve iletişim yazını incelendiğinde, 1990’lı yıllara kadar, liderin kullandığı dil ve bu dilin içeriğine ait söz edimlerinin, bireysel ve örgütsel çıktılar üzerinde nasıl bir etki yarattığına ilişkin yeterli sayıda araştırma bulunmadığı gözlenmektedir. Sullivan 1988 tarafından geliştirilen Motivasyonel Dil Teorisi’nin yazındaki bu eksikliği gidermeye yönelik ilk kapsamlı çaba olduğu söylenebilir. Mayfield, Mayfield ve Kopf’un 1995 bu teoriyi temel alarak geliştirdikleri Motivasyonel Dil Ölçeği ise konu ile ilgili görgül araştırmaların önünü açmıştır. Bu çalışmada, Mayfield, Mayfield ve Kopf 1995 tarafından geliştirilen söz konusu ölçeğin Türkçe’deki geçerlilik ve güvenilirliliği sınanmıştır. Yapılan analizler neticesinde ölçeğin yüksek geçerlilik ve güvenilirliğe sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Motivasyonel Dil Ölçeğinin bundan sonra Türk örneklem üzerinde yapılacak görgül araştırmalara katkı sağlayacağı değerlendirilmektedir.


  • ALEXANDER, E.R., HELMS, M.M., WILKINS, R.D. (1989). The relationship between supervisory communication and subordinate performance and satisfaction among professionals. Public Personnel Management, 18 (4), 415-429. ss.
  • ALLEN, N., MEYER, J. (1990). The measurement and antecedents of affective, continuance and normative commitment to the organization. Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology, 63 (1), 18-38. ss.
  • ARSLANTAŞ, C.C., PEKDEMİR, I. (2007). Dönüşümcü liderlik, örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı ve örgütsel adalet arasındaki ilişkileri belirlemeye yönelik görgül bir araştırma. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 7 (1), 261-286. ss.
  • BAGOZZI R., YI, Y., PHILLIPS, L. (1991). Assessing construct validity in organizational research. Administrative Science Querterly, 36, 421-458. ss.
  • BAKAN, İ., BÜYÜKBEŞE, T. (2004). Çalışanların iş güvencesi ve genel iş davranışları ilişkisi: Bir alan çalışması. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 23, 35- 59. ss.
  • BAŞ, T., (2002). Öğretim üyelerinin iş tatmin profillerinin belirlenmesi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 17 (2), 23-34. ss.
  • BAYCAN, A. (1985). An analysis of the several aspects of job satisfaction between different occupational groups. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • BOLAT, O. İ., BOLAT, T. (2008). Otel işletmelerinde örgütsel bağlılık ve örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı ilişkisi. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 11 (19), 75-94. ss.
  • BROWN, S.P. (1996). A meta-analysis and review of organizational research on job involvement. Psychological Bulletin, 120, 235–255. ss.
  • BÖRÜ, D., GÜNEŞER, B. (2005). Liderlik tarzının çalışanın iş tatmini ile ilişkisi ve lidere olan güvenin bu ilişkideki rolü. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 23 (1), 135-156. ss.
  • CHEN, Z.X., FRANCESCO, A.M., (2003). The relationship between the three components of commitment and employee performance in China. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 62 (3),
  • CONGER J. (1991). Inspiring others: the language of leadership. Academy of Management Executives, 1, 31-44. ss.
  • DANSEREAU, F., GRAEN, G., HAGA, W. (1975). A vertical dyad linkage approach to leadership within formal organizations: a longitudinal investigation of the role-making process. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 13, 46-78. ss.
  • DARWISH, A. (2000). Organizational commitment: a mediator of the relationships of leadership behavior with job satisfaction and performance Gn a Non-Western country. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 15 (1), 6-24. ss.
  • DIENESCH, R., LIDEN, R. (1986). Leader-member exchange model of leadership: a critique and further development. Academy of Managemet Review, 11 (3), 618-634. ss.
  • ERDOĞAN, B., LIDEN, R. (2006). Collectivism as a moderator of responses to organizational justice: Implications for leader member exchange and ingratiation. Journal of Organizational Bevior, 27, 1-17. ss.
  • ERDOĞAN, B., LIDEN, R., KRAIMER, L. (2006), Justice and leader-member exchange: the moderating role of organizational culture. Academy of Management Journal, 49 (2), 395- 406. ss.
  • FARH, J., WERBEL, J.D., BEDEIAN, A.G. (1988). An emprical investigation os elf-appraisal- based performance evaluation. Personal Psychology, 41, 141-156. ss.
  • FERRIS, G.R., YATES, V.L.. GILBRON, D.C., ROWLAND, K. (1985). The influence of subordinate age on performance ratings and causal attributions. Personnel Psychology, 38, 545-557. ss.
  • GORIS J.R., VAUGHT, B.C., PETTIT, J.D. (1997). Effects of ommunication direction on job performance and satisfaction: a moderated regression anaiysis. The Journal of Business Communication, 37 (4), 348-368. ss.
  • GRAEN, G., CASHMAN, J.F. (1975). A role-making model of leadership in formal organizations: a developmental approach. J. HUNT, L. LARSON (Derleyen.), Leadership içinde 143-165 ss, Kent State University Press.
  • GRAEN, G., UHL-BIEN, M. (1995). Relationship-based approach to leadership: development of leadr-member exchange theory of leadership over 25 years: applying a multi-levelmulti domain perspective. Leadership Quarterly, 6, 219-247. ss.
  • HAIR, J.F., ANDERSON, R.E., TATHAM R.L., BLACK, W.C. (1995). Multivariate data analysis. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  • HARGIE, O., TORISH, D., WILSON, N. (2002). Communication audits and the effects of increased information: a folloe-up study. The Journal of Business Communication, 39 (4), 414-436. ss.
  • HINKIN T. (1995). A review of scale development practices in the study of organizations. Journal of Management, 21 (5), 967-988. ss.
  • İŞCAN, Ö.F. (2006). Dönüştürücü/etkileşimci liderlik algısı ve örgütsel özdeşleşme ilişkisinde bireysel farklılıkların rolü. Akdeniz İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 6 (11), 160- 177. ss.
  • JÖRESKOG, K., SÖRBOM, D. (1993). LISREL 8: structural equation modeling with the SIMPLIS command language. Chicago: Scientific Software International.
  • KANTOR, J. (1991). The effects of computer administration and identification on the job descriptive index (JDI). Journal of Business and Psychology, 5 (3), 309-323. ss.
  • KATRİNLİ, A., ATABAY, G., GÜNAY, G., GÜNERİ, B. (2008). Leader-member exchange, organizational identification and the mediating role of job involvement for nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing, Nov; 64 (4), 354-362. ss.
  • KLINE, R. (2005). Principles and practices of structural equation medelling. New York: The Guilford Press.
  • LINDEN, R., WAYNE, S., STITWELL, D. (1993). A longitudinal study on the early development of leader-member exchanges. Journal of Applied Psychology, 78, 662-674. ss.
  • LÜSCHER, L.S., LEWIS, M.W. (2008). Organizational change and managerial sensemaking: working through paradox. Academy of Management Journal, 51 (2), 221-240. ss.
  • MAGHRABI, A.S., JOHNSON, D.A., (1995). An Arabic version of the revised job descriptive index. Current Psychology, 14 (1), 47-54. ss.
  • MAYFIELD, J., MAYFIELD, M. (2002). Leader communication strategies critical paths to improving employee commitment. American Business Review, June, 89-94. ss.
  • MAYFIELD, J., MAYFIELD, M. (2006). The benefits of leader communication on part-time worker outcomes: a comparison between part-time and full-time employees using motivating language. Journal of Business Strategies, 23 (2), 131-153. ss.
  • MAYFIELD, J., MAYFIELD, M. (2007). The effects of leader communication on a worker’s intent to stay: an investigation using structural equation modeling. Human Performance, 20 (2), 85-102. ss.
  • MAYFIELD, J., MAYFIELD, M., KOPF, J. (1995). Motivating language: exploring theory with scale development. The Journal of Business Communication, 32 (4), 329-344. ss.
  • MAYFIELD, J., MAYFIELD, M., MILTON, R., KOPF, J. (1998). The effects of motivating language on subordinate performance and satisfaction. Human Resource Management, 37(3/4), 235-248. ss.
  • MEYER, J.P., STANLEY, D.J., HERSCOVITCH, L., TOPOLNYTSKY, L. (2002). Affective, continuance, and normative commitment to the organization: A meta-analysis of Antecedents, correlates, and consequences. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 61, 20-52. ss.
  • MRAYYAN, M.T., (2005). Nurse job satisfaction and retention: comparing public to private hospitals in Jordan. Journal of Nursing Management, 13, 40-50. ss.
  • NIJHOF, W.J., De JONG, M.J., BEUKHOF, G., (1998). Employee commitment in changing organizations: an exploration. Journal of European Industrial Training, 22 (6), 243-248. ss.
  • ÖZUTKU, H. (2007). Yönetici-ast etkileşimi ile iş tatmini arasındaki ilişki. Amme İdaresi Dergisi, 40 (2), 79-98. ss.
  • ÖZUTKU, H., AĞCA, V., CEVRİOĞLU, E. (2008). Lider-üye etkileşim teorisi çerçevesinde, yönetici-ast etkileşimi ile örgütsel bağlılık boyutları ve iş performansı arasındaki ilişki: ampirik bir inceleme. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 22 (2), 193- 210. ss.
  • PENNINGTON, C.M., RILEY P.V. (1991). Measuring job satisfaction in ESL using the job descriptive index perspectives. City Polytechnic of Hong Kong Working Papers in English, 3 (1), 20-36. ss.
  • PUTTI, J.M., ARYEE, S., PHUA, J. (1990). Communication relationship satisfaction and organizational commitment. Group and Organization Studies, 15 (1), 44-52. ss.
  • RAY E, B. (1993). When the links become chains: cosidering the dysfunctions of supportive communication in the workplace. Communication Monographs, 60, 106-111. ss.
  • REEVE, C.L., ROGELBERG, S.G. (2005). The caring-killing paradox: euthanasia-related strain among animal-shelter workers. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 35 (1), 119-143. ss.
  • SAMAD, S. (2006). Predicting turnover intentions: the case of Malaysian government doctors, The Journal of American Academy of Business, 8 (2), 113-119. ss.
  • SERİNKAN, C., BARDAKCI, A. (2007). Pamukkale Üniversitesi’nde çalışan öğretim elemanlarının iş tatminlerine ilişkin bir araştırma, Selçuk Üniversitesi Karaman İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 12, 152-163. ss.
  • SEYMEN, O.A. (2008). Örgütsel bağlılığı etkileyen örgüt kültürü tipleri üzerine bir araştırma. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • SHARBROUGH, W.C., SIMMONS, S.A., CANTRILL D.A. (2006). Motivating language in industry: its impact on job satisfaction and perceived supervisor effectiveness. Journal of Business Communication, 43 (4), 322-343. ss.
  • SHORE, T.H., TASHCHIAN, A. (2002). Accountability forces in performance appraisal: effects of self-appraisal information, normative information, and task performance. Journal of Business & Psychology, 17 (2), 261-274. ss.
  • SHRAUGER, J.S., OSBERG, T.M. (1981). The relative accuracy of self-predictions and judgments by others in psychological assessment. Psychological Bulletin, 90, 322-351. ss.
  • SMITH, P.C, KENDALL, L.M., HULIN, C.L. (1969). The measurement of satisfaction in work and retirement. Chicago, IL: Rand McNally.
  • SMITH, P., BALZER, W., BRANNICK, M., EGGLESTON, S., GIBSON, W., IRONSON, G., (1987). Manual for the revised JDI and job GN general scales, Bowling Green: Bowling Green State University.
  • STEVENS, J.M., BEYER, J.M., TRICE, H.M. (1978). Assesing personal role and organizational predictors of managerial commitment. Academy of Management Journal, 21,
  • SULLIVAN, J. (1988). Three roles of language in motivation theory. Academy of Management Review, 13 (1), 104-115. ss.
  • WALDRON, V.R. (1991). Achieving communication goals in superior-subordinate relationships: The multi-functionality of upward maintenance tactics. Communication Monographs, 58, 288-305. ss.
  • WASTI, S.A. (2002). Affective and continuance commitment to the organization: Test of an integrated model in the Turkish context. Internetional Journal of Intercultural Relations, 26, 525-550. ss.
  • WEISS, D., DAVIS, R., EBGLAND, G., LOFQUIST, L. (1967). Manual for Minnesota satisfaction questionnaire. Minnesota: University of Minnesota.
  • YOUNG, M., DULEWICZ, V. (2007). Relationships between emotional and congruent self- awareness and performance in the British Royal Navy. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 22 (5), 465-478. ss.
  • YOUSEF, D.A. (2000). Organizational commitment: a mediator of the relationships of leadership behaviour with job satisfaction and performance in a non-western country. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 15 (1), 6-28. ss.


Yıl 2011, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2, 243 - 255, 01.07.2011


When the literature of leadership and communication is examined, it can be identified that until 1990s, there was not enough study on the effects of a leader’s language and its content on motivation and performance of employees. This gap was filled in theoretical dimension by the Motivating Language Theory by Sullivan 1988 and as an extension of this theory, the Motivating Language Scale developed by Mayfield, Mayfield and Kopf 1995 based on the former study closed in practical dimension. In this study, the scale developed by Mayfield, Mayfield and Kopf 1995 has been tested for its validity and reliability. As a result of analyses carried out, it has been determined that the scale has a high rate of validity and reliability. Therefore, it is assessed that this scale can contribute to empirical studies in the future


  • ALEXANDER, E.R., HELMS, M.M., WILKINS, R.D. (1989). The relationship between supervisory communication and subordinate performance and satisfaction among professionals. Public Personnel Management, 18 (4), 415-429. ss.
  • ALLEN, N., MEYER, J. (1990). The measurement and antecedents of affective, continuance and normative commitment to the organization. Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology, 63 (1), 18-38. ss.
  • ARSLANTAŞ, C.C., PEKDEMİR, I. (2007). Dönüşümcü liderlik, örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı ve örgütsel adalet arasındaki ilişkileri belirlemeye yönelik görgül bir araştırma. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 7 (1), 261-286. ss.
  • BAGOZZI R., YI, Y., PHILLIPS, L. (1991). Assessing construct validity in organizational research. Administrative Science Querterly, 36, 421-458. ss.
  • BAKAN, İ., BÜYÜKBEŞE, T. (2004). Çalışanların iş güvencesi ve genel iş davranışları ilişkisi: Bir alan çalışması. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 23, 35- 59. ss.
  • BAŞ, T., (2002). Öğretim üyelerinin iş tatmin profillerinin belirlenmesi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 17 (2), 23-34. ss.
  • BAYCAN, A. (1985). An analysis of the several aspects of job satisfaction between different occupational groups. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • BOLAT, O. İ., BOLAT, T. (2008). Otel işletmelerinde örgütsel bağlılık ve örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı ilişkisi. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 11 (19), 75-94. ss.
  • BROWN, S.P. (1996). A meta-analysis and review of organizational research on job involvement. Psychological Bulletin, 120, 235–255. ss.
  • BÖRÜ, D., GÜNEŞER, B. (2005). Liderlik tarzının çalışanın iş tatmini ile ilişkisi ve lidere olan güvenin bu ilişkideki rolü. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 23 (1), 135-156. ss.
  • CHEN, Z.X., FRANCESCO, A.M., (2003). The relationship between the three components of commitment and employee performance in China. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 62 (3),
  • CONGER J. (1991). Inspiring others: the language of leadership. Academy of Management Executives, 1, 31-44. ss.
  • DANSEREAU, F., GRAEN, G., HAGA, W. (1975). A vertical dyad linkage approach to leadership within formal organizations: a longitudinal investigation of the role-making process. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 13, 46-78. ss.
  • DARWISH, A. (2000). Organizational commitment: a mediator of the relationships of leadership behavior with job satisfaction and performance Gn a Non-Western country. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 15 (1), 6-24. ss.
  • DIENESCH, R., LIDEN, R. (1986). Leader-member exchange model of leadership: a critique and further development. Academy of Managemet Review, 11 (3), 618-634. ss.
  • ERDOĞAN, B., LIDEN, R. (2006). Collectivism as a moderator of responses to organizational justice: Implications for leader member exchange and ingratiation. Journal of Organizational Bevior, 27, 1-17. ss.
  • ERDOĞAN, B., LIDEN, R., KRAIMER, L. (2006), Justice and leader-member exchange: the moderating role of organizational culture. Academy of Management Journal, 49 (2), 395- 406. ss.
  • FARH, J., WERBEL, J.D., BEDEIAN, A.G. (1988). An emprical investigation os elf-appraisal- based performance evaluation. Personal Psychology, 41, 141-156. ss.
  • FERRIS, G.R., YATES, V.L.. GILBRON, D.C., ROWLAND, K. (1985). The influence of subordinate age on performance ratings and causal attributions. Personnel Psychology, 38, 545-557. ss.
  • GORIS J.R., VAUGHT, B.C., PETTIT, J.D. (1997). Effects of ommunication direction on job performance and satisfaction: a moderated regression anaiysis. The Journal of Business Communication, 37 (4), 348-368. ss.
  • GRAEN, G., CASHMAN, J.F. (1975). A role-making model of leadership in formal organizations: a developmental approach. J. HUNT, L. LARSON (Derleyen.), Leadership içinde 143-165 ss, Kent State University Press.
  • GRAEN, G., UHL-BIEN, M. (1995). Relationship-based approach to leadership: development of leadr-member exchange theory of leadership over 25 years: applying a multi-levelmulti domain perspective. Leadership Quarterly, 6, 219-247. ss.
  • HAIR, J.F., ANDERSON, R.E., TATHAM R.L., BLACK, W.C. (1995). Multivariate data analysis. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  • HARGIE, O., TORISH, D., WILSON, N. (2002). Communication audits and the effects of increased information: a folloe-up study. The Journal of Business Communication, 39 (4), 414-436. ss.
  • HINKIN T. (1995). A review of scale development practices in the study of organizations. Journal of Management, 21 (5), 967-988. ss.
  • İŞCAN, Ö.F. (2006). Dönüştürücü/etkileşimci liderlik algısı ve örgütsel özdeşleşme ilişkisinde bireysel farklılıkların rolü. Akdeniz İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 6 (11), 160- 177. ss.
  • JÖRESKOG, K., SÖRBOM, D. (1993). LISREL 8: structural equation modeling with the SIMPLIS command language. Chicago: Scientific Software International.
  • KANTOR, J. (1991). The effects of computer administration and identification on the job descriptive index (JDI). Journal of Business and Psychology, 5 (3), 309-323. ss.
  • KATRİNLİ, A., ATABAY, G., GÜNAY, G., GÜNERİ, B. (2008). Leader-member exchange, organizational identification and the mediating role of job involvement for nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing, Nov; 64 (4), 354-362. ss.
  • KLINE, R. (2005). Principles and practices of structural equation medelling. New York: The Guilford Press.
  • LINDEN, R., WAYNE, S., STITWELL, D. (1993). A longitudinal study on the early development of leader-member exchanges. Journal of Applied Psychology, 78, 662-674. ss.
  • LÜSCHER, L.S., LEWIS, M.W. (2008). Organizational change and managerial sensemaking: working through paradox. Academy of Management Journal, 51 (2), 221-240. ss.
  • MAGHRABI, A.S., JOHNSON, D.A., (1995). An Arabic version of the revised job descriptive index. Current Psychology, 14 (1), 47-54. ss.
  • MAYFIELD, J., MAYFIELD, M. (2002). Leader communication strategies critical paths to improving employee commitment. American Business Review, June, 89-94. ss.
  • MAYFIELD, J., MAYFIELD, M. (2006). The benefits of leader communication on part-time worker outcomes: a comparison between part-time and full-time employees using motivating language. Journal of Business Strategies, 23 (2), 131-153. ss.
  • MAYFIELD, J., MAYFIELD, M. (2007). The effects of leader communication on a worker’s intent to stay: an investigation using structural equation modeling. Human Performance, 20 (2), 85-102. ss.
  • MAYFIELD, J., MAYFIELD, M., KOPF, J. (1995). Motivating language: exploring theory with scale development. The Journal of Business Communication, 32 (4), 329-344. ss.
  • MAYFIELD, J., MAYFIELD, M., MILTON, R., KOPF, J. (1998). The effects of motivating language on subordinate performance and satisfaction. Human Resource Management, 37(3/4), 235-248. ss.
  • MEYER, J.P., STANLEY, D.J., HERSCOVITCH, L., TOPOLNYTSKY, L. (2002). Affective, continuance, and normative commitment to the organization: A meta-analysis of Antecedents, correlates, and consequences. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 61, 20-52. ss.
  • MRAYYAN, M.T., (2005). Nurse job satisfaction and retention: comparing public to private hospitals in Jordan. Journal of Nursing Management, 13, 40-50. ss.
  • NIJHOF, W.J., De JONG, M.J., BEUKHOF, G., (1998). Employee commitment in changing organizations: an exploration. Journal of European Industrial Training, 22 (6), 243-248. ss.
  • ÖZUTKU, H. (2007). Yönetici-ast etkileşimi ile iş tatmini arasındaki ilişki. Amme İdaresi Dergisi, 40 (2), 79-98. ss.
  • ÖZUTKU, H., AĞCA, V., CEVRİOĞLU, E. (2008). Lider-üye etkileşim teorisi çerçevesinde, yönetici-ast etkileşimi ile örgütsel bağlılık boyutları ve iş performansı arasındaki ilişki: ampirik bir inceleme. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 22 (2), 193- 210. ss.
  • PENNINGTON, C.M., RILEY P.V. (1991). Measuring job satisfaction in ESL using the job descriptive index perspectives. City Polytechnic of Hong Kong Working Papers in English, 3 (1), 20-36. ss.
  • PUTTI, J.M., ARYEE, S., PHUA, J. (1990). Communication relationship satisfaction and organizational commitment. Group and Organization Studies, 15 (1), 44-52. ss.
  • RAY E, B. (1993). When the links become chains: cosidering the dysfunctions of supportive communication in the workplace. Communication Monographs, 60, 106-111. ss.
  • REEVE, C.L., ROGELBERG, S.G. (2005). The caring-killing paradox: euthanasia-related strain among animal-shelter workers. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 35 (1), 119-143. ss.
  • SAMAD, S. (2006). Predicting turnover intentions: the case of Malaysian government doctors, The Journal of American Academy of Business, 8 (2), 113-119. ss.
  • SERİNKAN, C., BARDAKCI, A. (2007). Pamukkale Üniversitesi’nde çalışan öğretim elemanlarının iş tatminlerine ilişkin bir araştırma, Selçuk Üniversitesi Karaman İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 12, 152-163. ss.
  • SEYMEN, O.A. (2008). Örgütsel bağlılığı etkileyen örgüt kültürü tipleri üzerine bir araştırma. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • SHARBROUGH, W.C., SIMMONS, S.A., CANTRILL D.A. (2006). Motivating language in industry: its impact on job satisfaction and perceived supervisor effectiveness. Journal of Business Communication, 43 (4), 322-343. ss.
  • SHORE, T.H., TASHCHIAN, A. (2002). Accountability forces in performance appraisal: effects of self-appraisal information, normative information, and task performance. Journal of Business & Psychology, 17 (2), 261-274. ss.
  • SHRAUGER, J.S., OSBERG, T.M. (1981). The relative accuracy of self-predictions and judgments by others in psychological assessment. Psychological Bulletin, 90, 322-351. ss.
  • SMITH, P.C, KENDALL, L.M., HULIN, C.L. (1969). The measurement of satisfaction in work and retirement. Chicago, IL: Rand McNally.
  • SMITH, P., BALZER, W., BRANNICK, M., EGGLESTON, S., GIBSON, W., IRONSON, G., (1987). Manual for the revised JDI and job GN general scales, Bowling Green: Bowling Green State University.
  • STEVENS, J.M., BEYER, J.M., TRICE, H.M. (1978). Assesing personal role and organizational predictors of managerial commitment. Academy of Management Journal, 21,
  • SULLIVAN, J. (1988). Three roles of language in motivation theory. Academy of Management Review, 13 (1), 104-115. ss.
  • WALDRON, V.R. (1991). Achieving communication goals in superior-subordinate relationships: The multi-functionality of upward maintenance tactics. Communication Monographs, 58, 288-305. ss.
  • WASTI, S.A. (2002). Affective and continuance commitment to the organization: Test of an integrated model in the Turkish context. Internetional Journal of Intercultural Relations, 26, 525-550. ss.
  • WEISS, D., DAVIS, R., EBGLAND, G., LOFQUIST, L. (1967). Manual for Minnesota satisfaction questionnaire. Minnesota: University of Minnesota.
  • YOUNG, M., DULEWICZ, V. (2007). Relationships between emotional and congruent self- awareness and performance in the British Royal Navy. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 22 (5), 465-478. ss.
  • YOUSEF, D.A. (2000). Organizational commitment: a mediator of the relationships of leadership behaviour with job satisfaction and performance in a non-western country. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 15 (1), 6-28. ss.
Toplam 62 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

İ. Sani Mert Bu kişi benim

Nurzahit Keskin Bu kişi benim

Türker Baş Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2011
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2011 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Mert, İ. S., Keskin, N., & Baş, T. (2011). MOTİVASYONEL DİL MD TEORİSİ VE ÖLÇME ARACININ TÜRKÇEDE GEÇERLİK VE GÜVENİLİRLİK ANALİZİ. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 12(2), 243-255.