Yıl 2012,
Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1, 147 - 160, 01.01.2012
Nisfet Uzay
Mustafa Demir
Ertuğrul Yıldırım
Teknolojik yenilikler ihracat performansının arttırılmasında önemlidir. Fakat teknolojik yeniliklerin girdisi olarak kabul edilen Araştırma-Geliştirme Ar-Ge harcamalarının ihracat performansı üzerindeki etkilerini araştıran ampirik literatürde birbiriyle uyumlu olmayan sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, literatürdeki tartışmaya katkı sağlamaktır. Çalışmada 1995–2005 yılları arasında Türkiye imalat sanayi sektörlerinin yapmış oldukları ihracat ile Ar–Ge harcamaları arasındaki ilişki panel veri analizi ile test edilmiştir. Ar-Ge harcamalarının ihracat üzerindeki etkisinin daha çok gecikmeli olarak ortaya çıktığı bulunmuştur.
- ATİK, H. (2005). Yenilik ve Ulusal Rekabet Gücü. Detay Yayıncılık, Ankara.
- BROUWER, E., KLEINKNECHT, A. (1996). Firm size, small business presence and sales of ınnovative products: A micro-econometric analysis. Small Business Economics. 8, 189- 201.ss.
- CASSIMAN, B., MARTINEZ–ROS, E. (2004). Innovation and Exports: Evidence from spanish manufacturing. IESE Working Papers, [Erişim Adresi]: <> [Erişim Tarihi: 05.09.2008].
- ÇALIPINAR, H., BAÇ, U. (2007). Kobi’lerde inovasyon yapmayı etkileyen faktörler ve bir alan araştırması. Ege Akademik Bakış, 7(2), 445– 458.ss.
- DOSI, G., SOETE, L. (1988). Technical change and international trade. Giovanni D. vd. (Ed.), Technical Change and Economic Theory, Printer Publishers, London, 401–431.ss.
- FREEMAN, C., SOETE, L. (2003). Yenilik iktisadı. (Çev.: E. TÜRKCAN), TÜBİTAK Yayınları, İkinci Basım, Ankara.
- GALENDE, J. (2006). Analysis of technological innovation from business economics and management, Technovation. 26, 300–311.ss.
- GIACCHERO, A., DONNINI, N., MARTIN, F. (2006). Innovation and competitiveness in local SMEs: Characteristics of firms, entrepreneurs, environment and their interrelationships. CANTNER, U., MALERBA, F. (Eds.), Innovation, industrial dynamics and structural transformation: Schumpeterian legacies, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 173-186.ss.
- GOURLAY, A., SEATON, J. (2004). Explaining the decision to export: Evidence from UK firms. Applied Economics Letters, 11(3), 153-158.ss.
- GRUBER, W., MEHTA, D., VERNON, R. (1967). The R&D factor in ınternational trade and ınternational ınvestment of united states ındustries. The Journal of Political Economy, 75(1), 20–37.ss.
- HIRSCH, S., BIJAOUI, I. (1985). R&D intensity and export performance: A micro view. Review of World Economics, 121(2), 238-251.ss.
- HUMPHREY, T.M. (2004). Ricardo versus Wicksell on job losses and technological change. Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Quarterly, 90(4), 5-23.ss.
- KIRBACH, M., SCHMIEDEBERG, C. (2008). Innovation and export performance: Adjustment and remaining differences in East and West German manufacturing. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 17(5), 435-457.ss.
- LEVIN, A., LIN, C., CHU, S. (2002). Unit root tests in panel data: Asymptotic and finite- sample properties. Journal of Econometrics, 108, 1-24.ss.
- LANDESMANN, M., PFAFFERMAYR, M. (1997). Technological competition and trade performance. Applied Economics, 29(2), 179-196.ss.
- OSLO MANUAL (2005). The measurement of scientific and technological activities. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Statistical Office of the European Communities, [Erişim Adresi]: <www.ttgv.org.tr/UserFiles/File/ OSLO- EN.pdf> [Erişim Tarihi]:12.02.2010.
- ÖZÇELİK, E., TAYMAZ, E. (2004). Does innovativeness matter for ınternational competitiveness in developing countries? The case of Turkish manufacturing industries. Research Policy, 33, 409-424.ss.
- POSNER, M.V. (1961). International trade and technical change. Oxford Economic Papers, 13, 323-341.ss.
- REIGADO, F.M. (1997). Innovation, technological transfer and entrepreneurial competitiveness. MITRA, J., FORMICA, P. (Eds.), Innovation and economic development, Oak Tree Press, Londan, 139-158.ss.
- ROMIJN, H., ALBALADEJO, M. (2000). Determinants of innovation capability in small uk firms: An empirical analysis. Eindhoven Centre for Innovation Studies Working Paper, No: 00.13.
- SAT, A. (2005). Türkiye’de yenilikçilik ve teknoloji geliştirme politikaları. İş Hukuku ve İktisat Dergisi, 4(19). 85-93.ss.
- SCHLEGELMICH, B.B., CROOK, J.N. (1988). Firm-level determinants of export ıntensity. Managerial and Decision Economics, 9, 291-300.ss.
- SCHUMPETER, J.A. (1947). The creative responses in economic history. The Journal of Economic History, 7(2), 149-159.ss.
- STERLACCHINI, A. (2001). The determinants of export performance: A firm - level study of Italian manufacturing. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 137, 450–472.ss.
- TARI, R., YILDIRIM, D.Ç. (2009). Döviz kuru belirsizliğinin ihracata etkisi: Türkiye için bir uygulama. Yönetim ve Ekonomi, 16(2), 95-105.ss.
- TCMB (2010), Kurlar - reel efektif döviz kuru endeksleri (1995=100), [Erişim Adresi]: <http://evds.tcmb.gov.tr/> [Erişim Tarihi]:26.11.2010.
- TÜİK (1997). Araştırma ve geliştirme istatistikleri 1990-1995. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Başbakanlık Devlet ve İstatistik Enstitüsü, Yayın No. 2053, Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü Matbaası, Ankara.
- TÜİK (2008). İstatistik göstergeler: 2003–2007. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, Yayın No. 3206, Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Matbaası, Ankara.
- TÜİK (2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008). Türkiye istatistik yıllığı. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Başbakanlık Devlet ve İstatistik Enstitüsü, Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü Matbaası, Ankara.
- UZUN, A. (2001). Technological ınnovation activities in Turkey: The case of manufacturing industry, 1995–1997. Technovation, 21, 189–196.ss.
- VERNON, R. (1966). International investment and international trade in the product cycle. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 80, 190-207.ss.
- VERSPAGEN, V., WAKELIN, K. (1997). Trade and technology from a Schumpeterian perspective. International Review of Applied Economics, 11(2), 181-194.ss.
- VIRASA, T., TANG, J.C.S. (1998). The role of technology in international trade: A conceptual model for developing countries. The Journal of High Technology Management Research, 9(2), 195–205.ss.
- WAKELIN, K. (1998). Innovation and export behavior at the firm level. Research Policy, 26, 829–841.ss.
- WONGLIMPIYARAT, F. (2004). The use of strategies in managing technological ınnovation. European Journal of Innovation Management, 7(3), 229-250.ss.
- ZHAO, H., LI, H. (1997). R&D and export: An empirical analysis of Chinese manufacturing firms. The Journal of High Technology Management Research, 8(1), 89–105.ss.
Yıl 2012,
Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1, 147 - 160, 01.01.2012
Nisfet Uzay
Mustafa Demir
Ertuğrul Yıldırım
Technological innovations are important with regard to increasing export performance. However, the results that had been reached in the empirical literature investigating the effects of R&D expenses which is accepted as input of technological innovation on the export performance are not compatible with each other. The purpose of this study is to contribute to the discussion in the literature. Between years 1995–2005, a panel data analysis was used to test the relationship between Turkish manufacturing industries’ exports, and the R&D expenses. It was found that the effect of the R&D expenses on export performance was substantially lagged
- ATİK, H. (2005). Yenilik ve Ulusal Rekabet Gücü. Detay Yayıncılık, Ankara.
- BROUWER, E., KLEINKNECHT, A. (1996). Firm size, small business presence and sales of ınnovative products: A micro-econometric analysis. Small Business Economics. 8, 189- 201.ss.
- CASSIMAN, B., MARTINEZ–ROS, E. (2004). Innovation and Exports: Evidence from spanish manufacturing. IESE Working Papers, [Erişim Adresi]: <> [Erişim Tarihi: 05.09.2008].
- ÇALIPINAR, H., BAÇ, U. (2007). Kobi’lerde inovasyon yapmayı etkileyen faktörler ve bir alan araştırması. Ege Akademik Bakış, 7(2), 445– 458.ss.
- DOSI, G., SOETE, L. (1988). Technical change and international trade. Giovanni D. vd. (Ed.), Technical Change and Economic Theory, Printer Publishers, London, 401–431.ss.
- FREEMAN, C., SOETE, L. (2003). Yenilik iktisadı. (Çev.: E. TÜRKCAN), TÜBİTAK Yayınları, İkinci Basım, Ankara.
- GALENDE, J. (2006). Analysis of technological innovation from business economics and management, Technovation. 26, 300–311.ss.
- GIACCHERO, A., DONNINI, N., MARTIN, F. (2006). Innovation and competitiveness in local SMEs: Characteristics of firms, entrepreneurs, environment and their interrelationships. CANTNER, U., MALERBA, F. (Eds.), Innovation, industrial dynamics and structural transformation: Schumpeterian legacies, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 173-186.ss.
- GOURLAY, A., SEATON, J. (2004). Explaining the decision to export: Evidence from UK firms. Applied Economics Letters, 11(3), 153-158.ss.
- GRUBER, W., MEHTA, D., VERNON, R. (1967). The R&D factor in ınternational trade and ınternational ınvestment of united states ındustries. The Journal of Political Economy, 75(1), 20–37.ss.
- HIRSCH, S., BIJAOUI, I. (1985). R&D intensity and export performance: A micro view. Review of World Economics, 121(2), 238-251.ss.
- HUMPHREY, T.M. (2004). Ricardo versus Wicksell on job losses and technological change. Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Quarterly, 90(4), 5-23.ss.
- KIRBACH, M., SCHMIEDEBERG, C. (2008). Innovation and export performance: Adjustment and remaining differences in East and West German manufacturing. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 17(5), 435-457.ss.
- LEVIN, A., LIN, C., CHU, S. (2002). Unit root tests in panel data: Asymptotic and finite- sample properties. Journal of Econometrics, 108, 1-24.ss.
- LANDESMANN, M., PFAFFERMAYR, M. (1997). Technological competition and trade performance. Applied Economics, 29(2), 179-196.ss.
- OSLO MANUAL (2005). The measurement of scientific and technological activities. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Statistical Office of the European Communities, [Erişim Adresi]: <www.ttgv.org.tr/UserFiles/File/ OSLO- EN.pdf> [Erişim Tarihi]:12.02.2010.
- ÖZÇELİK, E., TAYMAZ, E. (2004). Does innovativeness matter for ınternational competitiveness in developing countries? The case of Turkish manufacturing industries. Research Policy, 33, 409-424.ss.
- POSNER, M.V. (1961). International trade and technical change. Oxford Economic Papers, 13, 323-341.ss.
- REIGADO, F.M. (1997). Innovation, technological transfer and entrepreneurial competitiveness. MITRA, J., FORMICA, P. (Eds.), Innovation and economic development, Oak Tree Press, Londan, 139-158.ss.
- ROMIJN, H., ALBALADEJO, M. (2000). Determinants of innovation capability in small uk firms: An empirical analysis. Eindhoven Centre for Innovation Studies Working Paper, No: 00.13.
- SAT, A. (2005). Türkiye’de yenilikçilik ve teknoloji geliştirme politikaları. İş Hukuku ve İktisat Dergisi, 4(19). 85-93.ss.
- SCHLEGELMICH, B.B., CROOK, J.N. (1988). Firm-level determinants of export ıntensity. Managerial and Decision Economics, 9, 291-300.ss.
- SCHUMPETER, J.A. (1947). The creative responses in economic history. The Journal of Economic History, 7(2), 149-159.ss.
- STERLACCHINI, A. (2001). The determinants of export performance: A firm - level study of Italian manufacturing. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 137, 450–472.ss.
- TARI, R., YILDIRIM, D.Ç. (2009). Döviz kuru belirsizliğinin ihracata etkisi: Türkiye için bir uygulama. Yönetim ve Ekonomi, 16(2), 95-105.ss.
- TCMB (2010), Kurlar - reel efektif döviz kuru endeksleri (1995=100), [Erişim Adresi]: <http://evds.tcmb.gov.tr/> [Erişim Tarihi]:26.11.2010.
- TÜİK (1997). Araştırma ve geliştirme istatistikleri 1990-1995. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Başbakanlık Devlet ve İstatistik Enstitüsü, Yayın No. 2053, Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü Matbaası, Ankara.
- TÜİK (2008). İstatistik göstergeler: 2003–2007. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, Yayın No. 3206, Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Matbaası, Ankara.
- TÜİK (2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008). Türkiye istatistik yıllığı. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Başbakanlık Devlet ve İstatistik Enstitüsü, Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü Matbaası, Ankara.
- UZUN, A. (2001). Technological ınnovation activities in Turkey: The case of manufacturing industry, 1995–1997. Technovation, 21, 189–196.ss.
- VERNON, R. (1966). International investment and international trade in the product cycle. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 80, 190-207.ss.
- VERSPAGEN, V., WAKELIN, K. (1997). Trade and technology from a Schumpeterian perspective. International Review of Applied Economics, 11(2), 181-194.ss.
- VIRASA, T., TANG, J.C.S. (1998). The role of technology in international trade: A conceptual model for developing countries. The Journal of High Technology Management Research, 9(2), 195–205.ss.
- WAKELIN, K. (1998). Innovation and export behavior at the firm level. Research Policy, 26, 829–841.ss.
- WONGLIMPIYARAT, F. (2004). The use of strategies in managing technological ınnovation. European Journal of Innovation Management, 7(3), 229-250.ss.
- ZHAO, H., LI, H. (1997). R&D and export: An empirical analysis of Chinese manufacturing firms. The Journal of High Technology Management Research, 8(1), 89–105.ss.