Yıl 2016,
Sayı: 48, 38 - 63, 28.04.2016
Devrim Özkan
Buğra Kalkan
Modern politikanın yapısal inşa
süreci, iletişim sistemlerinin gelişimiyle birlikte gerçekleşir. Modernlik,
toplumu meydana getiren tüm faktör ve öznelerin karşılıklı iletişim ve
etkileşimini sağlayan mekanizmaların tesisi ile oluşturulur. Bunun için, kişi
ve kurumlar arasında iletişimi temin edecek yeni medya araçları kullanılır. Bu
nedenle medyada modern politikanın çok sayıda temsili ile karşılaşılır. Kişiler
modern politikanın medyadaki çeşitli temsillerini değerlendirip kendi
aralarında tartışarak sistemin işleyişine dair kanaat edinirler. Özellikle
televizyon kanallarındaki politik drama dizileri politikaya dair kamusal
tartışmaların canlanmasını sağlar. Son yıllarda, bu politik dramlardan en
dikkat çekeni “House of Cards”dır. “House of Cards” televizyon dizisinde modern
politik sistemi temsil eden çok sayıda veri ile karşılaşılmaktadır.
Çalışmamızda “House of Cards” televizyon dizisi “kamu tercihi teorisi”
çerçevesinde içerik analizi kullanılarak incelenmektedir.
- Buttler, E. (2012). Public Choice, a Primer. London: Institute for Economic Affairs.
- Dixit, A. K.&Nalebuff B.J. (1993). Thinking Strategically, The Competitive Edge in Business, Politics and Everyday Life, New York: Norton Paperback.
- Eason, L., Willimon, B. (Screenwriter) & Wright, R. (Director). (2014, February 14). Episode 10 [Television series episode]. In K. Spacey, E. Roth, J. Donen, D. Brunetti, A. Davies, M. Dobbs, J. Melfi, B. Willimon, D. Manson (Producers). House of Cards. Los Gatos, California, United States: Netflix.
- Fan, D. (1988). Predictions of Public Opinion from the Mass Media: Computer Content Analysis and Mathematical Modelling (Contributions to the Study of Mass Media and Communications). New York, Westport, Cennecticut, London: Greenwood Press.
- Forman, S. (Screenwriter), & Schumacher, J. (Director). (2013, February 1). Episode 6 [Television series episode]. In K. Spacey, E. Roth, J. Donen, D. Brunetti, A. Davies, M. Dobbs, J. Melfi, B. Willimon, D. Manson (Producers). House of Cards. Los Gatos, California, United States: Netflix.
- Gaus, G. (2012). The Order of Public Reason: A Theory of Freedom and Morality in a Diverse and Bounded World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Gionfriddo, G., Willimon, B. (Screenwriter), Coulter, A. (Director). (2013, February 1). Episode 12 [Television series episode]. In K. Spacey, E. Roth, J. Donen, D. Brunetti, A. Davies, M. Dobbs, J. Melfi, B. Willimon, D. Manson (Producers). House of Cards. Los Gatos, California, United States: Netflix.
- Hanjalic, A. (2004). Content-Based Analysis of Digital Video. New York, Boston, Dordrecht, London, Moscow: Kluwer Academıc Publishers.
- Huff, K., Barnow, K., Willimon, B. (Screenwriter), & Franklin, C. (Director). (2013, February 1). Episode 11 [Television series episode]. In K. Spacey, E. Roth, J. Donen, D. Brunetti, A. Davies, M. Dobbs, J. Melfi, B. Willimon, D. Manson (Producers). House of Cards. Los Gatos, California, United States: Netflix.
- Keller, J. R. (2015). The Vice in Vice President: House of Cards and the Morality Tradition. Journal of Popular Film and Television, 43:3, 111-120.
- Krippendorff, K. (2004). Content Analysis an Introduction to Its Methodology. Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi: Sage Publications.
- Krueger, A. O. (1974 June). The Political Economy of Rent-Seeking Society. The American Economic Review, 64 (3).
- Lin, K. (Screenwriter), Coles, J. (Director). (2014, February 14). Episode 5 [Television series episode]. In K. Spacey, E. Roth, J. Donen, D. Brunetti, A. Davies, M. Dobbs, J. Melfi, B. Willimon, D. Manson (Producers). House of Cards. Los Gatos, California, United States: Netflix.
- Machiavelli, N. (2005). The Prince. (P. Bondanella, Trans.) Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.
- Mankiewicz, J. (Screenwriter), Coles, J. (Director). (2014, February 14). Episode 6 [Television series episode]. In K. Spacey, E. Roth, J. Donen, D. Brunetti, A. Davies, M. Dobbs, J. Melfi, B. Willimon, D. Manson (Producers). House of Cards. Los Gatos, California, United States: Netflix.
- Mankiewicz, J., Willimon, B. (Screenwriter) & Coles, J. (Director). (2014, February 14). Episode 11 [Television series episode]. In K. Spacey, E. Roth, J. Donen, D. Brunetti, A. Davies, M. Dobbs, J. Melfi, B. Willimon, D. Manson (Producers). House of Cards. Los Gatos, California, United States: Netflix.
- Marciano, A. (2008). Buchanan’s Constitutional Political Economy: Exchange vs. Choice in Economics and in Politics. Science and Business Media LLC, ss. 42-56.
- Mueller, D. (2003). Public Choice III. Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo: Cambridge University Press.
- Mueller, D. C. (1997). Constitutional Public Choice. In D. C. Mueller (Ed.), Perspectives on Public Choice, a Hand Book (ss. 124-148). New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Neuendorf, K. (2002). The Content Analysis Guidebook. Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi: Sage Publications.
- Pennington, M. (2012). Robust Political Economy, Classical Liberalism and the Future of Public Choice. London: Edward Elgar.
- Riffe, D., Lacy, S., & Fico, F. (2008). Analyzing Media Messages: Using Quantitative Content Analysis in Research. Mahwah, New Jersey, London: Lawrence Erlbaum Assocıates Publishers.
- Treem, S. (Screenwriter), & Franklin, C. (Director). (2013, February 1). Episode 10 [Television series episode]. In K. Spacey, E. Roth, J. Donen, D. Brunetti, A. Davies, M. Dobbs, J. Melfi, B. Willimon, D. Manson (Producers). House of Cards. Los Gatos, California, United States: Netflix.
- Tullock, G. (2002). Government Failure, a Primer in Public Choice. US: Cato İnstitute.
- Willimon, B. (Screenwriter) & Folley, J. (Director). (2014, February 14b). Episode 13 [Television series episode]. In K. Spacey, E. Roth, J. Donen, D. Brunetti, A. Davies, M. Dobbs, J. Melfi, B. Willimon, D. Manson (Producers). House of Cards. Los Gatos, California, United States: Netflix.
- Willimon, B. (Screenwriter) & Folley, J. (Director). (2014, February 14a). Episode 12 [Television series episode]. In K. Spacey, E. Roth, J. Donen, D. Brunetti, A. Davies, M. Dobbs, J. Melfi, B. Willimon, D. Manson (Producers). House of Cards. Los Gatos, California, United States: Netflix.
- Willimon, B. (Screenwriter), & Fincher, D. (Director). (2013a, February 1). Episode 1 [Television series episode]. In K. Spacey, E. Roth, J. Donen, D. Brunetti, A. Davies, M. Dobbs, J. Melfi, B. Willimon, D. Manson (Producers). House of Cards. Los Gatos, California, United States: Netflix.
- Willimon, B. (Screenwriter), & Fincher, D. (Director). (2013b, February 1). Episode 2 [Television series episode]. In K. Spacey, E. Roth, J. Donen, D. Brunetti, A. Davies, M. Dobbs, J. Melfi, B. Willimon, D. Manson (Producers). House of Cards. Los Gatos, California, United States: Netflix.
- Willimon, B. (Screenwriter), Coulter, A. (Director). (2013, February 1). Episode 13 [Television series episode]. In K. Spacey, E. Roth, J. Donen, D. Brunetti, A. Davies, M. Dobbs, J. Melfi, B. Willimon, D. Manson (Producers). House of Cards. Los Gatos, California, United States: Netflix.
- Willimon, B. (Screenwriter), Franklin, C. (Director). (2014a, February 14). Episode 1 [Television series episode]. In K. Spacey, E. Roth, J. Donen, D. Brunetti, A. Davies, M. Dobbs, J. Melfi, B. Willimon, D. Manson (Producers). House of Cards. Los Gatos, California, United States: Netflix.
- Willimon, B. (Screenwriter), Franklin, C. (Director). (2014b, February 14). Episode 2 [Television series episode]. In K. Spacey, E. Roth, J. Donen, D. Brunetti, A. Davies, M. Dobbs, J. Melfi, B. Willimon, D. Manson (Producers). House of Cards. Los Gatos, California, United States: Netflix.
- Willimon, B., Barnow, K. (Screenwriter), & Mcdougall, C. (Director). (2013, February 1). Episode 7 [Television series episode]. In K. Spacey, E. Roth, J. Donen, D. Brunetti, A. Davies, M. Dobbs, J. Melfi, B. Willimon, D. Manson (Producers). House of Cards. Los Gatos, California, United States: Netflix.
- Winter, D. (1992). Content analysis of archival materials, personal documents, and everyday verbal productions. In C. Smith , Motivation and personality: Handbook of thematic content analysis (ss. 110-125). Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
Yıl 2016,
Sayı: 48, 38 - 63, 28.04.2016
Devrim Özkan
Buğra Kalkan
Structural construction process of the modern politics emerges with the
development of the communication systems. Modernism is formed by the
establishment of the mechanisms that enable the communication and interaction
of all the factors and subjects that generate the society. Therefore, new media
tools are used to provide the communication between individuals and
institutions. So we encounter with many representations of the modern politics
on the media. Individuals form their opinions about the operations of the
system by analysing and discussing some of the representations of the modern
politics between each other. Especially the political TV shows revive the
public debates over politics. The most salient political TV show of the recent
years is “House of Cards”. One can find many data that represents the modern
political system in the TV show, “House of Cards”. The TV show, “House of
Cards” is studied by using content analysis with in the frame of “public choice
- Buttler, E. (2012). Public Choice, a Primer. London: Institute for Economic Affairs.
- Dixit, A. K.&Nalebuff B.J. (1993). Thinking Strategically, The Competitive Edge in Business, Politics and Everyday Life, New York: Norton Paperback.
- Eason, L., Willimon, B. (Screenwriter) & Wright, R. (Director). (2014, February 14). Episode 10 [Television series episode]. In K. Spacey, E. Roth, J. Donen, D. Brunetti, A. Davies, M. Dobbs, J. Melfi, B. Willimon, D. Manson (Producers). House of Cards. Los Gatos, California, United States: Netflix.
- Fan, D. (1988). Predictions of Public Opinion from the Mass Media: Computer Content Analysis and Mathematical Modelling (Contributions to the Study of Mass Media and Communications). New York, Westport, Cennecticut, London: Greenwood Press.
- Forman, S. (Screenwriter), & Schumacher, J. (Director). (2013, February 1). Episode 6 [Television series episode]. In K. Spacey, E. Roth, J. Donen, D. Brunetti, A. Davies, M. Dobbs, J. Melfi, B. Willimon, D. Manson (Producers). House of Cards. Los Gatos, California, United States: Netflix.
- Gaus, G. (2012). The Order of Public Reason: A Theory of Freedom and Morality in a Diverse and Bounded World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Gionfriddo, G., Willimon, B. (Screenwriter), Coulter, A. (Director). (2013, February 1). Episode 12 [Television series episode]. In K. Spacey, E. Roth, J. Donen, D. Brunetti, A. Davies, M. Dobbs, J. Melfi, B. Willimon, D. Manson (Producers). House of Cards. Los Gatos, California, United States: Netflix.
- Hanjalic, A. (2004). Content-Based Analysis of Digital Video. New York, Boston, Dordrecht, London, Moscow: Kluwer Academıc Publishers.
- Huff, K., Barnow, K., Willimon, B. (Screenwriter), & Franklin, C. (Director). (2013, February 1). Episode 11 [Television series episode]. In K. Spacey, E. Roth, J. Donen, D. Brunetti, A. Davies, M. Dobbs, J. Melfi, B. Willimon, D. Manson (Producers). House of Cards. Los Gatos, California, United States: Netflix.
- Keller, J. R. (2015). The Vice in Vice President: House of Cards and the Morality Tradition. Journal of Popular Film and Television, 43:3, 111-120.
- Krippendorff, K. (2004). Content Analysis an Introduction to Its Methodology. Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi: Sage Publications.
- Krueger, A. O. (1974 June). The Political Economy of Rent-Seeking Society. The American Economic Review, 64 (3).
- Lin, K. (Screenwriter), Coles, J. (Director). (2014, February 14). Episode 5 [Television series episode]. In K. Spacey, E. Roth, J. Donen, D. Brunetti, A. Davies, M. Dobbs, J. Melfi, B. Willimon, D. Manson (Producers). House of Cards. Los Gatos, California, United States: Netflix.
- Machiavelli, N. (2005). The Prince. (P. Bondanella, Trans.) Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.
- Mankiewicz, J. (Screenwriter), Coles, J. (Director). (2014, February 14). Episode 6 [Television series episode]. In K. Spacey, E. Roth, J. Donen, D. Brunetti, A. Davies, M. Dobbs, J. Melfi, B. Willimon, D. Manson (Producers). House of Cards. Los Gatos, California, United States: Netflix.
- Mankiewicz, J., Willimon, B. (Screenwriter) & Coles, J. (Director). (2014, February 14). Episode 11 [Television series episode]. In K. Spacey, E. Roth, J. Donen, D. Brunetti, A. Davies, M. Dobbs, J. Melfi, B. Willimon, D. Manson (Producers). House of Cards. Los Gatos, California, United States: Netflix.
- Marciano, A. (2008). Buchanan’s Constitutional Political Economy: Exchange vs. Choice in Economics and in Politics. Science and Business Media LLC, ss. 42-56.
- Mueller, D. (2003). Public Choice III. Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo: Cambridge University Press.
- Mueller, D. C. (1997). Constitutional Public Choice. In D. C. Mueller (Ed.), Perspectives on Public Choice, a Hand Book (ss. 124-148). New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Neuendorf, K. (2002). The Content Analysis Guidebook. Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi: Sage Publications.
- Pennington, M. (2012). Robust Political Economy, Classical Liberalism and the Future of Public Choice. London: Edward Elgar.
- Riffe, D., Lacy, S., & Fico, F. (2008). Analyzing Media Messages: Using Quantitative Content Analysis in Research. Mahwah, New Jersey, London: Lawrence Erlbaum Assocıates Publishers.
- Treem, S. (Screenwriter), & Franklin, C. (Director). (2013, February 1). Episode 10 [Television series episode]. In K. Spacey, E. Roth, J. Donen, D. Brunetti, A. Davies, M. Dobbs, J. Melfi, B. Willimon, D. Manson (Producers). House of Cards. Los Gatos, California, United States: Netflix.
- Tullock, G. (2002). Government Failure, a Primer in Public Choice. US: Cato İnstitute.
- Willimon, B. (Screenwriter) & Folley, J. (Director). (2014, February 14b). Episode 13 [Television series episode]. In K. Spacey, E. Roth, J. Donen, D. Brunetti, A. Davies, M. Dobbs, J. Melfi, B. Willimon, D. Manson (Producers). House of Cards. Los Gatos, California, United States: Netflix.
- Willimon, B. (Screenwriter) & Folley, J. (Director). (2014, February 14a). Episode 12 [Television series episode]. In K. Spacey, E. Roth, J. Donen, D. Brunetti, A. Davies, M. Dobbs, J. Melfi, B. Willimon, D. Manson (Producers). House of Cards. Los Gatos, California, United States: Netflix.
- Willimon, B. (Screenwriter), & Fincher, D. (Director). (2013a, February 1). Episode 1 [Television series episode]. In K. Spacey, E. Roth, J. Donen, D. Brunetti, A. Davies, M. Dobbs, J. Melfi, B. Willimon, D. Manson (Producers). House of Cards. Los Gatos, California, United States: Netflix.
- Willimon, B. (Screenwriter), & Fincher, D. (Director). (2013b, February 1). Episode 2 [Television series episode]. In K. Spacey, E. Roth, J. Donen, D. Brunetti, A. Davies, M. Dobbs, J. Melfi, B. Willimon, D. Manson (Producers). House of Cards. Los Gatos, California, United States: Netflix.
- Willimon, B. (Screenwriter), Coulter, A. (Director). (2013, February 1). Episode 13 [Television series episode]. In K. Spacey, E. Roth, J. Donen, D. Brunetti, A. Davies, M. Dobbs, J. Melfi, B. Willimon, D. Manson (Producers). House of Cards. Los Gatos, California, United States: Netflix.
- Willimon, B. (Screenwriter), Franklin, C. (Director). (2014a, February 14). Episode 1 [Television series episode]. In K. Spacey, E. Roth, J. Donen, D. Brunetti, A. Davies, M. Dobbs, J. Melfi, B. Willimon, D. Manson (Producers). House of Cards. Los Gatos, California, United States: Netflix.
- Willimon, B. (Screenwriter), Franklin, C. (Director). (2014b, February 14). Episode 2 [Television series episode]. In K. Spacey, E. Roth, J. Donen, D. Brunetti, A. Davies, M. Dobbs, J. Melfi, B. Willimon, D. Manson (Producers). House of Cards. Los Gatos, California, United States: Netflix.
- Willimon, B., Barnow, K. (Screenwriter), & Mcdougall, C. (Director). (2013, February 1). Episode 7 [Television series episode]. In K. Spacey, E. Roth, J. Donen, D. Brunetti, A. Davies, M. Dobbs, J. Melfi, B. Willimon, D. Manson (Producers). House of Cards. Los Gatos, California, United States: Netflix.
- Winter, D. (1992). Content analysis of archival materials, personal documents, and everyday verbal productions. In C. Smith , Motivation and personality: Handbook of thematic content analysis (ss. 110-125). Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.