The Mediating Role of Service Satisfaction in the Effect of Servıce Experience on Customer Citizenship Behavior: The Case of Starbucks
Yıl 2023,
Sayı: 78, 351 - 370, 25.10.2023
Pınar Aytekin
Gamze Durgun
Özlem Taştepe
Fatma İrem Konyalıoğlu
The aim of this study is to determine whether the customer's experience of the service offered in Starbucks, which operates as a chain of coffee shops, has an effect on their customer citizenship behavior and whether the service satisfaction of the customers plays a mediating role in the formation of this effect. In line with the purpose of the study, quantitative research method was used to analyze the data. 403 survey data collected by convenience sampling method were analyzed using SPSS 18 and AMOS 22 programs. The results of the analyzes regarding hypothesis testing were confirmed through the structural equation model. Research results; showed that service experience partially and positively affects customer citizenship behavior. When the effect of service experience on service satisfaction is examined, it shows that the service experience experienced by customers is sufficient for them to exhibit customer citizenship behavior. In addition, it was determined that service satisfaction did not have a mediating effect on the effect of service experience on customer citizenship behavior. Based on this result, it is possible to say that customers may tend to show customer citizenship behavior even if their service experience is not at the level of satisfaction. In recent years, it has become extremely important to provide unique experiences to customers by activating their feelings. Therefore, customers who see themselves as an employee of the business are likely to be impressed by their service experience.
- Baron, R. M. & Kenny, D. A. (1986). The moderator-mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: Conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51(6): 1173-1182.
- Bloemer, J., Ruyter, K. D. & Peeters, P. (1998). Investigating drivers of bank loyalty: The complex relationship between ımage, service quality and satisfaction. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 16(7), 276- 286.
- Brakus, J. J., Schmitt, B. H. & Zarantonello, L. (2009). Brand experience: what is it? How is it measured? Does it affect loyalty? Journal of Marketing, 73(3), 52-68.
- Bove, L. L., Pervan, S. J., Beatty, S. E. & Shiu, E. (2009). Service worker role in encouraging customer organizational citizenship behaviors. Journal of Business Research, 62, 698-705.
- Carroll, B., A. & Ahuvia, A. C. (2006). Some antecedents and outcomes of brand love. Marketing Letters, 17(2), 79-89.
- Chen, C. M., Lee, H. T., Chen, S. H., & Huang, T. H. (2011). Tourist behavioural intentions in relation to service quality and customer satisfaction in Kinmen National Park, Taiwan. International Journal of Tourism Research, 13(5), 416-432.
- Claycomb, C., Lengnick-Hall, C.A. & Inks, L.W. (2001). The customer as a productive resource: a pilot study and strategic implications, Journal of Business Strategies, 18(1), 47-69.
- Crompton, J. L., & Love, L. L. (1995). The predictive validity of alternative approaches to evaluating quality of a festival. Journal of Travel Research, 34(1), 11-24.
- Curth, S., Uhrich, S., & Benkenstein, M. (2014). How commitment to fellow customers affects the customer-firm relationship and customer citizenship behavior. Journal of Services Marketing, 28(2), 147-158.
- Çıraklı, Ü., Gözlü M., ve Gözlü K. (2014). Sağlık kurumlarında algılanan hizmet kalitesinin değerlendirilmesi: Yozgat’ta yer alan iki hastanenin yatan hastaları üzerinde bir çalışma. Sağlıkta Performans ve Kalite Dergisi, 7, 61-82.
- Donnelly, M., Wisniewski, M., Dalrymple, J. F., & Curry, A. C. (1995). Measuring service quality in local government: the SERVQUAL approach. International Journal of Public Sector Management. 8(7), 15-20.
- Eraqi, M. I. (2006). Tourism services quality (TourServQual) in Egypt: The viewpoints of external and internal customers. Benchmarking: an international journal. 13(4): 469-492.
- Fowler, J. G. (2013). Customer Citizenship Behavior: An expanded theoretical understanding. International Journal of Business and Social Science. 4(5), 1-8.
- Garvin, D. A. (1984). What does `product quality’ really mean?. Sloan Management Review, 26, 25-43.
- Gentile, C., Spiller, N., Noci, G. (2007). How to sustain the customer experience: an overview of experience components that co- create value with the customer. European Management Journal, 25(5), 395-410.
- Gilmore, J. H. & Pine, B. J. (2002). Customer experience places: the new offering frontier, Strategy & Leadership, 30(4),4-11.
- Gronroos, C. (1984). A service quality model and its market implications. European Journal of Marketing, 18(4), 36-44.
- Groth, M. (2005). Customers as good soldiers: examining citizenship behaviors in internet service deliveries. Journal of Management, 31(1), 7-27.
- Harsono, S., Widyantorob, H., Prawitowatic, T. & Rachmatd, B. (2021). Service-oriented organizatinal citizenship behavior, service quality and customer citizenship behavior: comparison of ımplementation and evaluation from the perspective of bank customers. Market-Tržište, 33(1), 75-92.
- Hidayetoğlu, B. (2017). “En Başarılı 10 Kahve Franchise (Kahve Bayilik) Zinciri”, (Erişim Tarihi: 05.01.2022)
- Hsieh, A., Yen, C. & Chin, K. (2004). Participative customers as partial employees and service provider workload. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 15(2), 187-199.
- Jones, P. (1990). Managing foodservice productivity in the long term: strategy, structure and performance. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 9(2), 143-154.
- Keh, H. T. & Teo, C. W. (2001). Retail customers as partial employees in service provision: a conceptual framework. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management. 29(8), 370–378.
- Kerin, R.A., Jain, A. & Howard, D.J. (1992). Store shopping experience and consumer price-quality-value perceptions. Journal of Retailing, 68(4), 376-397.
- Kerse, Y. ve Gelibolu, L. (2020). Müşteri vatandaşlık davranışı oluşumunda lojistik hizmet kalitesinin, müşteri memnuniyetinin ve müşteri güveninin rolü: aracılı bir model. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 7(3), 681-705.
- Klaus, P. & Maklan, S. (2011). Customer experience:Are we measuring the right things? International Journal of Market Research, 53(16), 771-791.
- Lee, M. S., Hsiao, H. D. & Yang, M. F. (2010). The study of the relationship among experiential marketing, service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. International Journal. 13(5), 213-217.
- Lovelock, C., Patterson, P. G. & Wirtz, J. (2015). Services marketing an asia –pacific and australian perspective. Pearson australia: Melbourne.
- Malhotra, N. K. (2010). Marketing research: An applied orientation. 6th Edition, New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.
- Meidute-Kavaliauskiene, L., Aranskis, A. & Litvinenko, M. (2014). Consumer satisfaction with the quality of logistics services. procedia social and behavioral sciences. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences. 110, 30-340.
- Mucuk, İ. (2005). Modern işletmecilik, (15. Basım), İstanbul: Türkmen Kitabevi.
- Rosenbaum, M.S. & Massiah, C. (2007). When customers receive support from other customers: exploring the ınfluence of ıntercustomer social support on customer voluntary performance. Journal of Service Research, 9, 257-270.
- Sautter, P., Hyman, M.R., Lukosius, V. (2004). E-Tail atmospherics: a critique of the literature and model extension, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 5(1), 14-24.
- Urhan, İ. (2020). “Türkiye’de En Çok Tercih Edilen Kahve Evleri”, (Erişim Tarihi: 08.02.2022)
- Veloutsou, C., Gilbert, G. R., Moutinho, L. A., & Goode, M. M. (2005). Measuring transaction‐specific satisfaction in services: are the measures transferable across cultures?. European Journal of Marketing. 39(5/6), 606-628.
- Verhoef, P.C., Lemon, K.N., Parasuraman, A., Roggeveen, A., Tsiros, M. & Schlesinger, L.A. (2009). Customer experience creation: determinants, dynamics and management strategies, Journal of Retailing, 85(1), 31-41.
- Walls, A. R., Okumuş, F., Wang, Y. & Kwun, D. J.-W. (2011). An epistemological view of consumer experiences. International Journal of Hospitality Management 30, 10-21.
- Yang, S. ve Qinhai, M. (2011). Review of customer citizenship behaviors scales in service perspective. Minli Dai (Ed.). Innovative Computing and Information International Conference, 238-243.
- Yarmacı, N. ve Kefeli, E. (2020). Yiyecek içecek işletmelerinde hizmet kalitesinin müşteri vatandaşlık davranışına etkisi: İstanbul örneği. İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 12(4), 3947-3964.
- Yurttakalan, Ö. ve Yıldız, E. (2023). Müşteri vatandaşlığı davranışlarının himaye niyeti üzerindeki etkileri: genel hizmet kalitesinin aracılık rolü. Çağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 20(1), 17-35.
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Hizmet Deneyiminin Müşteri Vatandaşlık Davranışına Etkisinde Hizmet Tatmininin Aracılık Rolü: Starbucks Örneği
Yıl 2023,
Sayı: 78, 351 - 370, 25.10.2023
Pınar Aytekin
Gamze Durgun
Özlem Taştepe
Fatma İrem Konyalıoğlu
Bu çalışmanın amacı; kahve dükkânları zinciri olarak faaliyette bulunan Starbucks’ta, müşterilerin sunulan hizmete ilişkin deneyimlerinin, müşteri vatandaşlık davranışı göstermelerinde bir etkisi olup olmadığını ve bu etkinin oluşmasında müşterilerin yaşadıkları hizmet tatmininin aracılık rolü üstlenip üstlenmediğini belirlemektir. Çalışmanın amacı doğrultunda verilerin analizi için nicel araştırma yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Kolayda örnekleme yöntemi ile toplanan 403 anket verisi SPSS 18 ve AMOS 22 programlarından yararlanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Hipotez testine ilişkin analizlerin sonuçları yapısal eşitlik modeli aracılığı ile doğrulanmıştır. Araştırma sonuçları; hizmet deneyiminin müşteri vatandaşlık davranışını kısmen ve pozitif yönde etkilediğini göstermiştir. Hizmet deneyiminin hizmet tatmini üzerindeki etkisi incelendiğinde müşterilerin yaşadıkları hizmet deneyiminin müşteri vatandaşlık davranışı sergilemeleri için yeterli olduğu sonucunu göstermektedir. Ayrıca, hizmet deneyiminin müşteri vatandaşlık davranışına etkisinde hizmet tatmininin aracılık etkisi olmadığı saptanmıştır. Bu sonuçtan yola çıkarak, müşterilerin yaşadıkları hizmet deneyiminin tatmin düzeyinde olmasa dahi müşteri vatandaşlık davranışı gösterme eğiliminde olabileceklerini söylemek mümkündür. Son yıllarda müşterilerin hislerini harekete geçirerek, onlara eşsiz deneyimler sunmak tatmin yaratma açısından son derece önemli hale gelmiştir. Dolayısıyla, kendisini işletmenin bir çalışanı gibi gören müşterilerin, yaşadıkları hizmet deneyiminden etkilenmeleri muhtemel olacaktır.
- Baron, R. M. & Kenny, D. A. (1986). The moderator-mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: Conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51(6): 1173-1182.
- Bloemer, J., Ruyter, K. D. & Peeters, P. (1998). Investigating drivers of bank loyalty: The complex relationship between ımage, service quality and satisfaction. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 16(7), 276- 286.
- Brakus, J. J., Schmitt, B. H. & Zarantonello, L. (2009). Brand experience: what is it? How is it measured? Does it affect loyalty? Journal of Marketing, 73(3), 52-68.
- Bove, L. L., Pervan, S. J., Beatty, S. E. & Shiu, E. (2009). Service worker role in encouraging customer organizational citizenship behaviors. Journal of Business Research, 62, 698-705.
- Carroll, B., A. & Ahuvia, A. C. (2006). Some antecedents and outcomes of brand love. Marketing Letters, 17(2), 79-89.
- Chen, C. M., Lee, H. T., Chen, S. H., & Huang, T. H. (2011). Tourist behavioural intentions in relation to service quality and customer satisfaction in Kinmen National Park, Taiwan. International Journal of Tourism Research, 13(5), 416-432.
- Claycomb, C., Lengnick-Hall, C.A. & Inks, L.W. (2001). The customer as a productive resource: a pilot study and strategic implications, Journal of Business Strategies, 18(1), 47-69.
- Crompton, J. L., & Love, L. L. (1995). The predictive validity of alternative approaches to evaluating quality of a festival. Journal of Travel Research, 34(1), 11-24.
- Curth, S., Uhrich, S., & Benkenstein, M. (2014). How commitment to fellow customers affects the customer-firm relationship and customer citizenship behavior. Journal of Services Marketing, 28(2), 147-158.
- Çıraklı, Ü., Gözlü M., ve Gözlü K. (2014). Sağlık kurumlarında algılanan hizmet kalitesinin değerlendirilmesi: Yozgat’ta yer alan iki hastanenin yatan hastaları üzerinde bir çalışma. Sağlıkta Performans ve Kalite Dergisi, 7, 61-82.
- Donnelly, M., Wisniewski, M., Dalrymple, J. F., & Curry, A. C. (1995). Measuring service quality in local government: the SERVQUAL approach. International Journal of Public Sector Management. 8(7), 15-20.
- Eraqi, M. I. (2006). Tourism services quality (TourServQual) in Egypt: The viewpoints of external and internal customers. Benchmarking: an international journal. 13(4): 469-492.
- Fowler, J. G. (2013). Customer Citizenship Behavior: An expanded theoretical understanding. International Journal of Business and Social Science. 4(5), 1-8.
- Garvin, D. A. (1984). What does `product quality’ really mean?. Sloan Management Review, 26, 25-43.
- Gentile, C., Spiller, N., Noci, G. (2007). How to sustain the customer experience: an overview of experience components that co- create value with the customer. European Management Journal, 25(5), 395-410.
- Gilmore, J. H. & Pine, B. J. (2002). Customer experience places: the new offering frontier, Strategy & Leadership, 30(4),4-11.
- Gronroos, C. (1984). A service quality model and its market implications. European Journal of Marketing, 18(4), 36-44.
- Groth, M. (2005). Customers as good soldiers: examining citizenship behaviors in internet service deliveries. Journal of Management, 31(1), 7-27.
- Harsono, S., Widyantorob, H., Prawitowatic, T. & Rachmatd, B. (2021). Service-oriented organizatinal citizenship behavior, service quality and customer citizenship behavior: comparison of ımplementation and evaluation from the perspective of bank customers. Market-Tržište, 33(1), 75-92.
- Hidayetoğlu, B. (2017). “En Başarılı 10 Kahve Franchise (Kahve Bayilik) Zinciri”, (Erişim Tarihi: 05.01.2022)
- Hsieh, A., Yen, C. & Chin, K. (2004). Participative customers as partial employees and service provider workload. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 15(2), 187-199.
- Jones, P. (1990). Managing foodservice productivity in the long term: strategy, structure and performance. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 9(2), 143-154.
- Keh, H. T. & Teo, C. W. (2001). Retail customers as partial employees in service provision: a conceptual framework. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management. 29(8), 370–378.
- Kerin, R.A., Jain, A. & Howard, D.J. (1992). Store shopping experience and consumer price-quality-value perceptions. Journal of Retailing, 68(4), 376-397.
- Kerse, Y. ve Gelibolu, L. (2020). Müşteri vatandaşlık davranışı oluşumunda lojistik hizmet kalitesinin, müşteri memnuniyetinin ve müşteri güveninin rolü: aracılı bir model. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 7(3), 681-705.
- Klaus, P. & Maklan, S. (2011). Customer experience:Are we measuring the right things? International Journal of Market Research, 53(16), 771-791.
- Lee, M. S., Hsiao, H. D. & Yang, M. F. (2010). The study of the relationship among experiential marketing, service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. International Journal. 13(5), 213-217.
- Lovelock, C., Patterson, P. G. & Wirtz, J. (2015). Services marketing an asia –pacific and australian perspective. Pearson australia: Melbourne.
- Malhotra, N. K. (2010). Marketing research: An applied orientation. 6th Edition, New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.
- Meidute-Kavaliauskiene, L., Aranskis, A. & Litvinenko, M. (2014). Consumer satisfaction with the quality of logistics services. procedia social and behavioral sciences. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences. 110, 30-340.
- Mucuk, İ. (2005). Modern işletmecilik, (15. Basım), İstanbul: Türkmen Kitabevi.
- Rosenbaum, M.S. & Massiah, C. (2007). When customers receive support from other customers: exploring the ınfluence of ıntercustomer social support on customer voluntary performance. Journal of Service Research, 9, 257-270.
- Sautter, P., Hyman, M.R., Lukosius, V. (2004). E-Tail atmospherics: a critique of the literature and model extension, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 5(1), 14-24.
- Urhan, İ. (2020). “Türkiye’de En Çok Tercih Edilen Kahve Evleri”, (Erişim Tarihi: 08.02.2022)
- Veloutsou, C., Gilbert, G. R., Moutinho, L. A., & Goode, M. M. (2005). Measuring transaction‐specific satisfaction in services: are the measures transferable across cultures?. European Journal of Marketing. 39(5/6), 606-628.
- Verhoef, P.C., Lemon, K.N., Parasuraman, A., Roggeveen, A., Tsiros, M. & Schlesinger, L.A. (2009). Customer experience creation: determinants, dynamics and management strategies, Journal of Retailing, 85(1), 31-41.
- Walls, A. R., Okumuş, F., Wang, Y. & Kwun, D. J.-W. (2011). An epistemological view of consumer experiences. International Journal of Hospitality Management 30, 10-21.
- Yang, S. ve Qinhai, M. (2011). Review of customer citizenship behaviors scales in service perspective. Minli Dai (Ed.). Innovative Computing and Information International Conference, 238-243.
- Yarmacı, N. ve Kefeli, E. (2020). Yiyecek içecek işletmelerinde hizmet kalitesinin müşteri vatandaşlık davranışına etkisi: İstanbul örneği. İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 12(4), 3947-3964.
- Yurttakalan, Ö. ve Yıldız, E. (2023). Müşteri vatandaşlığı davranışlarının himaye niyeti üzerindeki etkileri: genel hizmet kalitesinin aracılık rolü. Çağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 20(1), 17-35.
- Zomerdijk, L.G. & Voss, C.A. (2010). Service design for experience-centric services, Journal of Service Research, 13(1), 67-82.