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Gökkuşağı Alabalığı (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum,1792)'ndan Hazırlanan Köftelerin Kimyasal ve Duyusal Kalitesi Üzerine Gojiberry Ekstraktın Etkisi

Yıl 2024, , 198 - 210, 31.12.2024


Bu çalışmada, farklı oranlarda kullanılan goji berry ekstraktının (%2 ve %4) gökkuşağı alabalığı köftelerinin buzdolabında depolama (4°C) sırasında kimyasal ve duyusal kalitesi üzerindeki etkisi değerlendirildi. Goji berry ekstrakt lipitlere (TBA) stabilite kazandırdı. Biyokimyasal değişiklikler (TVB-N, pH) korundu. Strafor paket içinde buzdolabı koşullarında depolanan goji berry ilaveli köftelerin 15. günde kabul edilebilir sınırları aştığı belirlendi. İlaveten, duyusal kalite değerlendirmesine göre, goji berry ekstraktı ilave edilen örnekler kontrole göre üstün duyusal kalite gösterdi, Kontrol grubu 9. günde kabul edilemez olarak değerlendirildi. Sonuç olarak, goji berry ektraktı koruyucu kalite sergileyerek biyokimyasal ve duyusal kaliteyi korudu.

Proje Numarası



  • Gomma, A. E. E., Tarek, M. A., & Abdalla, A. E. M. (2019). The effect of sage essential oil on the compositional quality of anchovy fish burger during freeze storage . J. Adv. Agric. Res., 24(4), 2, 535-557.
  • Al-Bulushi, I.M., Kasapis, S., Al-Oufi, H. & Al-Mamari, S. (2005). Evaluating the quality and storage stability of fish burgers during frozen storage. Fisheries Science, 71, 648-654.
  • Ali, M., Imran, M., Nadeem, M., Khan, M., Sohaib, M., Suleria, H., & Bashir, R. (2019). Oxidative stability and Sensoric acceptability of functional fish meat product supplemented with plant−based polyphenolic optimal extracts. Lipids in Health and Disease, 18, 1-16.
  • AOAC. (2002). Offical Methods of Analysis of the Association of Analytical Chemists, Ed. Arlington, K., (17th. Ed.), Gaithersburg, Maryland.
  • Balıkçı, E., Özoğul, Y., Durmuş, M., Uçar, Y., & Gökdoğan Tekin, S. (2022). The impact of thyme, rosemary and basil extracts on the chemical, sensory and microbiological quality of mackerel balls stored at -18oC. Acta Aquatica Turcica, 18(2), 217-235.
  • Di Monaco, R., Cavella, S., & Masi, P. et al. (2009). Blue fish burgers: nutritional characterisation and sensory optimisation. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 44, 1634–1641.
  • Emir Çoban, Ö., & Çoban, M. Z. (2019). Meyan kökü ekstraktı ile zenginleştirilmiş kitosan kaplamanın alabalık (Oncorhynchus mykiss) filetolarının kalitesi üzerine etkisi, Ecological Life Sciences (NWSAELS), 14(4), 83-92.
  • Engin, M. S., Kalkan, S., & Otağ, M. R. (2019). Goji berry (Lycium barbarum L.) meyvesinin farklı çözgenlerden elde edilen ekstratlarının toplam fenolik içerikleri ile antioksidan ve antimikrobiyal aktivitelerinin karşılaştırılması. Anadolu Çev. ve Hay. Dergisi, 4(2), 359-365.
  • Ekinci, L., & Emir Çoban, Ö. (2023). Uçucu yağlar içeren kitosan film ve kaplamalar: Su ürünleri uygulamaları. Journal of Biological Sciences and Health, 1(1), 25-37.
  • Fadıloğlu, E. E., & Çoban, M. Z. (2019a). The effects of goji berry (Lycium barbarum l.) extract on some chemical, microbiological and sensory characteristics of liquid smoked common carp (Cyprinus carpio l., 1758) sausages. Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Science, 29(4) ,702-710.
  • Fadıloğlu, E. E., & Çoban, M. Z. (2019b). The effect of glazing with sumac (rhus coriaria, l.) Extract on the quality of frozen rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillets. Ecological Life Sciences, 14, 129-138.
  • Gahruie, H. H., Hosseini, S. M. H., Taghavifard, M. H., Eskandari, M. H., Golmakani, M. T., & Shad, E. (2017). Lipid oxidation, color changes, and microbiological quality of frozen beef burgers incorporated with shirazi thyme, cinnamon, and rosemary extracts. Journal of Food Quality, 6350156ç
  • Guan, W., Ren, X., Li, Y., & Mao, L. (2019). The beneficial effects of grape seed, sage and oregano extracts on the quality and volatile flavor component of hairtail fish balls during cold storage at 4 °C. LWT, 101, 25-31.
  • Guran H. S., Oksuztepe G., Coban O. E., & Incili, G. K. (2015): Influence of different essential oils on refrigerated fish patties produced from bonito fish (Sarda sarda Bloch, 1793). Czech J. Food Sci., 33, 37-44.
  • Gürel Inanli, A., & Muhammed Amin, B. L. (2022). Determination of shelf life during cold storage of fish fingers coated addition of goji berry. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin, 11(4), 443-453.
  • Gürel İnanlı, A., Emir Çoban, Ö., Yüce, S., & Çelik B., (2018). Yaban mersini (Blue berry) ve kurt üzümü (Gojiberry) ekstraktlarıyla zenginleştirilmiş kitosan ile kaplanmış gökkuşağı alabalık (Onchorhynchus mykiss walbaum 1792) filetolarının piyasa koşullarında mikrobiyolojik değişimlerinin incelenmesi, Ecological Life Sciences (NWSAELS), 13(4),171-181.
  • Husein, Y., Secci, G., Dinnella, C., Parisi, G., Monteleone, E., & Zanoni, B. (2019). Enhanced utilisation of nonmarketable fish: physical, nutritional and sensory properties of ‘clean label’ fish burgers. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 54, 593-601.
  • Huss, H. H. (1995). Quality and quality changes in fresh fish. In FAO. Fisheries Technical Paper
  • Isra, L., Ali, M. S., Salma,U., Rahman, A., & Haq, M. (2024). Physical, nutritional, and sensory characterization of pangas fish ball incorporated with moringa leaves powder. Food Chemistry Advances, 4, 100715.
  • Kamona, Z. K., & Alzobaay, A. A. H. (2021).Effect of essential oil extract from lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) leaves on vaiability of some pathogenic bacteria and sensory properties of fish balls. Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 52(2), 268-275
  • Karsli, B., Caglak, E., &  Prinyawiwatkul, W. (2021). Effects of high-molecular-weight chitosan coating prepared in different solvents on quality of catfish fillets during 6-month frozen storage. Journal of Food Science, 86(3), 762–769. 
  • Kim, Y. Y., Bashir, K. M. I., Kang, S., Park, Y., Sohn, J. H., & Choi, J. S. (2024). Development and quality enhancement of fried fish cake prototype with transglutaminase, trehalose, and herbal oil for room temperature distribution. Gels, 10(11), 740.
  • Kulczyński, B., & Gramza-Michałowska, A. (2016). Goji berry (Lycium barbarum): composition and health effects–a review. Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, 66(2), 67-76.
  • Kurniasari, R. Y., Affandi, D. R., Yudhistira, B., & Sanjaya, A. P. (2019). Textural and sensory properties of little tuna fish balls(Euthynnus affinis) arrowroot flour substitutions (Maranta arundinacea Linn.) added with sodium tripolyphosphate. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 633, 012050.
  • Mahmoudzadeh, M., Motallebi, A., Hosseini, H., Khaksar, R., Ahmadi, H., Jenap, E. … Kamran, M. (2010). Quality changes of fish burgers prepared from deep flounder (Pseudorhombus elevatus Ogilby, 1912) with and without coating during frozen storage (-18 °C). International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 45, 374-379.
  • Martínez, L., Castillo, J., Ros, G., & Nieto, G. (2019). Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of rosemary, pomegranate and olive extracts in fish patties. Antioxidants, 8(4).
  • Martínez-Zamora, L., Ros, G., & Nieto, G. (2020). Designing a clean label fish patty with olive, citric, pomegranate, or rosemary extracts. Plants, 9, 659.
  • Noordin, W. N. M., Shunmugam, N., & Huda, N. (2014). Application of salt solution and vacuum packaging in extending the shelf life of cooked fish balls for home and retail uses. J. Food Qual., 37, 444-452. 
  • Nquyen, L. A. D., Huynh, T. K. D., Nquyen, T. N. H., Nquyen, Q. T., & Tran, M. P. (2023). Effect of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) extract on the protection of the fishballs from knife fish (Chitala chitala) and striped catfish by-product (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) against spoilage during frozen storage. Food Research, 7(2), 85-95.
  • Özpolat, E., & Çoban, Ö. E. (2012). Kara balık (Capoeta trutta, Heckel, 1843) ve sarı balığın (Capoeta umbla, Heckel, 1843) köfte olarak değerlendirilmesi ve kalite kriterleri üzerine farklı muhafaza sıcaklıklarının etkisi. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 29(3), 127-131.
  • Papadopoulos, V., Chouliara, I., Badeka, A., Savvaidis, I. N., & Kontominas, M. G. (2003). Effect of gutting on microbiological, chemical, and sensory properties of aquacultured sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) stored in ice. Food Microbiology, 20(4), 411-420.
  • Pezeshk, S., Rezaei, M., & Hosseini, H. (2011). Effects of turmeric, shallot extracts, and their combination on quality characteristics of vacuum-packaged rainbow trout stored at 4 ± 1 °C. Journal of Food Science, 76(6).
  • Ruiz-Capillas, C., & Moral, A. (2005). Sensory and biochemical aspects of quality of whole bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) during bulk storage in controlled atmospheres. Food Chemistry, 89(3), 347-354.
  • Sacchetti, G., Maietti, S., Muzzoli, M., Scaglianti, M., Manfredini, S., Radice, M. … Bruni, R. (2005). Comparative evaluation of 11 essential oils of different origin as functional antioxidants, antiradicals and antimicrobials in foods. Food Chemistry, 91(4), 621-632.
  • Saleem, M., A El-Sherif, S., Sharaf, A., & Abo-Zeid, K. (2019). Influence of essential oils and frozen storage on quality parameters of catfish (Clarias gariepinus) burgers and fingers. J Food Process Technol, 10, 1-7.
  • Sallam, K. I. (2007). Antimicrobial and antioxidant effects of sodium acetate, sodium lactate, and sodium citrate in refrigerated sliced salmon. Food Control, 18, 566-575.
  • Silbande, A.,  Adenet, S.,  Smith-Ravin, J.,  Joffraud, J. J.,  Rochefort, K., & Leroi, F. (2016). Quality assessment of ice-stored tropical yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and influence of vacuum and modified atmosphere packaging. Food Microbiology, 60, 62-72
  • Shi, J., Lei, Y., Shen, H., Hong, H., Yu, X., Zhu, B. … Luo, Y. (2019). Effect of glazing and rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) extract on preservation of mud shrimp (Solenocera melantho) during frozen storage. Food Chemistry, 272, 604-612.
  • Taskaya, L., Hasanhocaoglu, H., Metini, C., & Alparslan, Y. (2018). The effect of lavender (Lavandula stoechas) on the shelf life of a traditional food: hamsi kaygana. Food Sci. Technol, Campinas, 38, 711-718.
  • Uçak, I., Özogul, Y., & Durmuş, M. (2011). The effects of rosemary extract combination with vacuum packing on the quality changes of Atlantic mackerel fish burgers. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 46(6), 1157-1163.
  • Varlık, C., Uğur, M., Gökoğlu, N., & Gün, H. (1993). Su ürünlerinde kalite kontrol ilke ve yöntemleri. Gıda Teknolojisi Derneği Yayın No: 17, İstanbul.

The Effect of Goji berry Extract on Chemical and Sensory Quality of Meatballs Prepared from Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, 1792)

Yıl 2024, , 198 - 210, 31.12.2024


In this study, the effect of different proportions of goji berry extract (2% and 4%) on the chemical and sensory quality of rainbow trout patties during refrigerated storage (4°C) was evaluated. Goji berry extract stabilized lipids (TBA). Biochemical changes (TVB-N, pH) were maintained. Goji berry-added meatballs stored in Styrofoam packs under refrigerator conditions exceeded acceptable limits on day 15. In addition, according to sensory quality evaluation, the samples supplemented with goji berry extract showed superior sensory quality compared to the control, while the control group was considered unacceptable at day 9. In conclusion, goji berry extract exhibited preservative quality and maintained biochemical and sensory quality.

Proje Numarası



  • Gomma, A. E. E., Tarek, M. A., & Abdalla, A. E. M. (2019). The effect of sage essential oil on the compositional quality of anchovy fish burger during freeze storage . J. Adv. Agric. Res., 24(4), 2, 535-557.
  • Al-Bulushi, I.M., Kasapis, S., Al-Oufi, H. & Al-Mamari, S. (2005). Evaluating the quality and storage stability of fish burgers during frozen storage. Fisheries Science, 71, 648-654.
  • Ali, M., Imran, M., Nadeem, M., Khan, M., Sohaib, M., Suleria, H., & Bashir, R. (2019). Oxidative stability and Sensoric acceptability of functional fish meat product supplemented with plant−based polyphenolic optimal extracts. Lipids in Health and Disease, 18, 1-16.
  • AOAC. (2002). Offical Methods of Analysis of the Association of Analytical Chemists, Ed. Arlington, K., (17th. Ed.), Gaithersburg, Maryland.
  • Balıkçı, E., Özoğul, Y., Durmuş, M., Uçar, Y., & Gökdoğan Tekin, S. (2022). The impact of thyme, rosemary and basil extracts on the chemical, sensory and microbiological quality of mackerel balls stored at -18oC. Acta Aquatica Turcica, 18(2), 217-235.
  • Di Monaco, R., Cavella, S., & Masi, P. et al. (2009). Blue fish burgers: nutritional characterisation and sensory optimisation. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 44, 1634–1641.
  • Emir Çoban, Ö., & Çoban, M. Z. (2019). Meyan kökü ekstraktı ile zenginleştirilmiş kitosan kaplamanın alabalık (Oncorhynchus mykiss) filetolarının kalitesi üzerine etkisi, Ecological Life Sciences (NWSAELS), 14(4), 83-92.
  • Engin, M. S., Kalkan, S., & Otağ, M. R. (2019). Goji berry (Lycium barbarum L.) meyvesinin farklı çözgenlerden elde edilen ekstratlarının toplam fenolik içerikleri ile antioksidan ve antimikrobiyal aktivitelerinin karşılaştırılması. Anadolu Çev. ve Hay. Dergisi, 4(2), 359-365.
  • Ekinci, L., & Emir Çoban, Ö. (2023). Uçucu yağlar içeren kitosan film ve kaplamalar: Su ürünleri uygulamaları. Journal of Biological Sciences and Health, 1(1), 25-37.
  • Fadıloğlu, E. E., & Çoban, M. Z. (2019a). The effects of goji berry (Lycium barbarum l.) extract on some chemical, microbiological and sensory characteristics of liquid smoked common carp (Cyprinus carpio l., 1758) sausages. Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Science, 29(4) ,702-710.
  • Fadıloğlu, E. E., & Çoban, M. Z. (2019b). The effect of glazing with sumac (rhus coriaria, l.) Extract on the quality of frozen rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillets. Ecological Life Sciences, 14, 129-138.
  • Gahruie, H. H., Hosseini, S. M. H., Taghavifard, M. H., Eskandari, M. H., Golmakani, M. T., & Shad, E. (2017). Lipid oxidation, color changes, and microbiological quality of frozen beef burgers incorporated with shirazi thyme, cinnamon, and rosemary extracts. Journal of Food Quality, 6350156ç
  • Guan, W., Ren, X., Li, Y., & Mao, L. (2019). The beneficial effects of grape seed, sage and oregano extracts on the quality and volatile flavor component of hairtail fish balls during cold storage at 4 °C. LWT, 101, 25-31.
  • Guran H. S., Oksuztepe G., Coban O. E., & Incili, G. K. (2015): Influence of different essential oils on refrigerated fish patties produced from bonito fish (Sarda sarda Bloch, 1793). Czech J. Food Sci., 33, 37-44.
  • Gürel Inanli, A., & Muhammed Amin, B. L. (2022). Determination of shelf life during cold storage of fish fingers coated addition of goji berry. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin, 11(4), 443-453.
  • Gürel İnanlı, A., Emir Çoban, Ö., Yüce, S., & Çelik B., (2018). Yaban mersini (Blue berry) ve kurt üzümü (Gojiberry) ekstraktlarıyla zenginleştirilmiş kitosan ile kaplanmış gökkuşağı alabalık (Onchorhynchus mykiss walbaum 1792) filetolarının piyasa koşullarında mikrobiyolojik değişimlerinin incelenmesi, Ecological Life Sciences (NWSAELS), 13(4),171-181.
  • Husein, Y., Secci, G., Dinnella, C., Parisi, G., Monteleone, E., & Zanoni, B. (2019). Enhanced utilisation of nonmarketable fish: physical, nutritional and sensory properties of ‘clean label’ fish burgers. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 54, 593-601.
  • Huss, H. H. (1995). Quality and quality changes in fresh fish. In FAO. Fisheries Technical Paper
  • Isra, L., Ali, M. S., Salma,U., Rahman, A., & Haq, M. (2024). Physical, nutritional, and sensory characterization of pangas fish ball incorporated with moringa leaves powder. Food Chemistry Advances, 4, 100715.
  • Kamona, Z. K., & Alzobaay, A. A. H. (2021).Effect of essential oil extract from lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) leaves on vaiability of some pathogenic bacteria and sensory properties of fish balls. Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 52(2), 268-275
  • Karsli, B., Caglak, E., &  Prinyawiwatkul, W. (2021). Effects of high-molecular-weight chitosan coating prepared in different solvents on quality of catfish fillets during 6-month frozen storage. Journal of Food Science, 86(3), 762–769. 
  • Kim, Y. Y., Bashir, K. M. I., Kang, S., Park, Y., Sohn, J. H., & Choi, J. S. (2024). Development and quality enhancement of fried fish cake prototype with transglutaminase, trehalose, and herbal oil for room temperature distribution. Gels, 10(11), 740.
  • Kulczyński, B., & Gramza-Michałowska, A. (2016). Goji berry (Lycium barbarum): composition and health effects–a review. Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, 66(2), 67-76.
  • Kurniasari, R. Y., Affandi, D. R., Yudhistira, B., & Sanjaya, A. P. (2019). Textural and sensory properties of little tuna fish balls(Euthynnus affinis) arrowroot flour substitutions (Maranta arundinacea Linn.) added with sodium tripolyphosphate. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 633, 012050.
  • Mahmoudzadeh, M., Motallebi, A., Hosseini, H., Khaksar, R., Ahmadi, H., Jenap, E. … Kamran, M. (2010). Quality changes of fish burgers prepared from deep flounder (Pseudorhombus elevatus Ogilby, 1912) with and without coating during frozen storage (-18 °C). International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 45, 374-379.
  • Martínez, L., Castillo, J., Ros, G., & Nieto, G. (2019). Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of rosemary, pomegranate and olive extracts in fish patties. Antioxidants, 8(4).
  • Martínez-Zamora, L., Ros, G., & Nieto, G. (2020). Designing a clean label fish patty with olive, citric, pomegranate, or rosemary extracts. Plants, 9, 659.
  • Noordin, W. N. M., Shunmugam, N., & Huda, N. (2014). Application of salt solution and vacuum packaging in extending the shelf life of cooked fish balls for home and retail uses. J. Food Qual., 37, 444-452. 
  • Nquyen, L. A. D., Huynh, T. K. D., Nquyen, T. N. H., Nquyen, Q. T., & Tran, M. P. (2023). Effect of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) extract on the protection of the fishballs from knife fish (Chitala chitala) and striped catfish by-product (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) against spoilage during frozen storage. Food Research, 7(2), 85-95.
  • Özpolat, E., & Çoban, Ö. E. (2012). Kara balık (Capoeta trutta, Heckel, 1843) ve sarı balığın (Capoeta umbla, Heckel, 1843) köfte olarak değerlendirilmesi ve kalite kriterleri üzerine farklı muhafaza sıcaklıklarının etkisi. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 29(3), 127-131.
  • Papadopoulos, V., Chouliara, I., Badeka, A., Savvaidis, I. N., & Kontominas, M. G. (2003). Effect of gutting on microbiological, chemical, and sensory properties of aquacultured sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) stored in ice. Food Microbiology, 20(4), 411-420.
  • Pezeshk, S., Rezaei, M., & Hosseini, H. (2011). Effects of turmeric, shallot extracts, and their combination on quality characteristics of vacuum-packaged rainbow trout stored at 4 ± 1 °C. Journal of Food Science, 76(6).
  • Ruiz-Capillas, C., & Moral, A. (2005). Sensory and biochemical aspects of quality of whole bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) during bulk storage in controlled atmospheres. Food Chemistry, 89(3), 347-354.
  • Sacchetti, G., Maietti, S., Muzzoli, M., Scaglianti, M., Manfredini, S., Radice, M. … Bruni, R. (2005). Comparative evaluation of 11 essential oils of different origin as functional antioxidants, antiradicals and antimicrobials in foods. Food Chemistry, 91(4), 621-632.
  • Saleem, M., A El-Sherif, S., Sharaf, A., & Abo-Zeid, K. (2019). Influence of essential oils and frozen storage on quality parameters of catfish (Clarias gariepinus) burgers and fingers. J Food Process Technol, 10, 1-7.
  • Sallam, K. I. (2007). Antimicrobial and antioxidant effects of sodium acetate, sodium lactate, and sodium citrate in refrigerated sliced salmon. Food Control, 18, 566-575.
  • Silbande, A.,  Adenet, S.,  Smith-Ravin, J.,  Joffraud, J. J.,  Rochefort, K., & Leroi, F. (2016). Quality assessment of ice-stored tropical yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and influence of vacuum and modified atmosphere packaging. Food Microbiology, 60, 62-72
  • Shi, J., Lei, Y., Shen, H., Hong, H., Yu, X., Zhu, B. … Luo, Y. (2019). Effect of glazing and rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) extract on preservation of mud shrimp (Solenocera melantho) during frozen storage. Food Chemistry, 272, 604-612.
  • Taskaya, L., Hasanhocaoglu, H., Metini, C., & Alparslan, Y. (2018). The effect of lavender (Lavandula stoechas) on the shelf life of a traditional food: hamsi kaygana. Food Sci. Technol, Campinas, 38, 711-718.
  • Uçak, I., Özogul, Y., & Durmuş, M. (2011). The effects of rosemary extract combination with vacuum packing on the quality changes of Atlantic mackerel fish burgers. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 46(6), 1157-1163.
  • Varlık, C., Uğur, M., Gökoğlu, N., & Gün, H. (1993). Su ürünlerinde kalite kontrol ilke ve yöntemleri. Gıda Teknolojisi Derneği Yayın No: 17, İstanbul.
Toplam 41 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Su Ürünleri Teknolojileri
Bölüm Makaleler

Özlem Emir Çoban 0000-0003-1388-0740

Proje Numarası SÜF.23.09
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 2024
Kabul Tarihi 23 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Emir Çoban, Ö. (2024). Gökkuşağı Alabalığı (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum,1792)’ndan Hazırlanan Köftelerin Kimyasal ve Duyusal Kalitesi Üzerine Gojiberry Ekstraktın Etkisi. Dünya Sağlık Ve Tabiat Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(2), 198-210.