Language is the most important cultural element that shows the mental structure of a society and shows the bond between people and society. In Turkish, which is an agglutinative language, word derivation is formed not only with affixes, but also with compound words formed by various methods. Compound words are one of the most important elements that provide color to the expression by giving meaning to the words in the language by bringing different types of words into existence with other affixes that deepen the expressive power and richness of the language. Verbs, which are one of the important elements of vocabulary, meet the need to express words that cannot be met with a single word with auxiliary verbs. Compound verbs are a group of words that are composed of a noun and an auxiliary verb, one or more words with a noun and a main verb and correspond to a single concept Ahmed-i Dâî, who is one of the important authors who gave his works in the Old Anatolian Turkish period, has been the subject of the study called Çengname. The work is a Turkish masnavi with translations from Arabic as well as Turkish, Persian verse and prose copyrighted works. In our study, the auxiliary verbs in the work were used, based on the language and spelling features, transcription features, and the text given in Gönül Alpay Tekin's study. In the work, the noun formed with the suffixes “ ķıl-, it-, ur-, ol-, dut-, vir-, dur-, eyle-, kal-ˮ + auxiliary verbs were determined; The combinations formed with the same name among them were included in the study.