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Yıl 2018, Cilt: 34 Sayı: 3, 141 - 147, 25.12.2018



Özet: Derinin ana fonksiyonu dış ortamdan gelen bakterilere,
fiziksel ve kimyasal ajanlara karşı bariyer oluşturmaktır
. Yenidoğan bebekler, epidermis ve dermisin
ince oluşu, vücut yüzey alanının geniş, ter bezlerinin fonksiyonlarının tam
gelişmemiş oluşu ve birçok sistemin immatür oluşu gibi özelliklerle
yetişkinlerden ayrılırlar. Derinin gelişimi ve olgunlaşması yaş dönemlerinde
farklılıklar göstermektedir. Prematüre bebeklerde stratum
korneum tabakası
yeterince gelişmediğinden topikal uygulanan ajanların
toksik etkilerine ve transkütanöz yolla bulaşan enfeksiyonlara karşı daha
savunmasızdırlar. Doğumda yenidoğan cildi, utero ve postnatal olarak epidermal
olgunlaşmaya katkıda bulunan beyaz, peynirli ve lipofilik bir madde olan
verniks kazeoza ile kaplıdır. Verniks intrauterin yaşamın ikinci trimasterinin
sonlarında üretilmeye başlayan, %80’ni su olmak üzere lipit ve proteinler
içeren koruyucu ince film tabakadır. Verniksin cilt yüzeyindeki dağılım
gestasyon yaşına, doğum şekline ve vücut ağırlığına göre değişiklik gösterir. Gerek  preterm
gerekse term bebeklerde cildi güvenli şekilde korumak için, verniksin vücuttan
temizlenmemesi, verniksin epidermal bariyer tedavisi olarak kabul edilmesi
önemlidir. Verniks asit örtü oluşumunu destekleyerek enfeksiyonların ve
transepidermal sıvı kayıplarının önlenmesi ile birlikte vücut ısısının
korunmasına da katkı sağlamaktadır.

Anahtar kelimeler:   Yenidoğan, Prematüre,
Deri, Vernix Caseosa

Destekleyen kurumlar:

Kaynakça:Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal
Nurses (AWHONN). Neonatal Skin Care: Evidence-Based Clinical Practice
Guideline. 3rd ed. Washington DC; 2013. p.1- 27

Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal
Nurses (AWHONN). Neonatal Skin Care: Evidence-Based Clinical Practice
Guideline. 3rd ed. Washington DC: 2013.

Baker SM, Balo NN, Abdel Aziz  FT.  Is
vernix a protective material to the newborn? A biochemical approach. Indian J
Pediatr 1995; 62: 237–9.

Blume-Peytavi U, Hauser M, Stamatas GN & et al.  Skin care practices for newborn and infants:
review of the clinical evidence for best practices. Pediatric Dermatolgy 2012;
29(1): 1-14.

Çiğdem S, Altay N. Yenidoğanlarda Basınç Ülseri
Gelişimini Önlemeye Yönelik Hemşirelik Girişimleri. Journal of Contemporary
Medicine, 6(1-Ek (Olgu Sunumları)) 2016; 138-47.

Darlenski R, Fluhr JW. Influence of skin type, race, sex,
and anatomic location on epidermal barrier function. Clin Dermatol 2012; 30:

Dyer JD. Newborn skin care. Seminars in Perinatology
2013; 37:3–7.

Fluhr JW, Darlenski R, Taieb A, et al. Functional skin
adaptation in infancy-almost complete but not fully competent. Exp Dermatol

Gardner S, Carter B, Enzman- Hines M & et al.  Merenstein and Gardner`s Handbook of Neonatal
İntensive Care (Seventh edition). USA, St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier Mosby
2011; 482-5.

Kalia YN, Alberti I, Sekkat N & et al. Normalization
of stratum corneum barrier function and transepidermal water loss in vivo.
Pharm Res 2000;17:1148–50.

Kalia YN, Nonato LB, Lund CH & et al. Development of
skin barrier function in premature infants. J Invest Dermatol 1998;111:320–326.

Lund Houska C, Kuller McManus J. Integrumentary system.
In: Kenner C, Wright Lott J, eds. Comprehensive Neonatal Nursing Care. 5th ed.
USA: Springer Publishing Company; 2014; p.299-333.

Nicol NH, Huether SE, Weber R. Pathophysiology. St. Louis,
Missouri: Elsevier Mosby 2006; 1573-1607

Nikolovski J, Stamatas GN, Kollias N & et al. Barrier
function and water-holding and transport properties of infant stratum corneum
are different from adult and continue to develop through the first year of
life. J Invest Dermatol 2008;128:1728–36.

Reis ZSN, Vitral GLN, de Souza IMF & et al. Newborn
skin reflection: Proof of concept for a new approach for predicting gestational
age at birth. A cross-sectional study. PloS one 2017; 12(9): e0184734.

Romano AM. Research summaries for normal
birth. The Journal of perinatal education 2005; 14(4): 49.

Sarkar R, Basu S, Agrawal RK & et al. Skin care for
the newborn. Indian Pediatrics 2010; 47(7): 593-8.

Schindler CA, Mikhailov TA, Fischer K & et al.  Skin integrity in critically ill and injured
children. American Journal of Critical Care 2007; 16(6): 568-74.

So HS, You MA, Mun JY & et al. Effect of
trung-to-head bathing on physiological responses in newborns. J Obstet Gynecol
Neonatal Nurs 2014; 43(6):742-51.

Stamatas GN, Nikolovski J, Mack MC et al. Infant skin
physiology and development during the first years of life: A review of recent
findings based on in vivo studies. Int J Cosmet Sci 2011;33:17-24.

Stamatas  GN,
Nikolovski J, Luedtke MA & et al. Infant skin microstructure assessed in
vivo differs from adult skin in organization and at the cellular level.
Pediatric Dermatology 2010; 27(2): 125-31.

Tatlı M, Gürel S.  Yenidoğanın Cilt Bakımı. Türkiye Klinikleri
Pediatri Dergisi 2002; 11(2): 108-12.

 Törüner E,
Büyükgönenç  L,  Altay N. Çocuklarda Basınç Ülserleri. Dokuz
Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Elektronik Dergisi 2011; 4(4): 182-8.

Tunell R. Hypothermia: epidemiology and prevention. In:
Costello A, Manandhar D, editors. Improving newborn health in developing
countries. London, UK: Imperial College Press; 2000.  207–20.

Visscher MO, Chatterjee R, Munson KA & et al. Changes
in diapered and nondiapered infant skin over the first month of life. Pediatr
Dermatol 2000;17:45–51

Visscher MO, Narendran V, PickensWL & et al. Vernix
caseosa in neonatal adaptation. J Perinatol 2005; 25: 440-6.

Visscher MO, Barai N, LaRuffa  AA & et al. Epidermal barrier treatments
based on vernix caseosa. Skin pharmacology and physiology
2011; 24(6): 322-9.

Visscher M,  Narendran V. Neonatal infant skin:
development, structure and function. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews
2014; 14(4): 135-41.


  • Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN). Neonatal Skin Care: Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline. 3rd ed. Washington DC; 2013. p.1- 27
  • Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN). Neonatal Skin Care: Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline. 3rd ed. Washington DC: 2013.
  • Baker SM, Balo NN, Abdel Aziz FT. Is vernix a protective material to the newborn? A biochemical approach. Indian J Pediatr 1995; 62: 237–9.
  • Blume-Peytavi U, Hauser M, Stamatas GN & et al. Skin care practices for newborn and infants: review of the clinical evidence for best practices. Pediatric Dermatolgy 2012; 29(1): 1-14.
  • Çiğdem S, Altay N. Yenidoğanlarda Basınç Ülseri Gelişimini Önlemeye Yönelik Hemşirelik Girişimleri. Journal of Contemporary Medicine, 6(1-Ek (Olgu Sunumları)) 2016; 138-47.
  • Darlenski R, Fluhr JW. Influence of skin type, race, sex, and anatomic location on epidermal barrier function. Clin Dermatol 2012; 30: 269-73
  • Dyer JD. Newborn skin care. Seminars in Perinatology 2013; 37:3–7.
  • Fluhr JW, Darlenski R, Taieb A, et al. Functional skin adaptation in infancy-almost complete but not fully competent. Exp Dermatol 2010;19:483-92.
  • Gardner S, Carter B, Enzman- Hines M & et al. Merenstein and Gardner`s Handbook of Neonatal İntensive Care (Seventh edition). USA, St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier Mosby 2011; 482-5.
  • Kalia YN, Alberti I, Sekkat N & et al. Normalization of stratum corneum barrier function and transepidermal water loss in vivo. Pharm Res 2000;17:1148–50.
  • Kalia YN, Nonato LB, Lund CH & et al. Development of skin barrier function in premature infants. J Invest Dermatol 1998;111:320–326.
  • Lund Houska C, Kuller McManus J. Integrumentary system. In: Kenner C, Wright Lott J, eds. Comprehensive Neonatal Nursing Care. 5th ed. USA: Springer Publishing Company; 2014; p.299-333.
  • Nicol NH, Huether SE, Weber R. Pathophysiology. St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier Mosby 2006; 1573-1607
  • Nikolovski J, Stamatas GN, Kollias N & et al. Barrier function and water-holding and transport properties of infant stratum corneum are different from adult and continue to develop through the first year of life. J Invest Dermatol 2008;128:1728–36.
  • Reis ZSN, Vitral GLN, de Souza IMF & et al. Newborn skin reflection: Proof of concept for a new approach for predicting gestational age at birth. A cross-sectional study. PloS one 2017; 12(9): e0184734.
  • Romano AM. Research summaries for normal birth. The Journal of perinatal education 2005; 14(4): 49.
  • Sarkar R, Basu S, Agrawal RK & et al. Skin care for the newborn. Indian Pediatrics 2010; 47(7): 593-8.
  • Schindler CA, Mikhailov TA, Fischer K & et al. Skin integrity in critically ill and injured children. American Journal of Critical Care 2007; 16(6): 568-74.
  • So HS, You MA, Mun JY & et al. Effect of trung-to-head bathing on physiological responses in newborns. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs 2014; 43(6):742-51.
  • Stamatas GN, Nikolovski J, Mack MC et al. Infant skin physiology and development during the first years of life: A review of recent findings based on in vivo studies. Int J Cosmet Sci 2011;33:17-24.
  • Stamatas GN, Nikolovski J, Luedtke MA & et al. Infant skin microstructure assessed in vivo differs from adult skin in organization and at the cellular level. Pediatric Dermatology 2010; 27(2): 125-31.
  • Tatlı M, Gürel S. Yenidoğanın Cilt Bakımı. Türkiye Klinikleri Pediatri Dergisi 2002; 11(2): 108-12.
  • Törüner E, Büyükgönenç L, Altay N. Çocuklarda Basınç Ülserleri. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Elektronik Dergisi 2011; 4(4): 182-8.
  • Tunell R. Hypothermia: epidemiology and prevention. In: Costello A, Manandhar D, editors. Improving newborn health in developing countries. London, UK: Imperial College Press; 2000. 207–20.
  • Visscher MO, Chatterjee R, Munson KA & et al. Changes in diapered and nondiapered infant skin over the first month of life. Pediatr Dermatol 2000;17:45–51
  • Visscher MO, Narendran V, PickensWL & et al. Vernix caseosa in neonatal adaptation. J Perinatol 2005; 25: 440-6.
  • Visscher MO, Barai N, LaRuffa AA & et al. Epidermal barrier treatments based on vernix caseosa. Skin pharmacology and physiology 2011; 24(6): 322-9.
  • Visscher M, Narendran V. Neonatal infant skin: development, structure and function. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews 2014; 14(4): 135-41.
Yıl 2018, Cilt: 34 Sayı: 3, 141 - 147, 25.12.2018



  • Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN). Neonatal Skin Care: Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline. 3rd ed. Washington DC; 2013. p.1- 27
  • Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN). Neonatal Skin Care: Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline. 3rd ed. Washington DC: 2013.
  • Baker SM, Balo NN, Abdel Aziz FT. Is vernix a protective material to the newborn? A biochemical approach. Indian J Pediatr 1995; 62: 237–9.
  • Blume-Peytavi U, Hauser M, Stamatas GN & et al. Skin care practices for newborn and infants: review of the clinical evidence for best practices. Pediatric Dermatolgy 2012; 29(1): 1-14.
  • Çiğdem S, Altay N. Yenidoğanlarda Basınç Ülseri Gelişimini Önlemeye Yönelik Hemşirelik Girişimleri. Journal of Contemporary Medicine, 6(1-Ek (Olgu Sunumları)) 2016; 138-47.
  • Darlenski R, Fluhr JW. Influence of skin type, race, sex, and anatomic location on epidermal barrier function. Clin Dermatol 2012; 30: 269-73
  • Dyer JD. Newborn skin care. Seminars in Perinatology 2013; 37:3–7.
  • Fluhr JW, Darlenski R, Taieb A, et al. Functional skin adaptation in infancy-almost complete but not fully competent. Exp Dermatol 2010;19:483-92.
  • Gardner S, Carter B, Enzman- Hines M & et al. Merenstein and Gardner`s Handbook of Neonatal İntensive Care (Seventh edition). USA, St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier Mosby 2011; 482-5.
  • Kalia YN, Alberti I, Sekkat N & et al. Normalization of stratum corneum barrier function and transepidermal water loss in vivo. Pharm Res 2000;17:1148–50.
  • Kalia YN, Nonato LB, Lund CH & et al. Development of skin barrier function in premature infants. J Invest Dermatol 1998;111:320–326.
  • Lund Houska C, Kuller McManus J. Integrumentary system. In: Kenner C, Wright Lott J, eds. Comprehensive Neonatal Nursing Care. 5th ed. USA: Springer Publishing Company; 2014; p.299-333.
  • Nicol NH, Huether SE, Weber R. Pathophysiology. St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier Mosby 2006; 1573-1607
  • Nikolovski J, Stamatas GN, Kollias N & et al. Barrier function and water-holding and transport properties of infant stratum corneum are different from adult and continue to develop through the first year of life. J Invest Dermatol 2008;128:1728–36.
  • Reis ZSN, Vitral GLN, de Souza IMF & et al. Newborn skin reflection: Proof of concept for a new approach for predicting gestational age at birth. A cross-sectional study. PloS one 2017; 12(9): e0184734.
  • Romano AM. Research summaries for normal birth. The Journal of perinatal education 2005; 14(4): 49.
  • Sarkar R, Basu S, Agrawal RK & et al. Skin care for the newborn. Indian Pediatrics 2010; 47(7): 593-8.
  • Schindler CA, Mikhailov TA, Fischer K & et al. Skin integrity in critically ill and injured children. American Journal of Critical Care 2007; 16(6): 568-74.
  • So HS, You MA, Mun JY & et al. Effect of trung-to-head bathing on physiological responses in newborns. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs 2014; 43(6):742-51.
  • Stamatas GN, Nikolovski J, Mack MC et al. Infant skin physiology and development during the first years of life: A review of recent findings based on in vivo studies. Int J Cosmet Sci 2011;33:17-24.
  • Stamatas GN, Nikolovski J, Luedtke MA & et al. Infant skin microstructure assessed in vivo differs from adult skin in organization and at the cellular level. Pediatric Dermatology 2010; 27(2): 125-31.
  • Tatlı M, Gürel S. Yenidoğanın Cilt Bakımı. Türkiye Klinikleri Pediatri Dergisi 2002; 11(2): 108-12.
  • Törüner E, Büyükgönenç L, Altay N. Çocuklarda Basınç Ülserleri. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Elektronik Dergisi 2011; 4(4): 182-8.
  • Tunell R. Hypothermia: epidemiology and prevention. In: Costello A, Manandhar D, editors. Improving newborn health in developing countries. London, UK: Imperial College Press; 2000. 207–20.
  • Visscher MO, Chatterjee R, Munson KA & et al. Changes in diapered and nondiapered infant skin over the first month of life. Pediatr Dermatol 2000;17:45–51
  • Visscher MO, Narendran V, PickensWL & et al. Vernix caseosa in neonatal adaptation. J Perinatol 2005; 25: 440-6.
  • Visscher MO, Barai N, LaRuffa AA & et al. Epidermal barrier treatments based on vernix caseosa. Skin pharmacology and physiology 2011; 24(6): 322-9.
  • Visscher M, Narendran V. Neonatal infant skin: development, structure and function. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews 2014; 14(4): 135-41.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Derlemeler

Özge Karakaya Suzan

Nursan Çınar

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Aralık 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Mayıs 2018
Kabul Tarihi 1 Aralık 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 34 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Karakaya Suzan, Ö., & Çınar, N. (2018). YENİDOĞAN CİLDİ VE VERNİKS KAZEOZANIN BEBEĞE FAYDALARI. Ege Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Dergisi, 34(3), 141-147.