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Hitit Kültüründe Kurt ve Kurt Adamlar

Yıl 2021, , 465 - 496, 30.12.2021


Hayvanlar, yaşamı paylaştığı insan ile sözsüz bir iletişim kurarak onun anlam dünyasında çeşitli özellikler yüklenir. Bu bağlamda Hitit metinleri de hayvanlara ve onlara atfedilen özelliklere sıkça yer vererek insanın kendi gerçekliğiyle tanımlayamadığı duyguları hayvanların doğası üzerinden aktarır. Hititler için hayvancılık yalnızca ekonomik bir faaliyet değildir. Hem evcilleştirilmiş hem de yabani hayvanların taşıdıkları anlam, kültürün şekillenmesinde de etkili olmuştur. Onlar için hayvanlar kimi zaman besin kaynağı kimi zaman çeşitli tanrıların yeryüzündeki temsilcisi kimi zaman da arkaik duygulara tercüman olan aracılardır. Bu nedenle metinlerin hayvan sembolizmi açısından değerlendirilmesi Hitit kültürüne dair çıkarımlar yapmamıza olanak sağlar. Bu çalışma, Hitit metinlerinde geçen yabani hayvanlar arasında yer alan ve genellikle UR.BAR.RA Sümerogramıyla yazılan kurdun sembolik ve sembolik olmayan kullanımları ile dini metinlerde geçen görevlilerden kurt adamların (LÚ.MEŠ UR.BAR.RA) Hitit kültündeki yerini incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır


  • Rukiye Akdoğan, “Sumerce BA.BA.ZA (=BOZA) Kelimesi Hakkında”, KUBABA Arkeoloji-Sanat Tarihi-Tarih Dergisi 17/29, s. 7-35.
  • M. Bacharova, “CTH 767.7-The Birth Ritual of Pittei: Its Occasion and the Use of Luwianisms”. A. Mouton, I. Rutherford ve I. Yakubovich (Ed.), Luwian Identities. Culture, Language and Religion Between Anatolia and the Aegean (CHANE 64), Leiden-Boston, ss. 135-157.
  • G. Beckman, Hittite Birth Rituals (StBoT 29), Wiesbaden.
  • G. Beckman, “Proverbs and Proverbial Allusions in Hittite”, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 45/1, s. 19-30.
  • G. Beckman, “Herding and Herdsmen in Hittite Culture”, E. Neu, C. Rüster (Ed.), Documentum Asiae minoris antiquae. Festschrift für Heinrich Otten zum 75. Geburtstag, Wiesbaden, s. 33-44.
  • G. Beckman, “Hittite Canonical Compositions - Myths: Elkunirša and Ašertu (1.55)”, W. Hallo (Ed.), The Context of Scripture Cilt 1, Leiden-Boston, s. 149.
  • G. Beckman, “Edicts and Proclamations: Bilingual Edict of Ḫattušili (2.15)”, W. Hallo (Ed.), The Context of Scripture Cilt 2, Leiden-Boston, s. 79-81
  • H. Berman, “A Hittite Ritual for the Newborn”, Journal of American Oriental Society 92/3, s. 466-468.
  • T. R. Bryce, The Major Historical Texts of Early Hittite History (Asian Studies Monograph 1), Queensland.
  • J. Burgin, Functional Differentiation in Hittite Festival Texts. An Analysis of the Old Hittite Manuscripts of the KI.LAM Great Assembly (StBoT 65), Wiesbaden.
  • B. J. Collins, The Representation of wild animals in Hittite Texts (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Yale University, Ann Arbor.
  • B. J. Collins, “Animals in Hittite Literature”, B. J. Collins (Ed.), A History of the Animal World in the Ancient Near East (HdO I/64), Leiden-Boston-Köln, s. 237-250.
  • B. J. Collins, “Animals in the Religions of Ancient Anatolia”, B. J. Collins (Ed.), A History of the Animal World in the Ancient Near East (HdO I/64), Leiden-Boston-Köln, s. 309-334.
  • B. J. Collins, “Hittite Canonical Compositions - Zarpiya’s Ritual (1.64)”, W. Hallo (Ed.), The Context of Scripture Cilt 1, Leiden-Boston-Köln, s. 162-163.
  • P. Dardano, Die hethitischen Tontafelkataloge aus Ḫattuša (CTH 276-282), Wiesbaden.
  • S. de Martino, “Alcune osservazioni su KBo III 27”, Altorientalische Forschungen 18/1, s. 54-66.
  • S. de Martino, “A Fragment of a Festival of Old Hittite Tradition”, T. Richter, D. Prechel ve J. Klinger (Ed.), Kulturgeschichten. Altorientalische Studien für V. Haas zum 65. Geburtstag, Saarbrücken, s. 73-80.
  • J. de Roos, Hittite Votive Texts (PIHANSt 109), Leiden. Del Monte ve Tischler 1978
  • G. F. del Monte ve J. Tischler, Die Orts- und Gewässernamen der Hethitischen Texte (RGTC VI), Wiesbaden.
  • E. Devecchi, “Wolf (Wolfsmann). B. Bei den Hethitern”, Reallexikon der Assyriologie 15/1, s. 127.
  • W. Dörfler vd., “Environment and Economy in Hittite Anatolia”, G. R. Tsetskhladze (Ed.), Insights into Hittite History and Archaeology (ColAnt 2), Leuven, s. 99-124.
  • S. Erkut, “Hititçe GIŠEya- ve Onun Türkçe Karşılığı Hakkında”, XIV. Türk Tarih Kongresi, 09-13 Eylül 2002, Ankara s. 37-42.
  • H. Ertem, Boğazköy Metinlerine Göre Hititler Devri Anadolu’sunun Faunası, Ankara.
  • H. Ertem, Boğazköy Metinlerine Göre Hititler Devri Anadolu’sunun Florası, Ankara.
  • J. Friedrich, Die Hethitischen Gesetze. Transkription, Übersetzung, sprachliche Erläuterungen und vollständiges Wörterverzeichnis (DMOA 7), Leiden.
  • A. Gilan, Formen und Inhalte althethitischer historischer Literatur (Theth 29), Heidelberg.
  • A. S. Gilbert, “The Native Fauna of the Ancient Near East”. B. J. Collins (Ed.), A History of the Animal World in the Ancient Near East (HdO I/64). Leiden-Boston-Köln, s. 3-75.
  • M. Giorgieri, “Das Beschwörungsritual der Pittei”, Orientalia Nova Series 35, s. 409-426.
  • P. Goedegebuure, “Hittite Historical Texts I: The Bilingual Testament of Hattusili I”, M. W. Chavalas (Ed.), The Ancient Near East: Historical Sources in Translation. Leiden-Boston, s. 222-228.
  • P. Goedegebuure, The Hittite Demonstratives. Studies in Deixis, Topics and Focus (StBoT 55), Wiesbaden.
  • A. Goetze, “Review of Untersuchungen zu den Beamtennamen im hethitischen Festzeremoniell, by S. Alp”, Journal of Cuneiform Studies 1(1), s. 81-86.
  • A. Goetze, “[Review of keilschrifttexte aus Boghazköi, Zehntes Heft, by H. G. Güterbock & H. Otten]”, Journal of Cuneiform Studies 16(1), s. 24-30.
  • A. Goetze, “The Hittite Laws”, J. B. Pritchard (Ed.), Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament 3rd Edition, Princeton-New Jersey, s. 188-197.
  • D. Groddek, “Fragmenta Hethitica dispersa I”, Altorientalische Forschungen 21/2, s. 328-338.
  • V. Haas, “Bemerkungen zu GIŠeja(n)-”, Altorientalische Forschungen 5,ss. 269-270.
  • V. Haas, Geschichte der Hethitischen Religion (HbOr I/15), Leiden-Boston.
  • V. Haas, Materia Magica et Medica Hethitica, Berlin.
  • V. Haas, “Ein jatro-magisches Ritual gegen einen Fluchzwang”, Y. Cohen, A. Gilan ve J. J. Miller (Ed.), Pax Hethitica: Studies on the Hittites and their Neighbours in Honour of Itamar Singer (StBoT 51), Wiesbaden, s. 178-190.
  • H. A. Hoffner, The Laws of the Hittites (DMOA 23), Leiden-New York-Köln.
  • H. A. Hoffner, Hittite Myths. 2nd Edition. (SBL Writings from the Ancient World 2), Atlanta-Georgia.
  • H. A. Hoffner, “On Some Passages about Fish”, A. Müller-Karpe, E. Rieken ve W. Sommerfeld (Ed.), Saeculum. Gedenkschrift für Heinrich Otten anlässlich seines 100. Geburtstags (StBoT 58), Wiesbaden, s. 63-75.
  • M. Hutter, Behexung, Entsühnung und Heilung: Das Ritual der Tunnawija für ein Königspaar aus Mittelhethitischer Zeit (KBoXXI 1- KUB IX 34-KBo XXI 6), Göttingen.
  • F. Imparati, Hitit Yasaları, E. Özbayoğlu (Çev.), Ankara.
  • L. Jakob-Rost, “Zu einigen hethitischen Kulfunktionären”, Orientalia Nova Series 35, s. 417-422.
  • L. Jakob-Rost, “Zu hethitisch LÚḫapija-“, Altorientalische Forschungen 5, s. 263-267.
  • A. Kloekhorst, Etymological Dictionary of the Hittite Inherited Lexicon, Leiden.
  • S. Košak, “The Inventory of Manninni (CTH 504)”, Linguistica 18, s. 99-123.
  • E. Laroche, “Fleuve et ordalie en Asie Mineure hittite”, E. Neu, C. Rüster (Ed.), Festschrift Heinrich Otten. 27. Dezember 1973, Wiesbaden, s. 179-189.
  • R. Lebrun, “Continuité cultuelle et religieuse en Asie Mineure”, O. Carruba, M. Giorgieri ve C. Mora (Ed.), Atti del II Congresso Internazionale di Hittitologia, Pavia, s. 249-256.
  • G. McMahon, The Hittite State Cult of the Tutelary Deities (AS 25), Chicago-Illinois.
  • A. Mouton, Rêves hittites. Contributions à une histoire et une anthropologie du rêve en Anatolie ancienne (CHANE 28), Leiden-Boston.
  • A. Mouton, “Réflexions autour de la notion de rituel initiatique en Anatolie hittite. Au sujet de la fête haššumaš (CTH 633)”, Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions 11, s. 1-38.
  • A. Mouton, “Trois fragments hittites inédits en provenance d’une collection privée d’Istanbul”, Anatolia Antiqua 20, s. 13-17.
  • A. Mouton, “Dog-men, bear-men, and the others: men acting as animals in Hittite festival texts”, L. Recht ve C. Tsouparopoulou (Ed.), Fierce lions, angry mice and fat-tailed sheep. Animal encounters in the ancient Near East, Cambridge, s. 79-94.
  • E. Neu, Althethitische Ritualtexte im Umschrift, (StBoT 25), Wiesbaden.
  • N. Oettinger, “Entstehung von Mythos aus Ritual: Das Beispiel des Hethitischen Textes CTH 390A”, H. Manfred, S. Hutter-Braunsar (Ed.), Offizielle Religion, lokale Kulte und individuelle Religiosität. Akten des religionsgeschichtlichen Symposiums “Kleinasien und angrenzende Gebiete vom Beginn des 2. bis zur Mitte des 1. Jahrtausends v. Chr. (AOAT 318), Münster, s. 347-356.
  • N. Oettinger, “Nochmals zu Luwisch-Hethitisch hantiyara-, hantiyassa und summiyara-”, M. Alparslan, M. Doğan-Alparslan ve H. Peker (Ed.), Belkıs Dinçol ve Ali Dinçol’a Armağan VITA Festschrift in Honor of Belkıs Dinçol and Ali Dinçol, İstanbul, s. 543-547.
  • H. Otten, “Noch einmal hethitisch „Löwe“”, Die Welt des Orients 5/1, s. 94-95.
  • H. Otten, Eine althethitische Erzählung um die Stadt Zalpa (StBoT 17), Wiesbaden.
  • H. Otten, “Kurša”, Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie 6, s. 372.
  • E. Öz, “Eski Mezopotamya’da Hukuk Kurallarının Oluşumu Sürecinde Adalet Anlayışı ve Bazı Hukuki Sorunların Çözümünde Nehir/Su Ordali Uygulaması”, İ. Albayrak, H. Erol ve M. Çayır (Ed.), Cahit Günbattı’ya Armağan. Studies in Honour of Cahit Günbattı, Ankara, s. 185-202.
  • F. Pecchioli Daddi, Mestieri, professioni e dignità neIl'Anatolia ittita, (Incunabula Graeca 79), Roma.
  • F. Pecchioli Daddi, “Aspects du culte de la divinité hattie Teteshapi”, Hethitica 8, s. 361-379.
  • A. Polit, “Die Stadt Katapa im Lichte hethitischer Keilschrifttexte”, Hethitica 14, s. 81-96.
  • M. Popko, Zippalanda. Ein Kultzentrum im hethitischen Kleinasien (THeth 21), Heidelberg.
  • J. Puhvel, “Hittite ḫurkiš and ḫurkel”, Sprache 17, s. 42-45.
  • J. Puhvel, “Who were the Hittite hurkilas pesnes?”, A. Etter (ed.), o-o-pe-ro-si. Festschrift für Ernst Risch zum 75. Geburtstag, Berlin-Boston, s. 151-155.
  • K. K. Riemschneider, Babylonische Geburtsomina in hethitischer Übersetzung (StBoT 9), Wiesbaden.
  • I. Rutherford, “The Dance of the Wolf-Men of Ankuwa”, A. Süel (Ed.), V. Uluslararası Hititoloji Kongresi Bildirileri, Çorum 02-08 Eylül 2002 – Acts of the Vth International Congress of Hittitology, Çorum, September 02-08, 2002, Ankara, s. 623-639.
  • A. Schachner, Hattuša: Efsanevi Hitit İmparatorluğu’nun İzinde, İstanbul.
  • B. Schwartz, “The Hittite and Luwian Ritual of Zarpiya of Kezzuwatna”, Journal of the American Oriental Society 58(2), s. 334-353.
  • J. Siegelová, Hethitische Verwaltungspraxis im Lichte der Wirtschafts- und Inventardokumente, Praha.
  • I. Singer, The Hittite KI.LAM Festival. Part One (StBoT 27), Wiesbaden.
  • I. Singer, The Hittite KI.LAM Festival. Part Two (StBoT 28), Wiesbaden.
  • O. Soysal, Mursili I. - Eine historische Studie. PhD Dissertation, Würzburg Universität, Würzburg. Sommer ve Falkenstein 1938
  • F. Sommer ve A. Falkenstein, Die hethitisch-akkadische Bilingue des Ḫattušili I. (Labarna II.), München.
  • F. Starke, Die Keilschriftluwischen Texte in Umschrift (StBoT 30), Wiesbaden.
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  • P. Taracha, “Zu den Hethitischen taknāz da- Ritualen”, Altorientalische Forschungen 12/2, s. 278-282.
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  • J. V. G. Trabazo ve D. Groddek, Hethitische Texte in Transkription: KUB 58 (DBH 18), Wiesbaden.
  • A. Ünal, “Ein Vogelorakel aus Bogazköy mit pseudo-rechtlichen Bemerkungen über Familienrecht (KUB 43.22+ = Bo 854 mit Dupl. KBo 13-71)”, Altorientalische Forschungen 25/1, s. 112-118.
  • A. Ünal, Hititçe Çok Dilli El Sözlüğü, Hamburg.
  • J. Weitenberg, “The Meaning of the Expression “To Become a Wolf” in Hittite”, Perspectives on Indo-European Language, Culture and Religion. Studies in Honor of Edgar C. Polomé, Virginia, s. 189-195.
  • M. Weszeli, “Wolf (Werwolf). A. In Mesopotamien”, Reallexikon der Assyriologie 15/1, s. 124-126.
  • T. Yiğit, “Hititçe Çivi Yazılı Belgelerde MUNUS(.MEŠ)KAR.KID”, Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi 19/30, s. 289-297.
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The Wolf and the Wolf-Men in Hittite Culture

Yıl 2021, , 465 - 496, 30.12.2021


Animals use a nonverbal communication, and they are assigned many various features in the semantic world of humans. Hittite texts often mention animals as well as their characteristics and use various expressions or similes that allow them to convey the emotions or describe particular situations. For the Hittites, husbandry was not just an economic activity. The meanings ascribed to both domesticated and wild animals have also been effective in shaping their culture. Animals were not only a source of food but also many gods were conceived in form of specific animals. Therefore, it is possible to single out some inferences about the Hittite culture by examining the texts in terms of animal symbolism. This study aims to investigate the symbolic and non-symbolic expressions of the wolf (UR.BAR.RA) in the texts and the place of the Wolf-men (LÚ.MEŠUR.BAR.RA) in Hittite cult.


  • Rukiye Akdoğan, “Sumerce BA.BA.ZA (=BOZA) Kelimesi Hakkında”, KUBABA Arkeoloji-Sanat Tarihi-Tarih Dergisi 17/29, s. 7-35.
  • M. Bacharova, “CTH 767.7-The Birth Ritual of Pittei: Its Occasion and the Use of Luwianisms”. A. Mouton, I. Rutherford ve I. Yakubovich (Ed.), Luwian Identities. Culture, Language and Religion Between Anatolia and the Aegean (CHANE 64), Leiden-Boston, ss. 135-157.
  • G. Beckman, Hittite Birth Rituals (StBoT 29), Wiesbaden.
  • G. Beckman, “Proverbs and Proverbial Allusions in Hittite”, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 45/1, s. 19-30.
  • G. Beckman, “Herding and Herdsmen in Hittite Culture”, E. Neu, C. Rüster (Ed.), Documentum Asiae minoris antiquae. Festschrift für Heinrich Otten zum 75. Geburtstag, Wiesbaden, s. 33-44.
  • G. Beckman, “Hittite Canonical Compositions - Myths: Elkunirša and Ašertu (1.55)”, W. Hallo (Ed.), The Context of Scripture Cilt 1, Leiden-Boston, s. 149.
  • G. Beckman, “Edicts and Proclamations: Bilingual Edict of Ḫattušili (2.15)”, W. Hallo (Ed.), The Context of Scripture Cilt 2, Leiden-Boston, s. 79-81
  • H. Berman, “A Hittite Ritual for the Newborn”, Journal of American Oriental Society 92/3, s. 466-468.
  • T. R. Bryce, The Major Historical Texts of Early Hittite History (Asian Studies Monograph 1), Queensland.
  • J. Burgin, Functional Differentiation in Hittite Festival Texts. An Analysis of the Old Hittite Manuscripts of the KI.LAM Great Assembly (StBoT 65), Wiesbaden.
  • B. J. Collins, The Representation of wild animals in Hittite Texts (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Yale University, Ann Arbor.
  • B. J. Collins, “Animals in Hittite Literature”, B. J. Collins (Ed.), A History of the Animal World in the Ancient Near East (HdO I/64), Leiden-Boston-Köln, s. 237-250.
  • B. J. Collins, “Animals in the Religions of Ancient Anatolia”, B. J. Collins (Ed.), A History of the Animal World in the Ancient Near East (HdO I/64), Leiden-Boston-Köln, s. 309-334.
  • B. J. Collins, “Hittite Canonical Compositions - Zarpiya’s Ritual (1.64)”, W. Hallo (Ed.), The Context of Scripture Cilt 1, Leiden-Boston-Köln, s. 162-163.
  • P. Dardano, Die hethitischen Tontafelkataloge aus Ḫattuša (CTH 276-282), Wiesbaden.
  • S. de Martino, “Alcune osservazioni su KBo III 27”, Altorientalische Forschungen 18/1, s. 54-66.
  • S. de Martino, “A Fragment of a Festival of Old Hittite Tradition”, T. Richter, D. Prechel ve J. Klinger (Ed.), Kulturgeschichten. Altorientalische Studien für V. Haas zum 65. Geburtstag, Saarbrücken, s. 73-80.
  • J. de Roos, Hittite Votive Texts (PIHANSt 109), Leiden. Del Monte ve Tischler 1978
  • G. F. del Monte ve J. Tischler, Die Orts- und Gewässernamen der Hethitischen Texte (RGTC VI), Wiesbaden.
  • E. Devecchi, “Wolf (Wolfsmann). B. Bei den Hethitern”, Reallexikon der Assyriologie 15/1, s. 127.
  • W. Dörfler vd., “Environment and Economy in Hittite Anatolia”, G. R. Tsetskhladze (Ed.), Insights into Hittite History and Archaeology (ColAnt 2), Leuven, s. 99-124.
  • S. Erkut, “Hititçe GIŠEya- ve Onun Türkçe Karşılığı Hakkında”, XIV. Türk Tarih Kongresi, 09-13 Eylül 2002, Ankara s. 37-42.
  • H. Ertem, Boğazköy Metinlerine Göre Hititler Devri Anadolu’sunun Faunası, Ankara.
  • H. Ertem, Boğazköy Metinlerine Göre Hititler Devri Anadolu’sunun Florası, Ankara.
  • J. Friedrich, Die Hethitischen Gesetze. Transkription, Übersetzung, sprachliche Erläuterungen und vollständiges Wörterverzeichnis (DMOA 7), Leiden.
  • A. Gilan, Formen und Inhalte althethitischer historischer Literatur (Theth 29), Heidelberg.
  • A. S. Gilbert, “The Native Fauna of the Ancient Near East”. B. J. Collins (Ed.), A History of the Animal World in the Ancient Near East (HdO I/64). Leiden-Boston-Köln, s. 3-75.
  • M. Giorgieri, “Das Beschwörungsritual der Pittei”, Orientalia Nova Series 35, s. 409-426.
  • P. Goedegebuure, “Hittite Historical Texts I: The Bilingual Testament of Hattusili I”, M. W. Chavalas (Ed.), The Ancient Near East: Historical Sources in Translation. Leiden-Boston, s. 222-228.
  • P. Goedegebuure, The Hittite Demonstratives. Studies in Deixis, Topics and Focus (StBoT 55), Wiesbaden.
  • A. Goetze, “Review of Untersuchungen zu den Beamtennamen im hethitischen Festzeremoniell, by S. Alp”, Journal of Cuneiform Studies 1(1), s. 81-86.
  • A. Goetze, “[Review of keilschrifttexte aus Boghazköi, Zehntes Heft, by H. G. Güterbock & H. Otten]”, Journal of Cuneiform Studies 16(1), s. 24-30.
  • A. Goetze, “The Hittite Laws”, J. B. Pritchard (Ed.), Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament 3rd Edition, Princeton-New Jersey, s. 188-197.
  • D. Groddek, “Fragmenta Hethitica dispersa I”, Altorientalische Forschungen 21/2, s. 328-338.
  • V. Haas, “Bemerkungen zu GIŠeja(n)-”, Altorientalische Forschungen 5,ss. 269-270.
  • V. Haas, Geschichte der Hethitischen Religion (HbOr I/15), Leiden-Boston.
  • V. Haas, Materia Magica et Medica Hethitica, Berlin.
  • V. Haas, “Ein jatro-magisches Ritual gegen einen Fluchzwang”, Y. Cohen, A. Gilan ve J. J. Miller (Ed.), Pax Hethitica: Studies on the Hittites and their Neighbours in Honour of Itamar Singer (StBoT 51), Wiesbaden, s. 178-190.
  • H. A. Hoffner, The Laws of the Hittites (DMOA 23), Leiden-New York-Köln.
  • H. A. Hoffner, Hittite Myths. 2nd Edition. (SBL Writings from the Ancient World 2), Atlanta-Georgia.
  • H. A. Hoffner, “On Some Passages about Fish”, A. Müller-Karpe, E. Rieken ve W. Sommerfeld (Ed.), Saeculum. Gedenkschrift für Heinrich Otten anlässlich seines 100. Geburtstags (StBoT 58), Wiesbaden, s. 63-75.
  • M. Hutter, Behexung, Entsühnung und Heilung: Das Ritual der Tunnawija für ein Königspaar aus Mittelhethitischer Zeit (KBoXXI 1- KUB IX 34-KBo XXI 6), Göttingen.
  • F. Imparati, Hitit Yasaları, E. Özbayoğlu (Çev.), Ankara.
  • L. Jakob-Rost, “Zu einigen hethitischen Kulfunktionären”, Orientalia Nova Series 35, s. 417-422.
  • L. Jakob-Rost, “Zu hethitisch LÚḫapija-“, Altorientalische Forschungen 5, s. 263-267.
  • A. Kloekhorst, Etymological Dictionary of the Hittite Inherited Lexicon, Leiden.
  • S. Košak, “The Inventory of Manninni (CTH 504)”, Linguistica 18, s. 99-123.
  • E. Laroche, “Fleuve et ordalie en Asie Mineure hittite”, E. Neu, C. Rüster (Ed.), Festschrift Heinrich Otten. 27. Dezember 1973, Wiesbaden, s. 179-189.
  • R. Lebrun, “Continuité cultuelle et religieuse en Asie Mineure”, O. Carruba, M. Giorgieri ve C. Mora (Ed.), Atti del II Congresso Internazionale di Hittitologia, Pavia, s. 249-256.
  • G. McMahon, The Hittite State Cult of the Tutelary Deities (AS 25), Chicago-Illinois.
  • A. Mouton, Rêves hittites. Contributions à une histoire et une anthropologie du rêve en Anatolie ancienne (CHANE 28), Leiden-Boston.
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Toplam 90 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe

Sevgül Çilingir Cesur 0000-0001-6943-7153

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Cesur, S. Ç. (2021). Hitit Kültüründe Kurt ve Kurt Adamlar. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi, 36(2), 465-496.
AMA Cesur SÇ. Hitit Kültüründe Kurt ve Kurt Adamlar. TID. Aralık 2021;36(2):465-496. doi:10.18513/egetid.1050197
Chicago Cesur, Sevgül Çilingir. “Hitit Kültüründe Kurt Ve Kurt Adamlar”. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi 36, sy. 2 (Aralık 2021): 465-96.
EndNote Cesur SÇ (01 Aralık 2021) Hitit Kültüründe Kurt ve Kurt Adamlar. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi 36 2 465–496.
IEEE S. Ç. Cesur, “Hitit Kültüründe Kurt ve Kurt Adamlar”, TID, c. 36, sy. 2, ss. 465–496, 2021, doi: 10.18513/egetid.1050197.
ISNAD Cesur, Sevgül Çilingir. “Hitit Kültüründe Kurt Ve Kurt Adamlar”. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi 36/2 (Aralık 2021), 465-496.
JAMA Cesur SÇ. Hitit Kültüründe Kurt ve Kurt Adamlar. TID. 2021;36:465–496.
MLA Cesur, Sevgül Çilingir. “Hitit Kültüründe Kurt Ve Kurt Adamlar”. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi, c. 36, sy. 2, 2021, ss. 465-96, doi:10.18513/egetid.1050197.
Vancouver Cesur SÇ. Hitit Kültüründe Kurt ve Kurt Adamlar. TID. 2021;36(2):465-96.