Yıl 2023,
Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 233 - 251, 25.06.2023
Yağmur Özatik
Umut Gök
Düzeltme Notu
4(2): 126-151, 2022 sayı ve tarihli "EFFECTS OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY PROGRAMS OF SCHOOL-BASED INTERVENTION ON PHYSICAL FITNESS AND PSYCHOLOGICAL RESPONSE: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW" başlıklı makalede yer alan Tablo 2 yatay olarak yeniden düzenlenmiştir.
This systematic review aimed to investigate the effect of school-based physical activity interventions on physical fitness and psychological responses in children and young people. Studies were conducted from Web of Science, Scopus and PubMed databases between 1 January 2017 and 1 December 2022 according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) checklist. For the research to be conducted in the databases, "School-Based Intervention", "physical fitness ", "Psychology", School-based intervention, physical fitness and psychological responses were used in the title and abstract. The database review revealed seventy-four (74) studies. However, after eliminating seventeen (17) duplicate studies, fifty-five (57) studies remained. Subsequently, seventeen (17) studies were eliminated after reviewing the abstracts. After forty (40) studies were thoroughly analysed, eighteen (18) publications not involving psychological factors, five (5) publications involving research methods and six (6) review studies were excluded. The remaining eleven (11) studies were used after review. The results of the present systematic review showed that school-based physical activity interventions contribute positively to children's physical fitness and psychological health while ensuring a healthy life for years to come.
- Abarca-Gómez, L., Abdeen, Z. A., Hamid, Z. A., Abu-Rmeileh, N. M., Acosta-Cazares, B., Acuin, C., ... & Cho, Y. (2017). Worldwide trends in body-mass index, underweight, overweight, and obesity from 1975 to 2016: a pooled analysis of 2416 population-based measurement studies in 128· 9 million children, adolescents, and adults. The lancet, 390(10113), 2627-2642.
- Ahn, S., & Fedewa, A. L. (2011). A meta-analysis of the relationship between children’s physical activity and mental health. Journal of pediatric psychology, 36(4), 385-397.
- Andersen, L. B., Riddoch, C., Kriemler, S., & Hills, A. (2011). Physical activity and cardiovascular risk factors in children. British journal of sports medicine, 45(11), 871-876.
- Barnett, L. M., Van Beurden, E., Morgan, P. J., Brooks, L. O., & Beard, J. R. (2008). Does childhood motor skill proficiency predict adolescent fitness?. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 40(12), 2137-2144.
- Blair, S. N., Cheng, Y., & Holder, J. S. (2001). Is physical activity or physical fitness more important in defining health benefits?. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 33(6), S379-S399.
- Bogataj, Š., Trajković, N., Cadenas-Sanchez, C., & Sember, V. (2021). Effects of school-based exercise and nutrition intervention on body composition and physical fitness in overweight adolescent girls. Nutrients, 13(1), 238.
- Brown, H. E., Pearson, N., Braithwaite, R. E., Brown, W. J., & Biddle, S. J. (2013). Physical activity interventions and depression in children and adolescents. Sports medicine, 43(3), 195-206.
- Burns, R. D., Fu, Y., & Podlog, L. W. (2017). School-based physical activity interventions and physical activity enjoyment: A meta-analysis. Preventive medicine, 103, 84-90.
- Carson, V., Hunter, S., Kuzik, N., Gray, C. E., Poitras, V. J., Chaput, J. P., ... & Tremblay, M. S. (2016). Systematic review of sedentary behaviour and health indicators in school-aged children and youth: an update. Applied physiology, nutrition, and metabolism, 41(6), S240-S265.
- Caspersen, C. J., Powell, K. E., & Christenson, G. M. (1985). Physical activity, exercise, and physical fitness: definitions and distinctions for health-related research. Public health reports, 100(2), 126.
- Chen, W., Gu, X., Chen, J., & Wang, X. (2022). Association of cardiorespiratory fitness and cognitive function with psychological well-being in school-aged children. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(3), 1434.
- Costa, M., Oliveira, T., Mota, J., Santos, M. P., & Ribeiro, J. (2017). Objectively measured physical activity levels in physical education classes and body mass index. Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación, (31), 271-274.
- De Souza-Pajuelo, A. A. R., Luján, A. F. T., & Reyes-Bossio, M. (2021). Physical activity enjoyment and self-efficacy in school performance of 11-17-yearold students at educational institutions in Lima. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 21, 2183-2189.
- Delgado-Floody, P., Latorre-Román, P., Jerez-Mayorga, D., Caamaño-Navarrete, F., & García-Pinillos, F. (2019). Feasibility of incorporating high-intensity interval training into physical education programs to improve body composition and cardiorespiratory capacity of overweight and obese children: A systematic review. Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness, 17(2), 35-40.
- Demetriou, Y., & Höner, O. (2012). Physical activity interventions in the school setting: A systematic review. Psychology of sport and exercise, 13(2), 186-196.
- Dobbins, M., Husson, H., DeCorby, K., & LaRocca, R. L. (2013). School‐based physical activity programs for promoting physical activity and fitness in children and adolescents aged 6 to 18. Cochrane database of systematic reviews, (2).
- Donnelly, J. E., Hillman, C. H., Castelli, D., Etnier, J. L., Lee, S., Tomporowski, P., ... & Szabo-Reed, A. N. (2016). Physical activity, fitness, cognitive function, and academic achievement in children: a systematic review. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 48(6), 1197.
- Duncan, M. J., Jones, V., O’Brien, W., Barnett, L. M., & Eyre, E. L. (2018). Self-perceived and actual motor competence in young British children. Perceptual and motor skills, 125(2), 251-264.
- Ekelund, U., Luan, J. A., Sherar, L. B., Esliger, D. W., Griew, P., Cooper, A., & International Children's Accelerometry Database (ICAD) Collaborators. (2012). Moderate to vigorous physical activity and sedentary time and cardiometabolic risk factors in children and adolescents. Jama, 307(7), 704-712.
- Elbe, A. M., Wikman, J. M., Zheng, M., Larsen, M. N., Nielsen, G., & Krustrup, P. (2017). The importance of cohesion and enjoyment for the fitness improvement of 8–10-year-old children participating in a team and individual sport school-based physical activity intervention. European Journal of Sport Science, 17(3), 343-350.
- Greenleaf, C. A., Petrie, T. A., & Martin, S. B. (2010). Psychosocial variables associated with body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness in middle school students. Research quarterly for exercise and sport, 81(sup3), S65-S74.
- Guthold, R., Stevens, G. A., Riley, L. M., & Bull, F. C. (2020). Global trends in insufficient physical activity among adolescents: a pooled analysis of 298 population-based surveys with 1· 6 million participants. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, 4(1), 23-35.
- Ha, A. S., Lonsdale, C., Lubans, D. R., & Ng, J. Y. (2020a). Increasing Students' Activity in Physical Education: Results of the Self-determined Exercise and Learning For FITness Trial. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 52(3), 696-704.
- HA, A., Sam, C. H., & Young, J. Y. (2020b). Students’ and teachers’ reactions to a novel school-based physical education SELF-FIT intervention. Int. J. Sport Psychol, 51, 183-196.
- Haerens, L., Kirk, D., Cardon, G., & De Bourdeaudhuij, I. (2011). Toward the development of a pedagogical model for health-based physical education. Quest, 63(3), 321-338.
- Hallal, P. C., Andersen, L. B., Bull, F. C., Guthold, R., Haskell, W., Ekelund, U., & Lancet Physical Activity Series Working Group. (2012). Global physical activity levels: surveillance progress, pitfalls, and prospects. The lancet, 380(9838), 247-257.
- Hatch, L. M., Williams, R. A., Dring, K. J., Sunderland, C., Nevill, M. E., Sarkar, M., ... & Cooper, S. B. (2021). The Daily Mile™: Acute effects on children’s cognitive function and factors affecting their enjoyment. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 57, 102047.
- Haverkamp, B. F., Oosterlaan, J., Königs, M., & Hartman, E. (2021). Physical fitness, cognitive functioning and academic achievement in healthy adolescents. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 57, 102060.
- Hoare, E., Milton, K., Foster, C., & Allender, S. (2016). The associations between sedentary behaviour and mental health among adolescents: a systematic review. International journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity, 13(1), 1-22.
- Huang, X., Lin, J., & Demner-Fushman, D. (2006). Evaluation of PICO as a knowledge representation for clinical questions. In AMIA annual symposium proceedings (Vol. 2006, p. 359). American Medical Informatics Association.
- Hubbard, K., Economos, C. D., Bakun, P., Boulos, R., Chui, K., Mueller, M. P., ... & Sacheck, J. (2016). Disparities in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity among girls and overweight and obese schoolchildren during school-and out-of-school time. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 13(1), 1-8.
- Janssen, I. (2007). Physical activity guidelines for children and youth. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 32(S2E), S109-121.
- Janssen, I., & LeBlanc, A. G. (2010). Systematic review of the health benefits of physical activity and fitness in school-aged children and youth. International journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity, 7(1), 1-16.
- Jin, J., Yun, J., & Agiovlasitis, S. (2018). Impact of enjoyment on physical activity and health among children with disabilities in schools. Disability and health journal, 11(1), 14-19.
- Kelso, A., Linder, S., Reimers, A. K., Klug, S. J., Alesi, M., Scifo, L., ... & Demetriou, Y. (2020). Effects of school-based interventions on motivation towards physical activity in children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 51, 101770.
- Kriemler, S., Meyer, U., Martin, E., van Sluijs, E. M., Andersen, L. B., & Martin, B. W. (2011). Effect of school-based interventions on physical activity and fitness in children and adolescents: a review of reviews and systematic update. British journal of sports medicine, 45(11), 923-930.
- Kurdaningsih, S. V., Sudargo, T., & Lusmilasari, L. (2016). Physical activity and sedentary lifestyle towards teenagers’ overweight/obesity status. Int J Community Med Public Health, 3(3), 630-635.
- Kwasky, A. N., & Serowoky, M. L. (2018). Yoga to enhance self efficacy: An intervention for at-risk youth. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 32(1), 82-85.
- Liang, Y., Lau, P. W., Jiang, Y., & Maddison, R. (2020). Getting active with active video games: A quasi-experimental study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(21), 7984.
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Yıl 2023,
Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 233 - 251, 25.06.2023
Yağmur Özatik
Umut Gök
Bu sistematik derlemenin amacı okul temelli fiziksel aktivite müdahalelerinin çocuklar ve gençlerde fiziksel uygunluk (PF) ve psikolojik cevaplar üzerindeki etkisini araştırmaktır. 1 Ocak 2017 ile 1 Aralık 2022 tarihleri arasında Web of Science, Scopus ve PubMed veri tabanlarından Sistematik İncelemeler ve Meta-Analizler için Tercih Edilen Raporlama Öğeleri (PRISMA) kontrol listesine göre çalışmalar taranmıştır. Veri tabanlarında yapılacak araştırma için başlık ve özette “Okul Temelli Müdahale”, “fiziksel uygunluk”, “Psikoloji”, okul temelli uygulamar, fiziksel uygunluk ve psikolojik yanıtlar kullanılmıştır. Veritabanı incelemesinde, yetmiş dört (74) çalışma ortaya çıkmıştır. Ancak on yedi (17) tekrar eden çalışma hariç tutulduktan sonra geriye elli beş (57) çalışma kalmıştır. Daha sonra, özetler incelendikten sonra on yedi (17) çalışma daha hariç tutulmuştur. Kırk (40) çalışma kapsamlı bir şekilde analiz edildikten sonra, psikolojik faktörleri içermeyen on sekiz (18) yayın, araştırma yöntemlerini içeren beş (5) yayın ve derleme çalışması olan (6) yayın hariç tutulmuştur. Kalan on bir (11) çalışma incelemeden sonra kullanılmıştır. Mevcut sistematik incelemenin sonuçları, okul temelli fiziksel aktivite müdahalelerinin çocukların fiziksel uygunluklarına ve psikolojik sağlığına olumlu katkıda bulunurken, gelecek yıllarda sağlıklı bir yaşam sürmelerini sağladığını göstermiştir.
- Abarca-Gómez, L., Abdeen, Z. A., Hamid, Z. A., Abu-Rmeileh, N. M., Acosta-Cazares, B., Acuin, C., ... & Cho, Y. (2017). Worldwide trends in body-mass index, underweight, overweight, and obesity from 1975 to 2016: a pooled analysis of 2416 population-based measurement studies in 128· 9 million children, adolescents, and adults. The lancet, 390(10113), 2627-2642.
- Ahn, S., & Fedewa, A. L. (2011). A meta-analysis of the relationship between children’s physical activity and mental health. Journal of pediatric psychology, 36(4), 385-397.
- Andersen, L. B., Riddoch, C., Kriemler, S., & Hills, A. (2011). Physical activity and cardiovascular risk factors in children. British journal of sports medicine, 45(11), 871-876.
- Barnett, L. M., Van Beurden, E., Morgan, P. J., Brooks, L. O., & Beard, J. R. (2008). Does childhood motor skill proficiency predict adolescent fitness?. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 40(12), 2137-2144.
- Blair, S. N., Cheng, Y., & Holder, J. S. (2001). Is physical activity or physical fitness more important in defining health benefits?. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 33(6), S379-S399.
- Bogataj, Š., Trajković, N., Cadenas-Sanchez, C., & Sember, V. (2021). Effects of school-based exercise and nutrition intervention on body composition and physical fitness in overweight adolescent girls. Nutrients, 13(1), 238.
- Brown, H. E., Pearson, N., Braithwaite, R. E., Brown, W. J., & Biddle, S. J. (2013). Physical activity interventions and depression in children and adolescents. Sports medicine, 43(3), 195-206.
- Burns, R. D., Fu, Y., & Podlog, L. W. (2017). School-based physical activity interventions and physical activity enjoyment: A meta-analysis. Preventive medicine, 103, 84-90.
- Carson, V., Hunter, S., Kuzik, N., Gray, C. E., Poitras, V. J., Chaput, J. P., ... & Tremblay, M. S. (2016). Systematic review of sedentary behaviour and health indicators in school-aged children and youth: an update. Applied physiology, nutrition, and metabolism, 41(6), S240-S265.
- Caspersen, C. J., Powell, K. E., & Christenson, G. M. (1985). Physical activity, exercise, and physical fitness: definitions and distinctions for health-related research. Public health reports, 100(2), 126.
- Chen, W., Gu, X., Chen, J., & Wang, X. (2022). Association of cardiorespiratory fitness and cognitive function with psychological well-being in school-aged children. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(3), 1434.
- Costa, M., Oliveira, T., Mota, J., Santos, M. P., & Ribeiro, J. (2017). Objectively measured physical activity levels in physical education classes and body mass index. Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación, (31), 271-274.
- De Souza-Pajuelo, A. A. R., Luján, A. F. T., & Reyes-Bossio, M. (2021). Physical activity enjoyment and self-efficacy in school performance of 11-17-yearold students at educational institutions in Lima. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 21, 2183-2189.
- Delgado-Floody, P., Latorre-Román, P., Jerez-Mayorga, D., Caamaño-Navarrete, F., & García-Pinillos, F. (2019). Feasibility of incorporating high-intensity interval training into physical education programs to improve body composition and cardiorespiratory capacity of overweight and obese children: A systematic review. Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness, 17(2), 35-40.
- Demetriou, Y., & Höner, O. (2012). Physical activity interventions in the school setting: A systematic review. Psychology of sport and exercise, 13(2), 186-196.
- Dobbins, M., Husson, H., DeCorby, K., & LaRocca, R. L. (2013). School‐based physical activity programs for promoting physical activity and fitness in children and adolescents aged 6 to 18. Cochrane database of systematic reviews, (2).
- Donnelly, J. E., Hillman, C. H., Castelli, D., Etnier, J. L., Lee, S., Tomporowski, P., ... & Szabo-Reed, A. N. (2016). Physical activity, fitness, cognitive function, and academic achievement in children: a systematic review. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 48(6), 1197.
- Duncan, M. J., Jones, V., O’Brien, W., Barnett, L. M., & Eyre, E. L. (2018). Self-perceived and actual motor competence in young British children. Perceptual and motor skills, 125(2), 251-264.
- Ekelund, U., Luan, J. A., Sherar, L. B., Esliger, D. W., Griew, P., Cooper, A., & International Children's Accelerometry Database (ICAD) Collaborators. (2012). Moderate to vigorous physical activity and sedentary time and cardiometabolic risk factors in children and adolescents. Jama, 307(7), 704-712.
- Elbe, A. M., Wikman, J. M., Zheng, M., Larsen, M. N., Nielsen, G., & Krustrup, P. (2017). The importance of cohesion and enjoyment for the fitness improvement of 8–10-year-old children participating in a team and individual sport school-based physical activity intervention. European Journal of Sport Science, 17(3), 343-350.
- Greenleaf, C. A., Petrie, T. A., & Martin, S. B. (2010). Psychosocial variables associated with body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness in middle school students. Research quarterly for exercise and sport, 81(sup3), S65-S74.
- Guthold, R., Stevens, G. A., Riley, L. M., & Bull, F. C. (2020). Global trends in insufficient physical activity among adolescents: a pooled analysis of 298 population-based surveys with 1· 6 million participants. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, 4(1), 23-35.
- Ha, A. S., Lonsdale, C., Lubans, D. R., & Ng, J. Y. (2020a). Increasing Students' Activity in Physical Education: Results of the Self-determined Exercise and Learning For FITness Trial. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 52(3), 696-704.
- HA, A., Sam, C. H., & Young, J. Y. (2020b). Students’ and teachers’ reactions to a novel school-based physical education SELF-FIT intervention. Int. J. Sport Psychol, 51, 183-196.
- Haerens, L., Kirk, D., Cardon, G., & De Bourdeaudhuij, I. (2011). Toward the development of a pedagogical model for health-based physical education. Quest, 63(3), 321-338.
- Hallal, P. C., Andersen, L. B., Bull, F. C., Guthold, R., Haskell, W., Ekelund, U., & Lancet Physical Activity Series Working Group. (2012). Global physical activity levels: surveillance progress, pitfalls, and prospects. The lancet, 380(9838), 247-257.
- Hatch, L. M., Williams, R. A., Dring, K. J., Sunderland, C., Nevill, M. E., Sarkar, M., ... & Cooper, S. B. (2021). The Daily Mile™: Acute effects on children’s cognitive function and factors affecting their enjoyment. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 57, 102047.
- Haverkamp, B. F., Oosterlaan, J., Königs, M., & Hartman, E. (2021). Physical fitness, cognitive functioning and academic achievement in healthy adolescents. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 57, 102060.
- Hoare, E., Milton, K., Foster, C., & Allender, S. (2016). The associations between sedentary behaviour and mental health among adolescents: a systematic review. International journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity, 13(1), 1-22.
- Huang, X., Lin, J., & Demner-Fushman, D. (2006). Evaluation of PICO as a knowledge representation for clinical questions. In AMIA annual symposium proceedings (Vol. 2006, p. 359). American Medical Informatics Association.
- Hubbard, K., Economos, C. D., Bakun, P., Boulos, R., Chui, K., Mueller, M. P., ... & Sacheck, J. (2016). Disparities in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity among girls and overweight and obese schoolchildren during school-and out-of-school time. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 13(1), 1-8.
- Janssen, I. (2007). Physical activity guidelines for children and youth. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 32(S2E), S109-121.
- Janssen, I., & LeBlanc, A. G. (2010). Systematic review of the health benefits of physical activity and fitness in school-aged children and youth. International journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity, 7(1), 1-16.
- Jin, J., Yun, J., & Agiovlasitis, S. (2018). Impact of enjoyment on physical activity and health among children with disabilities in schools. Disability and health journal, 11(1), 14-19.
- Kelso, A., Linder, S., Reimers, A. K., Klug, S. J., Alesi, M., Scifo, L., ... & Demetriou, Y. (2020). Effects of school-based interventions on motivation towards physical activity in children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 51, 101770.
- Kriemler, S., Meyer, U., Martin, E., van Sluijs, E. M., Andersen, L. B., & Martin, B. W. (2011). Effect of school-based interventions on physical activity and fitness in children and adolescents: a review of reviews and systematic update. British journal of sports medicine, 45(11), 923-930.
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