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Correlates of Listening Comprehension in L1 and L2: A Meta-analysis

Yıl 2019, , 353 - 383, 26.11.2019


The present meta-analysis aimed to
explore the correlates of listening comprehension in first (L1) and second
language (L2). In this regard, the overall average correlation scores, obtained
from several primary studies retrieved from several databases, between
linguistic (vocabulary size, vocabulary depth, syntactic knowledge), cognitive
(working memory, metacognitive skills), and affective factors (anxiety and
self-concept) and oral comprehension were measured. The results of the analysis
revealed that in terms of strengths of association with listening
comprehension, linguistic correlates were superior to cognitive correlates in
L2 listening comprehension. There existed positive correlations with large
effect sizes between vocabulary and grammar knowledge and listening
comprehension while working memory yielded a positive correlation with a small
effect size. Metacognitive skills, on the other hand, demonstrated a positive
correlation with L2 listening comprehension with a large effect size. A similar
pattern was observed in L1 listening comprehension with smaller strengths of
association. Vocabulary and grammar knowledge yielded positive correlations
with L1 listening comprehension and the effect size was medium while working
memory weakly correlated with listening comprehension. An important distinction
between L1 and L2 listening comprehension was observed in the affective domain.
Anxiety and self-concept which were not reported to correlate with L1 listening
comprehension were found to display large correlations with listening
comprehension in L2. Overall, it was found that listening comprehension in both
L1 and L2 is a multi-faceted process with different types of components


  • (References with an asterisk were included in the meta-analysis)
  • *Adams, A. M., Bourke, L., & Willis, C. (1999). Working memory and spoken language comprehension in young children. International Journal of Psychology, 34, 364-373. 10.1080/002075999399701
  • *Amin, I. A. R., Aly, M. A. S., & Mohammed, A. M. (2012). A correlation study between EFL strategic listening and listening comprehension skills among secondary school students. Benha Faculty of Education Journal, 23(1), 1-26.
  • Alderson, J. C. (1984). Reading in a foreign language: A reading problem or a language problem? In J. C. Alderson & A. H. Urquhart (Eds.), Reading in a foreign language (pp. 1–24). London: Longman.
  • Al Seyabi, F., & Tuzlukova, V. (2014). Writing Problems and Strategies: An Investigative Study in the Omani School and University Context. Asian Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 3(4), 37-48.
  • *Andersson, U. (2010). The contribution of working memory capacity to foreign language comprehension in children. Memory, 18, 458-472. 10.1080/09658211003762084
  • *Andringa, S., Olsthoorn, N., van Beuningen, C., Schoonen, R., & Hulstijn, J. (2012). Determinants of success in native and non‐native listening comprehension: An individual differences approach. Language Learning, 62, 49-78. 10.1111/j.1467-9922.2012.00706.x
  • *Atasheneh, N., & Izadi, A. (2012). The role of teachers in reducing/increasing listening comprehension test anxiety: A case of Iranian EFL learners. English Language Teaching, 5, 178-187. 10.5539/elt.v5n3p178
  • Bandura, A. (1993). Perceived self-efficacy in cognitive development and functioning. Educational Psychologist, 28, 117-148. 10.1207/s15326985ep2802_3
  • Beal, V. (2007). The weight of involvement load in college level reading and vocabulary tasks (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from Concordia University CLUES Library Catalogue (LE 3 C66E38M 2007 B43)
  • Bensoussan, M., & Ramraz, R. (1984). Testing EFL reading comprehension using a multiple-choice rational cloze. Modern Language Journal, 68, 230–239. 10.1111/j.1540-4781.1984.tb01569.x
  • *Bonk, W. J. (2000). Second language lexical knowledge and listening comprehension. International Journal of Listening, 14, 14-31. 10.1080/10904018.2000.10499033
  • *Brunfaut, T., & Révész, A. (2015). The role of task and listener characteristics in second language listening. Tesol Quarterly, 49(1), 141-168.
  • *Call, M. E. (1985). Auditory short-term memory, listening comprehension, and the input hypothesis. TESOL Quarterly, 19, 765-781. 10.2307/3586675
  • Carr, T. H., & Levy, B. A., (Eds.) (1990). Reading and its development: Component skills approaches. San Diego: Academic Press.
  • Carrier, K. A. (2003). Improving high school English language learners’ second language listening through strategy instruction. Bilingual Research Journal, 27, 383–408. 10.1080/15235882.2003.10162600
  • Chamot, A. U. (2005). Language learning strategy instruction: Current issues and research. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 25, 112-130. 10.1017/s0267190505000061
  • Chen, K. Y. (2011). The impact of EFL students’ vocabulary breadth of knowledge on literal reading comprehension. Asian EFL Journal, 51, 30-40.
  • Cheng, Y. S. (2002). Factors associated with foreign language writing anxiety. Foreign Language Annals, 35(6), 647-656.
  • Cheng, Y. S., Horwitz, E. K., & Schallert, D. L. (1999). Language anxiety: Differentiating writing and speaking components. Language Learning, 49(3), 417-446.
  • Choi, H. Y. (2013). Effects of depth and breadth of vocabulary knowledge on English reading comprehension among Korean high school students. Language Research, 49, 419-452.
  • Davies, N. F. (1976). Receptive versus productive skills in foreign language learning. The Modern Language Journal, 60, 440-443. 10.1111/j.1540-4781.1976.tb03667.x
  • *Elkhafaifi, H. (2005). Listening comprehension and anxiety in the Arabic language classroom. The Modern Language Journal, 89, 206-220. 10.1111/j.1540-4781.2005.00275.x
  • *Florit, E., Roch, M., Altoè, G., & Levorato, M. C. (2009). Listening comprehension in preschoolers: The role of memory. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 27, 935-951. 10.1348/026151008x397189
  • *Fracasso, L. E., Bangs, K., & Binder, K. S. (2016). The contributions of phonological and morphological awareness to literacy skills in the adult basic education population. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 49, 140-151. 10.1177/0022219414538513
  • Hawas, H. M. (1990). Vocabulary and reading comprehension: An experimental study. International Review of Applied Linguistics, 87, 45–63.
  • Huy, N. T. (2015). Problems affecting learning writing skill of grade 11 at Thong Linh high school. Asian Journal of Educational Research, 3(2), 53-69.
  • Jeon, E. H., & Yamashita, J. (2014). L2 Reading comprehension and its correlates: A meta‐analysis. Language Learning, 64, 160-212. 10.1111/lang.12034
  • Jones, S., Myhill, D., & Bailey, T. (2013). Grammar for writing? An investigation of the effects of contextualised grammar teaching on students’ writing. Reading and Writing, 26(8), 1241-1263.
  • *Kassem, H. M. (2015). The relationship between listening strategies used by Egyptian EFL college sophomores and their listening comprehension and self-efficacy. English Language Teaching, 8, 153. 10.5539/elt.v8n2p153
  • Keating, G. D. (2008). Task effectiveness and word learning in a second language: The involvement load hypothesis on trial. Language Teaching Research, 12(3), 365-386.
  • Khaldieh, S. (2001). The relationship between knowledge of “Icraab,” lexical knowledge, and reading comprehension of non-native readers of Arabic. Modern Language Journal, 85, 416–431. 10.1111/0026-7902.00117
  • Khotimah, S. (2014). The use of problem based learning to improve students’ speaking ability. ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching, 3(1), 50-56.
  • Kim, J., & Cho, Y. (2015). Proficiency effects on relative rules of vocabulary and grammar knowledge in second language reading. English Teaching, 70, 75-96. 10.15858/engtea.70.1.201503.75
  • *Kim, Y. S. (2015). Language and cognitive predictors of text comprehension: Evidence from multivariate analysis. Child Development, 86, 128-144. 10.1111/cdev.12293
  • *Kim, Y. S. G. (2016). Direct and mediated effects of language and cognitive skills on comprehension of oral narrative texts (listening comprehension) for children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 141, 101-120. 10.1016/j.jecp.2015.08.003
  • *Kim, Y. S., & Phillips, B. (2014). Cognitive correlates of listening comprehension. Reading Research Quarterly, 49, 269-281. 10.1002/rrq.74 Kintsch, W. (1988). The use of knowledge in discourse processing: A construction–integration model. Psychological Review, 95, 163–182.
  • *Kök, İ. (2017). Relationship between listening comprehension strategy use and listening comprehension proficiency. International Journal of Listening, 32(3), 163-179. 10.1080/10904018.2016.1276457
  • Koda, K. (1992). The effects of lower-level processing skills on FL reading performance: Implications for instruction. Modern Language Journal, 76, 502–512. 10.1111/j.1540-4781.1992.tb05400.x
  • Koda, K. (2005). Insights into second language reading: A cross-linguistic approach. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Krashen, S. D. (1985). The input hypothesis: Issues and implications. London: Longman.
  • Lee, S. K. (2007). Effects of textual enhancement and topic familiarity on Korean EFL students' reading comprehension and learning of passive form. Language Learning, 57, 87-118. 10.1111/j.1467-9922.2007.00400.x
  • Leeser, M. J. (2007). Learner‐based factors in L2 reading comprehension and processing grammatical form: Topic familiarity and working memory. Language Learning, 57(2), 229-270. 10.1111/j.1467-9922.2007.00408.x
  • Lefrancois, P., & Armand, F. (2003). The role of phonological and syntactic awareness in second-language reading: The case of Spanish-speaking learners of French. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 16, 219–246. 10.1023/a:1022874425314
  • *Lepola, J., Lynch, J., Laakkonen, E., Silvén, M., & Niemi, P. (2012). The role of inference making and other language skills in the development of narrative listening comprehension in 4–6-year-old children. Reading Research Quarterly, 47, 259-282. 10.1002/rrq.020
  • *Matthews, J., & Cheng, J. (2015). Recognition of high frequency words from speech as a predictor of L2 listening comprehension. System, 52, 1-13.
  • Nation, I. S. P. (2001). Learning vocabulary in another language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • *Oh, E. (2016). Comparative studies on the roles of linguistic knowledge and sentence processing speed in L2 listening and reading comprehension in an EFL tertiary setting. Reading Psychology, 37(2), 257-285.
  • Oxford, R., & Shearin, J. (1994). Language learning motivation: Expanding the theoretical framework. The Modern Language Journal, 78, 12-28. 10.1111/j.1540-4781.1994.tb02011.x
  • Pérez Manzanilla, I. S., & Díaz Cabrera, K. M. (2014). Factors that may have an impact on advanced EFL students' speaking ability (Master’s Thesis). Retrieved from
  • Plonsky, L., & Oswald, F. L. (2012). How to do a meta-analysis. In A. Mackey & S. M. Gass (Eds.), Research methods in second language acquisition: A practical guide (pp. 275–295). London: Basil Blackwell.
  • Plonsky, L., & Oswald, F. L. (2014). How big is “big”? Interpreting effect sizes in L2 research. Language Learning, 64(4), 878-912.
  • Pulido, D., & Hambrick, D. Z. (2008). The “virtuous” circle: Modeling individual differences in L2 reading and vocabulary development. Reading in a Foreign Language, 20, 164–190.
  • *Rahimi, A., & Abedini, A. (2009). The interface between EFL learners’ self-efficacy concerning listening comprehension and listening proficiency. Novitas-Royal, 3, 14-28.
  • Rashidi, N., & Khosravi, N. (2010). Assessing the role of depth and breadth of vocabulary knowledge in reading comprehension of Iranian EFL learners. Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 14, 81-108.
  • Ross, S., & Rost, M. (1991). Learner use of strategies in interaction: Typology and teachability. Language Learning, 41, 235–273. 10.1111/j.1467-1770.1991.tb00685.x
  • *Sağlam, S. (2014). The role of vocabulary breadth, syntactic knowledge, and listening strategy use on listening comprehension. Route Educational and Social Science Journal, 1, 54-72.
  • Saito, Y., Garza, T. J., & Horwitz, E. K. (1999). Foreign language reading anxiety. The Modern Language Journal, 83(2), 202-218.
  • Sawaki, Y., Quinlan, T., & Lee, Y. W. (2013). Understanding learner strengths and weaknesses: Assessing performance on an integrated writing task. Language Assessment Quarterly, 10(1), 73-95.
  • Scovel, T. (1978). The effect of affect on foreign language learning: A review of the anxiety research. Language Learning, 28(1), 129-142.
  • Sellers, V. D. (2000). Anxiety and reading comprehension in Spanish as a foreign language. Foreign Language Annals, 33(5), 512-520.
  • *Serraj, S., & Noordin, N. B. (2013). Relationship among Iranian EFL students' foreign language anxiety, foreign language listening anxiety and their listening comprehension. English Language Teaching, 6(5), 1-12.
  • Shiotsu, T. (2010). Components of L2 reading: Linguistic and processing factors in the reading test performances of Japanese EFL learners. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Shiotsu, T., & Weir, C. J. (2007). The relative significance of syntactic knowledge and vocabulary breadth in the prediction of reading comprehension test performance. Language Testing, 24, 99-128. 10.1177/0265532207071513
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Yıl 2019, , 353 - 383, 26.11.2019



  • (References with an asterisk were included in the meta-analysis)
  • *Adams, A. M., Bourke, L., & Willis, C. (1999). Working memory and spoken language comprehension in young children. International Journal of Psychology, 34, 364-373. 10.1080/002075999399701
  • *Amin, I. A. R., Aly, M. A. S., & Mohammed, A. M. (2012). A correlation study between EFL strategic listening and listening comprehension skills among secondary school students. Benha Faculty of Education Journal, 23(1), 1-26.
  • Alderson, J. C. (1984). Reading in a foreign language: A reading problem or a language problem? In J. C. Alderson & A. H. Urquhart (Eds.), Reading in a foreign language (pp. 1–24). London: Longman.
  • Al Seyabi, F., & Tuzlukova, V. (2014). Writing Problems and Strategies: An Investigative Study in the Omani School and University Context. Asian Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 3(4), 37-48.
  • *Andersson, U. (2010). The contribution of working memory capacity to foreign language comprehension in children. Memory, 18, 458-472. 10.1080/09658211003762084
  • *Andringa, S., Olsthoorn, N., van Beuningen, C., Schoonen, R., & Hulstijn, J. (2012). Determinants of success in native and non‐native listening comprehension: An individual differences approach. Language Learning, 62, 49-78. 10.1111/j.1467-9922.2012.00706.x
  • *Atasheneh, N., & Izadi, A. (2012). The role of teachers in reducing/increasing listening comprehension test anxiety: A case of Iranian EFL learners. English Language Teaching, 5, 178-187. 10.5539/elt.v5n3p178
  • Bandura, A. (1993). Perceived self-efficacy in cognitive development and functioning. Educational Psychologist, 28, 117-148. 10.1207/s15326985ep2802_3
  • Beal, V. (2007). The weight of involvement load in college level reading and vocabulary tasks (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from Concordia University CLUES Library Catalogue (LE 3 C66E38M 2007 B43)
  • Bensoussan, M., & Ramraz, R. (1984). Testing EFL reading comprehension using a multiple-choice rational cloze. Modern Language Journal, 68, 230–239. 10.1111/j.1540-4781.1984.tb01569.x
  • *Bonk, W. J. (2000). Second language lexical knowledge and listening comprehension. International Journal of Listening, 14, 14-31. 10.1080/10904018.2000.10499033
  • *Brunfaut, T., & Révész, A. (2015). The role of task and listener characteristics in second language listening. Tesol Quarterly, 49(1), 141-168.
  • *Call, M. E. (1985). Auditory short-term memory, listening comprehension, and the input hypothesis. TESOL Quarterly, 19, 765-781. 10.2307/3586675
  • Carr, T. H., & Levy, B. A., (Eds.) (1990). Reading and its development: Component skills approaches. San Diego: Academic Press.
  • Carrier, K. A. (2003). Improving high school English language learners’ second language listening through strategy instruction. Bilingual Research Journal, 27, 383–408. 10.1080/15235882.2003.10162600
  • Chamot, A. U. (2005). Language learning strategy instruction: Current issues and research. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 25, 112-130. 10.1017/s0267190505000061
  • Chen, K. Y. (2011). The impact of EFL students’ vocabulary breadth of knowledge on literal reading comprehension. Asian EFL Journal, 51, 30-40.
  • Cheng, Y. S. (2002). Factors associated with foreign language writing anxiety. Foreign Language Annals, 35(6), 647-656.
  • Cheng, Y. S., Horwitz, E. K., & Schallert, D. L. (1999). Language anxiety: Differentiating writing and speaking components. Language Learning, 49(3), 417-446.
  • Choi, H. Y. (2013). Effects of depth and breadth of vocabulary knowledge on English reading comprehension among Korean high school students. Language Research, 49, 419-452.
  • Davies, N. F. (1976). Receptive versus productive skills in foreign language learning. The Modern Language Journal, 60, 440-443. 10.1111/j.1540-4781.1976.tb03667.x
  • *Elkhafaifi, H. (2005). Listening comprehension and anxiety in the Arabic language classroom. The Modern Language Journal, 89, 206-220. 10.1111/j.1540-4781.2005.00275.x
  • *Florit, E., Roch, M., Altoè, G., & Levorato, M. C. (2009). Listening comprehension in preschoolers: The role of memory. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 27, 935-951. 10.1348/026151008x397189
  • *Fracasso, L. E., Bangs, K., & Binder, K. S. (2016). The contributions of phonological and morphological awareness to literacy skills in the adult basic education population. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 49, 140-151. 10.1177/0022219414538513
  • Hawas, H. M. (1990). Vocabulary and reading comprehension: An experimental study. International Review of Applied Linguistics, 87, 45–63.
  • Huy, N. T. (2015). Problems affecting learning writing skill of grade 11 at Thong Linh high school. Asian Journal of Educational Research, 3(2), 53-69.
  • Jeon, E. H., & Yamashita, J. (2014). L2 Reading comprehension and its correlates: A meta‐analysis. Language Learning, 64, 160-212. 10.1111/lang.12034
  • Jones, S., Myhill, D., & Bailey, T. (2013). Grammar for writing? An investigation of the effects of contextualised grammar teaching on students’ writing. Reading and Writing, 26(8), 1241-1263.
  • *Kassem, H. M. (2015). The relationship between listening strategies used by Egyptian EFL college sophomores and their listening comprehension and self-efficacy. English Language Teaching, 8, 153. 10.5539/elt.v8n2p153
  • Keating, G. D. (2008). Task effectiveness and word learning in a second language: The involvement load hypothesis on trial. Language Teaching Research, 12(3), 365-386.
  • Khaldieh, S. (2001). The relationship between knowledge of “Icraab,” lexical knowledge, and reading comprehension of non-native readers of Arabic. Modern Language Journal, 85, 416–431. 10.1111/0026-7902.00117
  • Khotimah, S. (2014). The use of problem based learning to improve students’ speaking ability. ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching, 3(1), 50-56.
  • Kim, J., & Cho, Y. (2015). Proficiency effects on relative rules of vocabulary and grammar knowledge in second language reading. English Teaching, 70, 75-96. 10.15858/engtea.70.1.201503.75
  • *Kim, Y. S. (2015). Language and cognitive predictors of text comprehension: Evidence from multivariate analysis. Child Development, 86, 128-144. 10.1111/cdev.12293
  • *Kim, Y. S. G. (2016). Direct and mediated effects of language and cognitive skills on comprehension of oral narrative texts (listening comprehension) for children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 141, 101-120. 10.1016/j.jecp.2015.08.003
  • *Kim, Y. S., & Phillips, B. (2014). Cognitive correlates of listening comprehension. Reading Research Quarterly, 49, 269-281. 10.1002/rrq.74 Kintsch, W. (1988). The use of knowledge in discourse processing: A construction–integration model. Psychological Review, 95, 163–182.
  • *Kök, İ. (2017). Relationship between listening comprehension strategy use and listening comprehension proficiency. International Journal of Listening, 32(3), 163-179. 10.1080/10904018.2016.1276457
  • Koda, K. (1992). The effects of lower-level processing skills on FL reading performance: Implications for instruction. Modern Language Journal, 76, 502–512. 10.1111/j.1540-4781.1992.tb05400.x
  • Koda, K. (2005). Insights into second language reading: A cross-linguistic approach. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Krashen, S. D. (1985). The input hypothesis: Issues and implications. London: Longman.
  • Lee, S. K. (2007). Effects of textual enhancement and topic familiarity on Korean EFL students' reading comprehension and learning of passive form. Language Learning, 57, 87-118. 10.1111/j.1467-9922.2007.00400.x
  • Leeser, M. J. (2007). Learner‐based factors in L2 reading comprehension and processing grammatical form: Topic familiarity and working memory. Language Learning, 57(2), 229-270. 10.1111/j.1467-9922.2007.00408.x
  • Lefrancois, P., & Armand, F. (2003). The role of phonological and syntactic awareness in second-language reading: The case of Spanish-speaking learners of French. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 16, 219–246. 10.1023/a:1022874425314
  • *Lepola, J., Lynch, J., Laakkonen, E., Silvén, M., & Niemi, P. (2012). The role of inference making and other language skills in the development of narrative listening comprehension in 4–6-year-old children. Reading Research Quarterly, 47, 259-282. 10.1002/rrq.020
  • *Matthews, J., & Cheng, J. (2015). Recognition of high frequency words from speech as a predictor of L2 listening comprehension. System, 52, 1-13.
  • Nation, I. S. P. (2001). Learning vocabulary in another language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • *Oh, E. (2016). Comparative studies on the roles of linguistic knowledge and sentence processing speed in L2 listening and reading comprehension in an EFL tertiary setting. Reading Psychology, 37(2), 257-285.
  • Oxford, R., & Shearin, J. (1994). Language learning motivation: Expanding the theoretical framework. The Modern Language Journal, 78, 12-28. 10.1111/j.1540-4781.1994.tb02011.x
  • Pérez Manzanilla, I. S., & Díaz Cabrera, K. M. (2014). Factors that may have an impact on advanced EFL students' speaking ability (Master’s Thesis). Retrieved from
  • Plonsky, L., & Oswald, F. L. (2012). How to do a meta-analysis. In A. Mackey & S. M. Gass (Eds.), Research methods in second language acquisition: A practical guide (pp. 275–295). London: Basil Blackwell.
  • Plonsky, L., & Oswald, F. L. (2014). How big is “big”? Interpreting effect sizes in L2 research. Language Learning, 64(4), 878-912.
  • Pulido, D., & Hambrick, D. Z. (2008). The “virtuous” circle: Modeling individual differences in L2 reading and vocabulary development. Reading in a Foreign Language, 20, 164–190.
  • *Rahimi, A., & Abedini, A. (2009). The interface between EFL learners’ self-efficacy concerning listening comprehension and listening proficiency. Novitas-Royal, 3, 14-28.
  • Rashidi, N., & Khosravi, N. (2010). Assessing the role of depth and breadth of vocabulary knowledge in reading comprehension of Iranian EFL learners. Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 14, 81-108.
  • Ross, S., & Rost, M. (1991). Learner use of strategies in interaction: Typology and teachability. Language Learning, 41, 235–273. 10.1111/j.1467-1770.1991.tb00685.x
  • *Sağlam, S. (2014). The role of vocabulary breadth, syntactic knowledge, and listening strategy use on listening comprehension. Route Educational and Social Science Journal, 1, 54-72.
  • Saito, Y., Garza, T. J., & Horwitz, E. K. (1999). Foreign language reading anxiety. The Modern Language Journal, 83(2), 202-218.
  • Sawaki, Y., Quinlan, T., & Lee, Y. W. (2013). Understanding learner strengths and weaknesses: Assessing performance on an integrated writing task. Language Assessment Quarterly, 10(1), 73-95.
  • Scovel, T. (1978). The effect of affect on foreign language learning: A review of the anxiety research. Language Learning, 28(1), 129-142.
  • Sellers, V. D. (2000). Anxiety and reading comprehension in Spanish as a foreign language. Foreign Language Annals, 33(5), 512-520.
  • *Serraj, S., & Noordin, N. B. (2013). Relationship among Iranian EFL students' foreign language anxiety, foreign language listening anxiety and their listening comprehension. English Language Teaching, 6(5), 1-12.
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Toplam 82 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Articles

Tuncay Karalık Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-9300-9367

Ali Merç 0000-0003-3061-7899

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Kasım 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Karalık, T., & Merç, A. (2019). Correlates of Listening Comprehension in L1 and L2: A Meta-analysis. Eurasian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 5(3), 353-383.