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Investigation of Combustion Characteristics of Fire-off on Cotton and Co/Pet Fabrics

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 17 - 21, 31.12.2019


In this research, combustion behaviors of cotton and
cotton/polyester (Co/PET) blend fabrics, which can be used in apparel and home
textiles treated with phosphor-nitrogen synergetic flame-retardant (FR) agent,
called Fire-off, were investigated. Different blend ratio and areal density of
fabrics were used in the experiments and fabrics were ranked before and after
treatment in terms of burning hazard. Untreated 35/65% blend Co/PET fabric was
found most hazardous in accordance with fire risk. However, it became the
safest after FR treatment with Fire-off. Cone calorimetric data, besides,
showed that the treated cotton and Co/PET blend fabrics generated less heat of
combustion and obtained better FR properties, which can be also confirmed by
increase of LOI. Considering the decreased values of effective heat of
combustion (EHC), peak heat release rate (pHRR) and total heat release rate
(THR) for all samples, it is concluded that Fire-off is effective for
preventing the flame spread.

Destekleyen Kurum

The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey-2214 International Doctoral Research Fellowship Programme


The authors gratefully acknowledge the funding by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, under grants of 2214 International Doctoral Research Fellowship Programme. The authors would like to thank Ata Textile for fabric supply and Prof. Dr. B. Kandola and Chen Zhou for the technical support in performing combustion tests in Bolton University, Institute for Materials Research and Innovation Laboratories.


  • Horrocks, A.R. and D. Price, Fire retardant materials. 2001: Woodhead Publishing.
  • Fukatsu, K., Thermal degradation behaviour of aromatic polyamide fiber blended with cotton fiber. Polymer degradation and stability, 2002. 75(3): p. 479-484.
  • Nazare, S., B. Kandola, and A.R. Horrocks, Use of cone calorimetry to quantify the burning hazard of apparel fabrics. Fire and Materials, 2002. 26(4‐5): p. 191-199.
  • Ames, S. and S. Rogers. Large and small scale fire calorimetry assessment of upholstered furniture. in Proceedings of Interflam. 1990. Interscience Communications Ltd London.
  • Schartel, B., et al., Fire retardancy of polypropylene/flax blends. Polymer, 2003. 44(20): p. 6241-6250.
  • Yang, J.-C., et al., Flame retardation of cellulose-rich fabrics via a simplified layer-by-layer assembly. Carbohydrate polymers, 2016. 151: p. 434-440.
  • Li, Z.-F., et al., Fire retardant and thermal degradation properties of cotton fabrics based on APTES and sodium phytate through layer-by-layer assembly. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2017. 123: p. 216-223.
  • Huggett, C., Estimation of rate of heat release by means of oxygen consumption measurements. Fire and Materials, 1980. 4(2): p. 61-65.
  • Parker, W.J., Calculations of the heat release rate by oxygen consumption for various applications. Journal of Fire Sciences, 1984. 2(5): p. 380-395.
  • Ji, J., L. Yang, and W. Fan, Experimental study on effects of burning behaviours of materials caused by external heat radiation. Journal of Combustion Science and Technology, 2003. 9(2): p. 139-143.
  • Atakan, R., et al., Development of a flame retardant chemical for finishing of cotton, polyester, and CO/PET blends. Journal of Industrial Textiles, 2018: p. 1528083718772303.
  • Raziye Atakan, G.O. Mechanical Assessments of Fire-off on CO/PET Fabrics. IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 460 012052, 2018.
  • Horrocks, A.R., M. Tune, and L. Cegielka, The burning behaviour of textiles and its assessment by oxygen-index methods. Textile Progress, 1988. 18(1-3): p. 1-186.
  • Salmeia, K.A., S. Gaan, and G. Malucelli, Recent advances for flame retardancy of textiles based on phosphorus chemistry. Polymers, 2016. 8(9): p. 319.
  • 4589, B.E.I., Plastics-Determination of burning behaviour by oxygen index, in Part 2: Ambient-temperature test. 1999: Brussels.
  • BS ISO, E., Reaction-to-fire tests — Heat release, smoke production and mass loss rate in Part 1: Heat release rate (cone calorimeter method) and smoke production rate (dynamic measurement). 2015: Switzerland.
  • Babrauskas, V., The cone calorimeter, in SFPE handbook of fire protection engineering. 2016, Springer. p. 952-980.
  • Schartel, B., M. Bartholmai, and U. Knoll, Some comments on the use of cone calorimeter data. Polymer degradation and stability, 2005. 88(3): p. 540-547.

Fire-off’un Pamuk ve Pamuk/Polyester Kumaşlarda Yanma Davranışının İncelenmesi

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 17 - 21, 31.12.2019


Bu çalışmada, fosfor-azot sinerjisi içeren bir güç tutuşurluk kimyasalı
olan Fire-off ile apre uygulanmış, giyim ve ev tekstilinde kullanılabilecek pamuk
ve pamuk/polyester (Co/PET) karışımı kumaşların kapsamlı yanma davranışları
incelenmiştir. Deneysel çalışmalarda, farklı karışım oranlarına ve farklı
gramaja sahip kumaşlar kullanılmış olup kumaşlar apre öncesi ve sonrası yanma
risklerine göre sıralanmıştır. İşlem görmemiş %35/65 Co/PET kumaş yangın riski
açısından en tehlikeli kumaş olarak saptanmış, fakat bu kumaş Fire-off apresi
sonrası en güvenli hale gelmiştir. Konik kalorimetre verileri, ayrıca, işlem
görmüş Co/PET kumaşların daha az yanma ısısı ürettiğini ve LOI değerlerindeki
artış ile de doğrulanan daha iyi bir güç tutuşurluk özelliği kazandığını
göstermiştir. Bütün kumaş tipleri için apre sonrası düşüş gözlenen efektif
yanma ısısı, maksimum ısı yayılım oranı ve toplam ısı yayılım oranı değerleri
gözönüne alındığında ise Fire-off’un alev yayılımını önlediği sonucuna


  • Horrocks, A.R. and D. Price, Fire retardant materials. 2001: Woodhead Publishing.
  • Fukatsu, K., Thermal degradation behaviour of aromatic polyamide fiber blended with cotton fiber. Polymer degradation and stability, 2002. 75(3): p. 479-484.
  • Nazare, S., B. Kandola, and A.R. Horrocks, Use of cone calorimetry to quantify the burning hazard of apparel fabrics. Fire and Materials, 2002. 26(4‐5): p. 191-199.
  • Ames, S. and S. Rogers. Large and small scale fire calorimetry assessment of upholstered furniture. in Proceedings of Interflam. 1990. Interscience Communications Ltd London.
  • Schartel, B., et al., Fire retardancy of polypropylene/flax blends. Polymer, 2003. 44(20): p. 6241-6250.
  • Yang, J.-C., et al., Flame retardation of cellulose-rich fabrics via a simplified layer-by-layer assembly. Carbohydrate polymers, 2016. 151: p. 434-440.
  • Li, Z.-F., et al., Fire retardant and thermal degradation properties of cotton fabrics based on APTES and sodium phytate through layer-by-layer assembly. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2017. 123: p. 216-223.
  • Huggett, C., Estimation of rate of heat release by means of oxygen consumption measurements. Fire and Materials, 1980. 4(2): p. 61-65.
  • Parker, W.J., Calculations of the heat release rate by oxygen consumption for various applications. Journal of Fire Sciences, 1984. 2(5): p. 380-395.
  • Ji, J., L. Yang, and W. Fan, Experimental study on effects of burning behaviours of materials caused by external heat radiation. Journal of Combustion Science and Technology, 2003. 9(2): p. 139-143.
  • Atakan, R., et al., Development of a flame retardant chemical for finishing of cotton, polyester, and CO/PET blends. Journal of Industrial Textiles, 2018: p. 1528083718772303.
  • Raziye Atakan, G.O. Mechanical Assessments of Fire-off on CO/PET Fabrics. IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 460 012052, 2018.
  • Horrocks, A.R., M. Tune, and L. Cegielka, The burning behaviour of textiles and its assessment by oxygen-index methods. Textile Progress, 1988. 18(1-3): p. 1-186.
  • Salmeia, K.A., S. Gaan, and G. Malucelli, Recent advances for flame retardancy of textiles based on phosphorus chemistry. Polymers, 2016. 8(9): p. 319.
  • 4589, B.E.I., Plastics-Determination of burning behaviour by oxygen index, in Part 2: Ambient-temperature test. 1999: Brussels.
  • BS ISO, E., Reaction-to-fire tests — Heat release, smoke production and mass loss rate in Part 1: Heat release rate (cone calorimeter method) and smoke production rate (dynamic measurement). 2015: Switzerland.
  • Babrauskas, V., The cone calorimeter, in SFPE handbook of fire protection engineering. 2016, Springer. p. 952-980.
  • Schartel, B., M. Bartholmai, and U. Knoll, Some comments on the use of cone calorimeter data. Polymer degradation and stability, 2005. 88(3): p. 540-547.
Toplam 18 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Raziye Atakan 0000-0002-0797-6861

Gülay Özcan Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-7604-8049

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 3 Temmuz 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2