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Use of Electrolyzed Water in Food Industry

Yıl 2020, , 254 - 262, 31.08.2020


Food is one of the essential factors in sustaining human life. Food safety must be ensured to protect human health. Both thermal and non-thermal methods are available means of ensuring food safety. In the non-thermal methods disinfection applications using traditional chemical solutions have an important place. There are many chemicals having been used in the food industry as disinfectant from the past to the present. Since various negative factors associated with the type of the chemicals used such as deformation of the food structure, corrosion on food contact surfaces and the presence of chemical residues after disinfection, alternatives to traditional disinfectants have been investigated. In this context, the use of electrolyzed water as a disinfectant is getting common in many countries. A lot of research has been conducted on electrolyzed water in recent years since it is not only non-toxic, easy to use and cheap but also safe and environmentally friendly. This review contains information about electrolyzed water, types of electrolyzed water and their mechanism of action as well as areas of use and application in the food industry. 


  • Aksoy, A., (2003). Bazı taze sebzeler ve çiğ tavuk etinde yüzey dekontaminasyonu uygulamalarının incelenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul, Türkiye.
  • Al-Haq MI, Seo Y, Oshita S. Kawagoe Y., (2002). Disinfection effects of electrolyzed oxidizing water on suppressing fruit rot of pear caused by Botryosphaeria berengeriana. Food Res Inter, 35, 657–664.
  • Anonim, (2018a). Erişim tarihi: 21.04.2020
  • Anonim, (2018b). Erişim tarihi: 22.04.2020
  • Anonim, (2018c). Erişim tarihi: 22.04.2020
  • Anonim, (2011). Güvenli ve kaliteli su ürünleri üretiminde uygulanan son teknolojiler 1. Erişim tarihi: 26.03.2015
  • Anonim, (2012). Gıdalarda ve su ürünlerinde atımlı ışık ve elektrolize okside su uygulamaları. Erişim tarihi: 22.04.2020
  • Appleton, H. (2000). Control of Food-borne Viruses, British Medical Bulletein, 56 (1), 172-183.
  • Arya, R., Bryant, M., Degala, H.L., Mahapatra, A.K., (2018). Effectiveness of a low-cost household electrolyzed water generator in reducing the populations of Escherichia coli K12 on inoculated beef, chevon, and pork surfaces, Journal of Food Process ing and Preservation, 2018;e13636.
  • Athayde, D.R., Flores, D.R.M., Silva, J.S., Silva, M.S., Genro, A.L.G., Wagner, R., Campagnol, P.C.B., Menezes, C.R., Cichoski, A.J., (2018). Characteristics and use of electrolyzed water in food industries, International Food Research Journal, 25(1): 11–16.
  • Buck, J.W., Iersel, M.W., Oetting, R.D. and Hung, Y.C., (2003). Evaluation of acidic electrolyzed water for phytotoxic symptoms on foliace and flowers of bedding plants, Crop Protection, 22, 73-77.
  • Choi, S.Y., Cho, M.A., Hong, Y.P., (2008). Effects of washing treatments with different components on removal of pesticide residues and microorganisms in 'fuji' apples, Korean Journal of Horticultural Science Technology, 26(3), 251-257.
  • Fabrizio, K.A., Cutter, C.N., (2004). Comparison of electrolyzed oxidizing water with other antimicrobial interventions to reduce the pathogens on fresh pork. Meat Sci. 68, 463–468.
  • Graca, A., Nunes, C., Salazar, M. (Editör: Erkan, M; Aksoy, U.), (2010). Efficacy of neutral and acidic electrolyzed water for reducing microbial contamination on fresh-cut fruits. VI Internatıonal Postharvest Symposıum, Acta Horticulturae, 877, 649-655.
  • Günaydın, M., Esen, Ş., Yanık, K., Ünal, N., Karadağ, A., Odabaşı, H., Birinci, A., (2012). Süper Okside Suyun Çeşitli Mikroorganizmalara Karşı In-vitro Etkinliğinin Araştırılması, 1. Sterilizasyon Ameliyathane Dezenfeksiyon (SAD) Sempozyumu The Anatolian Hotel, Gaziantep, 3-6 Ekim 2012.
  • Hao, J., Wuyundalai, Liu H., Chen, T., Zhou, Y., Su, Y.C., Li, L., (2011). Reduction of pesticide residues on fresh vegetables with electrolyzed water treatment, Journal of Food Science, 76(4), 520-524.
  • Hao, J., Qiu, S., Li, HY., Chen, TP., Liu, HJ., Li, LT., (2012). Roles of hydroxyl radicals in electrolyzed oxidizing water (EOW) for the inactivation of Escherichia coli. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 155(3): 99-104.
  • Haondojo, A., Lee, J., Hipp, J., Pascall, MA., (2009). Efficacy of electrolyzed water and an Acidic Formulation Compared with Regularly Used Chemical Dezenfektans for Tableware Sanitization during Mechanical and Manual Ware-Washing Protocols. Journal of Food Protection, 72(6):1315-1320.
  • Hati, S., Mandal, S., Minz, P.S., Vij, S., Khetra, Y., Singh, B.P., Yadav, D., (2012). Electrolyzed oxidized water (EOW): non-thermal approach for decontamination of food borne microorganisms in food industry. Food and Nutrition Sciences, 3, 760-768.
  • Hayta, E., (2014). Elektrolize suyun kiraz kalitesine etkisi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Çanakkale, Türkiye.
  • Hricova, D., Stephan, R., Zweifel, C., (2008). Electrolyzed water and its application in the food industry. Journal of Food Protection, 71(9):1934-1937.
  • Hsu SY. (2005). Effects of flow rate, temperature and salt concentration on chemical and physical properties of electrolyzed oxidizing water. J of Food Engineer, 66, 171-176.
  • Huang YR, Hung YC, Hsu SY, Huang YW, Hwang DF., (2008). Application of electrolyzed water in the food industry. Food Control 19, 329-345.
  • Izumi, H., (1999). Electrolyzed water as a disinfectant for fresh-cut vegetables, Journal of Food Science, 64, 2, 536-539.
  • İplikçioğlu Çil, G., Demirel, Y. N., Şireli, U.T., (2012). Inactivation of Salmonella typhimurium on poultry meat by electrolyzed water, Vet Hekim Der Derg 83(2): 48-53.
  • Jung, S.W., Park, K.J., Park, B.I. and Kim, Y.H., (1996). Surface sterilization effect of electrolyzed acid-water on vegetable, Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology, 28, 6, 1045-1051.
  • Kim, C., Hung, Y.C., Brackett, R.E. and Frank, J.F., (2001). Inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes biofilms by electrolyzed oxidizing water, Journal of Food Processing Preservation , 25, 91-100.
  • Kiura, H., Sano, K., Morimatsu, S., Nakano, T., Morita, C., Yamaguchi, M., Maeda, T. and Katsuoka, Y., (2002). Bacteriocidal activity of electrolyzed acid water from solution containing sodium chloride at low concentration, in comparison with that at high concentration, Journal of Microbiological Methods, 49, 285-293.
  • Koseki, S., Yoshida, K., Isobe, S. and Itoh, K., (2001). Decontamination of lettuce using acidic electrolyzed water, Journal of Food Protection, 64, 5, 652-658.
  • Koseki, S., Fujiwara, K. and Itoh, K., (2002). Decontaminative effect of frozen acidic electrolyzed water on lettuce, Journal of Food Protection, 65, 2, 411-414.
  • Koseki S, Itoh K, (2000). Fundament properties of electrolyzed water. J of The Japanese Soc for Food Sci and Technol.-Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku Kaishi, 47, 5: 390-393.
  • Koseki, S., Itoh, K., (2001a). Prediction of microbial growth in fresh-cut vegetables treated with acidic electrolyzed water during storage under various temperature conditions, Journal of Food Protection, 64, 12, 1935-1942.
  • Koseki, S., Itoh, K., (2001b). The effect of acidic electrolyzed water on the quality of cut vegetables, Journal of the Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology, 48, 5, 365-369.
  • Külekçi, G., (2005) Klor verici dezenfektanların kullanım ilkeleri hangi şartlarda, hangi amaçlarla kullanılır? Türevleri nelerdir? 4. Ulusal Sterilizasyon Dezenfeksiyon Kongresi, sayfa 207-219.
  • Len, S. V., Hung, Y. C., & Chung, D. (2002). Effects of storage conditions and pH on chlorine loss on electrolyzed oxidizing (EO) water. J. of Agric. Food Chem., 50 209–212.
  • Lv,, R., Muhammed, A.I., Zou, M., Yu, Y., Fan, L., Zhou, J., Tian, D., Ye, X., Guo, M., Liu, D., (2020). Hurdle enhancement of acidic electrolyzed water antimicrobial efficacy on Bacillus cereus spores using ultrasonication, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,
  • Lyu, F., Gao, F., Zhou, X., Zhang, J., Ding, Y., (2018). Using acid and alkaline electrolyzed water to reduce deoxynivalenol and mycological contaminations in wheat grains, Food Control, 88, 98-104.
  • Mahmoud BSM, Yamazaki K, Miyashita K, Shin II, Suzuki T., (2006). A new technology for fish preservation by combined treatment with electrolyzed NaCl solutions and essential oil compounds. Food Chem. 99, 656-662.
  • Millioğlu, Ö., (2006). Elektrolize suyun Vicia faba L. üzerine genotoksik etkisinin kontrolü. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Gebze Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü, Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Gebze, Türkiye.
  • Monnin A., Lee J., Pascall M. A., (2012). Efficacy of neutral electrolyzed water for sanitization of cutting boards used in the preparation of foods, Journal of Food Engineering, 110, 541-546.
  • Onishi, R., Hara, Y., Arai, E., (2001). Improvement of eating quality and preservability of cooked rice obtained from aged rice grains by weak electrolyzed cathode water. J of The Japanese Soc for Food Sci and Technol-Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku Kaishi, 48 (2): 112-118.
  • Özer, C.O., Kılıç, B., (2012). Et endüstrisinde elektrolize yükseltgen su uygulaması, 11. Türkiye Gıda Kongresi, 10-12 Ekim, Hatay.
  • Palotás, P., Palotás Jr., P., Jonas, G.,, Lehel, J., Friedrich, L., (2020). Preservative Effect of Novel Combined Treatment with Electrolyzed Active Water and Lysozyme Enzyme to Increase the Storage Life of Vacuum-Packaged Carp, Hindawi Journal of Food Quality, Article ID 4861471,
  • Park, H., Hung, Y. C. and Kim, C., (2002a). Effectiveness of electrolyzed water as a dezenfektan for treating different surfaces, Journal of Protection, 65, 8, 1276-1280.
  • Park H, Hung YC, Brackett RE., (2002b). Antimicrobial effect of electrolyzed water for inactivating Campylobacter jejuni during poultry washing. Int J of Food Microbiol, 72 (1-2): 77-83.
  • Poçan, H.B., Karakaya, M., Ulusoy, K., (2011). Elektrolize suyun gıda endüstrisinde kullanımı. Gıda, 36 (3):169-176.
  • Poçan, H.B., 2012. Elektrolize suyun sığır ve tavuk etlerinin bazı emülsiyon karakteristikleri üzerine etkisi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Konya, Türkiye.
  • Rahman, S. M. E., Ding, T., Oh, D.H., (2010). Effectiveness of low concentration electrolyzed water to inactivate foodborne pathogens under different environmental conditions. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 139(3): 147-153.
  • Rahman, S. M. E., Khan, I., Oh, D.H., (2016). Electrolyzed water as a novel sanitizer in the food ındustry: current trends and future perspectives. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety., 15, 471-490.
  • Rivera-Garcia, A., Santos-Ferro, L., Ramirez-Orejel, J.C., et al., (2019). The effect of neutral electrolyzed water as a disinfectant of eggshells artificially contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes. Food Sci Nutr.,7:2252– 2260.
  • Serraino, A., Veronese, G., Alonso, S., Matera, R., Lugoboni, B., Giacometti, F., (2010). Bactericidal activity of electrolyzed oxidizing water on food processing services. Italian Journal of Food Science, 22(8):222-228.
  • Sharma, R.R., Demirci, A., (2002). Treatment of Escherichia coli O157:H7 inoculated alfalfa seeds and sprouts with electrolyzed oxidizing water, International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2676, 1-7.
  • Sung, J.M., Kwon, K.H., Kim, J.H., Jeong, J.W., (2011). Effect of washing treatments on pesticide residues and antioxidant compounds in Yuja (Citrus junos Sieb ex Tanaka). Food Sci. Biotechnol., 20(3): 767-773.
  • Turantaş, F., Ersus-Bilek, S., Sömek, Ö., Kuşçu, A., (2018). Decontamination effect of electrolyzed water washing on fruits and vegetables, Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences, 7(4), 337-342.
  • Venkitanarayanan KS, Ezeike GOI, Hung YC, Doyle MP., (1999b). Efficacy of electrolyzed oxidizing water for inactivating Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella enteritidis, and Listeria monocytogenes. Appl and Environment Microbiol, 65, 4276-4279.
  • Wang, J.J., Lin, T., Li, J.B., Liao, C., Pan, Y.J., Zhao, Y., (2014a). Effect of acidic electrolyzed water ice on quality of shrimp in dark condition. Food Control 35, 207–212.
  • Wang, X. Demirci, A., Puri, V.M., (2016). Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water for Food and Equipment Decontamination, Handbook of Hygiene Control in the Food Industry, chapter 34, 503-520.
  • Xiong, K., Liu, HJ., Li, LT., (2012). Product identification and safety evaluation of aflatoxin B-1 decontaminated by electrolyzed oxidizing water. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 60(38): 9770-9778.
  • Yang, H., Swem B.L., Li Y., (2003). The effect of pH on inactivation of pathogenic bacteria on fresh-cut lettuce by dipping treatment with electrolyzed water. J of Food Sci, 68, 1013–1017.
  • Yoshida, K., Achiwa, N., ve Katayose, M., (2004). Application of electrolyzed water for food industry in Japan, Specialized Engineering Dept., Hoshizaki Electric Co., Ltd., 3-16 Minamiyakata, Sakae, Toyoake, Aichi, 470-1194.
  • Yu, Y., (2014). Evaluation of electrolyzed water for clean-in-place of dairy processing equipment, Yüksek Lisans Tezi. The Pennsylvania State University The Graduate School, College of Agricultural Sciences, Pensilvanya, ABD.
  • Yudin, R., Zuniga, M., ; Vergara, J., Edited by:Arauz, LF; Fonseca, JM; Hewett, EW., (2011). Revisiting the use of electrolyzed water as a fresh produce dezenfectant. Internatıonal Conference on Postharvest and Qualıty Management of Hortıcultural Products of Interest for Tropıcal Regıons, Acta Horticulturae, 906, 225-233.
  • Zang, Y..T., Bing, S., Li, Y.J., Shu, D.Q., (2019). Application of slightly acidic electrolyzed water and ultraviolet light for Salmonella enteritidis decontamination of cell suspensions and surfaces of artificially inoculated plastic poultry transport coops and other facility surfaces, Poultry Science Association Inc., 1-7.

Gıda Endüstrisinde Elektrolize Su Kullanımı

Yıl 2020, , 254 - 262, 31.08.2020


Gıda, insan yaşamının sürdürülebilmesi için elzem unsurlardan biridir. İnsan sağlığının korunması için mutlaka gıda güvenliğinin sağlanması gerekir. Gıda güvenliğinin sağlanmasında ısıl olan ve olmayan birçok yöntem mevcuttur. Isıl olmayan yöntemler arasında geleneksel kimyasal çözeltiler kullanılarak yapılan dezenfeksiyon uygulamaları oldukça önemli bir yere sahiptir. Geçmişten günümüze kadar gıda endüstrisinde dezenfektan olarak kullanılan birçok kimyasal madde mevcuttur. Kullanılan kimyasal maddenin türüne göre gıdanın yapısının deformasyona uğraması, gıdaya temas eden yüzeylerde korozyon ve dezenfeksiyon sonrası kimyasal kalıntı varlığı gibi çeşitli olumsuz faktörler söz konusu olduğundan, geleneksel dezenfektanlara alternatifler araştırılmaya başlanmıştır. Bu bağlamda elektrolize suyun dezenfektan olarak kullanımı birçok ülkede yaygınlaşmaktadır. Toksik olmaması, kullanım kolaylığı, ekonomik, güvenli ve çevre dostu olması nedeni ile elektrolize su üzerinde son yıllarda oldukça fazla çalışma yapılmaktadır. Bu derlemede elektrolize su, elektrolize su çeşitleri ve etki mekanizmaları, gıda endüstrisindeki kullanım alanları ve uygulamaları hakkında bilgi verilmiştir.


  • Aksoy, A., (2003). Bazı taze sebzeler ve çiğ tavuk etinde yüzey dekontaminasyonu uygulamalarının incelenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul, Türkiye.
  • Al-Haq MI, Seo Y, Oshita S. Kawagoe Y., (2002). Disinfection effects of electrolyzed oxidizing water on suppressing fruit rot of pear caused by Botryosphaeria berengeriana. Food Res Inter, 35, 657–664.
  • Anonim, (2018a). Erişim tarihi: 21.04.2020
  • Anonim, (2018b). Erişim tarihi: 22.04.2020
  • Anonim, (2018c). Erişim tarihi: 22.04.2020
  • Anonim, (2011). Güvenli ve kaliteli su ürünleri üretiminde uygulanan son teknolojiler 1. Erişim tarihi: 26.03.2015
  • Anonim, (2012). Gıdalarda ve su ürünlerinde atımlı ışık ve elektrolize okside su uygulamaları. Erişim tarihi: 22.04.2020
  • Appleton, H. (2000). Control of Food-borne Viruses, British Medical Bulletein, 56 (1), 172-183.
  • Arya, R., Bryant, M., Degala, H.L., Mahapatra, A.K., (2018). Effectiveness of a low-cost household electrolyzed water generator in reducing the populations of Escherichia coli K12 on inoculated beef, chevon, and pork surfaces, Journal of Food Process ing and Preservation, 2018;e13636.
  • Athayde, D.R., Flores, D.R.M., Silva, J.S., Silva, M.S., Genro, A.L.G., Wagner, R., Campagnol, P.C.B., Menezes, C.R., Cichoski, A.J., (2018). Characteristics and use of electrolyzed water in food industries, International Food Research Journal, 25(1): 11–16.
  • Buck, J.W., Iersel, M.W., Oetting, R.D. and Hung, Y.C., (2003). Evaluation of acidic electrolyzed water for phytotoxic symptoms on foliace and flowers of bedding plants, Crop Protection, 22, 73-77.
  • Choi, S.Y., Cho, M.A., Hong, Y.P., (2008). Effects of washing treatments with different components on removal of pesticide residues and microorganisms in 'fuji' apples, Korean Journal of Horticultural Science Technology, 26(3), 251-257.
  • Fabrizio, K.A., Cutter, C.N., (2004). Comparison of electrolyzed oxidizing water with other antimicrobial interventions to reduce the pathogens on fresh pork. Meat Sci. 68, 463–468.
  • Graca, A., Nunes, C., Salazar, M. (Editör: Erkan, M; Aksoy, U.), (2010). Efficacy of neutral and acidic electrolyzed water for reducing microbial contamination on fresh-cut fruits. VI Internatıonal Postharvest Symposıum, Acta Horticulturae, 877, 649-655.
  • Günaydın, M., Esen, Ş., Yanık, K., Ünal, N., Karadağ, A., Odabaşı, H., Birinci, A., (2012). Süper Okside Suyun Çeşitli Mikroorganizmalara Karşı In-vitro Etkinliğinin Araştırılması, 1. Sterilizasyon Ameliyathane Dezenfeksiyon (SAD) Sempozyumu The Anatolian Hotel, Gaziantep, 3-6 Ekim 2012.
  • Hao, J., Wuyundalai, Liu H., Chen, T., Zhou, Y., Su, Y.C., Li, L., (2011). Reduction of pesticide residues on fresh vegetables with electrolyzed water treatment, Journal of Food Science, 76(4), 520-524.
  • Hao, J., Qiu, S., Li, HY., Chen, TP., Liu, HJ., Li, LT., (2012). Roles of hydroxyl radicals in electrolyzed oxidizing water (EOW) for the inactivation of Escherichia coli. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 155(3): 99-104.
  • Haondojo, A., Lee, J., Hipp, J., Pascall, MA., (2009). Efficacy of electrolyzed water and an Acidic Formulation Compared with Regularly Used Chemical Dezenfektans for Tableware Sanitization during Mechanical and Manual Ware-Washing Protocols. Journal of Food Protection, 72(6):1315-1320.
  • Hati, S., Mandal, S., Minz, P.S., Vij, S., Khetra, Y., Singh, B.P., Yadav, D., (2012). Electrolyzed oxidized water (EOW): non-thermal approach for decontamination of food borne microorganisms in food industry. Food and Nutrition Sciences, 3, 760-768.
  • Hayta, E., (2014). Elektrolize suyun kiraz kalitesine etkisi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Çanakkale, Türkiye.
  • Hricova, D., Stephan, R., Zweifel, C., (2008). Electrolyzed water and its application in the food industry. Journal of Food Protection, 71(9):1934-1937.
  • Hsu SY. (2005). Effects of flow rate, temperature and salt concentration on chemical and physical properties of electrolyzed oxidizing water. J of Food Engineer, 66, 171-176.
  • Huang YR, Hung YC, Hsu SY, Huang YW, Hwang DF., (2008). Application of electrolyzed water in the food industry. Food Control 19, 329-345.
  • Izumi, H., (1999). Electrolyzed water as a disinfectant for fresh-cut vegetables, Journal of Food Science, 64, 2, 536-539.
  • İplikçioğlu Çil, G., Demirel, Y. N., Şireli, U.T., (2012). Inactivation of Salmonella typhimurium on poultry meat by electrolyzed water, Vet Hekim Der Derg 83(2): 48-53.
  • Jung, S.W., Park, K.J., Park, B.I. and Kim, Y.H., (1996). Surface sterilization effect of electrolyzed acid-water on vegetable, Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology, 28, 6, 1045-1051.
  • Kim, C., Hung, Y.C., Brackett, R.E. and Frank, J.F., (2001). Inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes biofilms by electrolyzed oxidizing water, Journal of Food Processing Preservation , 25, 91-100.
  • Kiura, H., Sano, K., Morimatsu, S., Nakano, T., Morita, C., Yamaguchi, M., Maeda, T. and Katsuoka, Y., (2002). Bacteriocidal activity of electrolyzed acid water from solution containing sodium chloride at low concentration, in comparison with that at high concentration, Journal of Microbiological Methods, 49, 285-293.
  • Koseki, S., Yoshida, K., Isobe, S. and Itoh, K., (2001). Decontamination of lettuce using acidic electrolyzed water, Journal of Food Protection, 64, 5, 652-658.
  • Koseki, S., Fujiwara, K. and Itoh, K., (2002). Decontaminative effect of frozen acidic electrolyzed water on lettuce, Journal of Food Protection, 65, 2, 411-414.
  • Koseki S, Itoh K, (2000). Fundament properties of electrolyzed water. J of The Japanese Soc for Food Sci and Technol.-Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku Kaishi, 47, 5: 390-393.
  • Koseki, S., Itoh, K., (2001a). Prediction of microbial growth in fresh-cut vegetables treated with acidic electrolyzed water during storage under various temperature conditions, Journal of Food Protection, 64, 12, 1935-1942.
  • Koseki, S., Itoh, K., (2001b). The effect of acidic electrolyzed water on the quality of cut vegetables, Journal of the Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology, 48, 5, 365-369.
  • Külekçi, G., (2005) Klor verici dezenfektanların kullanım ilkeleri hangi şartlarda, hangi amaçlarla kullanılır? Türevleri nelerdir? 4. Ulusal Sterilizasyon Dezenfeksiyon Kongresi, sayfa 207-219.
  • Len, S. V., Hung, Y. C., & Chung, D. (2002). Effects of storage conditions and pH on chlorine loss on electrolyzed oxidizing (EO) water. J. of Agric. Food Chem., 50 209–212.
  • Lv,, R., Muhammed, A.I., Zou, M., Yu, Y., Fan, L., Zhou, J., Tian, D., Ye, X., Guo, M., Liu, D., (2020). Hurdle enhancement of acidic electrolyzed water antimicrobial efficacy on Bacillus cereus spores using ultrasonication, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,
  • Lyu, F., Gao, F., Zhou, X., Zhang, J., Ding, Y., (2018). Using acid and alkaline electrolyzed water to reduce deoxynivalenol and mycological contaminations in wheat grains, Food Control, 88, 98-104.
  • Mahmoud BSM, Yamazaki K, Miyashita K, Shin II, Suzuki T., (2006). A new technology for fish preservation by combined treatment with electrolyzed NaCl solutions and essential oil compounds. Food Chem. 99, 656-662.
  • Millioğlu, Ö., (2006). Elektrolize suyun Vicia faba L. üzerine genotoksik etkisinin kontrolü. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Gebze Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü, Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Gebze, Türkiye.
  • Monnin A., Lee J., Pascall M. A., (2012). Efficacy of neutral electrolyzed water for sanitization of cutting boards used in the preparation of foods, Journal of Food Engineering, 110, 541-546.
  • Onishi, R., Hara, Y., Arai, E., (2001). Improvement of eating quality and preservability of cooked rice obtained from aged rice grains by weak electrolyzed cathode water. J of The Japanese Soc for Food Sci and Technol-Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku Kaishi, 48 (2): 112-118.
  • Özer, C.O., Kılıç, B., (2012). Et endüstrisinde elektrolize yükseltgen su uygulaması, 11. Türkiye Gıda Kongresi, 10-12 Ekim, Hatay.
  • Palotás, P., Palotás Jr., P., Jonas, G.,, Lehel, J., Friedrich, L., (2020). Preservative Effect of Novel Combined Treatment with Electrolyzed Active Water and Lysozyme Enzyme to Increase the Storage Life of Vacuum-Packaged Carp, Hindawi Journal of Food Quality, Article ID 4861471,
  • Park, H., Hung, Y. C. and Kim, C., (2002a). Effectiveness of electrolyzed water as a dezenfektan for treating different surfaces, Journal of Protection, 65, 8, 1276-1280.
  • Park H, Hung YC, Brackett RE., (2002b). Antimicrobial effect of electrolyzed water for inactivating Campylobacter jejuni during poultry washing. Int J of Food Microbiol, 72 (1-2): 77-83.
  • Poçan, H.B., Karakaya, M., Ulusoy, K., (2011). Elektrolize suyun gıda endüstrisinde kullanımı. Gıda, 36 (3):169-176.
  • Poçan, H.B., 2012. Elektrolize suyun sığır ve tavuk etlerinin bazı emülsiyon karakteristikleri üzerine etkisi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Konya, Türkiye.
  • Rahman, S. M. E., Ding, T., Oh, D.H., (2010). Effectiveness of low concentration electrolyzed water to inactivate foodborne pathogens under different environmental conditions. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 139(3): 147-153.
  • Rahman, S. M. E., Khan, I., Oh, D.H., (2016). Electrolyzed water as a novel sanitizer in the food ındustry: current trends and future perspectives. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety., 15, 471-490.
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Toplam 63 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Aslı Aksoy 0000-0002-7775-6514

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ağustos 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Aksoy, A. (2020). Gıda Endüstrisinde Elektrolize Su Kullanımı. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(19), 254-262.

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