Investigation of Surface Properties of Eggshell based Kappa-Carrageenan-Polyvinyl Alcohol Nanobiocomposite Coated Low Alloyed Steel Foam
Yıl 2021,
Sayı: 32, 1188 - 1193, 31.12.2021
Nuray Beköz Üllen
Gizem Karabulut
Selcan Karakuş
In this study, we developed a novel eggshell based kappa-carrageenan-polyvinyl alcohol nanobiocomposite coated low alloyed steel foam. The prepared nanobiocomposite was preferred as a coating function on the distribution of particles on the low alloyed steel foam. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM), stereo microscope, and fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) techniques were used to determine the chemical and surface properties of the nanobiocomposite and nanobiocomposite coated low alloyed steel foam. According to the characterization results, we observed that the nanobiocomposite coated low alloyed steel foam had a uniform controlled morphology. Furthermore, the mean surface roughness values of uncoated low alloyed steel foam and nanobiocomposite coated low alloyed steel foam were measured as 4.48 µm and 4.61 µm, respectively. Consequently, we showed that the nanobiocomposite was uniformly coated onto the surface of the micropore channel of the low alloyed steel foam. Based on these results, eggshell based kappa-carrageenan-polyvinyl alcohol nanobiocomposite is a promising nanomaterial for surface modification of the low alloyed steel foam with a controlled and homogeneously distributed surface feature in biomedical applications using a green approach.
Destekleyen Kurum
İstanbul Üniversitesi-Cerrahpaşa
Proje Numarası
This work was supported by Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit of Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa. Project number: BYP-2021-35529
- Asen, P., & Shahrokhian, S. (2017). A high performance supercapacitor based on graphene/polypyrrole/Cu2O–Cu (OH) 2 ternary nanocomposite coated on nickel foam. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121(12), 6508-6519.
- Bafti, H., & Habibolahzadeh, A. (2010). Production of aluminum foam by spherical carbamide space holder technique-processing parameters. Materials & Design, 31(9), 4122-4129.
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- Castro, G., & Nutt, S. R. (2012). Synthesis of syntactic steel foam using mechanical pressure infiltration. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 535, 274-280.
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- El-Hadek, M. A., & Kaytbay, S. (2008). Mechanical and physical characterization of copper foam. International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, 4(1), 63-69.
- Hong, S. Y., Oh, J. H., Park, H., Yun, J. Y., Jin, S. W., Sun, L., ... & Ha, J. S. (2017). Polyurethane foam coated with a multi-walled carbon nanotube/polyaniline nanocomposite for a skin-like stretchable array of multi-functional sensors. NPG Asia Materials, 9(11), e448-e448.
- Karakuş, S., Albayrak, İ., Üllen, N. B., Insel, M. A., Kilislioğlu, A. (2021). Preparation, characterization and evaluation of a novel CMC/Chitosan-α-Fe 2 O 3 nanoparticles-coated 17–4 PH stainless-steel foam. Polymer Bulletin, 1-19.
- Karakuş, S., Albayrak, İ., Beköz Üllen, N., İnsel, M., Kilislioğlu, A. (2020b). Mathematical Modelling of Surface Behaviors of ZnO Nanoparticles Coated 17-4 PH Stainless Steel Foam, 3rd International Conference on Physical Chemistry and Functional Materials (PCFM 2020), Malatya, Turkey, 22 - 24 September 2020, 33-39.
- Karakuş, S., Beköz Üllen, N., Albayrak, F., İnsel, M.A., Kilislioğlu, A. (2020a). Optimization of Surface Properties of Κ-Carrageenan/PVA/Eggshell Nanobiocomposites Coated 17-4 PH Stainless Steel Foam, 3rd International Conference on Physical Chemistry and Functional Materials (PCFM 2020), Malatya, Turkey, 22 - 24 September 2020, 25-32.
- Kumar, S., Nehra, M., Dilbaghi, N., Tankeshwar, K., & Kim, K. H. (2018). Recent advances and remaining challenges for polymeric nanocomposites in healthcare applications. Progress in polymer science, 80, 1-38.
- Pan, L., Liu, J., & Shi, J. (2018). Cancer cell nucleus-targeting nanocomposites for advanced tumor therapeutics. Chemical society reviews, 47(18), 6930-6946.
- Park, C., & Nutt, S. R. (2001). Effects of process parameters on steel foam synthesis. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 297(1-2), 62-68.
- Paserin, V., Marcuson, S., Shu, J., & Wilkinson, D. S. (2004). CVD technique for Inco nickel foam production. Advanced engineering materials, 6(6), 454-459.
- Sanrı-Karapınar, I., Pehlivan, A. O., Karakuş, S., Özsoy-Özbay, A. E., Yazgan, A. U., Taşaltın, N., & Kilislioğlu, A. (2020). Application of novel synthesized nanocomposites containing κ-carrageenan/PVA/eggshell in cement mortars. Materiales de Construcción, 70(340), e235-e235.
- Shirzadi, A. A., Kocak, M., & Wallach, E. R. (2004). Joining stainless steel metal foams. Science and technology of welding and joining, 9(3), 277-279.
- Smith, B. H., Szyniszewski, S., Hajjar, J. F., Schafer, B. W., & Arwade, S. R. (2012). Steel foam for structures: A review of applications, manufacturing and material properties. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 71, 1-10.
- Szyniszewski, S. T., Smith, B. H., Hajjar, J. F., Schafer, B. W., & Arwade, S. R. (2014). The mechanical properties and modeling of a sintered hollow sphere steel foam. Materials & Design (1980-2015), 54, 1083-1094.
- Youssef, A. M., & El-Sayed, S. M. (2018). Bionanocomposites materials for food packaging applications: Concepts and future outlook. Carbohydrate polymers, 193, 19-27.
Yumurta Kabuğu Bazlı Kappa-Karragenan-Polivinil Alkol Nanobiyokompozit Kaplı Düşük Alaşımlı Çelik Köpüğün Yüzey Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi
Yıl 2021,
Sayı: 32, 1188 - 1193, 31.12.2021
Nuray Beköz Üllen
Gizem Karabulut
Selcan Karakuş
Bu çalışmada, yeni bir yumurta kabuğu bazlı kappa-karagenan-polivinil alkol nanobiyokompozit kaplı düşük alaşımlı çelik köpük geliştirdik. Hazırlanan nanobiyokompozit, düşük alaşımlı çelik köpük üzerindeki partiküllerin dağılımında kaplama görevi ile tercih edilmiştir. Nanobiyokompozit ve nanobiyokompozit kaplı düşük alaşımlı çelik köpüğün kimyasal ve yüzey özelliklerini belirlemek için taramalı elektron mikroskobu (SEM), stereo mikroskop ve fourier dönüşümlü kızılötesi spektroskopisi (FT-IR) teknikleri kullanıldı. Karakterizasyon sonuçlarına göre, nanobiyokompozit kaplı düşük alaşımlı çelik köpüğün homojen bir morfolojiye sahip olduğunu gözlemledik. Ayrıca kaplanmamış düşük alaşımlı çelik köpüğün ve nanobiyokompozit kaplanmış düşük alaşımlı çelik köpüğün ortalama yüzey pürüzlülük değerleri sırasıyla 4.48 µm ve 4.61 µm olarak ölçülmüştür. Sonuç olarak, nanobiyokompozitin düşük alaşımlı çelik köpüğün gözenekli yapısının yüzeyi üzerine düzgün bir şekilde kaplandığını gösterdik. Bu sonuçlara dayanarak, yumurta kabuğu bazlı kappa-karagenan-polivinil alkol nanobiyokompozit, yeşil bir yaklaşım kullanılarak biyomedikal uygulamalarda kontrollü ve homojen olarak dağıtılmış bir yüzey özelliğine sahip düşük alaşımlı çelik köpüğün yüzey modifikasyonu için umut verici bir nanomalzemedir.
Proje Numarası
- Asen, P., & Shahrokhian, S. (2017). A high performance supercapacitor based on graphene/polypyrrole/Cu2O–Cu (OH) 2 ternary nanocomposite coated on nickel foam. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121(12), 6508-6519.
- Bafti, H., & Habibolahzadeh, A. (2010). Production of aluminum foam by spherical carbamide space holder technique-processing parameters. Materials & Design, 31(9), 4122-4129.
- Banhart, J. (2001). Manufacture, characterisation and application of cellular metals and metal foams. Progress in materials science, 46(6), 559-632.
- Bekoz, N., & Oktay, E. (2012). Effects of carbamide shape and content on processing and properties of steel foams. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 212(10), 2109-2116.
- Bekoz, N., & Oktay, E. (2014). The role of pore wall microstructure and micropores on the mechanical properties of Cu–Ni–Mo based steel foams. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 612, 387-397.
- Castro, G., & Nutt, S. R. (2012). Synthesis of syntactic steel foam using mechanical pressure infiltration. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 535, 274-280.
- Dukhan, N. (Ed.). (2013). Metal foams: fundamentals and applications. DEStech Publications, Inc.
- El-Hadek, M. A., & Kaytbay, S. (2008). Mechanical and physical characterization of copper foam. International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, 4(1), 63-69.
- Hong, S. Y., Oh, J. H., Park, H., Yun, J. Y., Jin, S. W., Sun, L., ... & Ha, J. S. (2017). Polyurethane foam coated with a multi-walled carbon nanotube/polyaniline nanocomposite for a skin-like stretchable array of multi-functional sensors. NPG Asia Materials, 9(11), e448-e448.
- Karakuş, S., Albayrak, İ., Üllen, N. B., Insel, M. A., Kilislioğlu, A. (2021). Preparation, characterization and evaluation of a novel CMC/Chitosan-α-Fe 2 O 3 nanoparticles-coated 17–4 PH stainless-steel foam. Polymer Bulletin, 1-19.
- Karakuş, S., Albayrak, İ., Beköz Üllen, N., İnsel, M., Kilislioğlu, A. (2020b). Mathematical Modelling of Surface Behaviors of ZnO Nanoparticles Coated 17-4 PH Stainless Steel Foam, 3rd International Conference on Physical Chemistry and Functional Materials (PCFM 2020), Malatya, Turkey, 22 - 24 September 2020, 33-39.
- Karakuş, S., Beköz Üllen, N., Albayrak, F., İnsel, M.A., Kilislioğlu, A. (2020a). Optimization of Surface Properties of Κ-Carrageenan/PVA/Eggshell Nanobiocomposites Coated 17-4 PH Stainless Steel Foam, 3rd International Conference on Physical Chemistry and Functional Materials (PCFM 2020), Malatya, Turkey, 22 - 24 September 2020, 25-32.
- Kumar, S., Nehra, M., Dilbaghi, N., Tankeshwar, K., & Kim, K. H. (2018). Recent advances and remaining challenges for polymeric nanocomposites in healthcare applications. Progress in polymer science, 80, 1-38.
- Pan, L., Liu, J., & Shi, J. (2018). Cancer cell nucleus-targeting nanocomposites for advanced tumor therapeutics. Chemical society reviews, 47(18), 6930-6946.
- Park, C., & Nutt, S. R. (2001). Effects of process parameters on steel foam synthesis. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 297(1-2), 62-68.
- Paserin, V., Marcuson, S., Shu, J., & Wilkinson, D. S. (2004). CVD technique for Inco nickel foam production. Advanced engineering materials, 6(6), 454-459.
- Sanrı-Karapınar, I., Pehlivan, A. O., Karakuş, S., Özsoy-Özbay, A. E., Yazgan, A. U., Taşaltın, N., & Kilislioğlu, A. (2020). Application of novel synthesized nanocomposites containing κ-carrageenan/PVA/eggshell in cement mortars. Materiales de Construcción, 70(340), e235-e235.
- Shirzadi, A. A., Kocak, M., & Wallach, E. R. (2004). Joining stainless steel metal foams. Science and technology of welding and joining, 9(3), 277-279.
- Smith, B. H., Szyniszewski, S., Hajjar, J. F., Schafer, B. W., & Arwade, S. R. (2012). Steel foam for structures: A review of applications, manufacturing and material properties. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 71, 1-10.
- Szyniszewski, S. T., Smith, B. H., Hajjar, J. F., Schafer, B. W., & Arwade, S. R. (2014). The mechanical properties and modeling of a sintered hollow sphere steel foam. Materials & Design (1980-2015), 54, 1083-1094.
- Youssef, A. M., & El-Sayed, S. M. (2018). Bionanocomposites materials for food packaging applications: Concepts and future outlook. Carbohydrate polymers, 193, 19-27.