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Exploring pre-service mathematics teachers' occupational anxiety and academic hopelessness in shaping academic success

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3, 103 - 124, 31.12.2024


This explanatory mixed method study aimed to investigate the impact of occupational anxiety and academic hopelessness on pre-service mathematics teachers' academic achievement. The study also aimed to explore pre-service mathematics teachers' perspectives on this effect and to determine how these levels vary according to gender and grade level variables. In addition to a quantitative approach using the relational survey model, a qualitative approach with a case study design was also used in the study. The participants consisted of 184 prospective mathematics teachers who were selected using random sampling method. The qualitative dimension of the research was carried out with 12 pre-service teachers who were voluntarily selected among the participants. The measurement tools used in the study included the “Professional Anxiety Scale for Student Teachers”, the “Academic Hopelessness Scale”, the final semester “Weighted Grade Point Average” to assess academic achievement, and a semi-structured interview form developed by the researchers. The results show that pre-service mathematics teachers exhibit high levels of academic hopelessness and moderate levels of occupational anxiety. Gender was found to have a significant effect on occupational anxiety levels with a high effect size, and grade level was found to make a difference in favor of 4th graders in terms of academic hopelessness levels. Finally, there was a low level of positive correlation between pre-service teachers' academic hopelessness levels and their academic achievement.

Etik Beyan

This research was conducted in accordance with ethical rules. The research was conducted with the approval of the Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa Social and Human Sciences Research Ethics Committee with the number 2022/418.


  • Adalı, İ., Uludag, B., Meral, M., Kartal, A., Erbasaran, E., Iskender, S., & Konukseven, O. (2019). Determining the hopelessness and anxiety levels for occupational of audiology department students. Turkish Journal of Audiology and Hearing Research, 2(3), 65–74.
  • Akgün, A., Gönen, S., & Aydın, M. (2007). The investigation of anxiety levels of prımary school science and mathematics teacher students’ according to some variables. Electronic Journal of Social Sciences, 6(20), 283–299.
  • Amate-Romera, J., & Fuente, J. (2021). Relationships between test anxiety, self-regulation and strategies for coping with stress, in professional examination candidates. Anales de Psicología, 37(2), 276–286.
  • APA, (American Psychological Association) (2010). Publication manual of the american psychological association (6th ed.). American Psychological Association.
  • Aslan, B. Y. (2015). A survey for youth unemployment: Anxiety and hopelessness among university students. Journal of Labour Relations, 6(2), 71–86.
  • Aycan, A., & Üzüm, H. (2019). Occupational anxiety of physical education teacher candidates. Journal of Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University Faculty of Education, 19(3), 745–752.
  • Aydın, O., & Çiftel, N. (2013). Ortaöğretim kurumlarına devam eden öğrencilerin akademik ve mesleki gelecek kaygılarının incelenmesi [Examining the academic and professional future concerns of students attending secondary education institutions]. İZÜ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2(3), 129–166.
  • Banks, J., & Smyth, E. (2015). ‘Your whole life depends on it’: Academic stress and high-stakes testing in Ireland. Journal of Youth Studies, 18, 598–616.
  • Başkan, G. A. (2001). Teaching profession and re-structuring in teacher education. Hacettepe University Journal of Education Faculty, 20, 16–25.
  • Bayraktar, G., Tozoğlu, E., & Acar, K. (2014). The effect of sports and other variances on the anxiety level of teacher candidates. Erzincan University Journal of Education Faculty, 16(1), 305–315.
  • Bek, Y. (2007). Teachers’ social and occupational role and status [Master's Term Project, Trakya University].
  • Bekdemir, M. (2010). The pre-service teachers’ mathematics anxiety related to depth of negative experiences in mathematics classroom while they were students. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 75(3), 311–328.
  • Bullard, M., Rutledge, C. D., & Kohler-Evans, P. (2017). Using the stages of concern questionnaire to ensure professional development with teachers and teacher candidates. International Research in Higher Education, 2(4), 50–57.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2008). Sosyal bilimlerde veri analizi ders kitabı [Data analysis textbook in social sciences] (9th ed.). Pegem Academy Publishing.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2014). Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı: İstatistik, araştırma deseni, SPSS uygulamaları ve yorum [Data analysis handbook for social sciences: Statistics, research design, SPSS apps and comments] (20th ed.). Pegem Academy Publishing.
  • Cabı, E., & Yalçınalp, S. (2013). Occupational anxiety scale for prospective teachers: A study on validity and reliability. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 44, 85–96.
  • Cassady, J. C., & Johnson, R. E. (2002). Cognitive Test Anxiety and Academic Performance. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 27 (2), 270–295.
  • Ceviz, H. K. (2022). The relationship between hopelessness and trait anxiety levels and lifelong learning trends of Public Education Center trainees (Thesis Number: 715380) [Master Thesis, Bartın University- Bartın]. Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (2nd ed.). Routledge.
  • Cüceloğlu, D. (1991). İnsan ve davranışı [Human and their behavior]. Remzi Bookstore.
  • Çınkır, Ş., & Kurum, G. (2017). To be appointed or not to be appointed: The problems of paidteachers. Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi - Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, 5(3), 9-35. 2624.1.5c3s1m
  • Esen, Y. D., Temel, F., & Demir, E. (2017). Scaling professional problems of teachers in turkey with pairedcomparison method, Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology, 8(1), 47-62.
  • Field, A. P. (2009). Discovering statistics using SPSS: and sex and drugs and rock ‘n’ roll” (3rd ed.). Sage Publications.
  • Fuller, F. F. (1969). Concerns of teachers: A developmental conceptualization. American Educational Research Journal, 6(2), 207–226.
  • Gallagher, M., & Millar, R. (1996). A Survey of adolescent worry ın northern ıreland. Pastoral Care in Education, 14, 26–32.
  • Gelişli, Y. (2004). Sınıf Yönetiminde Aile ile İşbirliği [Collaboration with Family in Classroom Management]. In Ş. Erçetin & Ç. Özdemir (Eds.), Sınıf Yönetimi [Classroom Management](pp. 45-74). Asil Publication.
  • Ghasemi, F. (2022). Teachers’ demographic and occupational attributes predict feelings of hopelessness during the COVID-19 pandemic, Frontiers in Psychology, 13:913894.
  • Gökalp, M., & Soykan, F. (2020). Academic hopelessness scale: Development, validity and reliability study. Manas Journal of Social Studies, 9(2).
  • Gümrükçü Bilgici, B., & Deniz, Ü. (2016). Investigation of occupational anxieties of preschool teacher candidates in terms of some demographic features. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 24 (5).
  • Güngör, C., & Gül, İ. (2019). An investigation of pre-service teacher anxiety levels in terms of various variables (The Case of Giresun Province). Asian Journal of Instruction, 7 (2), 74–89.
  • Habacı, İ., Karataş, E., Adıgüzelli, F., Ürker, A., & Atıcı, R. (2013). Teachers in the current problems, Turkish studies - International periodical for the languages. Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, 8 (6), 263-277.
  • Hardacre, B., Hafner, A., & Nakama, P. (2021). The Impact of Test Anxiety on Teacher Credential Candidates. Teacher Education Quarterly, 48 (3), 7–28.
  • Hiebert, J., Gallimore, R., & Stigler, J. W. (2002). A knowledge base for the teaching profession: what would ıt look like and how can we get one? Educational Researcher, 31 (5), 3–15.
  • İnce Aka, E., & Yilmaz, M. (2018). A study on the examination of the unemployment anxiety of prospective science teachers. Journal of Research in Education and Society, 5 (1), 105-123.
  • Ki̇raz, Z., & Kurul, N. (2018). Unemployment of teachers in Turkey and unassigned teachers’ act. Mersin University Journal of Education Faculty, 14 (1).
  • Lima, C. L. S., Veloso, L. U. P., Lira, J. A. C., Silva, A. G. N., Rocha, Â. R. C., & Conceição, B. B. (2021). Factors related to hopelessness in college students. Cogitare Enfermagem, 26.
  • Lohbeck, A., & Frenzel, A. C. (2022). Latent motivation profiles for choosing teaching as a career: How are they linked to self-concept concerning teaching subjects and emotions during teacher education training? The British Journal of Educational Psychology, 92 (1), 37–58.
  • Luttenberger, S., Wimmer, S., & Paechter, M. (2018). Spotlight on math anxiety. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 11, 311–322.
  • Mahmoud, J. S. R., Staten, R. T., Hall, L. A., & Lennie, T. A. (2012). The relationship among young adult college students’ depression, anxiety, stress, demographics, life satisfaction, and coping styles. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 33 (3), 149–156.
  • Manav, Ö. (2022). Unemployment coping situations of unassigned teachers. Turkish Scientific Researches Journal, 7 (2), 460-473.
  • McDonald, A. S. (2001). The prevalence and effects of test anxiety in school children. Educational Psychology, 21 (1), 89–101.
  • MoNE (Ministry of National Education) (2017). Öğretmen strateji belgesi 2017-2023 [Teacher Strategy Document 2017-2023]. General Directorate of Teacher Training and Development.
  • Mutluer, Ö., & Yüksel, S. (2019). Emekli ve kıdemli öğretmenlerin öğretmenlik mesleğinin sosyal statüsü hakkındaki görüşleri [Opinions of retired and senior teachers about the social status of the teaching profession]. 28th International Educational Sciences Congress, Hacettepe University, Ankara.
  • O’Connor, R., & Sheehy, N. (2000). Understanding suicidal behaviour. Leicester : BPS Books.
  • Pascoe, M. C., Hetrick, S. E., & Parker, A. G. (2020). The impact of stress on students in secondary school and higher education. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 25 (1), 104–112.
  • Pehlevan, Z., Muştu, E., & Çepikkurt, F. (2017). Examination of occupational anxiety levels and academic self-efficacy of physical education teacher candidates. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 5 (11), 1926-1939.
  • Pişkin, Z., & Parlar, H. (2021). Investigation of teaching profession in terms of social status and perception, Academic Platform Journal of Education and Change, 4 (1), 1-28.
  • Priebe, N. P., & Kurtz-Costes, B. E. (2022). The effect of mindfulness programs on collegiate test anxiety. Mindfulness, 13, 2868–2878.
  • Putwain, D. W., & Symes, W. (2018). Does increased effort compensate for performance debilitating test anxiety? School Psychology Quarterly, 33, 482–491.
  • Sadıkoğlu, M., Hastürk, G., & Polat, O. (2018). Examination of science prospective teachers’ occupational anxiety levels. Journal of International Social Research, 11 (56), 629–637.
  • Sunar (2015). Türkiye'de Çalışma Hayatı ve Meslekler [Working Life and Professions in Turkey]. Şahin, M. (2019). Korku, kaygı ve kaygı (anksiyete) bozuklukları [Fear, anxiety, and anxiety disorders]. Eurasian Journal of Researches in Social and Economics (EJRSE), 6 (10), 117–135.
  • Saraç, T. (2015). Analyzing the future anxiety and hopelessness levels of the Ahi Evran University senior students (Thesis Number: 380458) [Master Thesis, Ahi Evran University-Kırşehir]. Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Sinclair, K. E., & Ryan, G. (1987). Teacher anxiety, teacher effectiveness, and student anxiety. Teaching and Teacher Education, 3 (3), 249–253.
  • Spencer, S. J., Steele, C. M., & Quinn, D. M. (1999). Stereotype threat and women’s math performance. Journal Of Experimental Social Psychology, 35 (1), 4–28.
  • Süner, Ş. (2019). Investigation of the anxiety of pre-service teachers’ not to be appointed to teachership in terms of level of hopelessness and some variables (Thesis Number: 585126) [Master Thesis, Arel University-Istanbul]. Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Sürücü, F. (2012). Future anxiety of mathematics teacher trainees (Thesis Number: 321181) [Master Thesis, Necmettin Erbakan University-Konya]. Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Tabachnick, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2007). Using multivarite statistics (5th ed.). Allyn & Bacon/Pearson Education.
  • Tabancalı, E., Çelik, K., & Korumaz, M. (2016). Professional anxiety level of pre-service teachers in Turkish context. E-International Journal of Educational Research, 7 (3), 63–73.
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Matematik öğretmen adaylarının mesleki kaygıları ve akademik umutsuzluklarının akademik başarıya etkisinin incelenmesi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3, 103 - 124, 31.12.2024


Bu açıklayıcı karma yöntem çalışması, mesleki kaygı ve akademik umutsuzluğun matematik öğretmeni adaylarının akademik başarıları üzerindeki etkisini araştırmayı amaçlamıştır. Çalışmada ayrıca, öğretmen adaylarının bu etkiye ilişkin bakış açılarını keşfetmek ve bu düzeylerin cinsiyet ve sınıf düzeyi değişkenlerine göre nasıl değiştiğini belirlemek hedeflenmiştir. Araştırmada ilişkisel tarama modelini kullanan nicel bir yaklaşımın yanı sıra durum çalışması deseniyle nitel bir yaklaşım da kullanılmıştır. Katılımcılar, rastgele örnekleme yöntemi kullanılarak seçilen 184 matematik öğretmeni adayından oluşmaktadır. Araştırmanın nitel boyutu ise katılımcılar arasından gönüllülük esasına göre seçilen 12 öğretmen adayı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada kullanılan ölçme araçları arasında “Öğretmen Adayları İçin Mesleki Kaygı Ölçeği”, “Akademik Umutsuzluk Ölçeği”, akademik başarıyı değerlendirmek için son dönem “Ağırlıklı Not Ortalaması” ve araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen yarı yapılandırılmış bir görüşme formu yer almaktadır. Sonuçlar, matematik öğretmen adaylarının yüksek düzeyde akademik umutsuzluk ve orta düzeyde mesleki kaygı sergilediklerini göstermektedir. Cinsiyetin mesleki kaygı düzeylerini yüksek bir etki büyüklüğü ile anlamlı olarak etkilediği, sınıf düzeyinin ise akademik umutsuzluk düzeyleri açısından 4. sınıflar lehine fark yarattığı görülmüştür. Son olarak, öğretmen adaylarının akademik umutsuzluk düzeyleri ile akademik başarıları arasında düşük düzeyde pozitif anlamlı bir korelasyon gözlenmiştir.


  • Adalı, İ., Uludag, B., Meral, M., Kartal, A., Erbasaran, E., Iskender, S., & Konukseven, O. (2019). Determining the hopelessness and anxiety levels for occupational of audiology department students. Turkish Journal of Audiology and Hearing Research, 2(3), 65–74.
  • Akgün, A., Gönen, S., & Aydın, M. (2007). The investigation of anxiety levels of prımary school science and mathematics teacher students’ according to some variables. Electronic Journal of Social Sciences, 6(20), 283–299.
  • Amate-Romera, J., & Fuente, J. (2021). Relationships between test anxiety, self-regulation and strategies for coping with stress, in professional examination candidates. Anales de Psicología, 37(2), 276–286.
  • APA, (American Psychological Association) (2010). Publication manual of the american psychological association (6th ed.). American Psychological Association.
  • Aslan, B. Y. (2015). A survey for youth unemployment: Anxiety and hopelessness among university students. Journal of Labour Relations, 6(2), 71–86.
  • Aycan, A., & Üzüm, H. (2019). Occupational anxiety of physical education teacher candidates. Journal of Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University Faculty of Education, 19(3), 745–752.
  • Aydın, O., & Çiftel, N. (2013). Ortaöğretim kurumlarına devam eden öğrencilerin akademik ve mesleki gelecek kaygılarının incelenmesi [Examining the academic and professional future concerns of students attending secondary education institutions]. İZÜ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2(3), 129–166.
  • Banks, J., & Smyth, E. (2015). ‘Your whole life depends on it’: Academic stress and high-stakes testing in Ireland. Journal of Youth Studies, 18, 598–616.
  • Başkan, G. A. (2001). Teaching profession and re-structuring in teacher education. Hacettepe University Journal of Education Faculty, 20, 16–25.
  • Bayraktar, G., Tozoğlu, E., & Acar, K. (2014). The effect of sports and other variances on the anxiety level of teacher candidates. Erzincan University Journal of Education Faculty, 16(1), 305–315.
  • Bek, Y. (2007). Teachers’ social and occupational role and status [Master's Term Project, Trakya University].
  • Bekdemir, M. (2010). The pre-service teachers’ mathematics anxiety related to depth of negative experiences in mathematics classroom while they were students. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 75(3), 311–328.
  • Bullard, M., Rutledge, C. D., & Kohler-Evans, P. (2017). Using the stages of concern questionnaire to ensure professional development with teachers and teacher candidates. International Research in Higher Education, 2(4), 50–57.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2008). Sosyal bilimlerde veri analizi ders kitabı [Data analysis textbook in social sciences] (9th ed.). Pegem Academy Publishing.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2014). Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı: İstatistik, araştırma deseni, SPSS uygulamaları ve yorum [Data analysis handbook for social sciences: Statistics, research design, SPSS apps and comments] (20th ed.). Pegem Academy Publishing.
  • Cabı, E., & Yalçınalp, S. (2013). Occupational anxiety scale for prospective teachers: A study on validity and reliability. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 44, 85–96.
  • Cassady, J. C., & Johnson, R. E. (2002). Cognitive Test Anxiety and Academic Performance. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 27 (2), 270–295.
  • Ceviz, H. K. (2022). The relationship between hopelessness and trait anxiety levels and lifelong learning trends of Public Education Center trainees (Thesis Number: 715380) [Master Thesis, Bartın University- Bartın]. Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (2nd ed.). Routledge.
  • Cüceloğlu, D. (1991). İnsan ve davranışı [Human and their behavior]. Remzi Bookstore.
  • Çınkır, Ş., & Kurum, G. (2017). To be appointed or not to be appointed: The problems of paidteachers. Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi - Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, 5(3), 9-35. 2624.1.5c3s1m
  • Esen, Y. D., Temel, F., & Demir, E. (2017). Scaling professional problems of teachers in turkey with pairedcomparison method, Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology, 8(1), 47-62.
  • Field, A. P. (2009). Discovering statistics using SPSS: and sex and drugs and rock ‘n’ roll” (3rd ed.). Sage Publications.
  • Fuller, F. F. (1969). Concerns of teachers: A developmental conceptualization. American Educational Research Journal, 6(2), 207–226.
  • Gallagher, M., & Millar, R. (1996). A Survey of adolescent worry ın northern ıreland. Pastoral Care in Education, 14, 26–32.
  • Gelişli, Y. (2004). Sınıf Yönetiminde Aile ile İşbirliği [Collaboration with Family in Classroom Management]. In Ş. Erçetin & Ç. Özdemir (Eds.), Sınıf Yönetimi [Classroom Management](pp. 45-74). Asil Publication.
  • Ghasemi, F. (2022). Teachers’ demographic and occupational attributes predict feelings of hopelessness during the COVID-19 pandemic, Frontiers in Psychology, 13:913894.
  • Gökalp, M., & Soykan, F. (2020). Academic hopelessness scale: Development, validity and reliability study. Manas Journal of Social Studies, 9(2).
  • Gümrükçü Bilgici, B., & Deniz, Ü. (2016). Investigation of occupational anxieties of preschool teacher candidates in terms of some demographic features. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 24 (5).
  • Güngör, C., & Gül, İ. (2019). An investigation of pre-service teacher anxiety levels in terms of various variables (The Case of Giresun Province). Asian Journal of Instruction, 7 (2), 74–89.
  • Habacı, İ., Karataş, E., Adıgüzelli, F., Ürker, A., & Atıcı, R. (2013). Teachers in the current problems, Turkish studies - International periodical for the languages. Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, 8 (6), 263-277.
  • Hardacre, B., Hafner, A., & Nakama, P. (2021). The Impact of Test Anxiety on Teacher Credential Candidates. Teacher Education Quarterly, 48 (3), 7–28.
  • Hiebert, J., Gallimore, R., & Stigler, J. W. (2002). A knowledge base for the teaching profession: what would ıt look like and how can we get one? Educational Researcher, 31 (5), 3–15.
  • İnce Aka, E., & Yilmaz, M. (2018). A study on the examination of the unemployment anxiety of prospective science teachers. Journal of Research in Education and Society, 5 (1), 105-123.
  • Ki̇raz, Z., & Kurul, N. (2018). Unemployment of teachers in Turkey and unassigned teachers’ act. Mersin University Journal of Education Faculty, 14 (1).
  • Lima, C. L. S., Veloso, L. U. P., Lira, J. A. C., Silva, A. G. N., Rocha, Â. R. C., & Conceição, B. B. (2021). Factors related to hopelessness in college students. Cogitare Enfermagem, 26.
  • Lohbeck, A., & Frenzel, A. C. (2022). Latent motivation profiles for choosing teaching as a career: How are they linked to self-concept concerning teaching subjects and emotions during teacher education training? The British Journal of Educational Psychology, 92 (1), 37–58.
  • Luttenberger, S., Wimmer, S., & Paechter, M. (2018). Spotlight on math anxiety. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 11, 311–322.
  • Mahmoud, J. S. R., Staten, R. T., Hall, L. A., & Lennie, T. A. (2012). The relationship among young adult college students’ depression, anxiety, stress, demographics, life satisfaction, and coping styles. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 33 (3), 149–156.
  • Manav, Ö. (2022). Unemployment coping situations of unassigned teachers. Turkish Scientific Researches Journal, 7 (2), 460-473.
  • McDonald, A. S. (2001). The prevalence and effects of test anxiety in school children. Educational Psychology, 21 (1), 89–101.
  • MoNE (Ministry of National Education) (2017). Öğretmen strateji belgesi 2017-2023 [Teacher Strategy Document 2017-2023]. General Directorate of Teacher Training and Development.
  • Mutluer, Ö., & Yüksel, S. (2019). Emekli ve kıdemli öğretmenlerin öğretmenlik mesleğinin sosyal statüsü hakkındaki görüşleri [Opinions of retired and senior teachers about the social status of the teaching profession]. 28th International Educational Sciences Congress, Hacettepe University, Ankara.
  • O’Connor, R., & Sheehy, N. (2000). Understanding suicidal behaviour. Leicester : BPS Books.
  • Pascoe, M. C., Hetrick, S. E., & Parker, A. G. (2020). The impact of stress on students in secondary school and higher education. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 25 (1), 104–112.
  • Pehlevan, Z., Muştu, E., & Çepikkurt, F. (2017). Examination of occupational anxiety levels and academic self-efficacy of physical education teacher candidates. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 5 (11), 1926-1939.
  • Pişkin, Z., & Parlar, H. (2021). Investigation of teaching profession in terms of social status and perception, Academic Platform Journal of Education and Change, 4 (1), 1-28.
  • Priebe, N. P., & Kurtz-Costes, B. E. (2022). The effect of mindfulness programs on collegiate test anxiety. Mindfulness, 13, 2868–2878.
  • Putwain, D. W., & Symes, W. (2018). Does increased effort compensate for performance debilitating test anxiety? School Psychology Quarterly, 33, 482–491.
  • Sadıkoğlu, M., Hastürk, G., & Polat, O. (2018). Examination of science prospective teachers’ occupational anxiety levels. Journal of International Social Research, 11 (56), 629–637.
  • Sunar (2015). Türkiye'de Çalışma Hayatı ve Meslekler [Working Life and Professions in Turkey]. Şahin, M. (2019). Korku, kaygı ve kaygı (anksiyete) bozuklukları [Fear, anxiety, and anxiety disorders]. Eurasian Journal of Researches in Social and Economics (EJRSE), 6 (10), 117–135.
  • Saraç, T. (2015). Analyzing the future anxiety and hopelessness levels of the Ahi Evran University senior students (Thesis Number: 380458) [Master Thesis, Ahi Evran University-Kırşehir]. Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Sinclair, K. E., & Ryan, G. (1987). Teacher anxiety, teacher effectiveness, and student anxiety. Teaching and Teacher Education, 3 (3), 249–253.
  • Spencer, S. J., Steele, C. M., & Quinn, D. M. (1999). Stereotype threat and women’s math performance. Journal Of Experimental Social Psychology, 35 (1), 4–28.
  • Süner, Ş. (2019). Investigation of the anxiety of pre-service teachers’ not to be appointed to teachership in terms of level of hopelessness and some variables (Thesis Number: 585126) [Master Thesis, Arel University-Istanbul]. Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Sürücü, F. (2012). Future anxiety of mathematics teacher trainees (Thesis Number: 321181) [Master Thesis, Necmettin Erbakan University-Konya]. Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
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Toplam 67 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Matematik Eğitimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Ufuk Bektaş 0000-0001-6849-9563

Mahir Biber 0000-0003-4044-6966

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 16 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Bektaş, U., & Biber, M. (2024). Exploring pre-service mathematics teachers’ occupational anxiety and academic hopelessness in shaping academic success. Eurasian Journal of Teacher Education, 5(3), 103-124.

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