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Yıl 2018, , 24 - 35, 27.03.2018


As it is the case in many other majors, the need to become proficient in English is crucial for medical professionals mainly because they need to keep their knowledge and skills repositories up-to-date which mostly comes from following recent changes and developments in the profession both in and out of the country. In this regard, as the language of science, English also dominates the literature in medicine. For this reason, to what extent medical professionals need English language skills both professionally and personally is a matter of concern for language teaching professionals. With this in mind, the current study examines English language needs of faculty members (FMs) and postgraduate assistants (PGAs) working at faculty of medicine at a state university in Turkey. 29 PGAs and 26 FMs from various departments responded to a 26-item, 4-point Likert scale assessing their needs on four macro skills; listening, reading, speaking, and writing complemented by micro skills. The results mainly revealed that both on a professional and personal basis, the FMs obviously had stronger perceptions regarding their language needs than the PGAs did. Additionally, both parties’ perceptions regarding their personal language needs were slightly lower. Thus, the results could indicate that personal and inner drives have influence on language needs. This further suggests the need to take personal motivations into account when planning course content.  


  • Akyel, A., & Ozek, Y. (2010). A language needs analysis research at an English medium university in Turkey. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2, 969-975.
  • Alagözlü, N. (1994). English language needs assessment of the students of the Medical Faculty of Cumhuriyet University (Unpublished master thesis). Bilkent University, Ankara.
  • Alharby, M. (2005). ESP target situation needs analysis: The English language communicative needs as perceived by health professionals in the Riyadh area (Unpublished PhD dissertation). The University of Georgia, Athens, GA.
  • Anthony, L. (1997). Defining English for specific purposes and the role of the ESP practitioners. Annual Review, 115-120.
  • Ayas, Ö., & Kırkgöz, Y. (2014). The academic and vocational English needs of the school of health students. Çukurova Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 42(1), 39-55.
  • Bosher, S., & Smalkoski, K. (2002). From needs analysis to curriculum development: designing a course for health-care communication for immigrant students in the USA. English for Specific Purposes, 21, 59-79.
  • Carter, R., & Nunan, D. (2001). The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to speakers of other languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Chia, H., Johnson, R., Chia, H., & Olive, F. (1999). English for college students in Taiwan: a study of perceptions of English needs in a medical context. English for Specific Purposes, 18(2), 107-119.
  • Dudley-Evans, T., & St. John, M. J. (1998). Developments in English for specific purposes. A multi-disciplinary approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hull, M. (2016). Medical language proficiency: A discussion of interpersonal language competencies and potential for patient risk. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 54, 158-172.
  • Hutchinson, T., & Waters, A. (1987). English for specific purposes. A learning centered approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hwang, Y., & Lin, S. (2010). A study of medical students’ linguistic needs in Taiwan. The Asian ESP Journal, 6(1), 35-58.
  • Hwang, Y. (2011). Pedagogical implications on medical students’ linguistic needs. English Language Teaching, 4(4), 138-145.
  • Iravani, H., & Saber, Z. (2013). A needs assessment study of English language needs of Tehran university medical students. International Journal of Language Learning an Applied Linguistics World, 4(2), 209-224.
  • Javid, C. Z. (2011). EMP needs of medical undergraduates in a Saudi context. Kashmir Journal of Language Research, 14(1), 89-110.
  • Kayaoğlu, M. N., & Dağ Akbaş, R. (2016). An investigation into medical students’ English language needs. Participatory Educational Research, 1, 63-71.
  • Kern, D. E., Thomas, P. A., & Hughes, M. T. (2009). Curriculum development for medical education: A six-step approach (2nd ed.). Baltimore, MD: The John Hopkins University Press.
  • Markos, A., & Himmel, J. (2016). Using sheltered instruction to support English language learners. Center for Applied Linguistics, Practitioner Brief, 1-16.
  • McCawley, P. F. (2009). Methods for conducting an educational needs assessment. Guidelines for cooperative extension system professionals. University of Idaho Extension. Retrieved from
  • Naruenatwatana, N., & Vijchulata, B. (2001). A study of the needs of medical students in the use of American English perceived by three groups: Medical students, teachers of English and subject teachers. Studies in Languages and Language Teaching, 1, 1-23.
  • Nunan, D. & Bailey, K. M. (2009). Exploring second language classroom research. Boston, MA: Heinle Cengage Learning.
  • Radu, M. (2008). English for medical purpose teaching. Revista Romana De Stomatologie, LIV, (2-3), 145-147. Richards, J. C. (2001). Curriculum development in language teaching. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
  • Taşçı, Ç. (2007). An analysis of medical students English needs. (Unpublished MA Thesis). Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Vahdany, F., & Gerivani, L. (2016). An analysis of the English language needs of medical students and general practitioners: A case study of Guilan University of Medical Sciences. International Journal of English Language and Literature Studies, 5(2), 104-110.
  • Yeniçeri, Ö. (2008). Needs assessment of the prep-class students in the faculty of medicine at Ondokuz Mayıs University (Unpublished master thesis). Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun.


Yıl 2018, , 24 - 35, 27.03.2018


Diğer pek çok alanda olduğu gibi, tıp profesyonelleri için de İngilizcede yetkin olmak temelde çoğu zaman ülke içinde ve ülke dışında meydana gelen değişim ve gelişimleri takip ederek bilgi ve beceri kapasitelerini güncel tutma gereksinimden ötürü oldukça önemlidir. Bu bağlamda, bilim dili olan İngilizce, aynı zamanda tıp alan yazınını da etkisi altına almaktadır. Bu nedenle, tıp profesyonellerinin hem mesleki hem de kişisel anlamda İngilizce dil becerilerine ne derece ihtiyaç duydukları dil öğretim profesyonelleri için bir düşünce konusudur. Bu noktalardan hareketle, bu çalışma Türkiye’de bulunan bir devlet üniversitesinin tıp fakültesi öğretim üyeleri ve asistan doktorlarının İngilizce dil ihtiyaçlarını incelemektedir. Çeşitli bölümlerden 29 asistan doktor ve 26 öğretim üyesi, mikro beceriler ile desteklenen 4 temel beceriye, dinleme, okuma, konuşma ve yazma, ilişkin dil ihtiyaçlarını 26 madde ile ölçen 4’lü Likert-tipi bir ölçeğe cevap vermişlerdir. Sonuçlar temelde hem mesleki hem de kişisel anlamda, öğretim üyelerinin dil becerileri ihtiyaçları algılarının asistan doktorlarınkinden net bir biçimde daha kuvvetli olduğunu göstermiştir. Bununla birlikte, her iki tarafın kişisel dil ihtiyaçlarının bir miktar daha düşük olduğu görülmüştür. Bu nedenle de, bulgular dil ihtiyaçları üzerinde kişisel ve içsel faktörlerin etkili olduğunu işaret edebilmektedir. Bu durum, ders içeriği planlanırken kişisel motivasyonların da hesaba katılması gerektiğini göstermektedir.  


  • Akyel, A., & Ozek, Y. (2010). A language needs analysis research at an English medium university in Turkey. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2, 969-975.
  • Alagözlü, N. (1994). English language needs assessment of the students of the Medical Faculty of Cumhuriyet University (Unpublished master thesis). Bilkent University, Ankara.
  • Alharby, M. (2005). ESP target situation needs analysis: The English language communicative needs as perceived by health professionals in the Riyadh area (Unpublished PhD dissertation). The University of Georgia, Athens, GA.
  • Anthony, L. (1997). Defining English for specific purposes and the role of the ESP practitioners. Annual Review, 115-120.
  • Ayas, Ö., & Kırkgöz, Y. (2014). The academic and vocational English needs of the school of health students. Çukurova Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 42(1), 39-55.
  • Bosher, S., & Smalkoski, K. (2002). From needs analysis to curriculum development: designing a course for health-care communication for immigrant students in the USA. English for Specific Purposes, 21, 59-79.
  • Carter, R., & Nunan, D. (2001). The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to speakers of other languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Chia, H., Johnson, R., Chia, H., & Olive, F. (1999). English for college students in Taiwan: a study of perceptions of English needs in a medical context. English for Specific Purposes, 18(2), 107-119.
  • Dudley-Evans, T., & St. John, M. J. (1998). Developments in English for specific purposes. A multi-disciplinary approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hull, M. (2016). Medical language proficiency: A discussion of interpersonal language competencies and potential for patient risk. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 54, 158-172.
  • Hutchinson, T., & Waters, A. (1987). English for specific purposes. A learning centered approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hwang, Y., & Lin, S. (2010). A study of medical students’ linguistic needs in Taiwan. The Asian ESP Journal, 6(1), 35-58.
  • Hwang, Y. (2011). Pedagogical implications on medical students’ linguistic needs. English Language Teaching, 4(4), 138-145.
  • Iravani, H., & Saber, Z. (2013). A needs assessment study of English language needs of Tehran university medical students. International Journal of Language Learning an Applied Linguistics World, 4(2), 209-224.
  • Javid, C. Z. (2011). EMP needs of medical undergraduates in a Saudi context. Kashmir Journal of Language Research, 14(1), 89-110.
  • Kayaoğlu, M. N., & Dağ Akbaş, R. (2016). An investigation into medical students’ English language needs. Participatory Educational Research, 1, 63-71.
  • Kern, D. E., Thomas, P. A., & Hughes, M. T. (2009). Curriculum development for medical education: A six-step approach (2nd ed.). Baltimore, MD: The John Hopkins University Press.
  • Markos, A., & Himmel, J. (2016). Using sheltered instruction to support English language learners. Center for Applied Linguistics, Practitioner Brief, 1-16.
  • McCawley, P. F. (2009). Methods for conducting an educational needs assessment. Guidelines for cooperative extension system professionals. University of Idaho Extension. Retrieved from
  • Naruenatwatana, N., & Vijchulata, B. (2001). A study of the needs of medical students in the use of American English perceived by three groups: Medical students, teachers of English and subject teachers. Studies in Languages and Language Teaching, 1, 1-23.
  • Nunan, D. & Bailey, K. M. (2009). Exploring second language classroom research. Boston, MA: Heinle Cengage Learning.
  • Radu, M. (2008). English for medical purpose teaching. Revista Romana De Stomatologie, LIV, (2-3), 145-147. Richards, J. C. (2001). Curriculum development in language teaching. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
  • Taşçı, Ç. (2007). An analysis of medical students English needs. (Unpublished MA Thesis). Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Vahdany, F., & Gerivani, L. (2016). An analysis of the English language needs of medical students and general practitioners: A case study of Guilan University of Medical Sciences. International Journal of English Language and Literature Studies, 5(2), 104-110.
  • Yeniçeri, Ö. (2008). Needs assessment of the prep-class students in the faculty of medicine at Ondokuz Mayıs University (Unpublished master thesis). Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun.
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Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Eğitim Üzerine Çalışmalar
Bölüm Makaleler

Handan Çelik 0000-0001-8041-6062

Ece Zehir Topkaya 0000-0001-5364-7551

Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Mart 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Ekim 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

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