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İngilizceyi Yabancı Dil Olarak Öğrenen Türk Öğrencilerin Kullandıkları Dil Öğrenme Stratejileri

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 94 - 119, 14.01.2013


Turkish EFL Learners' Language Learning Strategy Employment at University Level


  • Abraham, R. G., & Vann, R. J. (1987). Strategies of two language learners: A case study. In A. Wenden & J. Rubin (Eds.), Learner strategies in language learning (pp. 85-102). London: Prentice Hall International.
  • Alptekin, C. (2007). Foreign language learning strategy choice: naturalistic versus instructed language acquisition. Journal of Theory and Practice in Education, 3(1), 4-11.
  • Anderson, N. J. (1991). Individual differences in strategy use in second language reading and testing. Modern Language Journal, 75, 460-472.
  • Anderson, N. J. (2005). L2 learning strategies. In E. Hinkel (Ed.), Handbook of research in second language teaching and learning (pp. 757-771). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Barnett, M. A. (1988). Reading through context: How real and perceived strategy use affects L2 comprehension. Modern Language Journal, 72, 150-162.
  • Bialystok, E. (1978). A theoretical model of second language learning. Language Learning, 28, 69-83.
  • Bialystock, E. (1981). The role of conscious strategies in second language learning proficiency. The Modern Language Journal, 65, 24–35.
  • Block, E. (1986). The comprehension strategies of second language readers. TESOL Quarterly, 20, 463-494.
  • Brown, A. L., & Campione, J. C. (1987). Learning to learn: On training students to learn from texts. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Center for the Study of Reading.
  • Brown, H. D. (2001). Teaching by principles: an interactive approach to language pedagogy. New York: Longman.
  • Busato, V. V., Prins, F. J., Elshout, J. J., & Hamaker, C. (2000). Intellectual ability, learning style, personality, achievement motivation and academic success of psychology students in higher education. Personality and Individual Differences, 29, 1057−1068.
  • Carrell, P. L. (1989). Metacognitive awareness and second language reading. Modern Language Journal, 73, 120-134.
  • Carson, J. G., & Longhini, A. (2002). Focusing on learning styles and strategies: a diary study in an immersion setting. Language Learning, 52, 401–438.
  • Chamot, A. U. (1987). The learning strategies of ESL students. In A. Wenden & J. Rubin (Eds.), Learner strategies in language learning (pp. 71-83). London: Prentice Hall International.
  • Chamot, A., & El-Dinary, P. B. (1999). Children’s learning strategies in language immersion classrooms. The Modern Language Journal, 83, 319-338.
  • Chamot, A. U., & Küpper, L. (1989). Learning strategies in foreign language instruction. Foreign Language Annals, 22, 13–24.
  • Chamot, A., & O’Malley, M. (1987). The cognitive academic language learning approach: A bridge to the mainstream. TESOL Quarterly, 21, 227-249.
  • Chastain, K. (1988). Developing second-language skills theory and practice (3rd ed.). Orlando: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
  • Cohen, A. D. (1990). Language learning: Insights for learners, teachers, and researchers. Boston: Heinle.
  • Cohen, A. D. (1998). Strategies in learning and using a second language. London: Longman.
  • Cook, V. (2001). Second language learning and language teaching (3rd ed.). London: Edward Arnold.
  • Corno, L., & Kanfer, R. (1993). The role of volition in learning and performance. In L. Darling-Hammond (Ed.), Review of research in education (Vol. 21, pp. 301-341). Itasca, IL: FE Peacock.
  • Demirel, Ö. (1992). ELT methodology. Ankara: USEM Publications.
  • Dörnyei, Z. (2001). Motivational strategies in the language classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Dörnyei, Z, & Skehan, P. (2003). Individual differences in second language learning. In C. J. Doughty & M. H. Long (Eds.), The handbook of second language acquisition (pp. 589-630). Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Ellis Ormrod, J. (2006). Educational psychology: Developing learners (5th ed.). New Jersey: Pearson.
  • Ehrman, M. E., & Oxford, R. L. (1988). Effects of sex differences, career choice, and psychological type on adult language learning strategies. The Modern Language Journal, 72, 253-265.
  • Ehrman, M. E., & Oxford, R. (1990). Adult language learning styles and strategies in an intensive training setting. The Modern Language Journal, 74, 311–327.
  • Ehrman, M. E., & Oxford, R. L. (1995). Cognition plus: correlates of language learning success. The Modern Language Journal, 79, 67–89.
  • Green, J. M., & Oxford, R. (1995). A closer look at learning strategies, L2 proficiency, and gender. TESOL Quarterly, 29, 261-297.
  • Griffiths, C. (2003). Patterns of language learning strategy use. System, 31, 367–383.
  • Hedge, T. (2000). Teaching and learning in the language classroom. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Hong-Nam, K., & Leavell, A. G. (2006). Language learning strategy use of ESL students in an intensive English learning context. System, 34, 399– 415.
  • Hosenfeld, C. (1976). Learning about learning: Discovering our students’ strategies. Foreign Language Annals, 9, 117-129.
  • Hosenfeld, C. (1984). Case studies of ninth grade readers. In J. C. Alderson & A. H. Urquhart (Eds.), Reading in a foreign language (pp. 231-249). London: Longman.
  • Hsiao, T. Y., & Oxford, R. L. (2002). Comparing theories of language learning strategies: A confirmatory factor analysis. Modern Language Journal, 86, 368-383.
  • Johnson, K. (2001). An introduction to foreign language learning and teaching. London: Longman.
  • Krashen, S. D. (1985). The input hypothesis: Issues and implications. Beverly Hills: Laredo.
  • Kuhl, J. (1987). Action control: The maintenance of motivational states. In F. Halisch & J. Kuhl (Eds.), Motivation, intention and volition (pp. 279- 291). Berlin: Springer.
  • LoCastro, V. (1994). Learning strategies and learning environments. TESOL Quarterly, 28, 409-414.
  • Macaro, E. (2006). Strategies for language learning and for language use: Revising the theoretical framework. The Modern Language Journal, 90, 320-337.
  • McNeil, J. D. (1987). Reading comprehension: New directions for classroom practice (2nd ed.). Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman & Company.
  • Mogogwe, J. M., & Oliver, R. (2007). The relationship between language learning strategies, proficiency, age and self-efficacy beliefs: A study of language in Botswana. System, 35, 338-352.
  • Naiman, N., Fröhlich, M., Stern, H. H., & Todesco, A. (1978). The good language learner. Toronto: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
  • Naiman, N., Fröhlich, M., & Todesco, A. (1975). The good second language learner. TESL Talk, 6, 58–75.
  • National Research Council. (2000). How people learn: Brain, mind, experience, and school (Expanded ed.). Washington, D C: National Academy Press.
  • Nyikos, M., & Oxford, R. (1993). A factor analytic study of language-learning strategy use: Interpretations from information-processing theory and social psychology. The Modern Language Journal, 77, 11–22.
  • O’Malley, C., & Chamot, A. U. (1990). Learning strategies in second language acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • O’Malley, J. M., Chamot, A. U., Stewner-Manzanares, G., Küpper, L., & Russo, R. P. (1985). Learning strategies used by beginning and intermediate ESL students. Language Learning, 35, 21-46.
  • O’Malley, J. M., Chamot, A. U., Stewner-Manzanares, G., Russo, R. P., & Küpper, L. (1985). Learning strategy application with students of English as a second language. TESOL Quarterly, 19, 557–584.
  • Oxford, R. L. (1989). Use of language learning strategies: a synthesis of studies with implications for strategy training. System 17, 235–247.
  • Oxford, R. L. (1990). Language learning strategies: What every teacher should know. New York: Newbury House Publishers.
  • Oxford, R. L. (2001a). Language learning styles and strategies. In M. Celce- Murcia (Ed.), Teaching English as a second or foreign language. Boston: Heinle & Heinle.
  • Oxford, R. L. (2001b). Language learning strategies. In R. Carter & D. Nunan (Eds.), The Cambridge guide to teaching English to speakers of other languages (pp. 166-172). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Oxford, R. L. (2002). Language learning strategies in a nutshell: Update and ESL suggestions. In J. C. Richards & W. A. Renandya (Eds.), Methodology in Language Teaching (pp. 124-132). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Oxford, R. (2003). Language learning styles and strategies: An overview. Oxford: GALA. Retrieved October 12, 2011 from
  • Oxford, R. L., & Cohen, A. D. (1992). Language learning strategies: Crucial issues of concept and classification. Applied Language Learning, 3(1- 2), 1-35.
  • Oxford, R. L., & Crookall, D. (1989). Research on language learning strategies: Methods, findings, and instructional issues. Modern Language Journal, 73, 404-419.
  • Oxford, R. L., & Ehrman, M. (1988). Psychological type and adult language learning strategies: A pilot study. Journal of Psychological Type, 16, 22-32.
  • Oxford, R. L., & Ehrman, M. (1995). Adult’s language learning strategies in an intensive foreign language program in the United States. System, 23, 359–386.
  • Oxford, R. L., & Nyikos, M., (1989). Variables affecting choice of language learning strategies by university students. The Modern Language Journal, 73, 291-300.
  • Phakiti, A. (2003). A closer look at the relationship of cognitive and metacognitive strategy use to EFL reading achievement test performance. Language Testing, 20, 26-56.
  • Politzer, R. (1983). An exploratory study of self-reported language learning behaviors and their relation to achievement. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 6, 54–65.
  • Porte, G. (1988). Poor language learners and their strategies for dealing with new vocabulary. ELT Journal, 42(3), 167–171.
  • Pressley, M., & Afflerbach, P. (1995). Verbal protocols of reading: The nature of constructively responsive reading. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Razı, N. (2009). An investigation into understanding the relationship between learner beliefs and strategies concerning language learning: Reshaping and changing learner awareness. Unpublished master’s thesis, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Çanakkale, Turkey.
  • Razı, S. (2008). The impact of learning multiple foreign languages on using metacognitive reading strategies. The Reading Matrix 8(1), 117- 138.Retrieved October 12, 2011 from
  • Reid, J. M. (Ed.). (1998). Understanding learning styles in the second language classroom. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents.
  • Richards, J. C., & Lockhart, C. (1996). Reflective teaching in second language classrooms. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Richards, J. C., & Renandya, W. A. (Eds.) (2002). Methodology in language teaching: an anthology of current practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Rubin, J. (1975). What the “good language learner” can teach us. TESOL Quarterly, 9(1), 41-51.
  • Rubin, J. (1981). The study of cognitive processes in second language learning. Applied Linguistics, 2,117-131.
  • Scarcella, R., & Oxford, R. (1992). The tapestry of language learning: The individual in the communicative classroom. Boston: Heinle & Heinle.
  • Shen, H. H. (2005). An investigation of Chinese-character learning strategies among non-native speakers of Chinese. System, 33, 49-68.
  • Singhal, M. (2001). Reading proficiency, reading strategies, metacognitive awareness and L2 readers. The Reading Matrix, 1(1), 1-23. Retrieved October 12, 2011 from
  • Stern, H. H. (1975). What can we learn from the good language learner? Canadian Modern Language Review, 34, 304–318.
  • Taguchi, T. (2002). Learner factors affecting the use of learning strategies in cross-cultural contexts. Prospect, 17(2), 18-31.
  • Vann, R. J., & Abraham, R. G. (1990). Strategies of unsuccessful language learners. TESOL Quarterly, 24, 177-198.
  • Weinstein, C. E., & Mayer, R. E. (1986). The teaching of learning strategies. In M. Wittrock (Ed.), Handbook of research on teaching (pp. 315-327). New York: Macmillan.
  • Weinstein, C. E., Meyer, D. K., Husman, J., Stone, G. V. M., & McKeachie, W. J. (1999). Teaching students how to learn. In W. J. McKeachie (Ed.), Teaching tips: Strategies, research, and theory for college and university teachers (pp. 312-325). Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Yıl 2012, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 94 - 119, 14.01.2013



  • Abraham, R. G., & Vann, R. J. (1987). Strategies of two language learners: A case study. In A. Wenden & J. Rubin (Eds.), Learner strategies in language learning (pp. 85-102). London: Prentice Hall International.
  • Alptekin, C. (2007). Foreign language learning strategy choice: naturalistic versus instructed language acquisition. Journal of Theory and Practice in Education, 3(1), 4-11.
  • Anderson, N. J. (1991). Individual differences in strategy use in second language reading and testing. Modern Language Journal, 75, 460-472.
  • Anderson, N. J. (2005). L2 learning strategies. In E. Hinkel (Ed.), Handbook of research in second language teaching and learning (pp. 757-771). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Barnett, M. A. (1988). Reading through context: How real and perceived strategy use affects L2 comprehension. Modern Language Journal, 72, 150-162.
  • Bialystok, E. (1978). A theoretical model of second language learning. Language Learning, 28, 69-83.
  • Bialystock, E. (1981). The role of conscious strategies in second language learning proficiency. The Modern Language Journal, 65, 24–35.
  • Block, E. (1986). The comprehension strategies of second language readers. TESOL Quarterly, 20, 463-494.
  • Brown, A. L., & Campione, J. C. (1987). Learning to learn: On training students to learn from texts. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Center for the Study of Reading.
  • Brown, H. D. (2001). Teaching by principles: an interactive approach to language pedagogy. New York: Longman.
  • Busato, V. V., Prins, F. J., Elshout, J. J., & Hamaker, C. (2000). Intellectual ability, learning style, personality, achievement motivation and academic success of psychology students in higher education. Personality and Individual Differences, 29, 1057−1068.
  • Carrell, P. L. (1989). Metacognitive awareness and second language reading. Modern Language Journal, 73, 120-134.
  • Carson, J. G., & Longhini, A. (2002). Focusing on learning styles and strategies: a diary study in an immersion setting. Language Learning, 52, 401–438.
  • Chamot, A. U. (1987). The learning strategies of ESL students. In A. Wenden & J. Rubin (Eds.), Learner strategies in language learning (pp. 71-83). London: Prentice Hall International.
  • Chamot, A., & El-Dinary, P. B. (1999). Children’s learning strategies in language immersion classrooms. The Modern Language Journal, 83, 319-338.
  • Chamot, A. U., & Küpper, L. (1989). Learning strategies in foreign language instruction. Foreign Language Annals, 22, 13–24.
  • Chamot, A., & O’Malley, M. (1987). The cognitive academic language learning approach: A bridge to the mainstream. TESOL Quarterly, 21, 227-249.
  • Chastain, K. (1988). Developing second-language skills theory and practice (3rd ed.). Orlando: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
  • Cohen, A. D. (1990). Language learning: Insights for learners, teachers, and researchers. Boston: Heinle.
  • Cohen, A. D. (1998). Strategies in learning and using a second language. London: Longman.
  • Cook, V. (2001). Second language learning and language teaching (3rd ed.). London: Edward Arnold.
  • Corno, L., & Kanfer, R. (1993). The role of volition in learning and performance. In L. Darling-Hammond (Ed.), Review of research in education (Vol. 21, pp. 301-341). Itasca, IL: FE Peacock.
  • Demirel, Ö. (1992). ELT methodology. Ankara: USEM Publications.
  • Dörnyei, Z. (2001). Motivational strategies in the language classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Dörnyei, Z, & Skehan, P. (2003). Individual differences in second language learning. In C. J. Doughty & M. H. Long (Eds.), The handbook of second language acquisition (pp. 589-630). Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Ellis Ormrod, J. (2006). Educational psychology: Developing learners (5th ed.). New Jersey: Pearson.
  • Ehrman, M. E., & Oxford, R. L. (1988). Effects of sex differences, career choice, and psychological type on adult language learning strategies. The Modern Language Journal, 72, 253-265.
  • Ehrman, M. E., & Oxford, R. (1990). Adult language learning styles and strategies in an intensive training setting. The Modern Language Journal, 74, 311–327.
  • Ehrman, M. E., & Oxford, R. L. (1995). Cognition plus: correlates of language learning success. The Modern Language Journal, 79, 67–89.
  • Green, J. M., & Oxford, R. (1995). A closer look at learning strategies, L2 proficiency, and gender. TESOL Quarterly, 29, 261-297.
  • Griffiths, C. (2003). Patterns of language learning strategy use. System, 31, 367–383.
  • Hedge, T. (2000). Teaching and learning in the language classroom. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Hong-Nam, K., & Leavell, A. G. (2006). Language learning strategy use of ESL students in an intensive English learning context. System, 34, 399– 415.
  • Hosenfeld, C. (1976). Learning about learning: Discovering our students’ strategies. Foreign Language Annals, 9, 117-129.
  • Hosenfeld, C. (1984). Case studies of ninth grade readers. In J. C. Alderson & A. H. Urquhart (Eds.), Reading in a foreign language (pp. 231-249). London: Longman.
  • Hsiao, T. Y., & Oxford, R. L. (2002). Comparing theories of language learning strategies: A confirmatory factor analysis. Modern Language Journal, 86, 368-383.
  • Johnson, K. (2001). An introduction to foreign language learning and teaching. London: Longman.
  • Krashen, S. D. (1985). The input hypothesis: Issues and implications. Beverly Hills: Laredo.
  • Kuhl, J. (1987). Action control: The maintenance of motivational states. In F. Halisch & J. Kuhl (Eds.), Motivation, intention and volition (pp. 279- 291). Berlin: Springer.
  • LoCastro, V. (1994). Learning strategies and learning environments. TESOL Quarterly, 28, 409-414.
  • Macaro, E. (2006). Strategies for language learning and for language use: Revising the theoretical framework. The Modern Language Journal, 90, 320-337.
  • McNeil, J. D. (1987). Reading comprehension: New directions for classroom practice (2nd ed.). Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman & Company.
  • Mogogwe, J. M., & Oliver, R. (2007). The relationship between language learning strategies, proficiency, age and self-efficacy beliefs: A study of language in Botswana. System, 35, 338-352.
  • Naiman, N., Fröhlich, M., Stern, H. H., & Todesco, A. (1978). The good language learner. Toronto: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
  • Naiman, N., Fröhlich, M., & Todesco, A. (1975). The good second language learner. TESL Talk, 6, 58–75.
  • National Research Council. (2000). How people learn: Brain, mind, experience, and school (Expanded ed.). Washington, D C: National Academy Press.
  • Nyikos, M., & Oxford, R. (1993). A factor analytic study of language-learning strategy use: Interpretations from information-processing theory and social psychology. The Modern Language Journal, 77, 11–22.
  • O’Malley, C., & Chamot, A. U. (1990). Learning strategies in second language acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • O’Malley, J. M., Chamot, A. U., Stewner-Manzanares, G., Küpper, L., & Russo, R. P. (1985). Learning strategies used by beginning and intermediate ESL students. Language Learning, 35, 21-46.
  • O’Malley, J. M., Chamot, A. U., Stewner-Manzanares, G., Russo, R. P., & Küpper, L. (1985). Learning strategy application with students of English as a second language. TESOL Quarterly, 19, 557–584.
  • Oxford, R. L. (1989). Use of language learning strategies: a synthesis of studies with implications for strategy training. System 17, 235–247.
  • Oxford, R. L. (1990). Language learning strategies: What every teacher should know. New York: Newbury House Publishers.
  • Oxford, R. L. (2001a). Language learning styles and strategies. In M. Celce- Murcia (Ed.), Teaching English as a second or foreign language. Boston: Heinle & Heinle.
  • Oxford, R. L. (2001b). Language learning strategies. In R. Carter & D. Nunan (Eds.), The Cambridge guide to teaching English to speakers of other languages (pp. 166-172). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Oxford, R. L. (2002). Language learning strategies in a nutshell: Update and ESL suggestions. In J. C. Richards & W. A. Renandya (Eds.), Methodology in Language Teaching (pp. 124-132). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Oxford, R. (2003). Language learning styles and strategies: An overview. Oxford: GALA. Retrieved October 12, 2011 from
  • Oxford, R. L., & Cohen, A. D. (1992). Language learning strategies: Crucial issues of concept and classification. Applied Language Learning, 3(1- 2), 1-35.
  • Oxford, R. L., & Crookall, D. (1989). Research on language learning strategies: Methods, findings, and instructional issues. Modern Language Journal, 73, 404-419.
  • Oxford, R. L., & Ehrman, M. (1988). Psychological type and adult language learning strategies: A pilot study. Journal of Psychological Type, 16, 22-32.
  • Oxford, R. L., & Ehrman, M. (1995). Adult’s language learning strategies in an intensive foreign language program in the United States. System, 23, 359–386.
  • Oxford, R. L., & Nyikos, M., (1989). Variables affecting choice of language learning strategies by university students. The Modern Language Journal, 73, 291-300.
  • Phakiti, A. (2003). A closer look at the relationship of cognitive and metacognitive strategy use to EFL reading achievement test performance. Language Testing, 20, 26-56.
  • Politzer, R. (1983). An exploratory study of self-reported language learning behaviors and their relation to achievement. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 6, 54–65.
  • Porte, G. (1988). Poor language learners and their strategies for dealing with new vocabulary. ELT Journal, 42(3), 167–171.
  • Pressley, M., & Afflerbach, P. (1995). Verbal protocols of reading: The nature of constructively responsive reading. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Razı, N. (2009). An investigation into understanding the relationship between learner beliefs and strategies concerning language learning: Reshaping and changing learner awareness. Unpublished master’s thesis, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Çanakkale, Turkey.
  • Razı, S. (2008). The impact of learning multiple foreign languages on using metacognitive reading strategies. The Reading Matrix 8(1), 117- 138.Retrieved October 12, 2011 from
  • Reid, J. M. (Ed.). (1998). Understanding learning styles in the second language classroom. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents.
  • Richards, J. C., & Lockhart, C. (1996). Reflective teaching in second language classrooms. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Richards, J. C., & Renandya, W. A. (Eds.) (2002). Methodology in language teaching: an anthology of current practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Rubin, J. (1975). What the “good language learner” can teach us. TESOL Quarterly, 9(1), 41-51.
  • Rubin, J. (1981). The study of cognitive processes in second language learning. Applied Linguistics, 2,117-131.
  • Scarcella, R., & Oxford, R. (1992). The tapestry of language learning: The individual in the communicative classroom. Boston: Heinle & Heinle.
  • Shen, H. H. (2005). An investigation of Chinese-character learning strategies among non-native speakers of Chinese. System, 33, 49-68.
  • Singhal, M. (2001). Reading proficiency, reading strategies, metacognitive awareness and L2 readers. The Reading Matrix, 1(1), 1-23. Retrieved October 12, 2011 from
  • Stern, H. H. (1975). What can we learn from the good language learner? Canadian Modern Language Review, 34, 304–318.
  • Taguchi, T. (2002). Learner factors affecting the use of learning strategies in cross-cultural contexts. Prospect, 17(2), 18-31.
  • Vann, R. J., & Abraham, R. G. (1990). Strategies of unsuccessful language learners. TESOL Quarterly, 24, 177-198.
  • Weinstein, C. E., & Mayer, R. E. (1986). The teaching of learning strategies. In M. Wittrock (Ed.), Handbook of research on teaching (pp. 315-327). New York: Macmillan.
  • Weinstein, C. E., Meyer, D. K., Husman, J., Stone, G. V. M., & McKeachie, W. J. (1999). Teaching students how to learn. In W. J. McKeachie (Ed.), Teaching tips: Strategies, research, and theory for college and university teachers (pp. 312-325). Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Toplam 80 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Salim Razı

Yayımlanma Tarihi 14 Ocak 2013
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Ocak 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Razı, S. (2013). İngilizceyi Yabancı Dil Olarak Öğrenen Türk Öğrencilerin Kullandıkları Dil Öğrenme Stratejileri. Eğitimde Kuram Ve Uygulama, 8(1), 94-119.