Öğretmen Adaylarının Yabancı Dil Sınıfında Ana Dili Kullanma Biçimleri: Bir Vaka İncelemesi
Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 118 - 127, 05.04.2018
Perihan Korkut
Sabriye Şener
Farklı teorik çerçevelere bağlı olarak, ikinci
ve yabancı dil sınıflarında öğrencilerin ana dili kullanımı hakkında farklı
görüşler vardır. Bazıları, hedef dile azami maruz kalmanın gerekli olduğu
görüşünü savunurken bazıları da ana dilin (D1) kullanımı görüşünü kabul
etmektedirler. İngiliz dili eğitimi (ELT) bölümlerinde, eğitimlerinin sonuna
doğru öğrenciler, D1 meselesi ile ilgili ana dilin yabancı dil sınıflarında
nasıl kullanılması gerektiği hakkında belirli bir felsefe oluştururlar ve
uygulama okullarına devam ederken bilinçlerini arttırırlar. Vaka incelemesi
türündeki bu çalışmada farklı görüşlerdeki altı öğretmen adayının ana dili
kullanımına ilişkin ifade ettikleri inançları ve sınıfta yaptıkları
uygulamaların ne kadar uyuştuğu incelenmiştir. Bunun için öğrencilerin 2016-2017 akademik
yılı bahar döneminde öğretmenlik uygulaması dersi kapsamında yaptıkları dersler
kaydedilmiş ve uyarılmış geri çağırma yöntemi ile görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Ana
dilin kullanımının kesinlikle sınırlandırılması gerektiği görüşünde olan
öğretmen adaylarının derslerinde bunu uygulamaya koydukları, ancak ana dilin
yasaklanmaması gerektiğini düşünen grup içindeki öğrencilerin başlangıçtaki
düşüncelerinden farklı davrandıkları belirlenmiştir.
- Auerbach, E.R. (1993). Re-examining English only in the ESL classroom. TESOL Quarterly, 27(1). Retrieved from www.ncela.us
- Bilgin, S.S. (2015). Code switching in ELT teaching practice in Turkey: Teacher practices, beliefs and identity. Unpublished thesis. The University of Warwick, Centre for applied linguistics.
- Cai, G., & Cook, G. (2015). Extensive own-language use: A case study of tertiary English language teaching in China. Classroom Discourse, 6(3), 242-266. DOI: 10.1080/19463014.2015.1095104
- Cook, V. (2001). Using the first language in the classroom. The Canadian Modern Language Review, 57,3, 402-423.
- Dailey-O’Cain, J., & Liebscher, B. (2015). Primary language use in foreign language classrooms. In M.Bigelow & J. Ennser-Kananen (Eds.). The Routledge Handbook of Educational Linguistics (pp.327-338). New York: Routledge.
- Duff, P.A., & Polio, C.G. (1990). How much foreign language is there in the foreign language classroom? The Modern Language Journal, 74(2), 154-166.
- Ellis, R. (2011). The study of second language acquisition (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
- Elridge, J. (1996). Code-switching in a Turkish secondary school. ELT Journal, 50,4, 303-311.
- Fairclough, N. (2003). Analyzing discourse: Textual analysis for social research. London: Routledge.
- Gabrielatos, C. (2001). L1 use in ELT: Not a skeleton, but a bone of contention. A response to Prodromou. Bridges, 6, 33-35.
- Gardner, B. & Gardner, F. (2000) Classroom English. Oxford University Press: Oxford.
- Göksu, A., Büyükkarcı, K., & Genç, B. (2013). The effect of practicum on the discipline orientations of pre-service teachers. International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET), 1(1), 2-10.
- Gulzar, M. A. (2010). Code-switching: Awareness about its utility in bilingual classrooms. Bulletin of Education and Research, 32,2, 23-44.
- Harbord, J. (1992). The use of the mother tongue in the classroom. ELT Journal, 46 (4), 350-355.
- Harmer, J. (2001). The practice of English language learning (3rd ed.). China: Pearson Education Limited.
- Kafes, H. (2011). A Neglected resource or an overvalued illusion: L1 use in the foreign language classroom. International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications. 2, 2, 128-140.
- Kahraman, A. (2009). The role of mother tongue in fostering affective factors in ELT classrooms. English as an International Language Journal, 5, 107-128.
- Kayaoğlu, M.N. (2012). The use of mother tongue in foreign language teaching from teachers’ practice and perspective. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 32, 2, 25-35.
- Larsen-Freeman, D., & Anderson, M. (2011). Techniques and principles in language teaching (3rd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Macaro, E. (2005). Codeswitching in the L2 classroom: A communication and learning strategy. In E.Llurda (Ed.). Non-Native Language Teachers: Perceptions, challenges and contributions to the profession (pp.63-84). Springer: New York.
- Özçelik, N. (2013). Mother tongue use in French foreign language classrooms. Turkish Studies - International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, 8, 10, 541-553.
- Paker, T., & Karaağaç, Ö. (2015). The use and functions of mother tongue in EFL classes. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 199, 111-119.
- Parks, S. (2015). Maximizing target language use in a pre-service practicum: Tensions, power,and identity formation. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign language, 19, 1-12.
- Polio, C., & Duff, P.A. (1994). Teachers’ language use in university foreign language classrooms: A qualitative analysis of English and target language alternation. The Modern Language Journal, 78(3), 313-326.
- Salı, P. (2014). An analysis of the teachers’ use of L1 in Turkish EFL classrooms. System, 42, 308-318.
- Sarıçoban, A. (2010). Should Native Language Be Allowed in Foreign Language Classes? Eğitim Arastırmaları-Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 38, 164-178.
- Schweers, W. Jr. (1999). Using L1 in the L2 classroom. English Teaching Forum, 37, 2, 6-9.
- Şener, S., Korkut, P. (2017).Teacher trainees’ awareness regarding mother tongue use in English as a foreign language classes.Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 13(1), 41-61.
- Solhi, M., & Büyükyazı, M. (2011). The use of first language in the EFL classroom: A facilitating or debilitating device? In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Foreign Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- Üstünel, E. (2009). The Sequential Organization of Code-Switching in EFL Classrooms. Verlag Dr. Müller: Saarbrücken.
- Van der Meij, H., & Zhao, X. (2010). Codeswitching in English courses in Chinese universities. The Modern Language Journal, 94(3), 369-411. DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-4781.2010.01090.x0026-7902/10/396–411
- Yatağanbaba, E., & Yıldırım, R. (2015). EFL teachers’ code-switching in Turkish secondary EFL young language learner classrooms. International Journal of Linguistics, 7, 1, 82-101.
Teacher Trainees’ Use Of Mother Tongue in EFL Classes: A Case Study
Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 118 - 127, 05.04.2018
Perihan Korkut
Sabriye Şener
There are different views about the use of
native language of learners (L1) in second and foreign language (FL) classes
depending on different theoretical frameworks. Some hold the view that maximum
exposure to the target language is necessary but some others favour the use the
L1. In the English language teaching (ELT) departments, trainees form a clearly
established philosophy regarding the L1 issue by the end to their training and
increase their consciousness during their practicum. However, since they have
little practical experience, these philosophies might not always translate to
effective classroom practices. This is a case study which aims to capture the
degree of congruence between six teacher trainees’ stated beliefs and
intentions and their actual performances related to L1use in the FL classroom.
The trainees’ lessons during their practicum demo lessons were recorded and
stimulated recall interviews were held. The findings indicate that the trainees
who strictly believe that L1 should be kept to a minimum acted in line with
this philosophy. On the other hand, trainees who advocate some certain
functions to L1 in the classroom, acted differently from their stated
- Auerbach, E.R. (1993). Re-examining English only in the ESL classroom. TESOL Quarterly, 27(1). Retrieved from www.ncela.us
- Bilgin, S.S. (2015). Code switching in ELT teaching practice in Turkey: Teacher practices, beliefs and identity. Unpublished thesis. The University of Warwick, Centre for applied linguistics.
- Cai, G., & Cook, G. (2015). Extensive own-language use: A case study of tertiary English language teaching in China. Classroom Discourse, 6(3), 242-266. DOI: 10.1080/19463014.2015.1095104
- Cook, V. (2001). Using the first language in the classroom. The Canadian Modern Language Review, 57,3, 402-423.
- Dailey-O’Cain, J., & Liebscher, B. (2015). Primary language use in foreign language classrooms. In M.Bigelow & J. Ennser-Kananen (Eds.). The Routledge Handbook of Educational Linguistics (pp.327-338). New York: Routledge.
- Duff, P.A., & Polio, C.G. (1990). How much foreign language is there in the foreign language classroom? The Modern Language Journal, 74(2), 154-166.
- Ellis, R. (2011). The study of second language acquisition (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
- Elridge, J. (1996). Code-switching in a Turkish secondary school. ELT Journal, 50,4, 303-311.
- Fairclough, N. (2003). Analyzing discourse: Textual analysis for social research. London: Routledge.
- Gabrielatos, C. (2001). L1 use in ELT: Not a skeleton, but a bone of contention. A response to Prodromou. Bridges, 6, 33-35.
- Gardner, B. & Gardner, F. (2000) Classroom English. Oxford University Press: Oxford.
- Göksu, A., Büyükkarcı, K., & Genç, B. (2013). The effect of practicum on the discipline orientations of pre-service teachers. International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET), 1(1), 2-10.
- Gulzar, M. A. (2010). Code-switching: Awareness about its utility in bilingual classrooms. Bulletin of Education and Research, 32,2, 23-44.
- Harbord, J. (1992). The use of the mother tongue in the classroom. ELT Journal, 46 (4), 350-355.
- Harmer, J. (2001). The practice of English language learning (3rd ed.). China: Pearson Education Limited.
- Kafes, H. (2011). A Neglected resource or an overvalued illusion: L1 use in the foreign language classroom. International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications. 2, 2, 128-140.
- Kahraman, A. (2009). The role of mother tongue in fostering affective factors in ELT classrooms. English as an International Language Journal, 5, 107-128.
- Kayaoğlu, M.N. (2012). The use of mother tongue in foreign language teaching from teachers’ practice and perspective. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 32, 2, 25-35.
- Larsen-Freeman, D., & Anderson, M. (2011). Techniques and principles in language teaching (3rd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Macaro, E. (2005). Codeswitching in the L2 classroom: A communication and learning strategy. In E.Llurda (Ed.). Non-Native Language Teachers: Perceptions, challenges and contributions to the profession (pp.63-84). Springer: New York.
- Özçelik, N. (2013). Mother tongue use in French foreign language classrooms. Turkish Studies - International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, 8, 10, 541-553.
- Paker, T., & Karaağaç, Ö. (2015). The use and functions of mother tongue in EFL classes. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 199, 111-119.
- Parks, S. (2015). Maximizing target language use in a pre-service practicum: Tensions, power,and identity formation. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign language, 19, 1-12.
- Polio, C., & Duff, P.A. (1994). Teachers’ language use in university foreign language classrooms: A qualitative analysis of English and target language alternation. The Modern Language Journal, 78(3), 313-326.
- Salı, P. (2014). An analysis of the teachers’ use of L1 in Turkish EFL classrooms. System, 42, 308-318.
- Sarıçoban, A. (2010). Should Native Language Be Allowed in Foreign Language Classes? Eğitim Arastırmaları-Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 38, 164-178.
- Schweers, W. Jr. (1999). Using L1 in the L2 classroom. English Teaching Forum, 37, 2, 6-9.
- Şener, S., Korkut, P. (2017).Teacher trainees’ awareness regarding mother tongue use in English as a foreign language classes.Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 13(1), 41-61.
- Solhi, M., & Büyükyazı, M. (2011). The use of first language in the EFL classroom: A facilitating or debilitating device? In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Foreign Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- Üstünel, E. (2009). The Sequential Organization of Code-Switching in EFL Classrooms. Verlag Dr. Müller: Saarbrücken.
- Van der Meij, H., & Zhao, X. (2010). Codeswitching in English courses in Chinese universities. The Modern Language Journal, 94(3), 369-411. DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-4781.2010.01090.x0026-7902/10/396–411
- Yatağanbaba, E., & Yıldırım, R. (2015). EFL teachers’ code-switching in Turkish secondary EFL young language learner classrooms. International Journal of Linguistics, 7, 1, 82-101.