Muhammed b. Abdulkerim eş-Şehrestânî’nin el-Milel ve’n-nihal adlı
eseri, İslam Mezhepleri Tarihi anabilim dalının en önemli klasiklerinden
biridir. On ikinci yüzyılda yazılmış bu eser, sistematik oluşu ve mümkün
mertebe taassup güdülmeden betimsel bir anlatıma sahip olması yönüyle
benzerlerinden farklı bir konuma sahiptir. Bu değerli eser önemine binaen on
yedinci yüzyılda yaşamış bir Osmanlı âlimi olan Nûh b. Mustafa tarafından
Tercüme-i Milel ve nihal adıyla Türkçeye çevrilmiştir. Bu makalede el-Milel
ve’n-nihal’in adı geçen Türkçe çevirisi ana metinle mukayese edilerek çevirinin
mahiyeti hakkında bilgi verilecektir. İlgili çeviri metnin Türkiye Yazmalar
Kataloğunda 20’den fazla nüshası bulunmaktadır. Biz bu makalede mütercimin
vefatından 40 yıl sonra yazılmış 1701 tarihli en eski yazmayı esas almakla
birlikte bir de zaman zaman işaret etmek üzere 1860 tarihli başka bir yazmadan
yararlanacağız. Bu makalemiz bir taraftan adı geçen çeviriyle ilgili malumat
verirken diğer taraftan on yedinci yüzyılda tercüme anlayışının nasıl olduğuna
dair somut bir örnek olacaktır.
İslam Mezhepleri Tarihi Fırak Makâlât Şehrestâni Nûh b. Mustafa Milel ve Nihal Tercüme-i Milel
Makalede kullanılan 3 adet yazma eser Yazma Eserler Kurumu Başkanlığından temin edilmiştir. İlgili kuruma en içten dileklerimle teşekkür ederim.
Muhammad b. Abdulkarim al Shahrastani’s book al Milal
and nihal is one of the most important classics in the field of history of
Islamic Sects. This work, which was written in the twelfth century, has a
different position than its peers in that it is systematic and has a
descriptive narrative without fanaticism as much as possible. Due to the
importance of this valuable work, Nuh b. Mustafa an Ottoman scholar who lived
in the seventeenth century, translated it into Turkish with the name of
Tercüme-i Milal and nihal. In this article, the Turkish translation of al Milal
and nihal will be compared with the main text and the nature and content of the
translation will be given. There are more than 20 copies of this book in the
Turkey Manuscripts Catalogues. In this study, we will take advantage of an
early manuscript dated 1701 written 40 years after death of the translator and
use sometimes another manuscript dated 1860. This article will give information
about the nature of translation on the hand, and on the other hand it will be a
conrete example of how was the understanding of translation in the seventeenth
The History of Islamic Sects denomination maqalat Shahrastani Nuh b. Mustafa Milal and nihal Tercüme-i Milal
Muhammad b. Abdulkarim al Shahrastani’s book al Milal
and nihal is one of the most important classics in the field of history of
Islamic Sects. This work, which was written in the twelfth century, has a
different position than its peers in that it is systematic and has a
descriptive narrative without fanaticism as much as possible. Due to the
importance of this valuable work, Nuh b. Mustafa an Ottoman scholar who lived
in the seventeenth century, translated it into Turkish with the name of
Tercüme-i Milal and nihal. In this article, the Turkish translation of al Milal
and nihal will be compared with the main text and the nature and content of the
translation will be given. There are more than 20 copies of this book in the
Turkey Manuscripts Catalogues. In this study, we will take advantage of an
early manuscript dated 1701 written 40 years after death of the translator and
use sometimes another manuscript dated 1860. This article will give information
about the nature of translation on the hand, and on the other hand it will be a
conrete example of how was the understanding of translation in the seventeenth
The book of al-Milal and nihal of
Shahrastani (d.548/1153) is one of the most important early sources
of the History of the Islamic Sects and It was also translated into Turkish in
the 17th century due to its importance.
We compared the Ottoman scholar Nuh
b. Mustafa’s (d. 1070/1660) Turkish translation of al Milal and nihal
with the main text and in this comparative study we reached the following
First of all, Nuh b. Mustafa’s book Tercüme-i
Milal and Nihal is not a complete translation of al Shahrastani’s book al-Milal
and nihal. Because as the translator Nuh b. Mustafa pointed out at the
beginning of the manuscript as “tebdil ve tağyire muhtaç olan mevâzi‘de ziyâde
ve noksanla tasarruf olundu” he made some additions and extractions where
necessary. In fact, considering this work belongs to the 17th century, it would
not be realistic to expect a full translation for those periods. As can be seen
in many similar examples, in the past, “the translation” has been done in the
form of summary, subtractive, semi-copyrigyt and semi-translations depending
entirely on the initiative of the translator.
The printed publications of Shahrastani’s
al Milal and nihal.are based on the text edited by Mohammed Sayyid Kaylani
in 1961. Because the book chapters and subheadings in the printed publication
of al Milal were made by Kaylani for the first time, the other
publications used this classification of Kaylani even though they did not
express this.
When we compare the volume of Kaylani
and the two different copies of tranlation belonging to Nuh b. Mustafa, there
is a big difference in terms of content and scope. In the first part of the
book, where the voluminous part of the Islamic Sects and the denominations of
Jews, Christians and others are considered, the translation has been partially
summarized and in some places additional information were included. In the second
part al Ahwa and Nihal section of the book, which describes non-celestial human
sects, the subject is dealt with in a very brief manner, roughly 10% of the
main text.
The translator Nuh b. Mustafa did
not address some of the controversial issues contained in the main text in the
translation and he added some issues that were not in the main text to the
translation. Behind this attitude, it is very likely that there is an individual
motive such as giving the public the necessary information and not making
contact with confusing issues.
Shahrastani said that he would
endeavor to explain Islamic Sects based on their own resources without showing
any fanaticism, while Nuh b. Mustafa started his translation with 73 sects
hadith narrated in the context of Fırka-i Nâciye and Fırka-i Dâlle. He handled
the non-Ahl al-Sunnah denominations critically.
Another remarkable point in the
translation text is that the translator does not comply with the order of
contents of the main text. For example Shahrastani in the context of having
opposing ideas of sects in terms of tavhed, God’s attributes, justice, promise
and threat (al waad val waid), unseen matters (samiyyat) and reason handled the
denominations Mu‘tazila, Jabriya, Sıfatiya, al Hawaric, Murjia, Shi‘a and Ahl
al Furu (Ashab al Hadits and Ashab al Ray together) recpectively, while Nuh b.
Mustafa handled the issue in order of Mu‘tazila, Shia, al Hawaric, Murjia,
Najjariya, Jabriya and al Musabbiha. The author has dealt with sects under the
title of Islamic Sects while the translator has made the distinction between
Fırka-i Dalla and Fırka-i Najiya and he handled the sects under the title of
Heretic Sects. Again under the title Fırka-i Nâciye, which is not in the main
text, he has long explained the beliefs of ahl al Sunnah and al Jamaat. In this
appendix, he put forward the contradictory views of the sects which he saw as
Fırka-i Dâlle and took an attitude of almost rejecting them. He gave plenty of
examples from Hanafi fatwa books to confirm his views.
In the main text, Shi‘a is presented
in sixth place in accordance with its historical chronology, while the
translation is described it in the second place immediately after Mu‘tazila. In
the section about the Shi'a, the translation text is not very adhered to the main
text. A subjective narrative Shi'a narration based on Ghulat-ı Shi‘a was
preferred. Although the Imamism, which constitutes the greatest majority of
Shi'a in the past and present, has long been included in the main text, it has
not been adequately translated. The reason for this may be that the
Ottoman-Safavid struggle continued in the form of Sunni-Shiite opposition by
moving to the field of religion in the 17th century political conditions where
the translation was made. Therefore, this translation can be considered as a
kind of social engineering example.
Consequently, Nuh b. Mustafa’s translation
of Shahrastani’s al Milal and nihal is not a literally complete
translation. It is a partial translation and in this respect, it would not be
wrong to say that this work is a semi-translation, semi-copyrighted work.
The History of Islamic Sects denomination maqalat Shahrastani Nuh b. Mustafa Milal and Nihal Tercüme-i Milal
Birincil Dil | Türkçe |
Konular | Din Araştırmaları |
Bölüm | Makaleler |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 31 Aralık 2019 |
Gönderilme Tarihi | 12 Eylül 2019 |
Kabul Tarihi | 13 Kasım 2019 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2019 |
_____________________________________ ISSN 1309-5803 e-Makâlât Mezhep Araştırmaları Dergisi _______________________________