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Effect of different phosphine gas concentrations against Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande, 1895) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on tomato and green pepper fruit, and determination of fruit quality after application under low-temperature storage conditions

Yıl 2018, , 85 - 92, 08.05.2018


            In this study, we investigated the control of western flower thrips [Frankliniella occidentalis(Pergande, 1895) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)], which is an important pest in tomato and green pepper growing areas in Turkey, under cold storage conditions with phosphine fumigation. The trials were conducted in Mersin in 2015, due to infestations of F. occidentalisdamaging the export quality of tomatoes and green peppers. The experiments were conducted by using ECO2FUME®with different phosphine gas concentrations including 500, 1000 and 2000 ppm. Fumigation chambers were kept at 4ºC. Lowest mortality was seen at 500 ppm gas concentration with 72% for larval stage on tomatoes and 73.75% mortality for pupal stage on green pepper. The data demonstrate that the minimum requirementof phosphine gas concentration 100% mortality of all stages of F. occidentaliswas at 2000 ppm. The quality of treated fruit was investigated by analyzing weight loss, sensory quality, fruit firmness, fruit skin color, total soluble solids, titratable acidity contents, physiological and pathological disorders. After treatment, there were no changes in physiologic, pathological and shelf-life properties of the products. The results indicated that, phosphine is a suitable fumigant at low temperature for disinfestion of F. occidentalisfrom tomatoes and green peppers before shipment.


  • Allen, W. R. & A. B. Broadbent, 1986. Transmission of tomato spotted wilt virus in Ontario glasshouses by Frankliniella occidentalis. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 8 (1): 33-38.
  • Anonymous, 2016. Online database of the Turkish Statistical Institute (Web page: id=1001) (Date accessed: 15.10.2017).
  • Chaudhry, M. Q., 1997. A review of the mechanisms involved in the action of phosphine as an insecticide and phosphine resistance in stored-product insects. Pesticide Science, 49: 213-228.
  • Daughtrey, M. L., R. K. Jones, J. W. Moyer, M. E. Daub & J. R. Baker, 1997. Tospoviruses strike the greenhouse industry: INSV has become a major pathogen on flower crops. Plant Disease, 81 (11): 1220-1230.
  • Desmarchelier, J. M., S. E. Allen, R. Yonglin, R. Moss & V. L. Trang. 1998. Commercial-scale trials on the application of ethyl formate, carbonyl sulphide and carbon disulphide to wheat. CSIRO Entomology Technical Report No. 75: 63.
  • Do Bae, S., H. J. Kim, Y. N. Yoon, Y. H. Lee, I. Hee, H. W. K. Park & B. P. Mainali, 2015. Yellow sticky card offers composite attractiveness to western flower thrips and greenhouse whitefly. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 3 (4): 110-113.
  • Emekci, M., A. G. Ferizli, R. Goztas, A. Taner & J. P. Garnier, 2014. “ECO2FUME® fumigation protocols for effective quarantine and pre-shipment treatment of export cut flowers in Turkey, 952-957.” Proceedings of the 11th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection (24-28 November 2014 Chiang Mai, Thailand), 1124 pp.
  • Ferizli, A. G., M. Emekci, S. Tutuncu & S. Navarro, 2004. The efficiency of phosphine fumigation against dried fruit pests in Turkey. IOBC WPRS Bulletin, 27 (9): 265-270.
  • Heintz, C. M. & A. A. Kader, 1983. Procedures for the Sensory Evaluation of Horticultural Crops. HortScience, 18 (1): 18-22.
  • Kütük, H., M. Karacaoğlu, M. Tüfekli & R. T. Villanueva, 2016. Failure of biological control of Frankliniella occidentalis on protected eggplants using Amblyseius swirskii in the Mediterranean region of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 40: 13-17.
  • Liu, Y. B., 2008. Low temperature phosphine fumigation for postharvest control of Western flower thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on lettuce, broccoli, asparagus, and strawberry. Journal of Economic Entomology, 101 (6): 1786-1791.
  • Liu, Y. B., 2011. Low-temperature phosphine fumigation of chilled lettuce under insulated cover for postharvest control of western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 14: 323-325.
  • McGuire, R. G., 1992. Reporting of objective color measurements. HortScience, 27 (12): 1254-1255.
  • Meyvaci, K. B. & F. Sen, 2007. The effects of magnesium phosphide applications on dried fig quality (Turkish). Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 44: 29-40.
  • Rogers, D. J., B. L. Bycroft, K. G. Somerfield, D. W. Brash, D. Klementz, L. M. Cole, N. Sharma, N. M. Taylor, B. B. C. Page, P. G. Connolly & B. C. Waddel, 2013. Efficacy of phosphine fumigation of apples for codling moth (Cydia pomonella) disinfestation. New Zealand Plant Protection, 66: 75-81.
  • Seaton, K. & D. Joyce, 2010. Postharvest insect disinfestation treatments for cut flowers and foliage. DAFWA, Note: 319 (Web page: (Date accessed: 12.03.2016).
  • Sen, F., K. B. Meyvaci, U. Aksoy, M. Emekci & A. G. Ferizli, 2009. Effects of the postharvest application of methyl bromide alternatives on storage pests and quality of dried figs. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 33 (4): 403-412.
  • Sen, F., U. Aksoy, M. Emekci & A. G. Ferizli, 2015. Determining effect of Phosphine (ECO2FUME®) fumigation under atmospheric and vacuum conditions on dried fig quality. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 24 (6): 2046-2051.
  • Tunç, I., S. Ünal Bahsi & H. Göçmen, 2012. Thysanoptera fauna of the Aegean region, Turkey, in the spring. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 36 (5): 592-606.
  • Zhang, F., Y. Wang, T. Liu, L. Li & T. Li, 2012. Effects of low temperature phosphine fumigation on postharvest quality of white chrysanthemum ‘Dabaiju’. Science Horticulture, 142: 92-97.

Farklı fosfin gaz konsantrasyonlarının düşük sıcaklık depolama koşullarında domates ve yeşil biberde karantina zararlısı Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande, 1895) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)’e karşı etkileri ile uygulama sonrası meyve kalitesi üzerine etkisinin belirlenmesi

Yıl 2018, , 85 - 92, 08.05.2018


Bu çalışma ile Türkiye’de domates ve yeşil biber alanlarında önemli bir zararlı olan batı çiçek tripsi [Frankliniella occidentalis(Pergande, 1895) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)]’nin soğuk hava depolama koşullarında fosfin fümigasyonu ile kontrolü araştırılmıştır. Domates ve yeşil biberin ihracat kalitesine zarar yapan F. occidentalis bulaşmasına bağlı olarak, denemeler 2015 yılında Mersin'de gerçekleştirilmiştir. Denemeler ECO2FUME®preparatı ile 500, 1000 ve 2000 ppm’lik farklı fosfin gaz konsantrasyonunda test edilmiştir. Fümigasyon birimleri 4ºC tutulmuştur. En düşük ölüm oranı 500 ppm gaz konsantrasyonunda %72 ile domateste larva döneminde, yeşil biberde ise %73.75 ölüm oranı ile pupa döneminde görülmüştür. Çalışmadan elde edilen verilere göre batı çiçek tripsi’nin bütün dönemlerinin ölümü için en az 2000 ppm’lik gaz konsantrasyonunun gerekli olduğu ortaya konmuştur. Uygulama yapılan meyvenin kalitesi, ağırlık kaybı, duyusal kalite, meyve sıkılığı, meyve rengi, toplam çözünebilir katı madde, titrasyon asitliği içeriği, fizyolojik ve patolojik bozukluklar analiz edilerek incelenmiştir. Fosfin uygulamasından sonra ürünlerde fizyolojik, patolojik ve raf ömrü üzerinde herhangi bir değişim olmamıştır. Sonuçlar, taşıma öncesinde düşük sıcaklıkta F. occidentalis'in domates ve yeşil biberden dezenfekte edilmesi için fosfinin uygulanabileceğini ortaya koymuştur.


  • Allen, W. R. & A. B. Broadbent, 1986. Transmission of tomato spotted wilt virus in Ontario glasshouses by Frankliniella occidentalis. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 8 (1): 33-38.
  • Anonymous, 2016. Online database of the Turkish Statistical Institute (Web page: id=1001) (Date accessed: 15.10.2017).
  • Chaudhry, M. Q., 1997. A review of the mechanisms involved in the action of phosphine as an insecticide and phosphine resistance in stored-product insects. Pesticide Science, 49: 213-228.
  • Daughtrey, M. L., R. K. Jones, J. W. Moyer, M. E. Daub & J. R. Baker, 1997. Tospoviruses strike the greenhouse industry: INSV has become a major pathogen on flower crops. Plant Disease, 81 (11): 1220-1230.
  • Desmarchelier, J. M., S. E. Allen, R. Yonglin, R. Moss & V. L. Trang. 1998. Commercial-scale trials on the application of ethyl formate, carbonyl sulphide and carbon disulphide to wheat. CSIRO Entomology Technical Report No. 75: 63.
  • Do Bae, S., H. J. Kim, Y. N. Yoon, Y. H. Lee, I. Hee, H. W. K. Park & B. P. Mainali, 2015. Yellow sticky card offers composite attractiveness to western flower thrips and greenhouse whitefly. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 3 (4): 110-113.
  • Emekci, M., A. G. Ferizli, R. Goztas, A. Taner & J. P. Garnier, 2014. “ECO2FUME® fumigation protocols for effective quarantine and pre-shipment treatment of export cut flowers in Turkey, 952-957.” Proceedings of the 11th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection (24-28 November 2014 Chiang Mai, Thailand), 1124 pp.
  • Ferizli, A. G., M. Emekci, S. Tutuncu & S. Navarro, 2004. The efficiency of phosphine fumigation against dried fruit pests in Turkey. IOBC WPRS Bulletin, 27 (9): 265-270.
  • Heintz, C. M. & A. A. Kader, 1983. Procedures for the Sensory Evaluation of Horticultural Crops. HortScience, 18 (1): 18-22.
  • Kütük, H., M. Karacaoğlu, M. Tüfekli & R. T. Villanueva, 2016. Failure of biological control of Frankliniella occidentalis on protected eggplants using Amblyseius swirskii in the Mediterranean region of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 40: 13-17.
  • Liu, Y. B., 2008. Low temperature phosphine fumigation for postharvest control of Western flower thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on lettuce, broccoli, asparagus, and strawberry. Journal of Economic Entomology, 101 (6): 1786-1791.
  • Liu, Y. B., 2011. Low-temperature phosphine fumigation of chilled lettuce under insulated cover for postharvest control of western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 14: 323-325.
  • McGuire, R. G., 1992. Reporting of objective color measurements. HortScience, 27 (12): 1254-1255.
  • Meyvaci, K. B. & F. Sen, 2007. The effects of magnesium phosphide applications on dried fig quality (Turkish). Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 44: 29-40.
  • Rogers, D. J., B. L. Bycroft, K. G. Somerfield, D. W. Brash, D. Klementz, L. M. Cole, N. Sharma, N. M. Taylor, B. B. C. Page, P. G. Connolly & B. C. Waddel, 2013. Efficacy of phosphine fumigation of apples for codling moth (Cydia pomonella) disinfestation. New Zealand Plant Protection, 66: 75-81.
  • Seaton, K. & D. Joyce, 2010. Postharvest insect disinfestation treatments for cut flowers and foliage. DAFWA, Note: 319 (Web page: (Date accessed: 12.03.2016).
  • Sen, F., K. B. Meyvaci, U. Aksoy, M. Emekci & A. G. Ferizli, 2009. Effects of the postharvest application of methyl bromide alternatives on storage pests and quality of dried figs. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 33 (4): 403-412.
  • Sen, F., U. Aksoy, M. Emekci & A. G. Ferizli, 2015. Determining effect of Phosphine (ECO2FUME®) fumigation under atmospheric and vacuum conditions on dried fig quality. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 24 (6): 2046-2051.
  • Tunç, I., S. Ünal Bahsi & H. Göçmen, 2012. Thysanoptera fauna of the Aegean region, Turkey, in the spring. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 36 (5): 592-606.
  • Zhang, F., Y. Wang, T. Liu, L. Li & T. Li, 2012. Effects of low temperature phosphine fumigation on postharvest quality of white chrysanthemum ‘Dabaiju’. Science Horticulture, 142: 92-97.
Toplam 20 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Sait Ertürk

Fatih Şen

Mustafa Alkan 0000-0001-7125-2270

Murat Ölçülü Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 8 Mayıs 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 6 Kasım 2017
Kabul Tarihi 19 Nisan 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Ertürk, S., Şen, F., Alkan, M., Ölçülü, M. (2018). Effect of different phosphine gas concentrations against Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande, 1895) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on tomato and green pepper fruit, and determination of fruit quality after application under low-temperature storage conditions. Turkish Journal of Entomology, 42(2), 85-92.
AMA Ertürk S, Şen F, Alkan M, Ölçülü M. Effect of different phosphine gas concentrations against Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande, 1895) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on tomato and green pepper fruit, and determination of fruit quality after application under low-temperature storage conditions. TED. Mayıs 2018;42(2):85-92. doi:10.16970/entoted.349683
Chicago Ertürk, Sait, Fatih Şen, Mustafa Alkan, ve Murat Ölçülü. “Effect of Different Phosphine Gas Concentrations Against Frankliniella Occidentalis (Pergande, 1895) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on Tomato and Green Pepper Fruit, and Determination of Fruit Quality After Application under Low-Temperature Storage Conditions”. Turkish Journal of Entomology 42, sy. 2 (Mayıs 2018): 85-92.
EndNote Ertürk S, Şen F, Alkan M, Ölçülü M (01 Mayıs 2018) Effect of different phosphine gas concentrations against Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande, 1895) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on tomato and green pepper fruit, and determination of fruit quality after application under low-temperature storage conditions. Turkish Journal of Entomology 42 2 85–92.
IEEE S. Ertürk, F. Şen, M. Alkan, ve M. Ölçülü, “Effect of different phosphine gas concentrations against Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande, 1895) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on tomato and green pepper fruit, and determination of fruit quality after application under low-temperature storage conditions”, TED, c. 42, sy. 2, ss. 85–92, 2018, doi: 10.16970/entoted.349683.
ISNAD Ertürk, Sait vd. “Effect of Different Phosphine Gas Concentrations Against Frankliniella Occidentalis (Pergande, 1895) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on Tomato and Green Pepper Fruit, and Determination of Fruit Quality After Application under Low-Temperature Storage Conditions”. Turkish Journal of Entomology 42/2 (Mayıs 2018), 85-92.
JAMA Ertürk S, Şen F, Alkan M, Ölçülü M. Effect of different phosphine gas concentrations against Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande, 1895) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on tomato and green pepper fruit, and determination of fruit quality after application under low-temperature storage conditions. TED. 2018;42:85–92.
MLA Ertürk, Sait vd. “Effect of Different Phosphine Gas Concentrations Against Frankliniella Occidentalis (Pergande, 1895) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on Tomato and Green Pepper Fruit, and Determination of Fruit Quality After Application under Low-Temperature Storage Conditions”. Turkish Journal of Entomology, c. 42, sy. 2, 2018, ss. 85-92, doi:10.16970/entoted.349683.
Vancouver Ertürk S, Şen F, Alkan M, Ölçülü M. Effect of different phosphine gas concentrations against Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande, 1895) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on tomato and green pepper fruit, and determination of fruit quality after application under low-temperature storage conditions. TED. 2018;42(2):85-92.