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Four new records for the Turkish Tenthredinidae (Hymenoptera) fauna

Yıl 2006, Cilt: 30 Sayı: 3, 201 - 207, 01.06.2006



  • Alkan, B., 1948. Meyva destereli arıları (Hoplocampa'lar). Mahs. Hek., 1 (5): 13-16.
  • Baş, R., 1973. Türkiye'de orman ağaçlarında zarar yapan zar kanatlılar (Hymenoptera) üzerinde araştırmalar. Orm. Bak. Orm.Gn.Md.Yay. No: 570, Seri No:23, 169 pp.
  • Benson, R. B. 1950. An introduction to the natural history of British sawflies (Hymenoptera, Symphyta). Trans. Soc. Br. Ent., Bournemouth, 10: 45-142.
  • Benson, R. B., 1951. Hymenoptera Symphyta. Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects, 6 (2a): 1-50.
  • Benson, R. B., 1952. Hymenoptera (Symphyta). Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects, 6 (2b): 51-138.
  • Benson, R. B., 1958. Hymenoptera (Symphyta). Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects, 6 (2c): 139-252.
  • Benson, R. B., 1966. A new genus of the Lycaotini (Blennocampinae) in Turkey (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae). Proc. R. Ent. Soc. Lond., (B) 35: 75-77.
  • Benson, R. B., 1968. Hymenoptera from Turkey. Symphyta. Bulletin of the British Museum (N.H.) Entomology, 22 (4): 4-207.
  • Chevin, H. & R. D. Chenon, 1982. Contribution a la faune des Hymenopteres Symphytes de Turquie. Bull. Ent. France, 87: 44-47.
  • Cingovski, J., 1980. Contribution to the knowledge on the fauna of sawflies on the mountain Galicica (Hymenoptera, Symphyta). Fragmenta Balcanica, 10 (20): 175-189.
  • Cingovski, J., 1982. Symphyta aus der sammlung des Instituts für pflanzenschutz in Belgrad (Hym., Symphyta). Fragmenta Balcanica, 9 (11): 97-110.
  • Comstock, C. H., 1964. An Introduction to Entomology. Comstock Publishing Comp., Binghampton, N. Y., 1064 pp.
  • Çalmaşur, Ö. & H. Özbek, 2004a. A contribution to the knowledge of the Tenthredinidae {Symphyta, Hymenoptera) Fauna of Turkey Part I: The Subfamily Tenthredininae. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 28: 37-54.
  • Çalmaşur, Ö. & H. Özbek, 2004b. A contribution to the knowledge of the Tenthredinidae (Symphyta, Hymenoptera) Fauna of Turkey Part II: The Subfamilies Blennocampinae, Dolerinae, Nematinae and Selandriinae. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 28: 55-71.
  • Çalmaşur, Ö. & H. Özbek, 2004c. Heterarthrus ochropoda (Klug) (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae), a New Record and a New Pest of Populus spp. (Salicaceae) in Turkey. Proc.Entomol. Soc. Wash., 106 (3): 717-721.
  • Çalmaşur, Ö. & H. Özbek, 2006. A willow Sawfly, Nematus salicis (Linnaeus) (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae), A New Record And New Pest of Salix Spp. In Turkey. Proc.Entomol. Soc. Wash., 108 (1): 139-144.
  • Fitton, M. G., M. W. R. de V. Graham, Z. R. J. Boucek, N. D. M. Fergusson, T. Huddleston, J. Quinlan & O. W. Richards, 1978. A Check List of British Insects. Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects, 11(4): 1-159.
  • Gauld, I. & B. Bolton, 1988. The Hymenoptera.Oxford University Press, 332 pp.
  • Goulet, H. & J. T. Huber, 1993. Hymenoptera of The World: An identification guide to families. Canada Communication Group-Publishing Ottawa, Canada KIA 0S9, 669 pp.
  • Guichard, K. M. & D. H. Harvey, 1967. Collecting in Turkey 1959, 1960 and 1962. Bull. Br. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Ent.), 19(4): 223-250.
  • Lacourt, P. J., 1999. Repertoire des Tenthredinidae ouest-palearctiques (Hymenoptera, Symphyta). Memories de la SEF, NO: 3, Societe entomologique de France, Juillet, Paris, 432 pp.
  • Liston, A. D., 1983a. Sawflies (Hymenoptera) from the Orkney Islands. Entomologist's Gazette, 34: 113-116.
  • Liston, A. D., 1983b. Some sawflies from Greece (Hym., Symphyta). Entom. Gesellschaft Basel, 33 (3): 85-88.
  • Liston, A. D., 1995. Compendium of European Sawflies. Chalastos Forestry, Daibersdorf 6, D-84177 Gottfrieding, Germany, 200 pp.
  • Magis, N., 2002. Tenthredinidae recoltes en Bulgarie al’aide du “piege Malaise”, sous les auspices du Musee d’Histoire Naturelle de Leiden. Notes fauniques de Gembloux, 46: 13-22.
  • Magis, N., 2003. Notes Faunistiques Sur Les Espèces Du Genre Tenthredo Linné, 1758 Sensu Lato Dans La Région Franco-Rhénane (Hymenoptera, Symphyta: Tenthredinidae, Tenthredininae). Notes fauniques de Gembloux, 53: 3-20
  • Meitzner, V. & A. Taeger, 1982. Beitrag zur Blattwespenfauna Bulgariens (Hymenoptera, Symphyta). Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte, 26: 127-130.
  • Moczar, L. & L. Zombori, 1973. Lev.ldarazs-alkatuak Tenthredinoide I. Fauna Hungariae, Budapest. 111: 128 pp.
  • Özeren, H., 1970. Ankara Bölgesinde bazı meyve ve orman ağaçları ile süs bitkilerine zarar veren Hymenoptera türleri, yayılışı ve taksonomileri üzerinde ön araştırmalar. A. Ü. Zir. Fak. Yay.: 396, B. A. Inc. 246, 73 pp.
  • Schedl, W., 1981. Die pflanzenwespen der Insel Kreta (Insecta: Hymenoptera, Symphyta). Ber. nat. med. Ver. Innsbruck 68: 145-157.
  • Schedl, W., 1991. Hymenoptera unterordnung Symphyta. Pflanzenwespen. Handbuch der Zoologie, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin & New York 4 (31): 1-136.
  • Scobiola-Palade, X. G., 1981. Hymenoptera Symphyta Tenthredinoidea. Fauna Republicii Socialiste Romania, Bucarest, 9 (9): 1-328.
  • Shaw, M. R., 1978. Some sawfly (Hym., Symphyta) records from Greater Manchester county. Lameashire & Cheshire fauna committee, No: 73: 13-14.
  • Smith, D. R., 1982. List of the Symphyta (Hymenoptera) of Israel, with description of four new species. Israel J. Ent., 16: 1-25.
  • Taeger, A., 1988. Dritter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Blattwespengattung Tenthredo L. (Hymenoptera: Symphyta: Tenthredinidae). Beitr. Ent., Berlin, 38 (2): 337-359.
  • Taeger, A. & S. M. Blank, 1998. Pflanzenwespen Deutschlands (Hymenoptera, Symphyta). Goecke und Evers, 364 pp.
  • Vassilev, I., 1978. Hymenoptera, Symphyta. Fauna Bulgarica, Sofia, 8: 1- 179.
  • Viitasaari, M. & V. Vikberg, 1985. A checklist of sawflies (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) of Finland. Notulae Entomologicae, 65: 1-17.
  • Wolf, F., 1968. Hymenopteres Symphytes de Turquie. Bull. Rech. Agron. Gembloux, (N.S.) 3 (3): 562-565.
  • Zhelochovtsev, A. N., 1988. Symphyta, pp. 7-234. In Medvedjev, G.S., ed. Oprendeliatel Nasekomykyh Evropeiskoi Chasti SSSR. III. Perepondhatokrylye 6. Opredeliteli po faune SSSR 158. Nauka Leningrad. (1994, English translation, 27, Order Hymenoptera, Suborder Symphyta (Chalastogastra). In Medvedjev, G.S., ed. Keys to the Insects of the European Part of the USSR. Amerind Publishing Co., Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. 387 pp.
  • Zhelochovtsev, A. N. & A. G. Zinovjev, 1996. A list of the Sawflies and Horntails (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) of the fauna of Russia and adjacent territories. II. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 75 (2): 357-378.
  • Zombori, L., 1972. Symphyta (Hymenoptera) from Mongolia, II. Acta Z. Acad. Sci. Hungaricae, 18 (3-4): 435-448.
  • Zombori, L., 1973. Symphyta (Hymenoptera) from Mongolia III. Acta Z. Acad. Sci. Hungaricae, 19 (3-4): 445-460.
  • Zombori, L., 1974a. Data to sawfly fauna of Yugoslavia (Hymenoptera: Symphyta). Musei Macedonici Scientiarum Naturalium, 9 (18): 173-185.
  • Zombori, L., 1974b. Sawflies from Korea (Hymenoptera: Symphyta). Acta Z. Acad. Sci. Hungaricae, 20 (3-4): 453-461.
  • Zombori, L., 1977. Two new sawfly species from Armenia (Hymenoptera: Symphyta). Acta Z. Acad. Sci. Hungaricae, 24 (3-4): 451-454.
  • Zombori L., 1978. New sawfly species from Korea (Hymenoptera: Symphyta). Acta Z. Acad. Sci. Hungaricae, 24 (1-2): 253-268.
  • Zombori, L., 1985. Sawflies from Nepal (Hymenoptera), I. Acta Z. Acad. Sci. Hungaricae, 31 (1-3): 291-293.

Türkiye Tenthredinidae (Hymenoptera) faunası için dört yeni kayıt

Yıl 2006, Cilt: 30 Sayı: 3, 201 - 207, 01.06.2006


Bu çalışmada, Türkiye Tenthredinidae (Hymenoptera) familyasına ait dört yeni kayıt Aglaostigma fulvipes (Scopoli, 1763), Tenthredo campestris Linnaeus, 1758, Tenthredo ouralensis (André, 1881), Tenthredo korabica Taeger, 1985 belirlenmiştir. Saptanan türlerin dağılışı Kuzeydoğu Anadoluyu kapsamaktadır. Bu çalışma sonucunda Türkiye Tenthredinidae familyasına bağlı türlerin sayısı 222’ye ulaşmıştır


  • Alkan, B., 1948. Meyva destereli arıları (Hoplocampa'lar). Mahs. Hek., 1 (5): 13-16.
  • Baş, R., 1973. Türkiye'de orman ağaçlarında zarar yapan zar kanatlılar (Hymenoptera) üzerinde araştırmalar. Orm. Bak. Orm.Gn.Md.Yay. No: 570, Seri No:23, 169 pp.
  • Benson, R. B. 1950. An introduction to the natural history of British sawflies (Hymenoptera, Symphyta). Trans. Soc. Br. Ent., Bournemouth, 10: 45-142.
  • Benson, R. B., 1951. Hymenoptera Symphyta. Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects, 6 (2a): 1-50.
  • Benson, R. B., 1952. Hymenoptera (Symphyta). Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects, 6 (2b): 51-138.
  • Benson, R. B., 1958. Hymenoptera (Symphyta). Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects, 6 (2c): 139-252.
  • Benson, R. B., 1966. A new genus of the Lycaotini (Blennocampinae) in Turkey (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae). Proc. R. Ent. Soc. Lond., (B) 35: 75-77.
  • Benson, R. B., 1968. Hymenoptera from Turkey. Symphyta. Bulletin of the British Museum (N.H.) Entomology, 22 (4): 4-207.
  • Chevin, H. & R. D. Chenon, 1982. Contribution a la faune des Hymenopteres Symphytes de Turquie. Bull. Ent. France, 87: 44-47.
  • Cingovski, J., 1980. Contribution to the knowledge on the fauna of sawflies on the mountain Galicica (Hymenoptera, Symphyta). Fragmenta Balcanica, 10 (20): 175-189.
  • Cingovski, J., 1982. Symphyta aus der sammlung des Instituts für pflanzenschutz in Belgrad (Hym., Symphyta). Fragmenta Balcanica, 9 (11): 97-110.
  • Comstock, C. H., 1964. An Introduction to Entomology. Comstock Publishing Comp., Binghampton, N. Y., 1064 pp.
  • Çalmaşur, Ö. & H. Özbek, 2004a. A contribution to the knowledge of the Tenthredinidae {Symphyta, Hymenoptera) Fauna of Turkey Part I: The Subfamily Tenthredininae. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 28: 37-54.
  • Çalmaşur, Ö. & H. Özbek, 2004b. A contribution to the knowledge of the Tenthredinidae (Symphyta, Hymenoptera) Fauna of Turkey Part II: The Subfamilies Blennocampinae, Dolerinae, Nematinae and Selandriinae. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 28: 55-71.
  • Çalmaşur, Ö. & H. Özbek, 2004c. Heterarthrus ochropoda (Klug) (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae), a New Record and a New Pest of Populus spp. (Salicaceae) in Turkey. Proc.Entomol. Soc. Wash., 106 (3): 717-721.
  • Çalmaşur, Ö. & H. Özbek, 2006. A willow Sawfly, Nematus salicis (Linnaeus) (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae), A New Record And New Pest of Salix Spp. In Turkey. Proc.Entomol. Soc. Wash., 108 (1): 139-144.
  • Fitton, M. G., M. W. R. de V. Graham, Z. R. J. Boucek, N. D. M. Fergusson, T. Huddleston, J. Quinlan & O. W. Richards, 1978. A Check List of British Insects. Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects, 11(4): 1-159.
  • Gauld, I. & B. Bolton, 1988. The Hymenoptera.Oxford University Press, 332 pp.
  • Goulet, H. & J. T. Huber, 1993. Hymenoptera of The World: An identification guide to families. Canada Communication Group-Publishing Ottawa, Canada KIA 0S9, 669 pp.
  • Guichard, K. M. & D. H. Harvey, 1967. Collecting in Turkey 1959, 1960 and 1962. Bull. Br. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Ent.), 19(4): 223-250.
  • Lacourt, P. J., 1999. Repertoire des Tenthredinidae ouest-palearctiques (Hymenoptera, Symphyta). Memories de la SEF, NO: 3, Societe entomologique de France, Juillet, Paris, 432 pp.
  • Liston, A. D., 1983a. Sawflies (Hymenoptera) from the Orkney Islands. Entomologist's Gazette, 34: 113-116.
  • Liston, A. D., 1983b. Some sawflies from Greece (Hym., Symphyta). Entom. Gesellschaft Basel, 33 (3): 85-88.
  • Liston, A. D., 1995. Compendium of European Sawflies. Chalastos Forestry, Daibersdorf 6, D-84177 Gottfrieding, Germany, 200 pp.
  • Magis, N., 2002. Tenthredinidae recoltes en Bulgarie al’aide du “piege Malaise”, sous les auspices du Musee d’Histoire Naturelle de Leiden. Notes fauniques de Gembloux, 46: 13-22.
  • Magis, N., 2003. Notes Faunistiques Sur Les Espèces Du Genre Tenthredo Linné, 1758 Sensu Lato Dans La Région Franco-Rhénane (Hymenoptera, Symphyta: Tenthredinidae, Tenthredininae). Notes fauniques de Gembloux, 53: 3-20
  • Meitzner, V. & A. Taeger, 1982. Beitrag zur Blattwespenfauna Bulgariens (Hymenoptera, Symphyta). Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte, 26: 127-130.
  • Moczar, L. & L. Zombori, 1973. Lev.ldarazs-alkatuak Tenthredinoide I. Fauna Hungariae, Budapest. 111: 128 pp.
  • Özeren, H., 1970. Ankara Bölgesinde bazı meyve ve orman ağaçları ile süs bitkilerine zarar veren Hymenoptera türleri, yayılışı ve taksonomileri üzerinde ön araştırmalar. A. Ü. Zir. Fak. Yay.: 396, B. A. Inc. 246, 73 pp.
  • Schedl, W., 1981. Die pflanzenwespen der Insel Kreta (Insecta: Hymenoptera, Symphyta). Ber. nat. med. Ver. Innsbruck 68: 145-157.
  • Schedl, W., 1991. Hymenoptera unterordnung Symphyta. Pflanzenwespen. Handbuch der Zoologie, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin & New York 4 (31): 1-136.
  • Scobiola-Palade, X. G., 1981. Hymenoptera Symphyta Tenthredinoidea. Fauna Republicii Socialiste Romania, Bucarest, 9 (9): 1-328.
  • Shaw, M. R., 1978. Some sawfly (Hym., Symphyta) records from Greater Manchester county. Lameashire & Cheshire fauna committee, No: 73: 13-14.
  • Smith, D. R., 1982. List of the Symphyta (Hymenoptera) of Israel, with description of four new species. Israel J. Ent., 16: 1-25.
  • Taeger, A., 1988. Dritter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Blattwespengattung Tenthredo L. (Hymenoptera: Symphyta: Tenthredinidae). Beitr. Ent., Berlin, 38 (2): 337-359.
  • Taeger, A. & S. M. Blank, 1998. Pflanzenwespen Deutschlands (Hymenoptera, Symphyta). Goecke und Evers, 364 pp.
  • Vassilev, I., 1978. Hymenoptera, Symphyta. Fauna Bulgarica, Sofia, 8: 1- 179.
  • Viitasaari, M. & V. Vikberg, 1985. A checklist of sawflies (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) of Finland. Notulae Entomologicae, 65: 1-17.
  • Wolf, F., 1968. Hymenopteres Symphytes de Turquie. Bull. Rech. Agron. Gembloux, (N.S.) 3 (3): 562-565.
  • Zhelochovtsev, A. N., 1988. Symphyta, pp. 7-234. In Medvedjev, G.S., ed. Oprendeliatel Nasekomykyh Evropeiskoi Chasti SSSR. III. Perepondhatokrylye 6. Opredeliteli po faune SSSR 158. Nauka Leningrad. (1994, English translation, 27, Order Hymenoptera, Suborder Symphyta (Chalastogastra). In Medvedjev, G.S., ed. Keys to the Insects of the European Part of the USSR. Amerind Publishing Co., Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. 387 pp.
  • Zhelochovtsev, A. N. & A. G. Zinovjev, 1996. A list of the Sawflies and Horntails (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) of the fauna of Russia and adjacent territories. II. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 75 (2): 357-378.
  • Zombori, L., 1972. Symphyta (Hymenoptera) from Mongolia, II. Acta Z. Acad. Sci. Hungaricae, 18 (3-4): 435-448.
  • Zombori, L., 1973. Symphyta (Hymenoptera) from Mongolia III. Acta Z. Acad. Sci. Hungaricae, 19 (3-4): 445-460.
  • Zombori, L., 1974a. Data to sawfly fauna of Yugoslavia (Hymenoptera: Symphyta). Musei Macedonici Scientiarum Naturalium, 9 (18): 173-185.
  • Zombori, L., 1974b. Sawflies from Korea (Hymenoptera: Symphyta). Acta Z. Acad. Sci. Hungaricae, 20 (3-4): 453-461.
  • Zombori, L., 1977. Two new sawfly species from Armenia (Hymenoptera: Symphyta). Acta Z. Acad. Sci. Hungaricae, 24 (3-4): 451-454.
  • Zombori L., 1978. New sawfly species from Korea (Hymenoptera: Symphyta). Acta Z. Acad. Sci. Hungaricae, 24 (1-2): 253-268.
  • Zombori, L., 1985. Sawflies from Nepal (Hymenoptera), I. Acta Z. Acad. Sci. Hungaricae, 31 (1-3): 291-293.
Toplam 48 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Önder Çalmaşur Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2006
Gönderilme Tarihi 8 Şubat 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2006 Cilt: 30 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Çalmaşur, Ö. . (2006). Türkiye Tenthredinidae (Hymenoptera) faunası için dört yeni kayıt. Turkish Journal of Entomology, 30(3), 201-207.
AMA Çalmaşur Ö. Türkiye Tenthredinidae (Hymenoptera) faunası için dört yeni kayıt. TED. Haziran 2006;30(3):201-207.
Chicago Çalmaşur, Önder. “Türkiye Tenthredinidae (Hymenoptera) Faunası için dört Yeni kayıt”. Turkish Journal of Entomology 30, sy. 3 (Haziran 2006): 201-7.
EndNote Çalmaşur Ö (01 Haziran 2006) Türkiye Tenthredinidae (Hymenoptera) faunası için dört yeni kayıt. Turkish Journal of Entomology 30 3 201–207.
IEEE Ö. . Çalmaşur, “Türkiye Tenthredinidae (Hymenoptera) faunası için dört yeni kayıt”, TED, c. 30, sy. 3, ss. 201–207, 2006.
ISNAD Çalmaşur, Önder. “Türkiye Tenthredinidae (Hymenoptera) Faunası için dört Yeni kayıt”. Turkish Journal of Entomology 30/3 (Haziran 2006), 201-207.
JAMA Çalmaşur Ö. Türkiye Tenthredinidae (Hymenoptera) faunası için dört yeni kayıt. TED. 2006;30:201–207.
MLA Çalmaşur, Önder. “Türkiye Tenthredinidae (Hymenoptera) Faunası için dört Yeni kayıt”. Turkish Journal of Entomology, c. 30, sy. 3, 2006, ss. 201-7.
Vancouver Çalmaşur Ö. Türkiye Tenthredinidae (Hymenoptera) faunası için dört yeni kayıt. TED. 2006;30(3):201-7.