Volume: 13 Issue: 2, 6/30/22

Year: 2022
Prof. Dr. Nuri DOĞAN Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Eğitim Bilimleri ve Öğretmen Yetiştirme
Eğitimde Ölçme ve Değerlendirme, İstatistiksel Analiz Ve Uygulamalar
Dr. Eren Halil ÖZBERK National Foundation for Educational Research 0000-0003-2136-3081
Eğitimde Ölçme ve Değerlendirme
Dr. İbrahim UYSAL Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi 0000-0002-6767-0362
Eğitimde Ölçme ve Değerlendirme

JMEEP is a quarterly journal focusing on methodological studies that will contribute to the development of measurement theory and innovative studies that aim to find solutions to the problems in practice based on measurement theories. Studies aiming to contribute to the quantitative research methodology are expected not only to apply an advanced statistical method in a data set, but also to be structured in a way with high generalizability.

In addition to those, the journal plans to present book and software reviews to its audience on relevant topics in a regular basis. 

The scope of the journal includes, but not limited to, the following measurement topics:
• Automated Essay Scoring
• Automated Item Generation
• Bayesian Methods
• Classical Test Theory
• Classroom Assessment
• Educational and Psychological Data Mining and Machine Learning Applications
• E-Assessment
• Generalizability Theory
• Hierarchical Linear Modeling
• Item Response Theory (parametric and non-parametric) and Applications
• Large Scale Assessments
• Non-Linear Statistical Models
• Rasch Analysis
• Structural Equation Modeling/Multi-Level Modeling
• Test Security

Note: Scale development or validity-reliability studies performed by routine operations that do not contribute to the methodology and measurement theory are not included in JMEEP-EPOD. On the other hand, the journal may include the description of useful and new instruments with the potential of meeting the needs in the literature on the condition that the validity and reliability evidence of these tools is collected by innovative, updated, and appropriate methods. Studies demonstrating how measurement tools are applicable in new research or various practical situations may also be considered for evaluation. Scale development and adaptation studies must contribute to methodology and field of measurement and evaluation or reveal important findings for practical implications.

Before submission please read more about our scope.

1. Manuscript Submission

All research articles should follow JMEEP’s submission process described below:
Your submission must consist of:

  1. Cover letter
  2. Title page
  3. Plagiarism Check Form
  4. Author Agreement Form
  5. Format-free Manuscript

Upload 2(two) files.

  1. A single PDF containing the cover letter, title page, plagiarism check form, and author agreement form.
  2. Format-free Manuscripts in a separate file.

For more information, please visit “Forms and Templates”.

2. Manuscript Organization

Submitted manuscripts should be organized as follows:

  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Acknowledgments
  • References

Style and Format
JMEEP editors ask you to adjust your manuscript to meet journal-specific formatting guidelines after final revision.

File format
Please submit the manuscript file in DOC, DOCX format.

Word Count
JMEEP accepts manuscripts limited to 9000 words including text, references, tables, and figures.

JMEEP accepts Times New Roman 12 and Arial 11 for format-free submission.

Layout and spacing
Prepare your manuscript text as double-spaced.

Page and line numbers
Please, include page numbers and line numbers in the manuscript file. Use page-only line numbers (restart the numbering on each page).

Manuscripts must be submitted only in English. Please do not submit the Turkish version.

Reference style
JMEEP uses “APA 7th” style. For more information please follow: APA 7th

JMEEP recommends Microsoft Word Equation Editor (Microsoft's Insert→Equation) Please do not insert images for equations.

A series of ethical policies has been developed by editors and editorial board with the purpose of ensuring impartiality and ethics of studies to be published in the Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology. These policies include processes related to authors, reviewers, editors and studies.

Ethical tasks and responsibilities in the Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology have been prepared in consideration of publishing policies of national and international indexed journals and open-access policies and guidelines published by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors

Authors submitting studies to the Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology are expected to fulfill following ethical responsibilities:

Studies must be original and up-to-date.
All reference works must be cited or quoted fully and accurately.
Names that do not contribute to the study are not to be specified as authors.
Conflict of interest or relationships must be explained (if available).
Raw materials of submitted article(s) can be requested within the framework of evaluation processes. Authors must submit the requested data and information to editorial and science boards.
Authors are liable to cooperate with editor in informing journal editor or publisher, correcting or withdrawing in case that an inaccuracy or error is detected about any published or under-review study.
Authors are not to submit their studies to application processes of multiple journals.
Any study published in other journal is not to be submitted to the Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology.
Any under-review study submitted to another journal is not to be submitted to the Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology.

Any process such as adding-removing author, changing the order of authors cannot be demanded for a study under review process.

Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers

Studies submitted to the Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology are reviewed by at least two reviewers in the related field. Ideas of editor or a third reviewer are asked in case of equity between negative and positive views on the article during reviewing process.

Double-blind review process has been adopted in the Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology, authors and reviewers are not aware of each other’s identity.

At the beginning of the reviewing process reviewers are liable;

to read publishing principles of the Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology,
to accept assessing only the studies in their speciality fields,
not to accept assessing the article in the field of which they are not expert even for having information about the topic of the given article,
to complete the review process in a certain period of time,
to refuse assessing in case of a conflict of interest and inform editor about it,
to review on unbiased and confidentiality terms,
to inform editor when the assessed article has already been submitted to any other journal,
to refuse assessing when they realize they cannot be objective.
During evaluation process reviewers are liable ;

to pay attention not to bring the effect of religion, race, sex, political views and so on to review process,
to conduct evaluation in a constructive and polite language,
not to comment personal views such as hospitality, insult and reflexion,
to make sure that the review is related to the content of any given article,
not to erase and rewrite the phrases originally written by authors, but to suggest amendment instead,
to eradicate the study following the evaluation process.
Ethical Tasks and Responsibilities of Reviewers

General Tasks and Responsibilities

Editors are liable to;

ensure the development of the journal in national and international sense,
manage processes to improve the quality of published studies,
conduct processes to apply ethical rules for all shareholders of the journal,
update publishing and ethical policies with the purpose of bringing contribution to the development of the journal,
organize and update website of the journal.
Relationships with Readers


must consider readers’ feedbacks towards publishing, scope and ethics of the journal,
must improve the studies published in the Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology in consideration of interests and needs of readers,
are liable to respond the questions of readers in line with ethical rules.
Relationships with Authors

Responsibilities of editors to authors are as follows;

to submit the studies to editorial board to decide whether the studies are to be sent to reviewers or not,
to inform authors about publishing and ethical policies,
to prevent possible conflicts between authors and reviewers,
to carry out “Double-Blind Review” in a healthy way and to ensure an unbiased evaluation process,
to assess the demands of authors towards not to send their studies to reviewers with whom they have conflict of interest,
to affirm demands of authors to withdraw their studies under review process,
to assess authors’ objections to reviewer and editor decisions/reports and to initiate a new review process where available.
Relationships with Reviewers

Responsibilities of editors to reviewers are as follows;

to determine a suitable reviewer in related field of the study,
to ensure information and guidelines needed by reviewers during review process,
to monitor any conflict of interest between authors and reviewers,
to keep information of reviewer confidential,
to encourage reviewers to be unbiased,
to respond questions of reviewers about publishing and ethical policies,
to update the pool of reviewers with the purpose of improving,
to remind reviewers about timing,
to encourage reviewers to make constructive, polite and appropriate review.
Relationships with Editorial Board

Editors are liable to;

set meetings with editorial board with certain intervals,
provide information and guidelines to editorial board about publishing and ethical policies of the Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology,
provide training to editorial board about publishing and ethical policies of the Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology where needed,
improve the journal in consideration of feedbacks of the editorial board,
to ensure objectivity of the members of the editorial board,
to encourage editorial board to make review in scientific framework,
to contact with related member of the editorial board in line with the topic of the candidate study.
Author Rights:

Author(s) can;

detect the reviewers to whom the studies should not be sent due to conflict of interest and/or other ethical reasons,
withdraw their unpublished study during review process,
oppose to reviewer reports and editor decisions,
demand erratum for information errors or problematic areas in the given study to be published in the first issue due to error in fact during publication process.

JMEEP supports Open Access Publishing and does not charge any fees for article submission, review, and publication processes.