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Mycoplasma spp. ile Enfekte Kedilerde Trombosit Sayısı ve Trombosit İndekslerinin İncelenmesi

Yıl 2022, , 43 - 48, 01.04.2022


Haemobartonellosis, kedilerde şiddetli hemolitik anemiyle seyreden bir hastalıktır. Haemobartonella felis olarak bilinen hastalık etkeninin günümüzde yapılan sınıflandırma çalışmaları sonucunda Mycoplasma haemofelis olarak adlandırılmasına karar verilmiştir. Son yıllarda enfeksiyonun ülkemizdeki görülme sıklığı artmıştır. Trombosit indeksleri, veteriner hekimliği alanında yeni kullanılmaya başlanan parametreler olduğundan, kedi ve köpek pratiğinde bu konu ile ilgili yapılan çalışmaların artmasının faydalı olabileceği öngörülmüştür. Bu doğrultuda, 25 sağlıklı kedi ve mikroskobik inceleme sonucunda Mycoplasma spp. teşhisi konulan 25 hasta kedinin trombosit sayısı (PLT) ve indeksleri (MPV, PCT) retrospektif olarak incelenerek karşılaştırılmıştır. Trombosit sayısı ve indekslerinin teşhis ve prognoz konusunda anlamlı olup olamayacağının incelenmesi amacıyla yürütülen bu çalışmanın sonucunda; trombosit sayısı (PLT) ve trombosit indekslerinden trombositokrit (PCT), hasta hayvanlarda sağlıklı hayvanlara göre düşük, trombosit hacmi (MPV) ise yüksek ölçülmüştür (P<0.001). Çalışma sonucuna göre trombosit indekslerinin, Mycoplasma spp.ile enfekte olan kedilerde tanı ve prognoza yönelik potansiyel bir değere sahip olabileceği ve konu ile ilgili gelecekte geniş kapsamlı çalışmaların yapılmasının veteriner hekimliğine katkı sağlayabileceği düşünülmektedir.


  • Akkan HA, Karaca M, Tütüncü M, Özdal N, Yüksek N, Ağaoğlu Z, Değer S. Haemobartonellosis in Vancats. Turk J Vet Anim Sci 2005; 29(3): 709-12.
  • Aslan Ö, İça A, Çam Y, Kibar, M. Kayseri'de bir kedide Haemobartonellozis olgusu. Erciyes Univ Vet Fak Derg 2010; 7(2): 131-5.
  • Bayleyegn B, Asrie F, Yalew A, Woldu B. Role of platelet indices as a potential marker for malaria severity. J Parasitol Res 2021; 5531091.
  • Budak YU, Polat M, Huysal K. The use of platelet indices, plateletcrit, mean platelet volume and platelet distribution width in emergency non-traumatic abdominal surgery: A systematic review. Biochem Med 2016; 26(2): 178-93.
  • Clark R. Eperythrozoon felis (sp. Nov) in a cat. J S Afr Vet Assoc 1942; 13(1): 15-6.
  • Çelik B, Koenhemsi L, Dokuzeylül, B, Kahraman BB, Sığırcı BD, İkiz S, Bağcıgil AF. Epidemiology of feline hemoplasmosis in the population of domestic cats in Istanbul. Med Weter 2021; 77(3): 132-6.
  • Çolakoğlu EÇ, Haydardedeoğlu AE. Thrombocyte indices and plateletcrit in dogs with primary immune-mediated hemolytic anemia. Med Weter 2019; 75(8): 484-6.
  • Flint JC, Moss LC. Infectious anemia in cats. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1953; 122(910): 45-8.
  • Fransson BA, Ragle CA. Canine pyometra: An update on pathogenesis andtreatment. Compend 2003; 25(08): 602-12.
  • Golebiewska EM, Poole AW. Platelet secretion: From haemostasis to wound healing and beyond. Blood Rev 2015; 29(3): 153-62.
  • Grindem CB, Corbett WT, Tomkins MT. Risk factors for Haemobartonella felis infection in cats. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1990; 196(1): 96-9.
  • Gupta P, Guddattu V, Saravu K. Characterization of platelet count and platelet indices and their potential role to predict severity in malaria. Pathog Glob Health 2019; 113(2): 86-93.
  • Hayes HM, Priester WA. Feline infectious anaemia. Risk by age, sex and breed; prior disease; seasonal occurrence; mortality. J Small Anim Pract 1973; 14(12): 797-804.
  • Koenhemsi L. Determination of platelet count and platelet indices in canine parvoviral enteritit. Med Sci Discov. 2019; 6(2): 24-6.
  • Koenhemsi L, Uçmak ZG, Uçmak M, Or ME. Platelet indices in dogs and cats with pyometra. Rev Vet Clin 2020; 55(4): 147-50.
  • Kurtdede A, Ural K. Haemobartonellosis of cats in Ankara, Turkey. Acta Vet Brno 2004; 73(4): 507-12.
  • Messick JB. Hemotrophic mycoplasmas (hemoplasmas): A review and new insights into pathogenic potential. Vet Clin Pathol 2004; 33(1): 2-13.
  • Özata F, Ural K. Thrombocyte indices in dogs infected with Ehrlichia canis and Anaplasma phagocytophilum. Rev MVZ Córdoba 2014; 19(3): 4277-88.
  • Sachdev R, Tiwari AK, Goel S, Raina V, Sethi M. Establishing biological reference intervals for novel platelet parameters (immature platelet fraction, high immature platelet fraction, platelet distribution width, platelet large cell ratio, platelet-X, plateletcrit, and platelet distribution width) and their correlations among each other. Indian J Pathol Microbiol 2014; 57(2): 231.
  • Senthil N, Nagarajan K, Padmanath K, Subapriya S, Vairamuthu S, Tilagar MB, Thirunavukkarasu PS. A rare case study on feline mycoplasmosis. IJVAST 2014; 3: 106-8.
  • Small E, Ristic M. Haemobartonellosis. Vet Clin N Am 1971; 1(2): 225-30.
  • Tangvarasittichai O, Srikong M, Tangvarasittichai S. Platelet count and platelet indices used as potential markers for first malaria infection diagnosis. Int J Pharm Clin Res 2016; 8(10): 1454-8.
  • Tasker S. Current concepts in feline haemobartonellosis. In Pract 2006; 28(3): 136-41.
  • Tasker S, Lappin MR. Haemobartonella felis: Recent developments in diagnosis and treatment. J Feline Med Surg 2002; 4(1): 3-11.
  • Willi B, Boretti FS, Cattori V, Tasker S, Meli ML, Reusch C, Hofmann-Lehmann R. Identification, molecular characterization, and experimental transmission of a new hemoplasma isolate from a cat with hemolytic anemia in Switzerland. J Clin Microbiol 2005; 43(6): 2581.
  • Willi B, Boretti FS, Meli ML, Bernasconi MV, Casati S, Hegglin D, Hofmann-Lehmann R. Real-time PCR investigation of potential vectors, reservoirs, and shedding patterns of feline hemotropic mycoplasmas. Appl Environ Microbiol 2007; 73(12): 3798.
  • Willi B, Tasker S, Boretti FS, Doherr MG, Cattori V, Meli ML, Hofmann-Lehmann R. Phylogenetic analysis of “Candidatus Mycoplasma turicensis” isolates from pet cats in the United Kingdom, Australia, and South Africa, with analysis of risk factors for infection. J Clin Microbiol 2006; 44(12): 4430.
  • Woods JE, Brewer MM, Hawley JR, Wisnewski N, Lappin MR. Evaluation of experimental transmission of Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum and Mycoplasma haemofelis by Ctenocephalides felis to cats. Am J Vet Res 2005; 66(6): 1008-12.
  • Yılmaz Z, Eralp O, Ilcol YO. Evaluation of platelet count and its association with plateletcrit, mean platelet volume, and platelet size distribution width in a canine model of endotoxemia. Vet ClinPathol 2008; 37(2): 159-63.
  • Zhang S, Cui YL, Diao MY, Chen DC, Lin ZF. Use of platelet indices for determining illness severity and predicting prognosis in critically ill patients. Chin Med J 2015; 128(15): 2012.

Investigation of Platelet Count and Platelet Indices in Cats Infected with Mycoplasma spp.

Yıl 2022, , 43 - 48, 01.04.2022


Haemobartonellosis is a disease that is accompanied by severe hemolytic anemia in cats. As a result of today's classification studies of the disease agent known as Haemobartonella felis, it has been decided to name it Mycoplasma haemofelis. In recent years, the incidence of infection in our country has increased. Since platelet indices are parameters that have just begun to be used in the field of veterinary medicine, it was predicted that more studies on this subject in cat and dog practice would be beneficial.In this direction, the platelet count (PLT) and indices (MPV, PCT) of 25 healthy cats and 25 sick cats diagnosed with Mycoplasma spp. as a result of microscopic examination were retrospectively analyzed and compared. As a result of this study, which was carried out to examine whether platelet count and indices could be meaningful in diagnosis and prognosis; Platelet count (PLT) and thrombocyte indices (PCT) were lower in sick animals than healthy animals, and platelet volume (MPV) was higher (P<0.001). According to the results of the study, it is thought that thrombocyte indices may have a potential value for diagnosis and prognosis in cats infected with Mycoplasma spp. and that conducting wide-ranging studies on the subject in the future may contribute to veterinary medicine.


  • Akkan HA, Karaca M, Tütüncü M, Özdal N, Yüksek N, Ağaoğlu Z, Değer S. Haemobartonellosis in Vancats. Turk J Vet Anim Sci 2005; 29(3): 709-12.
  • Aslan Ö, İça A, Çam Y, Kibar, M. Kayseri'de bir kedide Haemobartonellozis olgusu. Erciyes Univ Vet Fak Derg 2010; 7(2): 131-5.
  • Bayleyegn B, Asrie F, Yalew A, Woldu B. Role of platelet indices as a potential marker for malaria severity. J Parasitol Res 2021; 5531091.
  • Budak YU, Polat M, Huysal K. The use of platelet indices, plateletcrit, mean platelet volume and platelet distribution width in emergency non-traumatic abdominal surgery: A systematic review. Biochem Med 2016; 26(2): 178-93.
  • Clark R. Eperythrozoon felis (sp. Nov) in a cat. J S Afr Vet Assoc 1942; 13(1): 15-6.
  • Çelik B, Koenhemsi L, Dokuzeylül, B, Kahraman BB, Sığırcı BD, İkiz S, Bağcıgil AF. Epidemiology of feline hemoplasmosis in the population of domestic cats in Istanbul. Med Weter 2021; 77(3): 132-6.
  • Çolakoğlu EÇ, Haydardedeoğlu AE. Thrombocyte indices and plateletcrit in dogs with primary immune-mediated hemolytic anemia. Med Weter 2019; 75(8): 484-6.
  • Flint JC, Moss LC. Infectious anemia in cats. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1953; 122(910): 45-8.
  • Fransson BA, Ragle CA. Canine pyometra: An update on pathogenesis andtreatment. Compend 2003; 25(08): 602-12.
  • Golebiewska EM, Poole AW. Platelet secretion: From haemostasis to wound healing and beyond. Blood Rev 2015; 29(3): 153-62.
  • Grindem CB, Corbett WT, Tomkins MT. Risk factors for Haemobartonella felis infection in cats. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1990; 196(1): 96-9.
  • Gupta P, Guddattu V, Saravu K. Characterization of platelet count and platelet indices and their potential role to predict severity in malaria. Pathog Glob Health 2019; 113(2): 86-93.
  • Hayes HM, Priester WA. Feline infectious anaemia. Risk by age, sex and breed; prior disease; seasonal occurrence; mortality. J Small Anim Pract 1973; 14(12): 797-804.
  • Koenhemsi L. Determination of platelet count and platelet indices in canine parvoviral enteritit. Med Sci Discov. 2019; 6(2): 24-6.
  • Koenhemsi L, Uçmak ZG, Uçmak M, Or ME. Platelet indices in dogs and cats with pyometra. Rev Vet Clin 2020; 55(4): 147-50.
  • Kurtdede A, Ural K. Haemobartonellosis of cats in Ankara, Turkey. Acta Vet Brno 2004; 73(4): 507-12.
  • Messick JB. Hemotrophic mycoplasmas (hemoplasmas): A review and new insights into pathogenic potential. Vet Clin Pathol 2004; 33(1): 2-13.
  • Özata F, Ural K. Thrombocyte indices in dogs infected with Ehrlichia canis and Anaplasma phagocytophilum. Rev MVZ Córdoba 2014; 19(3): 4277-88.
  • Sachdev R, Tiwari AK, Goel S, Raina V, Sethi M. Establishing biological reference intervals for novel platelet parameters (immature platelet fraction, high immature platelet fraction, platelet distribution width, platelet large cell ratio, platelet-X, plateletcrit, and platelet distribution width) and their correlations among each other. Indian J Pathol Microbiol 2014; 57(2): 231.
  • Senthil N, Nagarajan K, Padmanath K, Subapriya S, Vairamuthu S, Tilagar MB, Thirunavukkarasu PS. A rare case study on feline mycoplasmosis. IJVAST 2014; 3: 106-8.
  • Small E, Ristic M. Haemobartonellosis. Vet Clin N Am 1971; 1(2): 225-30.
  • Tangvarasittichai O, Srikong M, Tangvarasittichai S. Platelet count and platelet indices used as potential markers for first malaria infection diagnosis. Int J Pharm Clin Res 2016; 8(10): 1454-8.
  • Tasker S. Current concepts in feline haemobartonellosis. In Pract 2006; 28(3): 136-41.
  • Tasker S, Lappin MR. Haemobartonella felis: Recent developments in diagnosis and treatment. J Feline Med Surg 2002; 4(1): 3-11.
  • Willi B, Boretti FS, Cattori V, Tasker S, Meli ML, Reusch C, Hofmann-Lehmann R. Identification, molecular characterization, and experimental transmission of a new hemoplasma isolate from a cat with hemolytic anemia in Switzerland. J Clin Microbiol 2005; 43(6): 2581.
  • Willi B, Boretti FS, Meli ML, Bernasconi MV, Casati S, Hegglin D, Hofmann-Lehmann R. Real-time PCR investigation of potential vectors, reservoirs, and shedding patterns of feline hemotropic mycoplasmas. Appl Environ Microbiol 2007; 73(12): 3798.
  • Willi B, Tasker S, Boretti FS, Doherr MG, Cattori V, Meli ML, Hofmann-Lehmann R. Phylogenetic analysis of “Candidatus Mycoplasma turicensis” isolates from pet cats in the United Kingdom, Australia, and South Africa, with analysis of risk factors for infection. J Clin Microbiol 2006; 44(12): 4430.
  • Woods JE, Brewer MM, Hawley JR, Wisnewski N, Lappin MR. Evaluation of experimental transmission of Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum and Mycoplasma haemofelis by Ctenocephalides felis to cats. Am J Vet Res 2005; 66(6): 1008-12.
  • Yılmaz Z, Eralp O, Ilcol YO. Evaluation of platelet count and its association with plateletcrit, mean platelet volume, and platelet size distribution width in a canine model of endotoxemia. Vet ClinPathol 2008; 37(2): 159-63.
  • Zhang S, Cui YL, Diao MY, Chen DC, Lin ZF. Use of platelet indices for determining illness severity and predicting prognosis in critically ill patients. Chin Med J 2015; 128(15): 2012.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Emine Merve Alan Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-4422-2241

Zahide Bilgin Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-7138-8976

Lora Koenhemsi Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-4979-170X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 4 Ağustos 2021
Kabul Tarihi 27 Ocak 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Alan, E. M., Bilgin, Z., & Koenhemsi, L. (2022). Mycoplasma spp. ile Enfekte Kedilerde Trombosit Sayısı ve Trombosit İndekslerinin İncelenmesi. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 19(1), 43-48.
AMA Alan EM, Bilgin Z, Koenhemsi L. Mycoplasma spp. ile Enfekte Kedilerde Trombosit Sayısı ve Trombosit İndekslerinin İncelenmesi. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. Nisan 2022;19(1):43-48. doi:10.32707/ercivet.1085257
Chicago Alan, Emine Merve, Zahide Bilgin, ve Lora Koenhemsi. “Mycoplasma Spp. Ile Enfekte Kedilerde Trombosit Sayısı Ve Trombosit İndekslerinin İncelenmesi”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 19, sy. 1 (Nisan 2022): 43-48.
EndNote Alan EM, Bilgin Z, Koenhemsi L (01 Nisan 2022) Mycoplasma spp. ile Enfekte Kedilerde Trombosit Sayısı ve Trombosit İndekslerinin İncelenmesi. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 19 1 43–48.
IEEE E. M. Alan, Z. Bilgin, ve L. Koenhemsi, “Mycoplasma spp. ile Enfekte Kedilerde Trombosit Sayısı ve Trombosit İndekslerinin İncelenmesi”, Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg, c. 19, sy. 1, ss. 43–48, 2022, doi: 10.32707/ercivet.1085257.
ISNAD Alan, Emine Merve vd. “Mycoplasma Spp. Ile Enfekte Kedilerde Trombosit Sayısı Ve Trombosit İndekslerinin İncelenmesi”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 19/1 (Nisan 2022), 43-48.
JAMA Alan EM, Bilgin Z, Koenhemsi L. Mycoplasma spp. ile Enfekte Kedilerde Trombosit Sayısı ve Trombosit İndekslerinin İncelenmesi. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2022;19:43–48.
MLA Alan, Emine Merve vd. “Mycoplasma Spp. Ile Enfekte Kedilerde Trombosit Sayısı Ve Trombosit İndekslerinin İncelenmesi”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 19, sy. 1, 2022, ss. 43-48, doi:10.32707/ercivet.1085257.
Vancouver Alan EM, Bilgin Z, Koenhemsi L. Mycoplasma spp. ile Enfekte Kedilerde Trombosit Sayısı ve Trombosit İndekslerinin İncelenmesi. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2022;19(1):43-8.