Mevsim İçi Östrüsü Uyarılan Saanen Irkı Keçilerde Tek ve Çift Doz GnRH Uygulamasının Gebelik Oranı Üzerine Etkisi
Yıl 2015,
Cilt: 12 Sayı: 3, 185 - 189, 01.10.2015
Yaşar Akar
Nafiye Koç
Yunus Emre Atay
Bu çalışmanın amacı, üreme sezonunda östrüsü uyarılan Saanen ırkı keçilerin gebelik oranları üzerine buserelin asetat’ın
etkisini araştırmaktı. Tüm keçilerin (n:57) östrüs uyarımları için; 12 gün süre ile 3 mg norgestomet içeren implant sol kulak
üst yüzüne uygulandı ve implantın çıkarılmasını müteakip hemen 500 IU eCG ve 75 µg kloprostenol kas içi uygulandı. Keçilerin
tamamı östrüs gösterdi ve doğal olarak tohumlandı. Keçiler üç gruba ayrıldı, Kontrol grubuna tohumlamadan hemen sonra
2 ml NaCl (n:19), tek doz GnRH grubuna tohumlamadan hemen sonra 4 µg buserelin asetat (n:19) ve çift doz GnRH grubuna
tohumlamadan hemen sonra ve tohumlamadan 12 gün sonra 4 µg buserelin asetat (n:19) kas içi olarak uygulandı. Keçilerin
çiftleşmesini takiben 35. günde B-Mode Real Time (5-7.5 MHz) ultrasonografi cihazı ile gebelik tanıları konuldu. Gruplar arası
gebelik oranlarının (Kontrol: %68.42; Tek GnRH: %52.63 ve Çift GnRH: %47.37) istatiksel olarak farklı olmadığı (P>0.05) ve
ortalama gebelik oranı %56.14 olduğu belirlendi. Sonuç olarak, tek veya çift doz GnRH (4 µg buserelin asetat) uygulamasının
üreme sezonundaki keçilerin gebelik oranını artırmadığı tespit edildi.
- 1. Abecia JA, Forcada F, Gonzalez-Bulnes A. Hormonal control of reproduction in small ruminants. Animal Reproduction Science 2012; 130(3-4): 173-79.
- 2. Akar Y, Yüksel M, Ograk YZ. Oestrus synchronization and reproductive performance under different protocols in dairy goats. Res Opin Anim Vet Sci 2014; 4(8): 432-36.
- 3. Akar Y. Reproductive performance of Saanen goats under rural or intensive management systems in Elazığ region, Turkey. Pak Vet J 2013; 33(1): 45-7.
- 4. Akçapınar H. Koyun Yetiştiriciliği. 1. Baskı. Ankara: Medisan Yayınevi, 1994; p. 58.
- 5. Alaçam E, Güven B, Ayar A, Saban E. Ankara keçilerinde gonadorelin uygulamalarının kan progesteron, östradiol 17b düzeyleri ile bazı fertilite parametrelerine etkisi. Tr J of Vet and Anim Sci 1999; 23(1): 77-81.
- 6. Bitaraf A, Zamiri MJ, Kafi M, Izadifard J. Efficacy of CIDR, fluogestone acetate sponges and cloprostenol for estrous synchronization Nadooshani goats during the breeding season. Iran J Vet Res 2007; 8(3): 218-24.
- 7. Cam MA, Kuran M. GnRH agonist treatment on day 12 post-mating to improve reproductive performance in goats. Small Rumin Res 2004; 52(1-2): 169-72.
- 8. Delgadillo JA, Flores JA, Véliz FG, Hernández HF, Duarte G, Vielma J, Poindron P, Chemineau P, Malpaux B. Induction of sexual activity in lactating anovulatory female goats using male goats treated only with artificially long days. J Anim Sci 2002; 80(11): 2780-6.
- 9. Dellal İ, Dellal G. Türkiye keçi yetiştiriciliğinin ekonomisi. Süt Keçiciliği Ulusal Kongresi, Mayıs 26-27, 2005; İzmir-Türkiye.
- 10. Du Preez ER, Donkin EF, Boyazoglu PA, Rautenbach GH, Barry DM, Schoeman HS. Out-of-season breeding of milk goats--the effect of light treatment, melatonin and breed. J S Afr Vet Assoc 2001; 72(4): 228-31.
- 11. FAO. FAOSTAT Agriculture Data, Live Animals, Goats, Turkey. 2013., Erişim tarihi: 10.03.2015.
- 12. Fatet A, Pellicer-Rubio MT, Leboeuf B. Reproductive cycle of goats. Animal Reprod Sci 2011; 124(3-4): 211-19.
- 13. Fernandez-Moro D, Veiga-Lopez A, Ariznavarreta C, Tresguerres JAF, Encinas T, Gonzalez-Bulnes A. Preovulatory follicle development in goats following oestrous synchronization with progestagens or prostaglandins. Rep Dom Anim 2008; 43(1): 9-14.
- 14. Fonseca JF, Torres CAA. Administration of hCG 5 days after breeding and reproductive performance in nulliparous dairy goats. Reprod Dom Anim 2005; 40(6): 495-99.
- 15. Holtz W. Recent developments in assisted reproduction in goats. Small Rum Res 2005; 60(1-2): 95-110.
- 16. Koyuncu M. Keçi Yetiştiriciliğinin Dünya ve Türkiye stratejileri. Süt Keçiciliği Ulusal Kongresi, Mayıs 26-27, 2005; İzmir-Türkiye.
- 17. Lehloenya KC, Greyling JPC, Schwalbach LMJ. Reproductive performance of South African indigenous goats following oestrous synchronisation and AI. Small Rumin. Res 2005; 57(2-3): 115-20.
- 18. Motlomelo KC, Greyling JPC, Schwalbach LMJ. Synchronisation of oestrus in goats: The use of different progestagen treatments. Small Rumin Res 2002; 45(1): 45-9.
- 19. Özer MÖ, Doğruer G. The effects of long and short term applications of progestogen containing vaginal sponges and subcutaneus ımplants onfertility during breeding season in Damascus goats. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg 2011; 17(1): 47-52.
- 20. Prosperi CP, Torres CAA, Guimarães JD, Bruschi JH, Leite PAG, Maffili VV. Pregnancy rate and progesterone concentration of Alpine and Saanen goats treated with hCG the third day after estrus. Arq Bras Med Vet Zootec 2006; 58(2): 190-95.
- 21. Romano JE. Synchronization of estrus using CIDR, FGA or MAP intravaginal pessaries during the breeding season in Nubian goats. Small Rum Res 2004: 55(1-3); 15-9.
- 22. Serin İ., Serin G, Yılmaz M, Kıral F, Ceylan A. The effects of body weight, body condition score, age, lactation serum trygliceridei cholesterol and paraoxonase levels on pregnacy rate of Saanen goats in breeding season. J Anim and Vet Advan 2010; 9(13): 1848-51.
- 23. Sumbuloglu K, Sumbuloglu V. Biostatistics. 1. Baskı. Ankara: Özdemir Matbaacılık, 1993; p. 19.
- 24. Whitley NC, Jackson DJ, An update on estrus synchronization in goats: A minor species. J Anim Sci 2004; 82(E. Suppl.): E270-6.
- 25. Widayati DT, Junaidi A, Suharto K, Oktaviani A. Reproduction performance of etawah cross bred goats in estrus synchronization by controlled internal drug release implant and PGF2α continued by artificial insemination. World Acad Sci Eng Tech (WASET) 2010; 4(5): 1069-71.
The Effect of Single and Double GnRH Injections on Pregnancy Rate of Saanen Goats Induced Estrus during the Breeding Season
Yıl 2015,
Cilt: 12 Sayı: 3, 185 - 189, 01.10.2015
Yaşar Akar
Nafiye Koç
Yunus Emre Atay
The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of buserelin acetate on pregnacy rate of Saenen goats induced
estrus in breeding season. To the estrus induction of all goats (n:57) were received ear implant with 3 mg norgestomet on the
upper outside of the left ear for 12 days, plus 500 IU eCG i.m. and 75 µg d-cloprostenol i.m. at the time of implant removal.
All goats showed the estrus behaviours and they were mated naturally. The goats were divided into three groups. The control
group (n:19), received 2 ml NaCl i.m. immediately post mating; the single GnRH group (n:19), received 4 µg buserelin acetate
i.m. immediately post mating; the double GnRH group (n:19), received 4 µg buserelin acetate i.m. immediately post mating
and again same dose i.m. on the 12th day post mating. Pregnancy diagnosis was performed by B-Mode Real Time ultrasonography
with a 5-7.5 MHz probe, 35 days after mating. The pregnancy rate was not statistically different (P>0.05) between the
groups (Control: 68.42%; Single GnRH. 52.63% and Double GnRH: 47.37%) and the average pregnancy rate was 56.14%.
In conclusion, single or double GnRH (4 µg buserelin asetat) administrations post mating did not improve the pregnancy rate
in Saanen goats breeding season.
- 1. Abecia JA, Forcada F, Gonzalez-Bulnes A. Hormonal control of reproduction in small ruminants. Animal Reproduction Science 2012; 130(3-4): 173-79.
- 2. Akar Y, Yüksel M, Ograk YZ. Oestrus synchronization and reproductive performance under different protocols in dairy goats. Res Opin Anim Vet Sci 2014; 4(8): 432-36.
- 3. Akar Y. Reproductive performance of Saanen goats under rural or intensive management systems in Elazığ region, Turkey. Pak Vet J 2013; 33(1): 45-7.
- 4. Akçapınar H. Koyun Yetiştiriciliği. 1. Baskı. Ankara: Medisan Yayınevi, 1994; p. 58.
- 5. Alaçam E, Güven B, Ayar A, Saban E. Ankara keçilerinde gonadorelin uygulamalarının kan progesteron, östradiol 17b düzeyleri ile bazı fertilite parametrelerine etkisi. Tr J of Vet and Anim Sci 1999; 23(1): 77-81.
- 6. Bitaraf A, Zamiri MJ, Kafi M, Izadifard J. Efficacy of CIDR, fluogestone acetate sponges and cloprostenol for estrous synchronization Nadooshani goats during the breeding season. Iran J Vet Res 2007; 8(3): 218-24.
- 7. Cam MA, Kuran M. GnRH agonist treatment on day 12 post-mating to improve reproductive performance in goats. Small Rumin Res 2004; 52(1-2): 169-72.
- 8. Delgadillo JA, Flores JA, Véliz FG, Hernández HF, Duarte G, Vielma J, Poindron P, Chemineau P, Malpaux B. Induction of sexual activity in lactating anovulatory female goats using male goats treated only with artificially long days. J Anim Sci 2002; 80(11): 2780-6.
- 9. Dellal İ, Dellal G. Türkiye keçi yetiştiriciliğinin ekonomisi. Süt Keçiciliği Ulusal Kongresi, Mayıs 26-27, 2005; İzmir-Türkiye.
- 10. Du Preez ER, Donkin EF, Boyazoglu PA, Rautenbach GH, Barry DM, Schoeman HS. Out-of-season breeding of milk goats--the effect of light treatment, melatonin and breed. J S Afr Vet Assoc 2001; 72(4): 228-31.
- 11. FAO. FAOSTAT Agriculture Data, Live Animals, Goats, Turkey. 2013., Erişim tarihi: 10.03.2015.
- 12. Fatet A, Pellicer-Rubio MT, Leboeuf B. Reproductive cycle of goats. Animal Reprod Sci 2011; 124(3-4): 211-19.
- 13. Fernandez-Moro D, Veiga-Lopez A, Ariznavarreta C, Tresguerres JAF, Encinas T, Gonzalez-Bulnes A. Preovulatory follicle development in goats following oestrous synchronization with progestagens or prostaglandins. Rep Dom Anim 2008; 43(1): 9-14.
- 14. Fonseca JF, Torres CAA. Administration of hCG 5 days after breeding and reproductive performance in nulliparous dairy goats. Reprod Dom Anim 2005; 40(6): 495-99.
- 15. Holtz W. Recent developments in assisted reproduction in goats. Small Rum Res 2005; 60(1-2): 95-110.
- 16. Koyuncu M. Keçi Yetiştiriciliğinin Dünya ve Türkiye stratejileri. Süt Keçiciliği Ulusal Kongresi, Mayıs 26-27, 2005; İzmir-Türkiye.
- 17. Lehloenya KC, Greyling JPC, Schwalbach LMJ. Reproductive performance of South African indigenous goats following oestrous synchronisation and AI. Small Rumin. Res 2005; 57(2-3): 115-20.
- 18. Motlomelo KC, Greyling JPC, Schwalbach LMJ. Synchronisation of oestrus in goats: The use of different progestagen treatments. Small Rumin Res 2002; 45(1): 45-9.
- 19. Özer MÖ, Doğruer G. The effects of long and short term applications of progestogen containing vaginal sponges and subcutaneus ımplants onfertility during breeding season in Damascus goats. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg 2011; 17(1): 47-52.
- 20. Prosperi CP, Torres CAA, Guimarães JD, Bruschi JH, Leite PAG, Maffili VV. Pregnancy rate and progesterone concentration of Alpine and Saanen goats treated with hCG the third day after estrus. Arq Bras Med Vet Zootec 2006; 58(2): 190-95.
- 21. Romano JE. Synchronization of estrus using CIDR, FGA or MAP intravaginal pessaries during the breeding season in Nubian goats. Small Rum Res 2004: 55(1-3); 15-9.
- 22. Serin İ., Serin G, Yılmaz M, Kıral F, Ceylan A. The effects of body weight, body condition score, age, lactation serum trygliceridei cholesterol and paraoxonase levels on pregnacy rate of Saanen goats in breeding season. J Anim and Vet Advan 2010; 9(13): 1848-51.
- 23. Sumbuloglu K, Sumbuloglu V. Biostatistics. 1. Baskı. Ankara: Özdemir Matbaacılık, 1993; p. 19.
- 24. Whitley NC, Jackson DJ, An update on estrus synchronization in goats: A minor species. J Anim Sci 2004; 82(E. Suppl.): E270-6.
- 25. Widayati DT, Junaidi A, Suharto K, Oktaviani A. Reproduction performance of etawah cross bred goats in estrus synchronization by controlled internal drug release implant and PGF2α continued by artificial insemination. World Acad Sci Eng Tech (WASET) 2010; 4(5): 1069-71.