Material Requlremonts Planning Is a new technlque for inventory control. Manufac'.uring inventories should in most ca-ses be controllecJ by MRP, which is product-oriented and treats tha Inpııt invontory as a collectlon of deperıdent demond items. The alternatlve of tlıe MRP system Is the Statlstical Inventory Control (SIC) System. SİS is part-orlented and Ignores the de-pendency betvveen the demands for the various items.
İn the most cases, the users expect more than what the MRP system promlses. They expoct that the system will deliver materiel when and wtıere it is needed. The real purpose of MRP is to provide scheduling and ordoring indlcators for ali Products vvithln the production hierarchy. and to recognize the dependencies betvveen product levels.