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Yıl 2011, Sayı: 38, 101 - 117, 14.05.2015


İşçi dövizlerinin giderek artan miktarı özellikle son yıllarda hükümetler ve araştırmacılar tarafından ilgi görmektedir. Gelişmekte olan ülkeler için önemli bir finansal kaynak olan işçi dövizleri geldiği ülkedeki ekonomik büyümeyi olumlu ya da olumsuz bir şekilde etkilemektedir. İşçi dövizlerinin ekonomik büyümeyi hangi yönde etkilediği konusunda ise literatürde bir fikir birliği söz konusu değildir. Bu çalışmanın amacı da işçi gelirlerinin büyüme üzerindeki olası etkisinin yönünü sorgulamaktır. Çalışmanın sonucunda, işçi dövizleri ve büyüme arasında pozitif bir ilişki tespit edilmiştir. Modelde yer alan ve büyümeyi belirleyen diğer değişkenler ise enflasyon oranı, kamu harcamaları ve dış borçlardır. Ticari açıklık oranının ise istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olmadığı gözlenmiştir.


  • ACOSTA, Pablo A.; (2006), “Labor Supply, School Attendance, and Remittances from International Migration: The Case of El Salva- dor”, World Bank Policy ResearchWorking Paper No. 3903, Washington: World Bank.
  • ACOSTA, Pablo A.; Emmanuel K.K. LARTEY and Federico S. MANDELMAN; (2009), “Remittances and the Dutch Disease”, Journal of International Economics, 79, pp. 102–116.
  • ADAMS, Richard H.; (1998), “Remittances, Investment, and Rural Asset Accumulation in Pakistan”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 47 (1), pp.155-173.
  • ADELMAN, Irma and J. Edward TAYLOR; (1990), “Is Structural Adjustment with a Human Face Possible? The Case of Mexico”, Journal of Development Studies, 26, pp.387–407.
  • AGGARWAL, Reena; Asli DEMIRGUC-KUNT and Maria PERIA; (2006), “Do Workers’ Remittances Promote Financial Development?” World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 3957, Washington: World Bank.
  • AMUEDO-DORANTES, Catalina and Susan POZO; (2004), “Workers' Remittances and the Real Exchange Rate: A Paradox of Gifts”, World Development, 32, pp.1407–1417.
  • AMUEDO-DORANTES, Catalina; Susan POZO and Carlos VARGAS-SILVA; (2007), “Remittances and the Macroeconomy: The Case of Small Island Developing States”, UNU-WIDER Research Paper, No. 2007-22.
  • ANDERSON, T. W. and Cheng HSIAO; (1981), “Estimation of Dynamic Models with Error Components”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 76 (375), pp. 598–606.
  • ARELLANO, Manuel and Olympia BOVER; (1995), “Another Look at the Instrumental Variable Estimation of Error-Components Models”, Journal of Econometrics, 68 (1), pp. 29–51.
  • ARELLANO, Manuel and Stephen BOND; (1991), “Some Tests of Specification for Panel Data: Monte Carlo Evidence and an Application to Employment Equations”, Review of Economic Studies, 58 (2), pp. 277–297.
  • BALTAGI, Badi H.; (2005), Econometric Analysis of Panel Data, Third Edition, Canada: John Wiley & Sons.
  • BARAJAS, Adolfo, Ralph CHAMI, Dalia S. HAKURA and Peter MONTIEL; (2010), “Workers' Remittances and the Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate: Theory and Evidence”, IMF Working Paper, WP/10/287.
  • BLUNDELL, Richard and Steven BOND; (1998), “Initial Conditions and Mo- ment Restrictions in Dynamic Panel Data Models”, Journal of Econometrics, 87 (1), pp. 115–143.
  • BUGAMELLI, Matteo and Francesco PATERNO; (2006), “Workers' Remittances and Current Account Reversals,” Bank of Italy Economic Research Paper No. 573, Rome: Bank of Italy.
  • CAMERON, A. Colin and Pravin K. TRIVEDI; (2005), Microeconometrics, Methods and Applications, New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • CATRINESCU, Natalia, Miguel LEON-LEDESMA, Matloob PIRACHA and Bryce QUILLIN; (2006), “Remittances, Institutions and Economic Growth”, IZA Discussion Paper No. 2139.
  • CHAMI, Ralph, Connel FULLENKAMP and SAMIR Jahjah; (2003), “Are Immigrant Remittance Flows a Source of Capital for Development?”, IMF Working Paper 01/189, Washington: IMF.
  • DESAI, Mihir A; Devesh KAPOOR and John Mchale; (2001), “The Fiscal Impact of the Brain Drain: Indian Emigration to the U.S.”, Weekly Political Economy Discussion Paper, Cambridge: Harvard University.
  • DRUKKER, David M.; (2008), “Econometric Analysis of Dynamic Panel-Data Models Using Stata”, Statacorp Summer North American Stata Users Group Meeting, July 24-25, Texas .
  • DUCH, Raymond; (2008), “Longitudinal/Panel Data Analysis: Lecture 3 and 4”, Internet Address:, Date of Access: 28.05.2010.
  • EDWARDS, Alejandra Cox and Manuelita URETA; (2003), “International Migration, Remittances, and Schooling: Evidence from El Salva- dor", NBER Working Paper No. 9766.
  • FAINI, Riccardo; (2002), “Development, Trade, and Migration”, Proceedings from The ABCDE Europe Conference, 1–2, pp.85–116.
  • FAJNZYLBER, Pablo and J. Humberto LÓPEZ; (2008), “Remittances and Development: Lessons from Latin America”, World Bank, Washington: World Bank.
  • FUNKHOUSER, Edward; (1992), “Migration from Nicaragua: Some Recent Evidence”, World Development, 20, pp.1209–1218.
  • GIULIANO, Paola and Marta RUIZ-ARRANZ; (2009), “Remittances, Financial Development, and Growth”, Journal of Development Economics, 90, pp.144–152.
  • GIULIANO, Paola and Marta RUIZ-ARRANZ; (2006), “Remittances, Financial Development and Growth”, IZA Discussion Paper Series, No. 2160.
  • GUPTA, Sanjeev; Catherine PATTILLO and Smita WAGH; (2007), “Impact of Remittances on Poverty and Finansal Development in Sub-Sharan Africa”, IMF Working Paper, No. 07/38.
  • HANSON, Gordon H.; (2007), “Emigration, Remittances, and Labor Force Participation in Mexico”, Integration and Trade Journal 27, pp. 73–103.
  • JONGWANICH, Juthathip; (2007), “Worker’s Remittances, Economic Growth and Poverty in Developing Asia and Pasific Countries”, UNESCAP Working Paper, No. 07/01.
  • LARTEY, Eammanuel K.K.; Federico S. MANDELMAN and Pablo ACOSTA; (2008), “Remittances, Exchange Rate Regimes, and the Dutch Disease: A Panel Data Analysis”, Federal Reserve Bank of At- lanta Working Paper, No. 2008-12.
  • LÓPEZ, Humberto; Luis MOLINA and Maurizio BUSSOLO; (2007), “Remittances and the Real Exchange Rate”, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, No. 4213, Washington: World Bank.
  • MESNARD, Alice; (2004), “Temporary Migration and Capital Market Imperfections”, Oxford Economic Papers, 56 (2), pp.242–262.
  • PERKINS, Dwight H.; Steven C. RADELET; Donald R. SNODGRASS; Malcolm GILLIS and Michael ROEMER; (2001), Economics of Development, Fifth Edition, New York: Norton.
  • POND, Bob and Barbara MCPAKE; (2006), “The Health Migration Crisis: The Role of Four Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development Countries,” The Lancet, 367, pp. 1448–1455.
  • PRADHAN, Gyan, Mukti UPADHYAY and Kamal UPADHYAYA; (2008), “Remittances and Economic Growth in Developing Countries”, The European Journal of Development Research, 20 (3), pp.497–506.
  • PURI, Shivani and Tineke RITZEMA; (1999), “Migrant Worker Remittances, Micro-Finance and Informal Economy: Prospects and Issues”, Working Paper No. 21, Social Finance Unit, Geneva: International Labour Organization.
  • RAMEY, Garey and Valeria A. RAMEY; (1995), “Cross-Country Evidence on the Link Between Volatility and Growth”, American Economic Review, 85 (5), pp. 1138–1151.
  • RAO, B. Bhaskara and Gazi HASSAN; (2009), “A Panel Data Analysis of the Growth Effects of Remittances”, MPRA Working Paper, No. 18021.
  • RATHA, Dilip; (2003), “Workers’ Remittances: An Important and Stable Source of External Development Finance,” in Global Development Finance 2003, Washington: World Bank.
  • STAHL, Charles W.; (1982), “Labour Emigration and Economic Development”, International Migration Review, 16, pp. 868–899.
  • STAHL, Charles W. and Fred ARNOLD; (1986), “Overseas Workers’ Remittances in Asian Development”, International Migration Review, 20 (4), pp. 899–892.
  • STARK, Oded and David LEVHARI; (1982), “On Migration and Risk in LDCs”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 31 (1), pp. 191–196.
  • STARK, Oded and Robert LUCAS; (1988), “Migration, Remittances and the Family”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 36 (3), pp. 465–481.
  • TAYLOR, J. Edward; (1992), “Remittances and Inequality Reconsidered: Direct, Indirect and Intertemporal Effects”, Journal of Policy Modeling, 14 (2), pp. 187–208.
  • WOODRUFF, Christopher M. and Rene ZENTENO; (2004), “Remittances and Micro Enterprises in Mexico”, Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies Working Paper, unpublished working paper, San Diego: University of California.
  • WORLD BANK; (2006), “Global Economic Prospects”, Internet Address:, Date of Access: 05.10.2011
  • YANG, Dean; (2004), “International Migration, Human Capital, and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Philippine Migrants’ Exchange Rate Shocks”, Ford School of Public Policy Working Paper, No. 02–011, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan.
Yıl 2011, Sayı: 38, 101 - 117, 14.05.2015



  • ACOSTA, Pablo A.; (2006), “Labor Supply, School Attendance, and Remittances from International Migration: The Case of El Salva- dor”, World Bank Policy ResearchWorking Paper No. 3903, Washington: World Bank.
  • ACOSTA, Pablo A.; Emmanuel K.K. LARTEY and Federico S. MANDELMAN; (2009), “Remittances and the Dutch Disease”, Journal of International Economics, 79, pp. 102–116.
  • ADAMS, Richard H.; (1998), “Remittances, Investment, and Rural Asset Accumulation in Pakistan”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 47 (1), pp.155-173.
  • ADELMAN, Irma and J. Edward TAYLOR; (1990), “Is Structural Adjustment with a Human Face Possible? The Case of Mexico”, Journal of Development Studies, 26, pp.387–407.
  • AGGARWAL, Reena; Asli DEMIRGUC-KUNT and Maria PERIA; (2006), “Do Workers’ Remittances Promote Financial Development?” World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 3957, Washington: World Bank.
  • AMUEDO-DORANTES, Catalina and Susan POZO; (2004), “Workers' Remittances and the Real Exchange Rate: A Paradox of Gifts”, World Development, 32, pp.1407–1417.
  • AMUEDO-DORANTES, Catalina; Susan POZO and Carlos VARGAS-SILVA; (2007), “Remittances and the Macroeconomy: The Case of Small Island Developing States”, UNU-WIDER Research Paper, No. 2007-22.
  • ANDERSON, T. W. and Cheng HSIAO; (1981), “Estimation of Dynamic Models with Error Components”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 76 (375), pp. 598–606.
  • ARELLANO, Manuel and Olympia BOVER; (1995), “Another Look at the Instrumental Variable Estimation of Error-Components Models”, Journal of Econometrics, 68 (1), pp. 29–51.
  • ARELLANO, Manuel and Stephen BOND; (1991), “Some Tests of Specification for Panel Data: Monte Carlo Evidence and an Application to Employment Equations”, Review of Economic Studies, 58 (2), pp. 277–297.
  • BALTAGI, Badi H.; (2005), Econometric Analysis of Panel Data, Third Edition, Canada: John Wiley & Sons.
  • BARAJAS, Adolfo, Ralph CHAMI, Dalia S. HAKURA and Peter MONTIEL; (2010), “Workers' Remittances and the Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate: Theory and Evidence”, IMF Working Paper, WP/10/287.
  • BLUNDELL, Richard and Steven BOND; (1998), “Initial Conditions and Mo- ment Restrictions in Dynamic Panel Data Models”, Journal of Econometrics, 87 (1), pp. 115–143.
  • BUGAMELLI, Matteo and Francesco PATERNO; (2006), “Workers' Remittances and Current Account Reversals,” Bank of Italy Economic Research Paper No. 573, Rome: Bank of Italy.
  • CAMERON, A. Colin and Pravin K. TRIVEDI; (2005), Microeconometrics, Methods and Applications, New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • CATRINESCU, Natalia, Miguel LEON-LEDESMA, Matloob PIRACHA and Bryce QUILLIN; (2006), “Remittances, Institutions and Economic Growth”, IZA Discussion Paper No. 2139.
  • CHAMI, Ralph, Connel FULLENKAMP and SAMIR Jahjah; (2003), “Are Immigrant Remittance Flows a Source of Capital for Development?”, IMF Working Paper 01/189, Washington: IMF.
  • DESAI, Mihir A; Devesh KAPOOR and John Mchale; (2001), “The Fiscal Impact of the Brain Drain: Indian Emigration to the U.S.”, Weekly Political Economy Discussion Paper, Cambridge: Harvard University.
  • DRUKKER, David M.; (2008), “Econometric Analysis of Dynamic Panel-Data Models Using Stata”, Statacorp Summer North American Stata Users Group Meeting, July 24-25, Texas .
  • DUCH, Raymond; (2008), “Longitudinal/Panel Data Analysis: Lecture 3 and 4”, Internet Address:, Date of Access: 28.05.2010.
  • EDWARDS, Alejandra Cox and Manuelita URETA; (2003), “International Migration, Remittances, and Schooling: Evidence from El Salva- dor", NBER Working Paper No. 9766.
  • FAINI, Riccardo; (2002), “Development, Trade, and Migration”, Proceedings from The ABCDE Europe Conference, 1–2, pp.85–116.
  • FAJNZYLBER, Pablo and J. Humberto LÓPEZ; (2008), “Remittances and Development: Lessons from Latin America”, World Bank, Washington: World Bank.
  • FUNKHOUSER, Edward; (1992), “Migration from Nicaragua: Some Recent Evidence”, World Development, 20, pp.1209–1218.
  • GIULIANO, Paola and Marta RUIZ-ARRANZ; (2009), “Remittances, Financial Development, and Growth”, Journal of Development Economics, 90, pp.144–152.
  • GIULIANO, Paola and Marta RUIZ-ARRANZ; (2006), “Remittances, Financial Development and Growth”, IZA Discussion Paper Series, No. 2160.
  • GUPTA, Sanjeev; Catherine PATTILLO and Smita WAGH; (2007), “Impact of Remittances on Poverty and Finansal Development in Sub-Sharan Africa”, IMF Working Paper, No. 07/38.
  • HANSON, Gordon H.; (2007), “Emigration, Remittances, and Labor Force Participation in Mexico”, Integration and Trade Journal 27, pp. 73–103.
  • JONGWANICH, Juthathip; (2007), “Worker’s Remittances, Economic Growth and Poverty in Developing Asia and Pasific Countries”, UNESCAP Working Paper, No. 07/01.
  • LARTEY, Eammanuel K.K.; Federico S. MANDELMAN and Pablo ACOSTA; (2008), “Remittances, Exchange Rate Regimes, and the Dutch Disease: A Panel Data Analysis”, Federal Reserve Bank of At- lanta Working Paper, No. 2008-12.
  • LÓPEZ, Humberto; Luis MOLINA and Maurizio BUSSOLO; (2007), “Remittances and the Real Exchange Rate”, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, No. 4213, Washington: World Bank.
  • MESNARD, Alice; (2004), “Temporary Migration and Capital Market Imperfections”, Oxford Economic Papers, 56 (2), pp.242–262.
  • PERKINS, Dwight H.; Steven C. RADELET; Donald R. SNODGRASS; Malcolm GILLIS and Michael ROEMER; (2001), Economics of Development, Fifth Edition, New York: Norton.
  • POND, Bob and Barbara MCPAKE; (2006), “The Health Migration Crisis: The Role of Four Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development Countries,” The Lancet, 367, pp. 1448–1455.
  • PRADHAN, Gyan, Mukti UPADHYAY and Kamal UPADHYAYA; (2008), “Remittances and Economic Growth in Developing Countries”, The European Journal of Development Research, 20 (3), pp.497–506.
  • PURI, Shivani and Tineke RITZEMA; (1999), “Migrant Worker Remittances, Micro-Finance and Informal Economy: Prospects and Issues”, Working Paper No. 21, Social Finance Unit, Geneva: International Labour Organization.
  • RAMEY, Garey and Valeria A. RAMEY; (1995), “Cross-Country Evidence on the Link Between Volatility and Growth”, American Economic Review, 85 (5), pp. 1138–1151.
  • RAO, B. Bhaskara and Gazi HASSAN; (2009), “A Panel Data Analysis of the Growth Effects of Remittances”, MPRA Working Paper, No. 18021.
  • RATHA, Dilip; (2003), “Workers’ Remittances: An Important and Stable Source of External Development Finance,” in Global Development Finance 2003, Washington: World Bank.
  • STAHL, Charles W.; (1982), “Labour Emigration and Economic Development”, International Migration Review, 16, pp. 868–899.
  • STAHL, Charles W. and Fred ARNOLD; (1986), “Overseas Workers’ Remittances in Asian Development”, International Migration Review, 20 (4), pp. 899–892.
  • STARK, Oded and David LEVHARI; (1982), “On Migration and Risk in LDCs”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 31 (1), pp. 191–196.
  • STARK, Oded and Robert LUCAS; (1988), “Migration, Remittances and the Family”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 36 (3), pp. 465–481.
  • TAYLOR, J. Edward; (1992), “Remittances and Inequality Reconsidered: Direct, Indirect and Intertemporal Effects”, Journal of Policy Modeling, 14 (2), pp. 187–208.
  • WOODRUFF, Christopher M. and Rene ZENTENO; (2004), “Remittances and Micro Enterprises in Mexico”, Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies Working Paper, unpublished working paper, San Diego: University of California.
  • WORLD BANK; (2006), “Global Economic Prospects”, Internet Address:, Date of Access: 05.10.2011
  • YANG, Dean; (2004), “International Migration, Human Capital, and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Philippine Migrants’ Exchange Rate Shocks”, Ford School of Public Policy Working Paper, No. 02–011, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan.
Toplam 47 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 14 Mayıs 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2011 Sayı: 38

Kaynak Göster

APA Arı, A., & Özcan, B. (2015). İŞÇİ GELİRLERİ VE EKONOMİK BÜYÜME İLİŞKİSİ: DİNAMİK PANEL VERİ ANALİZİ. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi(38), 101-117.

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