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Second Language Acquisition Instructional Models in English-Medium International Schools: Past, Present, and Future

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 24 Sayı: 2, 299 - 305, 01.08.2022


The international school market continues to expand, and an increasing number of English language learners (ELLs) are enrolling in English-medium international schools. As new schools start and existing schools evaluate their second language acquisition model(s), care should be taken to implement a model that provides ELLs with the necessary support for English language acquisition. Understanding current practice and teacher preference can enable school leaders to make more informed decisions when implementing or revising an SLA instructional mode (IM). The purpose of this research study is to build upon previous research findings through further examination of the frequency of SLA IM used in English-medium international schools. Additionally, the researchers sought to compare the preferred SLA IMs between ELL, Primary, and English teachers. Findings from this quantitative survey-based study reinforce previous findings that the hybrid push-in and pull-out SLA IM is the most implemented SLA IM in English-medium international schools. Additionally, the hybrid SLA IM continues to be the preferred SLA IM in English-medium international schools.

Destekleyen Kurum



This study was conducted as a follow-up and add to data reported in a previously published research article http://apjee.usm.my/vol35_2_2020.html


  • Baecher, L., & Bell, A. B. (2017). Opportunity to teach: Push-in and pull-out models of English learner instruction. Journal of Education and Culture Studies, 1(1), 53-68. doi:10.22158/jecs.v1n1p53
  • Beasley, T. M., & Schumacker, R. E. (1995). Multiple regression approach to analyzing contingency tables: Post hoc and planned comparison procedures. The Journal of Experimental Education, 64(1), 79-93.
  • Brevetti, M., & Ford, D. (2017). Unsung saviours? An educative history of intensive English programs in the US. The International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Invention, 4(11), 4112–4119. doi:10.18535/ijsshi/v4i11.04
  • Carder, M. W. (2014). Tracing the path of ESL provision in international schools over the last four decades (Part 1). The International Schools Journal, 34(1), 85.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
  • Demo, H., Nes, K., Somby, H. M., Frizzarin, A., & Dal Zovo, S. (2021). In and out of class–what is the meaning for inclusive schools? Teachers’ opinions on push-and pull-out in Italy and Norway. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 1-19. doi:10.1080/13603116.2021.1904017
  • Garcia-Perez, M. A., & Nunez-Anton, V. (2003). Cellwise residual analysis in two-way contingency tables. Educational and psychological measurement, 63(5), 825-839. doi:10.1177/0013164403251280
  • ISC. (2015). The international school consultancy [Brochure]. Faringdon, England: ISC Research.
  • ISC Research. (2016, July). Huge global demand for English-medium K-12 education. Retrieved from https://ie-today.co.uk/news/ huge-global-demand-for-english-medium-k-12-education/#:~:text= the%20new%202016%20Global%20Report,by%2041.5%25%20in%20the%20past
  • ISC Research. (2019a). About the market. ISC Research. Retrieved from https://www.iscresearch.com/about-us/the-market
  • ISC Research. (2019b). ISC research. ISC Research. Retrieved from https://www.iscresearch.com
  • ISC Research. (2021). International school market growth. ISC Research. Retrieved from https://iscresearch.com/data/
  • Krashen, S. D. (1981). Bilingual education and second language acquisition theory. In California State Department of Education (Ed.), Schooling and language minority students: A theoretical framework (pp. 50 79). Los Angeles: Evaluation, Dissemination and Assessment Center California State University.
  • Lehman, C. (2020). Parent knowledge and preferences of language learning and use in an international school in Viet Nam. VNU Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 6(5), 577-590. doi:10.33100/jossh6.5.ClaytonLehman
  • Lehman, C. (2021). Language-specific professional development: A comparison of for-profit and non-profit international schools. International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 12(1), 61-76.
  • Lehman, C., & Welch, B. (2020a). Second language acquisition instructional models in English-medium international schools in East Asia. Asia Pacific Journal of Educators and Education, 35(2), 1-16. doi:10.21315/apjee2020.35.2.1
  • Lehman, C., & Welch, B. (2020b). A quantitative investigation of language policy in international schools in East Asia. Research in Educational Policy and Management, 2(2). doi:10.46303/repam.2020.1
  • Lewandowski, N. (2012, January 5). International education is becoming a goldmine. Retrieved from https://expatmarketing.com
  • Li, G. (2018). From stigma to strength: A case of ESL program transformation in a greater Vancouver high school. BC TEAL Journal, 3 (1), 63-76.
  • Li, G. & Wen, K. (2015). East Asian heritage language education for plurilingual reality in the United States: Practices, potholes, and possibilities. International Multilingual Research Journal, 9(4), 274-290. doi:10.1080/19313152.2015.1086623
  • McHugh, M. L. (2013). The Chi-square test of independence. Biochemia Medica, 23(2), 143-149. doi:10.11613/BM.2013.018
  • Reynolds, K. M., Jiao, J., Nolan-Smith, K., & O’Brien, E. (2013). Teachers’ perceptions of push-in or pull-out model effectiveness and learning outcomes. Retrieved from Academia.edu
  • Salkind, N. J. (2013). Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics (3rd ed.).Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
  • Spencer, J. (2021). Understanding EAL: International secondary school teachers’ experiences and attitudes in Ukraine and Eastern Europe. Journal of Research in International Education, 1-16. doi:10.1177/14752409211033749
  • Szasz, P. (2010). State of the profession: Intensive English programs. The CATESOL Journal, 21(1), 194–201.
  • Sharpe, D. (2015). Chi-square test is statistically significant: Now what? Practical Assessment,Research, and Evaluation, 20(1), 8. doi:10.7275/tbfa-x148
  • Shoebottom, P. (2009). Academic success for non-native English speakers in English-medium international schools: The role of the secondary ESL department. NALDIC Quarterly, 7(1), 13-18. Retrieved from www.naldic.org.uk
  • White, J. (2017). Caught between the push and the pull: ELL teachers’ perceptions of mainstream and ESOL classroom teaching. NABE Journal of Research and Practice, 8:1, 9-27. doi:10.1080/26390043.2017.12067793
  • Zen, D. (2001). What is wrong with ESL programs in schools? Washington, D.C.: Educational Resources Information Center. (ED482580)

İngilizce Eğitim Veren Uluslararası Okullarda İkinci Dil Edinimi Eğitim Modelleri: Dünü, Bugünü ve Geleceği

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 24 Sayı: 2, 299 - 305, 01.08.2022


Uluslararası okul sektörü genişlemeye devam etmektedir ve artan sayıda İngilizce öğrenen İngilizce eğitim veren uluslararası okullara kaydolmaktadır. Yeni okullar açıldıkça ve mevcut okullar ikinci dil edinim modellerini değerlendirdikçe İngilizce öğrenenlere dil edinimi için gerekli desteği sağlayan bir modelin uygulanmasına özen gösterilmelidir. Mevcut uygulamayı ve öğretmen tercihini anlamak, okul liderlerinin ikinci dil edinimi öğretim yöntemini uygularken veya revize ederken daha bilinçli kararlar vermesini sağlayabilir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, İngilizce eğitim veren uluslararası okullarda kullanılan ikinci dil edinimi öğretim yönteminin sıklığının detaylı incelenmesi yoluyla önceki araştırma bulgularına katkı sağlamaktır. Ayrıca araştırmacılar, İngilizce öğrenenler, İlkokul ve İngilizce öğretmenleri arasında tercih edilen ikinci dil edinimi öğretim yöntemlerini karşılaştırmaya çalışmaktır. Nicel ankete dayalı çalışmadan elde edilen bulgular, hibrit sınıf içi ve sınıf dışı ikinci dil edinimi öğretim yönteminin İngilizce eğitim veren uluslararası okullarda en çok uygulanan ikinci dil edinimi öğretim yöntemi olduğuna dair önceki bulguları desteklemektedir. Dahası, hibrit ikinci dil edinimi öğretim yöntemi İngilizce eğitim veren uluslararası okullarda tercih edilmeye devam etmektedir.


  • Baecher, L., & Bell, A. B. (2017). Opportunity to teach: Push-in and pull-out models of English learner instruction. Journal of Education and Culture Studies, 1(1), 53-68. doi:10.22158/jecs.v1n1p53
  • Beasley, T. M., & Schumacker, R. E. (1995). Multiple regression approach to analyzing contingency tables: Post hoc and planned comparison procedures. The Journal of Experimental Education, 64(1), 79-93.
  • Brevetti, M., & Ford, D. (2017). Unsung saviours? An educative history of intensive English programs in the US. The International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Invention, 4(11), 4112–4119. doi:10.18535/ijsshi/v4i11.04
  • Carder, M. W. (2014). Tracing the path of ESL provision in international schools over the last four decades (Part 1). The International Schools Journal, 34(1), 85.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
  • Demo, H., Nes, K., Somby, H. M., Frizzarin, A., & Dal Zovo, S. (2021). In and out of class–what is the meaning for inclusive schools? Teachers’ opinions on push-and pull-out in Italy and Norway. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 1-19. doi:10.1080/13603116.2021.1904017
  • Garcia-Perez, M. A., & Nunez-Anton, V. (2003). Cellwise residual analysis in two-way contingency tables. Educational and psychological measurement, 63(5), 825-839. doi:10.1177/0013164403251280
  • ISC. (2015). The international school consultancy [Brochure]. Faringdon, England: ISC Research.
  • ISC Research. (2016, July). Huge global demand for English-medium K-12 education. Retrieved from https://ie-today.co.uk/news/ huge-global-demand-for-english-medium-k-12-education/#:~:text= the%20new%202016%20Global%20Report,by%2041.5%25%20in%20the%20past
  • ISC Research. (2019a). About the market. ISC Research. Retrieved from https://www.iscresearch.com/about-us/the-market
  • ISC Research. (2019b). ISC research. ISC Research. Retrieved from https://www.iscresearch.com
  • ISC Research. (2021). International school market growth. ISC Research. Retrieved from https://iscresearch.com/data/
  • Krashen, S. D. (1981). Bilingual education and second language acquisition theory. In California State Department of Education (Ed.), Schooling and language minority students: A theoretical framework (pp. 50 79). Los Angeles: Evaluation, Dissemination and Assessment Center California State University.
  • Lehman, C. (2020). Parent knowledge and preferences of language learning and use in an international school in Viet Nam. VNU Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 6(5), 577-590. doi:10.33100/jossh6.5.ClaytonLehman
  • Lehman, C. (2021). Language-specific professional development: A comparison of for-profit and non-profit international schools. International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 12(1), 61-76.
  • Lehman, C., & Welch, B. (2020a). Second language acquisition instructional models in English-medium international schools in East Asia. Asia Pacific Journal of Educators and Education, 35(2), 1-16. doi:10.21315/apjee2020.35.2.1
  • Lehman, C., & Welch, B. (2020b). A quantitative investigation of language policy in international schools in East Asia. Research in Educational Policy and Management, 2(2). doi:10.46303/repam.2020.1
  • Lewandowski, N. (2012, January 5). International education is becoming a goldmine. Retrieved from https://expatmarketing.com
  • Li, G. (2018). From stigma to strength: A case of ESL program transformation in a greater Vancouver high school. BC TEAL Journal, 3 (1), 63-76.
  • Li, G. & Wen, K. (2015). East Asian heritage language education for plurilingual reality in the United States: Practices, potholes, and possibilities. International Multilingual Research Journal, 9(4), 274-290. doi:10.1080/19313152.2015.1086623
  • McHugh, M. L. (2013). The Chi-square test of independence. Biochemia Medica, 23(2), 143-149. doi:10.11613/BM.2013.018
  • Reynolds, K. M., Jiao, J., Nolan-Smith, K., & O’Brien, E. (2013). Teachers’ perceptions of push-in or pull-out model effectiveness and learning outcomes. Retrieved from Academia.edu
  • Salkind, N. J. (2013). Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics (3rd ed.).Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
  • Spencer, J. (2021). Understanding EAL: International secondary school teachers’ experiences and attitudes in Ukraine and Eastern Europe. Journal of Research in International Education, 1-16. doi:10.1177/14752409211033749
  • Szasz, P. (2010). State of the profession: Intensive English programs. The CATESOL Journal, 21(1), 194–201.
  • Sharpe, D. (2015). Chi-square test is statistically significant: Now what? Practical Assessment,Research, and Evaluation, 20(1), 8. doi:10.7275/tbfa-x148
  • Shoebottom, P. (2009). Academic success for non-native English speakers in English-medium international schools: The role of the secondary ESL department. NALDIC Quarterly, 7(1), 13-18. Retrieved from www.naldic.org.uk
  • White, J. (2017). Caught between the push and the pull: ELL teachers’ perceptions of mainstream and ESOL classroom teaching. NABE Journal of Research and Practice, 8:1, 9-27. doi:10.1080/26390043.2017.12067793
  • Zen, D. (2001). What is wrong with ESL programs in schools? Washington, D.C.: Educational Resources Information Center. (ED482580)
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Alan Eğitimleri
Bölüm Bu Sayıda

Clayton Lehman 0000-0002-7347-5205

Brett Welch Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-2814-9638

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 20 Haziran 2022
Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2022
Kabul Tarihi 3 Mart 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 24 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Lehman, C., & Welch, B. (2022). Second Language Acquisition Instructional Models in English-Medium International Schools: Past, Present, and Future. Erzincan Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 24(2), 299-305. https://doi.org/10.17556/erziefd.1005688