Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2024, , 523 - 542, 31.08.2024



  • [1] Sekban, H. T., Can, K., Başçi, A., (2016) The performance analyze and control of a coupled tank liquid-level system via PI & backstepping controllers, National Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Biomedical Engineering (ELECO), Bursa, Turkey.
  • [2] Sekban, H. T., Can, K., Basci, A., (2020) Model-based dynamic fractional-order sliding mode controller design for performance analysis and control of a coupled tank liquid-level system, Advances in Electrical & Computer Engineering, 20(3), 93-100.
  • [3] Esmaeili, J. S., Başçi, A., (2021) Design and implementation of LMI-based H2 control for vertical nonlinear coupled-tank system. International Journal of System Dynamics Applications (IJSDA), 10(4), 1-16.
  • [4] Yılmaz, M., Can, K., Başçi, A., (2021) PI+ feed forward controller tuning based on genetic algorithm for liquid level control of coupled-tank system, Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 11(2), 1014-1026.
  • [5] Esmaeili, J. S., Başçi, A., (2023) Robust output feedback control design for nonlinear coupled-tank system using linear matrix inequalities, International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, 15(1), 125-138.
  • [6] Jaafar, H.I., Hussien, S. Y. S., Selamat, N.A., Aras, M.S.M., Rashid, M.Z.A., (2014) Development of PID controller for controlling desired level of coupled tank system, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 3(9), 32-36.
  • [7] Kumar, S., Nagpal, P., (2017) Comparative analyisis of P, PI, PID and fuzzy logic controller for tank water level control system, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 4(4), 1174-1177.
  • [8] Mahapatro, S. A., Subudhi, B., Ghosh S., (2019) Design and experimental realization of a robust decentralized PI controller for a coupled tank system, ISA Transactions, 89, 158-168.
  • [9] Sekban, H.T., Can, K., Başçi, A., (2016) İkili tank sıvı-seviye sisteminin PI ve geri adımlamalı kontrol yöntemleri ile kontrolü ve performans analizi, In ELECO International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Bursa.
  • [10] Başçi, A. and Derdiyok, A., (2016) Implementation of an adaptive fuzzy compensator for coupled tank liquid level control system, Measurement, 91, 12-18.
  • [11] Aksu, I. O., Coban, R., (2019) Sliding mode PI control with backstepping approach for MIMO nonlinear cross‐coupled tank systems, International Journal of Robust and nonlinear control, 29(6), 1854-1871.
  • [12] Jegatheesh, A., & Kumar, C. A., (2020) Novel fuzzy fractional order PID controller for nonlinear interacting coupled spherical tank system for level process, Microprocessors and Microsystems, 72, 102948-102960.
  • [13] Zadeh, L. A., (1965) Fuzzy sets. Information and control, 8(3), 338-353.
  • [14] Muntaser, A., Suleiman, A. A., Lesewed, A. A., (2015) Synthesis of fuzzy control system for coupled level tanks, In 2015 International Conference on Information Science and Management Engineering (ICISME), Tarhona, Libya.
  • [15] Yordanova, S., (2016) Fuzzy logic approach to coupled level control, Systems Science & Control Engineering, 4(1), 215-222.
  • [16] Kumar, R., Kumar, S., (2022) Performance comparison of industrial controller and fuzzy logic controller for water level tank control system, International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, 4(1), 2582-5208.
  • [17] Karnik, N. N., Mendel, J. M., Liang, Q., (1999) Type-2 fuzzy logic systems, IEEE transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 7(6), 643-658.
  • [18] Loukal, K., Bouguerra, A., Zeghlache, S., (2023) Fault tolerant control of two tanks system using gain-scheduled type-2 fuzzy sliding mode controller IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI), 2252(8938), 1158-1168.
  • [19] Mahapatro, S. R., Subudhi, B., Ghosh, S., (2014) Adaptive fuzzy PI controller design for coupled tank system: an experimental validation, Third International Conference on Advances in Control and Optimization of Dynamical System, Kanpur, India.
  • [20] Mursyitah, D., Faizal, A., Ismaredah, E., (2018) Level control in coupled tank system using PID-Fuzzy tuner controller, In 2018 Electrical Power, Electronics, Communications, Controls and Informatics Seminar (EECCIS) (pp. 293-298). IEEE.
  • [21] Balakrishnaa, A. V., Arun, N. K., (2022) Liquid level control of interacting coupled spherical tank system using PI and fuzzy PI controller, In 2022 3rd International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET), Batu, Indonesia.
  • [22] Saad, M., Alshara M., Mustafa K., (2023) Fuzzy PID controller design for a coupled tank liquid level control system, Wseas Transactions on Systems and Control, 18, 401-408.
  • [23] Kumar, R., Kumar, N., Rai, A., Singh, P. P., (2023) Level control of coupled tank system using fuzzy PI feedforward technique, 5th International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment: Towards Flexible Green Energy Technologies (ICEPE), Shillong, India.
  • [24] Quanser-Two Tank Manuel, 2005.
  • [25] Ödük, M. N., (2019) Bulanık mantık yöntemi ve uygulamaları, Iksad Publications, 160, Ankara.
  • [26] Ali, O. A. M., Ali, A. Y., Sumait, B. S., (2015) Comparison between the effects of different types of membership functions on fuzzy logic controller performance, International Journal of Emerging Engineering Research and Technology, 3(3), 76-83.
  • [27] Zeb, K., Islam, S. U., Din, W. U., Khan, I., Ishfaq, M., Busarello, T. D. C., Ahmad I., Kim H.J., (2019) Design of fuzzy-PI and fuzzy-sliding mode controllers for single-phase two-stages grid-connected transformerless photovoltaic inverter, Electronics, 8(5), 520.
  • [28] Mendel, J. M., John, R. I., Liu, F., (2006) Interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems made simple, IEEE transactions on fuzzy systems, 14(6), 808-821.
  • [29] Kumbasar, T., (2016) Aralık değerli tip-2 bulanık PID kontrolörler ve bir çevrimiçi öz-ayarlama mekanizması, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 22(8), 643-649.
  • [30] Özek, M. B., & Akpolat, Z. H., (2010) Bulanık mantık için yeni bir yaklaşım: tip 2 bulanık mantık, Engineering Sciences, 5(3), 541-557.
  • [31] Wu, D., (2010) A brief tutorial on interval type-2 fuzzy sets and systems, University of Southern California.
  • [32] Wu, D., (2013) Approaches for reducing the computational cost of interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems: overview and comparisons, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 21(1), 80-99.

Comparison of the Performance of Type-1 and Interval Type-2 Fuzzy PI Controllers for Liquid Level Control in a Coupled Tank System

Yıl 2024, , 523 - 542, 31.08.2024


In this study, liquid level control in a coupled tank system is realized with PI controllers whose parameters are adapted using fuzzy logic approximation methods. Type-1 fuzzy PI control, interval type-2 fuzzy PI control and classical PI+Feedforward control methods are applied to the tank system in real time for different reference liquid levels. The performances of the controllers are compared in terms of system response parameters such as rise time, settling time and overshoot percentage. In addition, the performance evaluation of the controllers over a certain period of time is also compared by calculating integral-based concepts that express error performance metrics such as integral square error (ISE), integral time square error (ITSE), integral absolute error (IAE) and integral time absolute error (ITAE). The obtained results show that the type-2 fuzzy PI controller shows the best performance, followed by type-1 fuzzy PI control and classical PI+FF controller, respectively.


  • [1] Sekban, H. T., Can, K., Başçi, A., (2016) The performance analyze and control of a coupled tank liquid-level system via PI & backstepping controllers, National Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Biomedical Engineering (ELECO), Bursa, Turkey.
  • [2] Sekban, H. T., Can, K., Basci, A., (2020) Model-based dynamic fractional-order sliding mode controller design for performance analysis and control of a coupled tank liquid-level system, Advances in Electrical & Computer Engineering, 20(3), 93-100.
  • [3] Esmaeili, J. S., Başçi, A., (2021) Design and implementation of LMI-based H2 control for vertical nonlinear coupled-tank system. International Journal of System Dynamics Applications (IJSDA), 10(4), 1-16.
  • [4] Yılmaz, M., Can, K., Başçi, A., (2021) PI+ feed forward controller tuning based on genetic algorithm for liquid level control of coupled-tank system, Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 11(2), 1014-1026.
  • [5] Esmaeili, J. S., Başçi, A., (2023) Robust output feedback control design for nonlinear coupled-tank system using linear matrix inequalities, International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, 15(1), 125-138.
  • [6] Jaafar, H.I., Hussien, S. Y. S., Selamat, N.A., Aras, M.S.M., Rashid, M.Z.A., (2014) Development of PID controller for controlling desired level of coupled tank system, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 3(9), 32-36.
  • [7] Kumar, S., Nagpal, P., (2017) Comparative analyisis of P, PI, PID and fuzzy logic controller for tank water level control system, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 4(4), 1174-1177.
  • [8] Mahapatro, S. A., Subudhi, B., Ghosh S., (2019) Design and experimental realization of a robust decentralized PI controller for a coupled tank system, ISA Transactions, 89, 158-168.
  • [9] Sekban, H.T., Can, K., Başçi, A., (2016) İkili tank sıvı-seviye sisteminin PI ve geri adımlamalı kontrol yöntemleri ile kontrolü ve performans analizi, In ELECO International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Bursa.
  • [10] Başçi, A. and Derdiyok, A., (2016) Implementation of an adaptive fuzzy compensator for coupled tank liquid level control system, Measurement, 91, 12-18.
  • [11] Aksu, I. O., Coban, R., (2019) Sliding mode PI control with backstepping approach for MIMO nonlinear cross‐coupled tank systems, International Journal of Robust and nonlinear control, 29(6), 1854-1871.
  • [12] Jegatheesh, A., & Kumar, C. A., (2020) Novel fuzzy fractional order PID controller for nonlinear interacting coupled spherical tank system for level process, Microprocessors and Microsystems, 72, 102948-102960.
  • [13] Zadeh, L. A., (1965) Fuzzy sets. Information and control, 8(3), 338-353.
  • [14] Muntaser, A., Suleiman, A. A., Lesewed, A. A., (2015) Synthesis of fuzzy control system for coupled level tanks, In 2015 International Conference on Information Science and Management Engineering (ICISME), Tarhona, Libya.
  • [15] Yordanova, S., (2016) Fuzzy logic approach to coupled level control, Systems Science & Control Engineering, 4(1), 215-222.
  • [16] Kumar, R., Kumar, S., (2022) Performance comparison of industrial controller and fuzzy logic controller for water level tank control system, International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, 4(1), 2582-5208.
  • [17] Karnik, N. N., Mendel, J. M., Liang, Q., (1999) Type-2 fuzzy logic systems, IEEE transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 7(6), 643-658.
  • [18] Loukal, K., Bouguerra, A., Zeghlache, S., (2023) Fault tolerant control of two tanks system using gain-scheduled type-2 fuzzy sliding mode controller IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI), 2252(8938), 1158-1168.
  • [19] Mahapatro, S. R., Subudhi, B., Ghosh, S., (2014) Adaptive fuzzy PI controller design for coupled tank system: an experimental validation, Third International Conference on Advances in Control and Optimization of Dynamical System, Kanpur, India.
  • [20] Mursyitah, D., Faizal, A., Ismaredah, E., (2018) Level control in coupled tank system using PID-Fuzzy tuner controller, In 2018 Electrical Power, Electronics, Communications, Controls and Informatics Seminar (EECCIS) (pp. 293-298). IEEE.
  • [21] Balakrishnaa, A. V., Arun, N. K., (2022) Liquid level control of interacting coupled spherical tank system using PI and fuzzy PI controller, In 2022 3rd International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET), Batu, Indonesia.
  • [22] Saad, M., Alshara M., Mustafa K., (2023) Fuzzy PID controller design for a coupled tank liquid level control system, Wseas Transactions on Systems and Control, 18, 401-408.
  • [23] Kumar, R., Kumar, N., Rai, A., Singh, P. P., (2023) Level control of coupled tank system using fuzzy PI feedforward technique, 5th International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment: Towards Flexible Green Energy Technologies (ICEPE), Shillong, India.
  • [24] Quanser-Two Tank Manuel, 2005.
  • [25] Ödük, M. N., (2019) Bulanık mantık yöntemi ve uygulamaları, Iksad Publications, 160, Ankara.
  • [26] Ali, O. A. M., Ali, A. Y., Sumait, B. S., (2015) Comparison between the effects of different types of membership functions on fuzzy logic controller performance, International Journal of Emerging Engineering Research and Technology, 3(3), 76-83.
  • [27] Zeb, K., Islam, S. U., Din, W. U., Khan, I., Ishfaq, M., Busarello, T. D. C., Ahmad I., Kim H.J., (2019) Design of fuzzy-PI and fuzzy-sliding mode controllers for single-phase two-stages grid-connected transformerless photovoltaic inverter, Electronics, 8(5), 520.
  • [28] Mendel, J. M., John, R. I., Liu, F., (2006) Interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems made simple, IEEE transactions on fuzzy systems, 14(6), 808-821.
  • [29] Kumbasar, T., (2016) Aralık değerli tip-2 bulanık PID kontrolörler ve bir çevrimiçi öz-ayarlama mekanizması, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 22(8), 643-649.
  • [30] Özek, M. B., & Akpolat, Z. H., (2010) Bulanık mantık için yeni bir yaklaşım: tip 2 bulanık mantık, Engineering Sciences, 5(3), 541-557.
  • [31] Wu, D., (2010) A brief tutorial on interval type-2 fuzzy sets and systems, University of Southern California.
  • [32] Wu, D., (2013) Approaches for reducing the computational cost of interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems: overview and comparisons, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 21(1), 80-99.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Varyasyon Hesabı, Sistem Teorisinin Matematiksel Yönleri ve Kontrol Teorisi
Bölüm Makaleler

Hatice Nursoy 0009-0006-1099-0580

Abdullah Başçi 0000-0003-4141-2880

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ağustos 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2024
Kabul Tarihi 9 Ağustos 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Nursoy, H., & Başçi, A. (2024). Comparison of the Performance of Type-1 and Interval Type-2 Fuzzy PI Controllers for Liquid Level Control in a Coupled Tank System. Erzincan University Journal of Science and Technology, 17(2), 523-542.