Assembly line balancing is a production planning strategy that has been
widely used in industrial applications. Most line balancing problems are known
as nondeterministic polynomial time (NP-hard) problem, and they have different
structures and solution methodology approaches. In this study, newly developed
production planning software which is called Visual Assembly Line Balancing Software
(VALBS) is introduced for educational purposes. The aim of the software is to
support teaching activity for assembly line balancing techniques; facilitate
understanding characteristics of different assembly lines and solution
approaches, and enable to compare the results of them. The proposed VALBS is
easy to use in various manufacturing environments, and suitable to support
teaching line balancing procedures in undergraduate students. The software was
used in classes of industrial and mechanical engineering students and feedbacks
of students measured by Likert Scale survey. The results show that proposed
visual software is an effective method to teach line balancing procedures.
Akkoyun, Ö. 2011. “Development of a Visual Courseware for Surface Mining Education”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 19, 56-65.
Akkoyun, Ö. 2017. “New Simulation Tool for Teaching–Learning Processes in Engineering Education”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 25, 404–410.
Akyol, S.D., Baykasoğlu, A. 2019. “A multiple-rule based constructive randomized search algorithm for solving assembly line worker assignment and balancing problem”, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 30(2), 557–573.
Aliane, N. 2010. “Spreadsheet-Based Interactive Modules for Control Education”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 18, 166-174.
Arcus, A.L. 1965. “A computer method of sequencing operations for assembly lines”, International Journal of Production Research, 4 (4), 259–277.
Barua, S. 2001. “An interactive multimedia system on computer architecture, organization, and design”, IEEE Transactions on Education, 44, 41-46.
Baykasoğlu, A., Demirkol Akyol, S., Demirkan, B. 2017. “An Excel-Based Program to Teach Students Quick Ergonomic Risk Assessment Techniques With an Application to an Assembly System”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 25, 489–507.
Bayley, T. 2018. “Teaching Line Balancing through Active and Blended Learning*”, Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 16, 82-103.
Berenguel, M., Rodríguez, F., Moreno, J. C., Guzmán, J. L. S., González, R. 2016. “Tools and methodologies for teaching robotics in computer science & engineering studies”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 24, 202–214.
Binous, H., Shaikh, A.A. 2015. “Introduction of the Arc-Length Continuation Technique in the Chemical Engineering Graduate Program at KFUPM”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 23, 344–351.
Boysen, N., Fliedner, M., Scholl, A. 2007. “A classification of assembly line balancing problems”, European Journal of Operational Research, 183, 674-693.
Cobos, M., Roger, S. 2019. “SART3D: A MATLAB toolbox for spatial audio and signal processing education”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, doi: 10.1002/cae.7
Fish, L.A. 2005. “Teaching Assembly Line Balancing: A Mini-Demonstration with DUPLO® Blocks or “The Running of the Dogs””, Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 3, 169–176.
Hsieh, S. J. 2009. “Problem-solving environment for line balancing automated manufacturing systems”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education 17, 52-60.
Ilic, O., Cvetic, B. 2012. “Solving the assembly line balancing problem in the educational environment”, Metalurgia international, 17, 58-62.
Jackson, J.R. 1956. “A Computing Procedure for a Line Balancing Problem”, Management Science, 2(3), 261-271.
Johnson, D., Singh, R. 2019. “Utilizing Simtronics, a chemical engineering process simulation software, in chemical engineering coursework to reduce the skills gap”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 27, 519–525.
Kayssi, A., El-Hajj, A., El Assir, Sayyid, M. R. 1999. “Web-based tutoring and testing in a computer networks course”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 7, 1–7.
Lau, H. Y. K., Mak, K. L., Ma, H. 2006. “IMELS: An E-learning platform for industrial engineering”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 14, 53-63.
Lazaridis, V., Paparrizos, K., Samaras, N., Sifaleras, A. 2007. “Visual LinProg: A web-based educational software for linear programming”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 15, 1-14.
MacDonald, Z. 1995. “Teaching Linear Programming using Microsoft Excel Solver”, Computer in Higher Education Economics Review 9, 7-10.
Mazziotti, B. W., Armstrong, F. B., Powell, K. A. 1993. “Teaching production line balancing with an interactive, simulation-based training system”, Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings, 25, 1392-1393.
Mendez, J. A., Lorenzo, C., Acosta, L., Torres, S., Gonzalez, E. 2006. “A Web-Based Tool for Control Engineering Teaching”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 14, 178-187.
Ochoa, S. F., Pino, J. A., Baloian, N., Fuller, D. A. 2003. “ICESEE: A tool for developing engineering courseware”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 11, 53-66.
Ong, S. K., Mannan, M. A. 2002. “Development of an interactive multimedia teaching package for a course on metalworking”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 10, 215-228.
Ong, S. K., Mannan, M. A. 2004. “Virtual reality simulations and animations in a web-based interactive manufacturing engineering module”, Computers & Education, 43, 361–382.
Patterson, J.H., Albracht, J.J. 1975. “Assembly line balancing: zero-one programming with Fibonacci search”, Operations Research, 23, 166-72.
Pieritz, R. A., Mendes, R., Da Silva, R. F. A. F., Maliska, C. R. 2004. “CFD studio: An educational software package for CFD analysis and design”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 12, 20-30.
Rampazzo, M., Cervato, A., Beghi, A. 2017. “Remote Refrigeration System Experiments for Control Engineering Education”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 25, 430–440.
Robinson, R. B., Carmical, A. J. 2005. “A web‐based educational module on limestone contactors technology for drinking water professionals”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 13, 240–249.
Schmid, C., Ali, A. 2000. “A web-based system for control engineering education”, Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 5, 3463-3990.
Scholl, A., Becker, C. 2006. “State-of-the-art exact and heuristic solution procedures for simple assembly line balancing”, European Journal of Operational Research, 168, 666–693.
Scholl, A., Boysen, N., Fliedner, M. 2009. “Optimally solving the alternative subgraphs assembly line balancing problem”, Annals of Operations Research, 172, 243–258.
Siemer, J., “The computer and classroom teaching: Towards new opportunities for old teachers”, 6th European Conference on Information Systems, Aixen-Provence, France, 1998.
Siller, J. T., Palmquist, M., Zimmerman, E. D. 1999. “Technology as a vehicle for integrating communication and team working skills in engineering curricula”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 6, 245–254.
Sivasankaran, P., Shahabudeen, P. 2014. “Literature review of assembly line balancing problems”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 73, 1665–1694.
Snider, B., Southin, N., Weaver, S. 2017. “Student Peer Evaluated Line Balancing Competition”, Informs Transactions On Education, 17, 43–48.
Zavalani, O. 2015. “Computer‐based simulation development of a design course project in electrical engineering”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 23, 587–595.
Zhang, Z., Cheng, W. 2010. “Teaching assembly line balancing problem by using lingo software”, 2010 Second International Workshop on Education Technology and Computer Science, 1, 663-666.
Öğrencilere Montaj Hattı Dengeleme Tekniklerini Öğretmek için Bir Problem Çözme Ortamı
Yıl 2019,
Cilt: 12 Sayı: 3, 1690 - 1699, 31.12.2019
Montaj hattı dengeleme, endüstriyel uygulamalarda yaygın olarak kullanılan
bir üretim planlama stratejisidir. Çoğu montaj hattı dengeleme problemi, deterministtik
olmayan polinom zamanlı (NP-zor) problem olarak bilinir ve farklı yapılara ve
çözüm metodolojisi yaklaşımlarına sahiptir. Bu çalışmada, Görsel Montaj Hattı
Dengeleme Yazılımı (GMHDY) adı verilen yeni geliştirilen üretim planlama
yazılımı, eğitim amaçlı olarak tanıtılmıştır. Yazılımın amacı, montaj hattı
dengeleme teknikleri için öğretim faaliyetlerini desteklemek, farklı montaj
hatlarının ve çözüm yaklaşımlarının özelliklerini anlamak ve sonuçlarının
karşılaştırılmasını sağlamaktır. Önerilen GMHDY, çeşitli üretim ortamları için
kullanımı kolay ve lisans öğrencileri için montaj hattı dengeleme yöntemlerinin
öğretimini desteklemektedir. Yazılım, endüstri ve makine mühendisliği
öğrencilerine kullandırılmış ve öğrenci geri bildirimleri, Likert ölçekli anket
ile değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuçlar, önerilen görsel yazılımın hat dengeleme yöntemlerini
öğretmek için etkili bir araç olduğunu göstermektedir.
Akkoyun, Ö. 2011. “Development of a Visual Courseware for Surface Mining Education”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 19, 56-65.
Akkoyun, Ö. 2017. “New Simulation Tool for Teaching–Learning Processes in Engineering Education”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 25, 404–410.
Akyol, S.D., Baykasoğlu, A. 2019. “A multiple-rule based constructive randomized search algorithm for solving assembly line worker assignment and balancing problem”, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 30(2), 557–573.
Aliane, N. 2010. “Spreadsheet-Based Interactive Modules for Control Education”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 18, 166-174.
Arcus, A.L. 1965. “A computer method of sequencing operations for assembly lines”, International Journal of Production Research, 4 (4), 259–277.
Barua, S. 2001. “An interactive multimedia system on computer architecture, organization, and design”, IEEE Transactions on Education, 44, 41-46.
Baykasoğlu, A., Demirkol Akyol, S., Demirkan, B. 2017. “An Excel-Based Program to Teach Students Quick Ergonomic Risk Assessment Techniques With an Application to an Assembly System”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 25, 489–507.
Bayley, T. 2018. “Teaching Line Balancing through Active and Blended Learning*”, Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 16, 82-103.
Berenguel, M., Rodríguez, F., Moreno, J. C., Guzmán, J. L. S., González, R. 2016. “Tools and methodologies for teaching robotics in computer science & engineering studies”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 24, 202–214.
Binous, H., Shaikh, A.A. 2015. “Introduction of the Arc-Length Continuation Technique in the Chemical Engineering Graduate Program at KFUPM”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 23, 344–351.
Boysen, N., Fliedner, M., Scholl, A. 2007. “A classification of assembly line balancing problems”, European Journal of Operational Research, 183, 674-693.
Cobos, M., Roger, S. 2019. “SART3D: A MATLAB toolbox for spatial audio and signal processing education”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, doi: 10.1002/cae.7
Fish, L.A. 2005. “Teaching Assembly Line Balancing: A Mini-Demonstration with DUPLO® Blocks or “The Running of the Dogs””, Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 3, 169–176.
Hsieh, S. J. 2009. “Problem-solving environment for line balancing automated manufacturing systems”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education 17, 52-60.
Ilic, O., Cvetic, B. 2012. “Solving the assembly line balancing problem in the educational environment”, Metalurgia international, 17, 58-62.
Jackson, J.R. 1956. “A Computing Procedure for a Line Balancing Problem”, Management Science, 2(3), 261-271.
Johnson, D., Singh, R. 2019. “Utilizing Simtronics, a chemical engineering process simulation software, in chemical engineering coursework to reduce the skills gap”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 27, 519–525.
Kayssi, A., El-Hajj, A., El Assir, Sayyid, M. R. 1999. “Web-based tutoring and testing in a computer networks course”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 7, 1–7.
Lau, H. Y. K., Mak, K. L., Ma, H. 2006. “IMELS: An E-learning platform for industrial engineering”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 14, 53-63.
Lazaridis, V., Paparrizos, K., Samaras, N., Sifaleras, A. 2007. “Visual LinProg: A web-based educational software for linear programming”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 15, 1-14.
MacDonald, Z. 1995. “Teaching Linear Programming using Microsoft Excel Solver”, Computer in Higher Education Economics Review 9, 7-10.
Mazziotti, B. W., Armstrong, F. B., Powell, K. A. 1993. “Teaching production line balancing with an interactive, simulation-based training system”, Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings, 25, 1392-1393.
Mendez, J. A., Lorenzo, C., Acosta, L., Torres, S., Gonzalez, E. 2006. “A Web-Based Tool for Control Engineering Teaching”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 14, 178-187.
Ochoa, S. F., Pino, J. A., Baloian, N., Fuller, D. A. 2003. “ICESEE: A tool for developing engineering courseware”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 11, 53-66.
Ong, S. K., Mannan, M. A. 2002. “Development of an interactive multimedia teaching package for a course on metalworking”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 10, 215-228.
Ong, S. K., Mannan, M. A. 2004. “Virtual reality simulations and animations in a web-based interactive manufacturing engineering module”, Computers & Education, 43, 361–382.
Patterson, J.H., Albracht, J.J. 1975. “Assembly line balancing: zero-one programming with Fibonacci search”, Operations Research, 23, 166-72.
Pieritz, R. A., Mendes, R., Da Silva, R. F. A. F., Maliska, C. R. 2004. “CFD studio: An educational software package for CFD analysis and design”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 12, 20-30.
Rampazzo, M., Cervato, A., Beghi, A. 2017. “Remote Refrigeration System Experiments for Control Engineering Education”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 25, 430–440.
Robinson, R. B., Carmical, A. J. 2005. “A web‐based educational module on limestone contactors technology for drinking water professionals”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 13, 240–249.
Schmid, C., Ali, A. 2000. “A web-based system for control engineering education”, Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 5, 3463-3990.
Scholl, A., Becker, C. 2006. “State-of-the-art exact and heuristic solution procedures for simple assembly line balancing”, European Journal of Operational Research, 168, 666–693.
Scholl, A., Boysen, N., Fliedner, M. 2009. “Optimally solving the alternative subgraphs assembly line balancing problem”, Annals of Operations Research, 172, 243–258.
Siemer, J., “The computer and classroom teaching: Towards new opportunities for old teachers”, 6th European Conference on Information Systems, Aixen-Provence, France, 1998.
Siller, J. T., Palmquist, M., Zimmerman, E. D. 1999. “Technology as a vehicle for integrating communication and team working skills in engineering curricula”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 6, 245–254.
Sivasankaran, P., Shahabudeen, P. 2014. “Literature review of assembly line balancing problems”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 73, 1665–1694.
Snider, B., Southin, N., Weaver, S. 2017. “Student Peer Evaluated Line Balancing Competition”, Informs Transactions On Education, 17, 43–48.
Zavalani, O. 2015. “Computer‐based simulation development of a design course project in electrical engineering”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 23, 587–595.
Zhang, Z., Cheng, W. 2010. “Teaching assembly line balancing problem by using lingo software”, 2010 Second International Workshop on Education Technology and Computer Science, 1, 663-666.
Yılmaz, H., & Demir, Y. (2019). A Problem-Solving Environment to Teach Students Assembly Line Balancing Techniques. Erzincan University Journal of Science and Technology, 12(3), 1690-1699.