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Socio-Cultural Structure of Norway in the Bronze Age (1700 BC.- 500 BC.)

Yıl 2024, , 1 - 13, 05.07.2024


In Norway, which is located in the Nordic geographical and cultural region, stone tools were used until 1700 BC, after which the period of bronze tools obtained from the alloy of copper and tin began. The Norwegian Bronze Age is divided into two phases, the Early 1700-1100 BC and the Late Phase 1100-500 BC. While the Near East entered historical periods with the use of writing around 3200 BC, the Norwegian region entered historical periods only in the Middle Ages. In order to understand the cultural structure of the Norwegian Bronze Age, tombs, settlement sites, ornaments and rock paintings are the main archaeological data. Due to its geographical location and climate, Northern Europe had access to raw material networks much later. This indicates that historical periods do not depend on the same factors and processes in all geographies. This study will test the above-mentioned assertion and try to illuminate the beginning and development process of the Bronze Age in Norway and the socio-cultural structure of the region through archaeological data.


  • AUSTVOLL, K. I., ERIKSEN, M. HEM, FREDRIKSEN, P. D., MELHEIM, M., PRØSCH-DANIELSEN, L. ve SKOGSTRAND, L. (2020). Contrast of the Bronze Age – Time, Ritual, and Encounters in the Nordic World: An Introduction, (ed. K. I. Austvoll, M. Hem Eriksen, P. D. Fredriksen, L. Melheim, L. Prøsch-Danielsen, L. Skogstrand), Contrasts of the Nordic Bronze Age, Essays in Honuour of Christopher Prescott, 15-25. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
  • DODD, J. (2020). Identifying and Investigating Diversity, New Perspectives and Possibilities Within Scandinavian Rock Art Research, (ed. K. I. Austvoll, M. Hem Eriksen, P. D. Fredriksen, L. Melheim, L. Prøsch-Danielsen, L. Skogstrand), Contrasts of the Nordic Bronze Age, Essays in Honuour of Christopher Prescott, 149-158. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
  • EARLE, T. ve KRISTIANSEN, K. (2010). Organising Bronze Age Societies: Concluding Thoughts, (ed. T. Earle, K. Kristiansen), Organizing Bronze Age Societies, The Mediterranean, Central Europe, and Scandinavia Compared, 218-256. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • ERIKSEN, M. HEM ve AUSTVOLL, K. I. (2020). Bridging Perspectives, Social Dynamics of Houses and Households in the Nordic Bronze Age, (ed. K. I. Austvoll, M. Hem Eriksen, P. D. Fredriksen, L. Melheim, L. Prøsch-Danielsen, L. Skogstrand), Contrasts of the Nordic Bronze Age, Essays in Honour of Christopher Prescott, 187-201. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
  • GOLDHAHN, J. (2013). Rethinking Bronze Age Cosmology: A North European Perspective, (ed. H. Fokkens, A. Harding), The Oxford Handbook The European Bronze Age, 248-269. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • HELLE, K. (1996). Grunntrekk i Norsk Historie, Fra Vikingtid Til Våre Dager,1 Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
  • KAUL, F. (2008). Sotetopr-endnu engang, Adoranten 2007, 51-75.
  • KAUL, F. (2013). Mythological Aspect of Nordic Bronze Age Religion, (ed. L. Bredholt Christensen, O. Hammer, D. A. Warburton), The Handbook of Religions in Ancient Europe, 70-76. New York: Routledge.
  • KAUL, F. (2022). Middle Bronze Age Long-Distance Exchange, (ed. J. Ling, R. J. Chacon, K. Kristiansen) Trade Before Civilization, Long-Distance Exchange and the Rise of Social Complexity, 109-141. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • KRISTIANSEN, K. (2013). Religion and Society in the Bronze Age, (ed. L. Bredholt Christensen, O. Hammer, D. A. Warburton), The Handbook of Religions in Ancient Europe, 77-92. New York: Routledge.
  • KRISTIANSEN, K. ve LARSEN, T. B. (2005). The Rise of Bronze Age Society, Travels, Transmissions and Tranformations, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • LILLEHAMMER, A. (1994). Ascheohougs Norges Historie 1, (ed. K. Helle), Oslo.
  • LING, J., CHACON, R. J. ve CHACON, C. (2022). Bronze Age Long-Distance Exchange, Secret Societies, Rock Art, and the Supra Regional Interaction Hypothesis, (ed. J. Ling, R. J. Chacon, K. Kristiansen), Trade Before Civilization, Long-Distance Exchange and the Rise of Social Complexity, 53-74. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • MÜLLER, J. ve VANDKILDE, H. (2020). The Nordic Bronze Age Rose from Copper Age Diversity: Contrasts in the Cimbrian Peninsula, (ed. K. I. Austvoll, M. Hem Eriksen, P. D. Fredriksen, L. Melheim, L. Prøsch-Danielsen, L. Skogstrand), Contrasts of the Nordic Bronze Age, Essays in Honour of Christopher Prescott, 29-48. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
  • NÆRØY, A. J. (2020). On the Periphery of an Agricultural Society: Traces from the Formative Agricultural Period in Norway- A Case Study from Øygarden in Hordaland, Western Norway, Contrast of the Bronze Age – Time, Ritual, and Encounters in the Nordic World: An Introduction, (ed. K. I. Austvoll, M. Hem Eriksen, P. D. Fredriksen, L. Melheim, L. Prøsch-Danielsen, L. Skogstrand), Contrasts of the Nordic Bronze Age, Essays in Honour of Christopher Prescott, 49-58. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
  • PRESCOTT, C. (2006). Copper Production in Bronze Age Norway?, (ed. H. Glorstad, B. Skar, D. Skre), Historien i Forhistorien: Festskrift til E. Østmo på 60-Årsdagen, 183-190. Kulturhistorisk Museum, Universitetet i Oslo, Oslo.
  • PRESCOTT, C. (2012). Third Millennium Transformations in Norway: Modeling an Interpretative Platform, (ed. C. Prescott, H. Glørstad), Becoming European, The Transformation of Third Millennium Northern and Western Europe, 115-127. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
  • PRESCOTT, C., SAND-ERIKSEN, A. ve AUSTVOLL, K. I. (2018). The Sea and Bronze Age Transformation. (ed. P. F. Biehl, S. Milisauskas, S. L. Dyson), Water and Power in Pasta Societies, 177-197, State University of New York.
  • RUNDBERGET, B. ve AMUNDSEN, H. R. (2020). The Contrasting Region of Hedmark, South East Norway, Contrast of the Bronze Age – Time, Ritual, and Encounters in the Nordic World: An Introduction, (ed. K. I. AustvolL, M. Hem Eriksen, P. D. Fredriksen, L. Melheim, L.. Prøsch-Danielsen, L. Skogstrand), Contrasts of the Nordic Bronze Age, Essays in Honour of Christopher Prescott, 59-69. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
  • SABATINI, S., BRORSSON, T. ve SKOGLUND, P. (2020). Clay, Burial Urns, and Social Distinction in Late Bronze Age Southern Scandinavia, (ed. K. I. Austvoll, M. Hem Eriksen, P. D. Fredriksen, L. Melheim, L. Prøsch-Danielsen, L. Skogstrand), Contrasts of the Nordic Bronze Age, Essays in Honuour of Christopher Prescott, 233-245. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
  • SIIRIÄINEN, A. (2003). The Stone and Bronze Ages, (ed. K. Helle) Cambridge History of Scandinavia, 43-59. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • SOLBERG, B. (2014), Jernalderen i Norge 500 før Kristus til 1030 etter Kristus, Cappelen Akademiske Forlag, Oslo.
  • SØRENSEN STIG, M. L. (2010). Household, (ed. T. Earle, K. Kristiansen), Organizing Bronze Age Societies, The Mediterranean, Central Europe, and Scandinavia Compared, 122-154. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • SØRENSEN STIG, M. L. (2013). Identity, Gender, and Dress in the European Bronze Age, (ed. H. Fokkens, A. Harding), The Oxford Handbook The European Bronze Age, 216-233. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • VANDKILDE, H. (2022). Entrepreneurs, Metals and Change, Scandinavia Meets Its Neighbours int the Earliest Bronze Age, (ed. J. Ling, R. J. Chacon, K. Kristiansen), Trade Before Civilization, Long-Distance Exchange and the Rise of Social Complexity, 309-333. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • VARBERG, J. (2013). Lady of the Battle and of the Horse: on Anthropomorphic Gods and Their Cult in Late Bronze Age Scandinavia, (ed. S. Bergerbrant, S. Sabatini), Counterpoint: Essays in Archaeology and Heritage Studies in Honour of Professor Kristian Kristiansen, 147-157. Archeopress Publishers of British Archaeological Reports.
  • (01.05.2024).
  • (04.05.2024)
  • (01.06.2024)
  •; (06.06.2024)


Yıl 2024, , 1 - 13, 05.07.2024


Nordik coğrafi ve kültürel bölgesinde bulunan Norveç'te MÖ 1700'lere kadar taş aletler kullanıldıktan sonra bakır ve kalayın alaşımından elde edilen bronzdan (tunç) aletlerin dönemi başlamıştır. Norveç Bronz Çağı , Erken Evre MÖ 1700-1100 ve Geç Evre MÖ 1100-500 olarak ikiye ayrılmaktadır. Yakın Doğu, MÖ 3200'lerde yazının kullanımıyla tarihi dönemlere girerken, Norveç bölgesi tarihi dönemlere ancak Orta Çağ'da girebilmiştir.
Norveç Bronz Çağı'nın kültürel yapısını anlayabilmek için, mezarlar, yerleşim (ören) alanları, süs eşyaları ve kaya resimleri başlıca arkeolojik verilerdir. Kuzey Avrupa coğrafi konumu ve iklim yapısı sebebiyle, hammadde ağlarına ulaşma imkanını çok daha geç elde etmiştir. Bu da tarihi dönemlerin her coğrafyalarda aynı etken ve süreçlere bağlı olmadığını işaret etmektedir. Bu çalışma yukarıda zikredilen savı da test edecek şekilde, Norveç’te Bronz çağın başlama ve gelişim süreci ile bununla bağlantılı olarak da bölgenin sosyo-kültürel yapısını, arkeolojik veriler aracılığıyla aydınlatılmaya çalışılacaktır


  • AUSTVOLL, K. I., ERIKSEN, M. HEM, FREDRIKSEN, P. D., MELHEIM, M., PRØSCH-DANIELSEN, L. ve SKOGSTRAND, L. (2020). Contrast of the Bronze Age – Time, Ritual, and Encounters in the Nordic World: An Introduction, (ed. K. I. Austvoll, M. Hem Eriksen, P. D. Fredriksen, L. Melheim, L. Prøsch-Danielsen, L. Skogstrand), Contrasts of the Nordic Bronze Age, Essays in Honuour of Christopher Prescott, 15-25. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
  • DODD, J. (2020). Identifying and Investigating Diversity, New Perspectives and Possibilities Within Scandinavian Rock Art Research, (ed. K. I. Austvoll, M. Hem Eriksen, P. D. Fredriksen, L. Melheim, L. Prøsch-Danielsen, L. Skogstrand), Contrasts of the Nordic Bronze Age, Essays in Honuour of Christopher Prescott, 149-158. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
  • EARLE, T. ve KRISTIANSEN, K. (2010). Organising Bronze Age Societies: Concluding Thoughts, (ed. T. Earle, K. Kristiansen), Organizing Bronze Age Societies, The Mediterranean, Central Europe, and Scandinavia Compared, 218-256. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • ERIKSEN, M. HEM ve AUSTVOLL, K. I. (2020). Bridging Perspectives, Social Dynamics of Houses and Households in the Nordic Bronze Age, (ed. K. I. Austvoll, M. Hem Eriksen, P. D. Fredriksen, L. Melheim, L. Prøsch-Danielsen, L. Skogstrand), Contrasts of the Nordic Bronze Age, Essays in Honour of Christopher Prescott, 187-201. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
  • GOLDHAHN, J. (2013). Rethinking Bronze Age Cosmology: A North European Perspective, (ed. H. Fokkens, A. Harding), The Oxford Handbook The European Bronze Age, 248-269. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • HELLE, K. (1996). Grunntrekk i Norsk Historie, Fra Vikingtid Til Våre Dager,1 Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
  • KAUL, F. (2008). Sotetopr-endnu engang, Adoranten 2007, 51-75.
  • KAUL, F. (2013). Mythological Aspect of Nordic Bronze Age Religion, (ed. L. Bredholt Christensen, O. Hammer, D. A. Warburton), The Handbook of Religions in Ancient Europe, 70-76. New York: Routledge.
  • KAUL, F. (2022). Middle Bronze Age Long-Distance Exchange, (ed. J. Ling, R. J. Chacon, K. Kristiansen) Trade Before Civilization, Long-Distance Exchange and the Rise of Social Complexity, 109-141. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • KRISTIANSEN, K. (2013). Religion and Society in the Bronze Age, (ed. L. Bredholt Christensen, O. Hammer, D. A. Warburton), The Handbook of Religions in Ancient Europe, 77-92. New York: Routledge.
  • KRISTIANSEN, K. ve LARSEN, T. B. (2005). The Rise of Bronze Age Society, Travels, Transmissions and Tranformations, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • LILLEHAMMER, A. (1994). Ascheohougs Norges Historie 1, (ed. K. Helle), Oslo.
  • LING, J., CHACON, R. J. ve CHACON, C. (2022). Bronze Age Long-Distance Exchange, Secret Societies, Rock Art, and the Supra Regional Interaction Hypothesis, (ed. J. Ling, R. J. Chacon, K. Kristiansen), Trade Before Civilization, Long-Distance Exchange and the Rise of Social Complexity, 53-74. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • MÜLLER, J. ve VANDKILDE, H. (2020). The Nordic Bronze Age Rose from Copper Age Diversity: Contrasts in the Cimbrian Peninsula, (ed. K. I. Austvoll, M. Hem Eriksen, P. D. Fredriksen, L. Melheim, L. Prøsch-Danielsen, L. Skogstrand), Contrasts of the Nordic Bronze Age, Essays in Honour of Christopher Prescott, 29-48. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
  • NÆRØY, A. J. (2020). On the Periphery of an Agricultural Society: Traces from the Formative Agricultural Period in Norway- A Case Study from Øygarden in Hordaland, Western Norway, Contrast of the Bronze Age – Time, Ritual, and Encounters in the Nordic World: An Introduction, (ed. K. I. Austvoll, M. Hem Eriksen, P. D. Fredriksen, L. Melheim, L. Prøsch-Danielsen, L. Skogstrand), Contrasts of the Nordic Bronze Age, Essays in Honour of Christopher Prescott, 49-58. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
  • PRESCOTT, C. (2006). Copper Production in Bronze Age Norway?, (ed. H. Glorstad, B. Skar, D. Skre), Historien i Forhistorien: Festskrift til E. Østmo på 60-Årsdagen, 183-190. Kulturhistorisk Museum, Universitetet i Oslo, Oslo.
  • PRESCOTT, C. (2012). Third Millennium Transformations in Norway: Modeling an Interpretative Platform, (ed. C. Prescott, H. Glørstad), Becoming European, The Transformation of Third Millennium Northern and Western Europe, 115-127. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
  • PRESCOTT, C., SAND-ERIKSEN, A. ve AUSTVOLL, K. I. (2018). The Sea and Bronze Age Transformation. (ed. P. F. Biehl, S. Milisauskas, S. L. Dyson), Water and Power in Pasta Societies, 177-197, State University of New York.
  • RUNDBERGET, B. ve AMUNDSEN, H. R. (2020). The Contrasting Region of Hedmark, South East Norway, Contrast of the Bronze Age – Time, Ritual, and Encounters in the Nordic World: An Introduction, (ed. K. I. AustvolL, M. Hem Eriksen, P. D. Fredriksen, L. Melheim, L.. Prøsch-Danielsen, L. Skogstrand), Contrasts of the Nordic Bronze Age, Essays in Honour of Christopher Prescott, 59-69. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
  • SABATINI, S., BRORSSON, T. ve SKOGLUND, P. (2020). Clay, Burial Urns, and Social Distinction in Late Bronze Age Southern Scandinavia, (ed. K. I. Austvoll, M. Hem Eriksen, P. D. Fredriksen, L. Melheim, L. Prøsch-Danielsen, L. Skogstrand), Contrasts of the Nordic Bronze Age, Essays in Honuour of Christopher Prescott, 233-245. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
  • SIIRIÄINEN, A. (2003). The Stone and Bronze Ages, (ed. K. Helle) Cambridge History of Scandinavia, 43-59. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • SOLBERG, B. (2014), Jernalderen i Norge 500 før Kristus til 1030 etter Kristus, Cappelen Akademiske Forlag, Oslo.
  • SØRENSEN STIG, M. L. (2010). Household, (ed. T. Earle, K. Kristiansen), Organizing Bronze Age Societies, The Mediterranean, Central Europe, and Scandinavia Compared, 122-154. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • SØRENSEN STIG, M. L. (2013). Identity, Gender, and Dress in the European Bronze Age, (ed. H. Fokkens, A. Harding), The Oxford Handbook The European Bronze Age, 216-233. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • VANDKILDE, H. (2022). Entrepreneurs, Metals and Change, Scandinavia Meets Its Neighbours int the Earliest Bronze Age, (ed. J. Ling, R. J. Chacon, K. Kristiansen), Trade Before Civilization, Long-Distance Exchange and the Rise of Social Complexity, 309-333. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • VARBERG, J. (2013). Lady of the Battle and of the Horse: on Anthropomorphic Gods and Their Cult in Late Bronze Age Scandinavia, (ed. S. Bergerbrant, S. Sabatini), Counterpoint: Essays in Archaeology and Heritage Studies in Honour of Professor Kristian Kristiansen, 147-157. Archeopress Publishers of British Archaeological Reports.
  • (01.05.2024).
  • (04.05.2024)
  • (01.06.2024)
  •; (06.06.2024)
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Avrupa, Akdeniz ve Levant Arkeolojisi
Bölüm Araştırma

Hatice Gül Küçükbezci 0000-0001-6936-4767

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 12 Temmuz 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 5 Temmuz 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Mayıs 2024
Kabul Tarihi 27 Haziran 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Küçükbezci, H. G. (2024). BRONZ ÇAĞ’DA (MÖ 1700-MÖ 500) NORVEÇ’İN SOSYO-KÜLTÜREL YAPISI. Erzincan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 17(1), 1-13.