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Yıl 2020, , 98 - 108, 31.01.2020


this study, A standart protocol to callus formation and adventitious shoot regeneration of Hypericum adenotrichum Spach via direct or indirect organogenesis
has been described.

induction was carried out by using leaves which were collected from their
native environment. The maximum callus induction frequency has been observed on
MS media containing 4 mgL-1 BA and 0.2 mgL-1 NAA. These
calli were not induced to shoot regeneration. Shoot formation was obtained by
transferring the calluses from BA-containing media to MS medium containing 0.5
mgL-1 KIN. Maximum shoot number was observedin transferred calluses from
callus induction medium containing 3 mgL-1 BA to media containing
0.5 mgL-1 KIN.

shoot formation developed on leaf explants of H. adenotrichum on MS
media containing KIN alone. The highest direct shoot development was observed on
MS medium with 1 mgL-1 KIN.


Destekleyen Kurum

Aydın Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi

Proje Numarası

FBE- 09013


This study was part of the pH D thesis of Ömer Yamaner and financially supported by Aydın Adnan Menderes University Scientific Research Project Department (Project no: FBE- 09013). Abstract part of the study was presented as poster presentation at the 21st National Biology Congress, 3-7 September 2012, İzmir TURKEY.


  • [1] Julsing MK, Quax WJ, Kayser O. 2007. The engineering of medicinal plants. In: Medicinal Plant Biotechnology, (Kayser, O., Quax, M.K., Eds),. Wiley-VCH 2007, pp 3-8,Weinheim, Germany.
  • [2] Paunescu A. Biotechnology for endangered plant conservation: a critical overview. Rom Biotechnol Lett 2009; 14(1): 4095-4103.
  • [3] Laliberté B. Botanic garden seed banks/genebanks worldwide, their facilities, collections and network. Botanic Gardens Conservation News 1997; 2(9):18-23.
  • [4] Kapaia VY, Kapoora P and Raoa IU. In vitro propagation for conservation of rare and threatened plants of India –A Review. Int J Biolog Tech 2010; 1(2):1-14.
  • [5] Kirakosyan AB, Vardapetyan R R, Charchoglyan AG, Yamamoto H, Hayashi H and Inoue K. The Effect of cork pieces on pseudohypericin production in cells of Hypericum perforatum shoots. Russ J Plant Physiol 2001; 48(6): 816–819.
  • [6] Nasim SA, Aslam J, Kapoor R, Khan, SA. Secondary metabolites production through biotechnological intervention. A Review. Emir J Food Agric 2010; 22 (3): 147-161.
  • [7] Bacila I, Coste A, Halmagyi A, Deliu C. Micropropagation of Hypericum maculatum Cranz an important medicinal plant. Rom Biotechnol Lett 2010; 15(1): 86–91.
  • [8] Wojcik, A, Podstolski A. Leaf explant response in in vitro culture of St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum L.). Acta Physiol Plant 2007; 29: 151-156.
  • [9] Çırak C, Ivanauskasb L, Janulisb V, Radusiene J. Chemical constituents of Hypericum adenotrichum Spach, an endemic Turkish species. Nat Prod Res 2009; 23(13): 1189–1195.121.
  • [10] Özmen A, Bauer S, Gridling M, Singhuber J, Krasteva, S, Madlener S, Vo TP, Stark N, Saiko P, Fritzer-Szekeres M, Szekeres T, Askin-Celik T, Krenn L, Krupitza G. In vitro anti-neoplastic activity of the ethno-pharmaceutical plant Hypericum adenotrichum Spach endemic to Western Turkey. Oncol Rep 2009; 22(4): 845-852.
  • [11] Sarımahmut M, Balıkçı N, Celikler S, Ari F, Ulukaya E, Guleryuz G, et al. Evaluation of genotoxic and apoptotic potential of Hypericum adenotrichum Spach. In vitro Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 2013; 74:137-146.
  • [12] Yamaner Ö, Erdağ B, Gökbulut C. 2013. Stimulation and production of hypericins in ın vitro seedlings of Hypericum adenotrichum by some biotic elicitors. Turk J Botany 2013; 37:153-159.
  • [13] Yamaner Ö, Erdağ B. Effects of sucrose and polyethylene glycol on hypericins content in Hypericum adenotrichum. Eurasia J Biosci 2013; 7:101-110.
  • [14] Yamaner Ö, Erdağ B. Chrome elicitation for secondary metabolites stimulation in Hypericum adenotrichum Spach. European J Biotechnol Biosci 2018; 6(5): 52-55.[15] Murashige, T., Skoog, F. A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures. Physiol Plant 1962; 15: 473–497.
  • [16] Nunez-Palenius HG, Cantliffe DJ, Klee HH, Ochoa-Alejo N, Ramirez-Malagon R, Perez-Molphe E. 2005. Methods in plant tissue culture. In: Food Biotechnology, (Shetty, K., Paliyath, G., Pometto, A., Levin, R.E.), Newyork: CRC Press, 2005. pp. 553-601.
  • [17] Rugini E, Gutierrez-Pesce P. Micropropagation of kiwifruit (Actinidia ssp.). In: Micropropagation of woody trees and fruits, (Jain, S.M., Ishii, K. Eds.) The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. pp. 647-69.
  • [18] Pretto FR, Santarem ER. Callus formation and plant regeneration from Hypericum perforatum leaves. Plant Cell Tiss Org 2000; 62: 107–113.
  • [19] Li J, Wang T, Yang X, Zhang J. Study on the callus and cell culture of Hypericum perforatum. Zhong Yao Cai 2000; 23(5): 249-51.
  • [20] Bezo M, Stefunova V. Indirect regeneration of Hypericum perforatum L. under in vitro conditions. Acta Fytotech Zootech 2001; 4: 277-279.
  • [21] Bais HP, Walker TS, McGrew JJ, Vivanco JM. Factors affecting growth of suspension culture of Hypericum perforatum L. and production of hypericin. In vitro Cell Dev –Pl 2002; 38: 58-65.
  • [22] Wojcik A, Podstolski A. Leaf explant response in in vitro culture of St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum L.). Acta Physiol Plant 2007; 29: 151-156.
  • [23] Shiplashree HP, Rai R. In vitro plant regeneration and acclumation of flavonoids in Hypericum mysorense. Int J Integr Biol 2009; 8(1): 43-49.
  • [24] Gadzovska S, Maury S, Ounnar S, Righezza M, Kascakova S, Refregiers M. Identification and quantification of hypericin and pseudohypericin in different Hypericum perforatum L. in vitro cultures. Plant Physiol Biochem 2005; 43: 591-601.
  • [25] Cardoso MA, de Oliveira DE. Tissue culture of Hypericum brasiliense Choisy: shoot multiplication and callus induction. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult 1996; 44: 91–94.
  • [26] Santarem ER, Astarita L.V. Multiple shoot formation in Hypericum perforatum L. and hypericin production. Braz J Plant Physiol 2003; 15: 43-47.
  • [27] Çırak, C. Farklı Doku Kültürü Uygulamalarının İki Kantaron Türünde (Hypericum perforatum ve H. bupleuroides) Mikroçoğaltım Yeteneği Ve Hiperisin İle Toplam Fenolik Birikimi Üzerine Etkileri. PH D thesis, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun, Turkey, 2006.
  • [28] Ayan AK, Çırak C, Kevseroğlu K, Somken A. Effects of explant types and different concentrations of sucrose and phytohormones on plant regeneration and hypericin content in Hypericum perforatum L. Turk J of Agric For 2005 29: 197–204.
  • [29] Kirakosyan A B, Vardapetyan RR, Charchoglyan A G, Yamamoto H, Hayashi H and Inoue K. The Effect of cork pieces on pseudohypericin production in cells of Hypericum perforatum shoots. Russ J Plant Physiol 2001; 48(6): 816–819.
  • [30] Moura M. Conservation of Hypericum foliosum Aiton, an endemic azorean species, by miocropropagation. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Plant 1998; 34: 244–248.
  • [31] Çırak C, Ayan AK, Kevseroğlu K. Direct and indirect regeneration of plants from internodal and leaf explants of Hypericum bupleuroides Gris. J Plant Biol 2007; 50(1) : 24-28.


Yıl 2020, , 98 - 108, 31.01.2020


çalışmada, Hypericum adenotrichum
Spach ‘un kallus indüksiyonu ve direkt veya dolaylı organogenez yolu ile
adventif sürgün rejenerasyonu için standart bir protokol tanımlanmıştır.

toplanan bitkilerin yaprak eksplantlarından kallus oluşumu gözlenmiştir.
Maksimum kallus indüksiyon frekansı 4 mgL-1 BA ve 0.2 mgL-1
NAA ile kombine edilmiş MS ortamında elde edilmiştir. Fakat bu kalluslardan
sürgün rejenerasyonu indüklenememiştir. BA’nın tek başına kullanıldığı MS besi
ortamlarından elde edilen kalluslar, 0.5 mgL-1 KIN içeren MS besi
ortamında alt kültüre alındıklarında sürgün oluşumu gerçekleşmiştir. Maksimum
sürgün sayısı 3 mgL-1 BA içeren kallus indüksiyon ortamlarından
alınan kallusların 0.5 mgL-1 KIN içeren ortamlara aktarılması ile
elde edilmiştir. Direkt sürgün oluşumu ise Kinetinin tek başına kullanıldığı MS
besi ortamlarında gerçekleşmiştir. Maksimum sürgün sayısı 1 mgL-1
KIN içeren MS besi ortamında gözlenmiştir.

Proje Numarası

FBE- 09013


  • [1] Julsing MK, Quax WJ, Kayser O. 2007. The engineering of medicinal plants. In: Medicinal Plant Biotechnology, (Kayser, O., Quax, M.K., Eds),. Wiley-VCH 2007, pp 3-8,Weinheim, Germany.
  • [2] Paunescu A. Biotechnology for endangered plant conservation: a critical overview. Rom Biotechnol Lett 2009; 14(1): 4095-4103.
  • [3] Laliberté B. Botanic garden seed banks/genebanks worldwide, their facilities, collections and network. Botanic Gardens Conservation News 1997; 2(9):18-23.
  • [4] Kapaia VY, Kapoora P and Raoa IU. In vitro propagation for conservation of rare and threatened plants of India –A Review. Int J Biolog Tech 2010; 1(2):1-14.
  • [5] Kirakosyan AB, Vardapetyan R R, Charchoglyan AG, Yamamoto H, Hayashi H and Inoue K. The Effect of cork pieces on pseudohypericin production in cells of Hypericum perforatum shoots. Russ J Plant Physiol 2001; 48(6): 816–819.
  • [6] Nasim SA, Aslam J, Kapoor R, Khan, SA. Secondary metabolites production through biotechnological intervention. A Review. Emir J Food Agric 2010; 22 (3): 147-161.
  • [7] Bacila I, Coste A, Halmagyi A, Deliu C. Micropropagation of Hypericum maculatum Cranz an important medicinal plant. Rom Biotechnol Lett 2010; 15(1): 86–91.
  • [8] Wojcik, A, Podstolski A. Leaf explant response in in vitro culture of St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum L.). Acta Physiol Plant 2007; 29: 151-156.
  • [9] Çırak C, Ivanauskasb L, Janulisb V, Radusiene J. Chemical constituents of Hypericum adenotrichum Spach, an endemic Turkish species. Nat Prod Res 2009; 23(13): 1189–1195.121.
  • [10] Özmen A, Bauer S, Gridling M, Singhuber J, Krasteva, S, Madlener S, Vo TP, Stark N, Saiko P, Fritzer-Szekeres M, Szekeres T, Askin-Celik T, Krenn L, Krupitza G. In vitro anti-neoplastic activity of the ethno-pharmaceutical plant Hypericum adenotrichum Spach endemic to Western Turkey. Oncol Rep 2009; 22(4): 845-852.
  • [11] Sarımahmut M, Balıkçı N, Celikler S, Ari F, Ulukaya E, Guleryuz G, et al. Evaluation of genotoxic and apoptotic potential of Hypericum adenotrichum Spach. In vitro Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 2013; 74:137-146.
  • [12] Yamaner Ö, Erdağ B, Gökbulut C. 2013. Stimulation and production of hypericins in ın vitro seedlings of Hypericum adenotrichum by some biotic elicitors. Turk J Botany 2013; 37:153-159.
  • [13] Yamaner Ö, Erdağ B. Effects of sucrose and polyethylene glycol on hypericins content in Hypericum adenotrichum. Eurasia J Biosci 2013; 7:101-110.
  • [14] Yamaner Ö, Erdağ B. Chrome elicitation for secondary metabolites stimulation in Hypericum adenotrichum Spach. European J Biotechnol Biosci 2018; 6(5): 52-55.[15] Murashige, T., Skoog, F. A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures. Physiol Plant 1962; 15: 473–497.
  • [16] Nunez-Palenius HG, Cantliffe DJ, Klee HH, Ochoa-Alejo N, Ramirez-Malagon R, Perez-Molphe E. 2005. Methods in plant tissue culture. In: Food Biotechnology, (Shetty, K., Paliyath, G., Pometto, A., Levin, R.E.), Newyork: CRC Press, 2005. pp. 553-601.
  • [17] Rugini E, Gutierrez-Pesce P. Micropropagation of kiwifruit (Actinidia ssp.). In: Micropropagation of woody trees and fruits, (Jain, S.M., Ishii, K. Eds.) The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. pp. 647-69.
  • [18] Pretto FR, Santarem ER. Callus formation and plant regeneration from Hypericum perforatum leaves. Plant Cell Tiss Org 2000; 62: 107–113.
  • [19] Li J, Wang T, Yang X, Zhang J. Study on the callus and cell culture of Hypericum perforatum. Zhong Yao Cai 2000; 23(5): 249-51.
  • [20] Bezo M, Stefunova V. Indirect regeneration of Hypericum perforatum L. under in vitro conditions. Acta Fytotech Zootech 2001; 4: 277-279.
  • [21] Bais HP, Walker TS, McGrew JJ, Vivanco JM. Factors affecting growth of suspension culture of Hypericum perforatum L. and production of hypericin. In vitro Cell Dev –Pl 2002; 38: 58-65.
  • [22] Wojcik A, Podstolski A. Leaf explant response in in vitro culture of St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum L.). Acta Physiol Plant 2007; 29: 151-156.
  • [23] Shiplashree HP, Rai R. In vitro plant regeneration and acclumation of flavonoids in Hypericum mysorense. Int J Integr Biol 2009; 8(1): 43-49.
  • [24] Gadzovska S, Maury S, Ounnar S, Righezza M, Kascakova S, Refregiers M. Identification and quantification of hypericin and pseudohypericin in different Hypericum perforatum L. in vitro cultures. Plant Physiol Biochem 2005; 43: 591-601.
  • [25] Cardoso MA, de Oliveira DE. Tissue culture of Hypericum brasiliense Choisy: shoot multiplication and callus induction. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult 1996; 44: 91–94.
  • [26] Santarem ER, Astarita L.V. Multiple shoot formation in Hypericum perforatum L. and hypericin production. Braz J Plant Physiol 2003; 15: 43-47.
  • [27] Çırak, C. Farklı Doku Kültürü Uygulamalarının İki Kantaron Türünde (Hypericum perforatum ve H. bupleuroides) Mikroçoğaltım Yeteneği Ve Hiperisin İle Toplam Fenolik Birikimi Üzerine Etkileri. PH D thesis, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun, Turkey, 2006.
  • [28] Ayan AK, Çırak C, Kevseroğlu K, Somken A. Effects of explant types and different concentrations of sucrose and phytohormones on plant regeneration and hypericin content in Hypericum perforatum L. Turk J of Agric For 2005 29: 197–204.
  • [29] Kirakosyan A B, Vardapetyan RR, Charchoglyan A G, Yamamoto H, Hayashi H and Inoue K. The Effect of cork pieces on pseudohypericin production in cells of Hypericum perforatum shoots. Russ J Plant Physiol 2001; 48(6): 816–819.
  • [30] Moura M. Conservation of Hypericum foliosum Aiton, an endemic azorean species, by miocropropagation. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Plant 1998; 34: 244–248.
  • [31] Çırak C, Ayan AK, Kevseroğlu K. Direct and indirect regeneration of plants from internodal and leaf explants of Hypericum bupleuroides Gris. J Plant Biol 2007; 50(1) : 24-28.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Yapısal Biyoloji
Bölüm Makaleler

Ömer Yamaner

Bengi Erdağ 0000-0001-7042-9011

Proje Numarası FBE- 09013
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ocak 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Yamaner, Ö., & Erdağ, B. (2020). CALLUS INDUCTION AND ADVENTITIOUS SHOOT REGENERATION OF Hypericum adenotrichum SPACH. Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi - C Yaşam Bilimleri Ve Biyoteknoloji, 9(1), 98-108.
AMA Yamaner Ö, Erdağ B. CALLUS INDUCTION AND ADVENTITIOUS SHOOT REGENERATION OF Hypericum adenotrichum SPACH. Estuscience - Life. Ocak 2020;9(1):98-108. doi:10.18036/estubtdc.569370
Chicago Yamaner, Ömer, ve Bengi Erdağ. “CALLUS INDUCTION AND ADVENTITIOUS SHOOT REGENERATION OF Hypericum Adenotrichum SPACH”. Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi - C Yaşam Bilimleri Ve Biyoteknoloji 9, sy. 1 (Ocak 2020): 98-108.
EndNote Yamaner Ö, Erdağ B (01 Ocak 2020) CALLUS INDUCTION AND ADVENTITIOUS SHOOT REGENERATION OF Hypericum adenotrichum SPACH. Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi - C Yaşam Bilimleri Ve Biyoteknoloji 9 1 98–108.
IEEE Ö. Yamaner ve B. Erdağ, “CALLUS INDUCTION AND ADVENTITIOUS SHOOT REGENERATION OF Hypericum adenotrichum SPACH”, Estuscience - Life, c. 9, sy. 1, ss. 98–108, 2020, doi: 10.18036/estubtdc.569370.
ISNAD Yamaner, Ömer - Erdağ, Bengi. “CALLUS INDUCTION AND ADVENTITIOUS SHOOT REGENERATION OF Hypericum Adenotrichum SPACH”. Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi - C Yaşam Bilimleri Ve Biyoteknoloji 9/1 (Ocak 2020), 98-108.
JAMA Yamaner Ö, Erdağ B. CALLUS INDUCTION AND ADVENTITIOUS SHOOT REGENERATION OF Hypericum adenotrichum SPACH. Estuscience - Life. 2020;9:98–108.
MLA Yamaner, Ömer ve Bengi Erdağ. “CALLUS INDUCTION AND ADVENTITIOUS SHOOT REGENERATION OF Hypericum Adenotrichum SPACH”. Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi - C Yaşam Bilimleri Ve Biyoteknoloji, c. 9, sy. 1, 2020, ss. 98-108, doi:10.18036/estubtdc.569370.
Vancouver Yamaner Ö, Erdağ B. CALLUS INDUCTION AND ADVENTITIOUS SHOOT REGENERATION OF Hypericum adenotrichum SPACH. Estuscience - Life. 2020;9(1):98-108.