Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2012, , 225 - 240, 15.07.2012



  • Abel, E., & Nelson, M.K. (1990). (Eds.). Circles of Care: Work and Identity in Women's Lives. Albany: SUNY Press.
  • Abel, M. H. & Sewell, J. (1999). Stress and burnout in rural and urban secondary school teachers. The
  • Journal of Educational Research, 92(5), 287-293.
  • Akman, B. Taskın, N. Ozden, Z., & Cortu, F. (2010). A study on preschool teachers’ burnout. Elementary Education Online, 9(2), 807-815.
  • Ashton, P. (1984). Teacher efficacy: A motivational paradigm for effective teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education, 35(5), 28-32.
  • Bernhard, J. K. , Lefebvre, M. L., Kilbride, K. M., Chud, G., & Lange, R. (1998). Troubled relationships in early childhood education: Parent-teacher interactions in ethnoculturally diverse child care settings. Early Education & Development, 9(1), 5-28.
  • Blase, J. J. (1986). A qualitative analysis of sources of teacher stress: consequences for performance. American Educational Research Journal, 23(1), 13-40.
  • Bogler R. (2002). Two profiles of school teachers: A discriminant analysis of job satisfaction. Teaching and Teacher Education, 18(6), 665-673.
  • Borg, W. R. & Gall, M. D. (1989). Educational Research: An İntroduction (5th ed.). New York: Longman.
  • Bride, M. A. (1996). University-based child development laboratory programs: Emerging issues and challenges. Early Childhood Education Journal, 24(1).17-21.
  • Brief, A.P., & Weiss, H.M. (2002). Organizational behavior: Affect in the workplace. Annual Review of Psychology, 53, 279-307.
  • Briley, S., Reifel, S., & Paver, R. (1997). Child care on campus: A case study in evolving programs and issues. Child & Youth Care Forum, 26(2), 67-85.
  • Byrne, B. M. (1984). Burnout: Testing for the validity, replication, and invariance of causal structure across elementary, intermediate, and secondary teachers. American Educational Research Jour- nal, 31(3), 645-673.
  • Darling-Hammond, L. (2003). Keeping good teachers: What leaders can do. Educational Leadership, 60(8), 6-13.
  • Decree (Kararname) No: 1272. (1953). Gebe ve emzikli kadınların çalıştırılma şartlariyle emzirme odaları ve kreşler hakkında Nizamname. T.C. Resmi Gazete, 8504, 10.09.1953.
  • Decree (Kararname) No: 6/11648. (1969). Gebe ve emzikli kadınların çalıştırılma şartlariyle emzirme odaları ve çocuk bakım yurtlan (kreş) hakkında tüzük. T.C. Resmi Gazete, 13204, 22. 05. 1969.
  • Deniz Kan, Ü. (2008). Bir grup okul öncesi öğretmeninde tükenmişlik durumunun incelenmesi. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 16(2),431-438.
  • Dorman, J. (2003). Testing a model for teacher burnout. Australian Journal of Educational & Developmental Psychology, 3, 35-47.
  • Doumen, S., Verschueren, K., Buyse, E., Germeijs, V., Luyckx, K., & Soenens, B. (2008). Reciprocal relations between teacher-child conflict and aggressive behavior in kindergarten: A three-wave longitudinal study. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 37(3), 588-599.
  • Goelman. H., & Gue, H. (1998). What we know and what we don't know about burnout among early childhood care providers. Child & Youth Care Forum, 27(3), 175-199.
  • Grayson, J. L., & Alvarez, H. K. (2008). School climate factors relating to teacher burnout: A mediator model. Teaching and Teacher Education 24, 1349-1363.
  • Hayes, C. D., Palmer, J. L., & Zaslow, M. J. (Eds.) (1990). Who Cares for America's Children? Was- hington, DC: National Academy Press.
  • Jorde-Bloom, P. (1988). Factors influencing overall job satisfaction and organizational commitment in early childhood work environments. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 3(2), 107-121. Klassen, R. M., & Chiu, M. M. (2010). Effects on teachers’ self-efficacy and job satisfaction: Teacher gender, years of experience, and job stress. Journal of Educational Psychology, 102(3), 741-756.
  • Klassen, R. M., Usher, E. L., & Bong, M. (2010). Teachers’ collective efficacy, job satisfaction, and job Stress in cross-cultural context. The Journal of Experimental Education, 78, 464-486.
  • Klusmann, U., Kunter, M., Trautwein, U., Lüdtke, O., & Baumert, J. (2008). Engagement and emotio- nal exhaustion in teachers: Does the school context make a difference? Applied Psychology: An International Review, 57(Suppl.), 127-151.
  • Kontos, S. & Stremmel, A. J. (1988). Caregivers’ perceptions of working conditions in a chilcare envi- ronment. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 3(1), 77-90.
  • Lester, S (1999). An Introduction to Phenomenological Research. Taunton UK, Stan Lester Developments. Retrieved from
  • López, J. M. O., Santiago, M. J., Godás, A., Castro, C., Villardefrancos, E., & Ponte, D. (2008). An integrative approach to burnout in secondary school teachers: Examining the role of student disruptive behaviour and disciplinary issues. International Journal of Psychology and Psycholo- gical Therapy, 8(2), 259-270.
  • Manlove, E. E. (1993). Multiple correlates of burnout in child care workers. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 8, 499-518.
  • McBride, B. A. (1996). University-based child development laboratory programs: Emerging issues and challenges. Early Childhood Education Journal, 24(1),17-21.
  • Miles, M. B., & Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative Data Analysis: A New Sourcebook of Methods. Berkeley, CA: Sage.
  • Modigliaui, K. (1986). But who will take care of the children? Childcare, women, and devalued labor. Journal of Education, 168(3), 47-67.
  • Mullis, A. K., Ellett, C. H., & Mullis, R. L. (1986). Job satisfaction among child care workers. Journal of Child Care, 2(6), 65-74.
  • Pakarinen, E., Kiuru, N., Lerkkanen, M., Poikkeus, A., Siekkinen, M., & Nurmi, J. (2010). Classroom organization and teacher stress predict learning motivation in kindergarten children. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 25(3), 281-300.
  • Pearson, L. C., & Moomaw, W. (2005). The relationship between teacher autonomy and stress, work satisfaction, empowerment, and professionalism. Educational Research Quarterly, 29(1), 37-53.
  • Pettygrove, W., Whitebook, M., & Weir, M. (1984, July). Beyond babysitting: Changing the treatment and image of child caregivers. Young Children, 39(5), 14-21.
  • Ransford, C. R., Greenberg, M. T., Domitrovich, C. E., Small, M., & Jacobson, L. (2009). The role of teachers’ psychological experiences and perceptions of curriculum supports on the implementation of a social and emotional learning curriculum. School Psychology Review, 38(4), 510-532.
  • Schwab, R. L. & Iwanicki, E. F. (1982). Perceived role conflict, role ambiguity, and teacher burnout. Educational Administration Quarterly, 18(1), 60-74.
  • Schwarzer, R. & Hallum, S. (2008). Perceived teacher self-efficacy as a predictor of job stress and burnout: Mediation analyses. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 57, 152-171.
  • Seiderman, S. (1978). Combating staff burn-out. Day Care and Early Education, Summer, 6-10. Stremmel, A.J. (1991). Predictors of intention to leave child care work. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 6, 285-298.
  • Stremmel, A.J., Benson, M.J., & Powell, D.R. (1993). Communication, satisfaction, and emotional exhaustion among child care center staff: Directors, teachers, and assistant teachers. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 8, 221-233.
  • Taylor, S. J. & Bogdan, R. (1998). Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods. John Wiley & Sons: New York, NY.
  • Tuğrul, B.& Çelik, E. (2002) Normal çocuklarla çalışan anaokulu öğretmenlerinde tükenmişlik.
  • Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2(121), 1-11.
  • Tye, B., & O'Brien, L. (2002). Why are experienced teachers leaving the profession? Phi Delta Kappan, 84(1), 24-32.
  • Walter, G., & Golan, S. (2006). Preschool and child care expulsion and suspension: Rates and predictors in one state. Infants & Young Children, 19(3), 228-245.
  • Weiqi, C. (2007). The structure of secondary school teacher job satisfaction and its relationship with attrition and work enthusiasm. Chinese Education and Society, 40(5), 17-31.
  • Whitebook, M., Howes, C., Darrah, R., & Friedman, J. (1982). Caring for the caregivers: Staff burnout in child care. In L.G. Katz (Ed.). Current Topics in Early Childhood Education (pp. 211-235). New Jersey: Ablex Publishing Corporation.
  • Whitebook, M., Phillips, D., & Howes, C. (1993 ). National Child Care Staffing Study Revisited: Four Years in the life of Center-based Child Care. Oakland, CA: Child Care Employee Project.
  • Yoon, J. S. (2002). Teacher characteristics as predictors of teacher-student relationships: Stress, negati- ve affect, and self-efficacy. Social Behavior and Personality, 30(5), 485-494.
  • Zhang, Q., & Zhu, W. (2010). Teacher stress, burnout, and social support in Chinese secondary education. Human Communication, 10(4), 487-496.

University childcare teachers' perceptions, beliefs, and thoughts about their profession and jobs: A Turkish case

Yıl 2012, , 225 - 240, 15.07.2012


This research investigated perceptions, feelings and thoughts of early childhood teachers, working at university campus childcare centers in Turkey, regarding their profession and job. Understanding how they make the meaning of challenges, issues, difficulties, and enjoyment, and then connecting those to their job satisfaction, burnout, and stress were the goals. A total of nine early childhood teachers participated in the study. Using a phenomenological research design, two semi-structured focus group interviews, lasting about two hours, were conducted. Results showed that, overall, campus childcare teachers in this study enjoyed working with children despite their challenges of working with parents, low pay, and long and uncompensated work hours. The quality of the relationship with parents seems to have a very powerful effect on teachers’ job satisfaction and on their motivation. On the other hand, their love for children and passion about their work as well as having positive work environment help them re-build their motivation. Their personal and collective efficacy helps maintainıng their dedication and commitment to the profession.


  • Abel, E., & Nelson, M.K. (1990). (Eds.). Circles of Care: Work and Identity in Women's Lives. Albany: SUNY Press.
  • Abel, M. H. & Sewell, J. (1999). Stress and burnout in rural and urban secondary school teachers. The
  • Journal of Educational Research, 92(5), 287-293.
  • Akman, B. Taskın, N. Ozden, Z., & Cortu, F. (2010). A study on preschool teachers’ burnout. Elementary Education Online, 9(2), 807-815.
  • Ashton, P. (1984). Teacher efficacy: A motivational paradigm for effective teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education, 35(5), 28-32.
  • Bernhard, J. K. , Lefebvre, M. L., Kilbride, K. M., Chud, G., & Lange, R. (1998). Troubled relationships in early childhood education: Parent-teacher interactions in ethnoculturally diverse child care settings. Early Education & Development, 9(1), 5-28.
  • Blase, J. J. (1986). A qualitative analysis of sources of teacher stress: consequences for performance. American Educational Research Journal, 23(1), 13-40.
  • Bogler R. (2002). Two profiles of school teachers: A discriminant analysis of job satisfaction. Teaching and Teacher Education, 18(6), 665-673.
  • Borg, W. R. & Gall, M. D. (1989). Educational Research: An İntroduction (5th ed.). New York: Longman.
  • Bride, M. A. (1996). University-based child development laboratory programs: Emerging issues and challenges. Early Childhood Education Journal, 24(1).17-21.
  • Brief, A.P., & Weiss, H.M. (2002). Organizational behavior: Affect in the workplace. Annual Review of Psychology, 53, 279-307.
  • Briley, S., Reifel, S., & Paver, R. (1997). Child care on campus: A case study in evolving programs and issues. Child & Youth Care Forum, 26(2), 67-85.
  • Byrne, B. M. (1984). Burnout: Testing for the validity, replication, and invariance of causal structure across elementary, intermediate, and secondary teachers. American Educational Research Jour- nal, 31(3), 645-673.
  • Darling-Hammond, L. (2003). Keeping good teachers: What leaders can do. Educational Leadership, 60(8), 6-13.
  • Decree (Kararname) No: 1272. (1953). Gebe ve emzikli kadınların çalıştırılma şartlariyle emzirme odaları ve kreşler hakkında Nizamname. T.C. Resmi Gazete, 8504, 10.09.1953.
  • Decree (Kararname) No: 6/11648. (1969). Gebe ve emzikli kadınların çalıştırılma şartlariyle emzirme odaları ve çocuk bakım yurtlan (kreş) hakkında tüzük. T.C. Resmi Gazete, 13204, 22. 05. 1969.
  • Deniz Kan, Ü. (2008). Bir grup okul öncesi öğretmeninde tükenmişlik durumunun incelenmesi. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 16(2),431-438.
  • Dorman, J. (2003). Testing a model for teacher burnout. Australian Journal of Educational & Developmental Psychology, 3, 35-47.
  • Doumen, S., Verschueren, K., Buyse, E., Germeijs, V., Luyckx, K., & Soenens, B. (2008). Reciprocal relations between teacher-child conflict and aggressive behavior in kindergarten: A three-wave longitudinal study. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 37(3), 588-599.
  • Goelman. H., & Gue, H. (1998). What we know and what we don't know about burnout among early childhood care providers. Child & Youth Care Forum, 27(3), 175-199.
  • Grayson, J. L., & Alvarez, H. K. (2008). School climate factors relating to teacher burnout: A mediator model. Teaching and Teacher Education 24, 1349-1363.
  • Hayes, C. D., Palmer, J. L., & Zaslow, M. J. (Eds.) (1990). Who Cares for America's Children? Was- hington, DC: National Academy Press.
  • Jorde-Bloom, P. (1988). Factors influencing overall job satisfaction and organizational commitment in early childhood work environments. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 3(2), 107-121. Klassen, R. M., & Chiu, M. M. (2010). Effects on teachers’ self-efficacy and job satisfaction: Teacher gender, years of experience, and job stress. Journal of Educational Psychology, 102(3), 741-756.
  • Klassen, R. M., Usher, E. L., & Bong, M. (2010). Teachers’ collective efficacy, job satisfaction, and job Stress in cross-cultural context. The Journal of Experimental Education, 78, 464-486.
  • Klusmann, U., Kunter, M., Trautwein, U., Lüdtke, O., & Baumert, J. (2008). Engagement and emotio- nal exhaustion in teachers: Does the school context make a difference? Applied Psychology: An International Review, 57(Suppl.), 127-151.
  • Kontos, S. & Stremmel, A. J. (1988). Caregivers’ perceptions of working conditions in a chilcare envi- ronment. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 3(1), 77-90.
  • Lester, S (1999). An Introduction to Phenomenological Research. Taunton UK, Stan Lester Developments. Retrieved from
  • López, J. M. O., Santiago, M. J., Godás, A., Castro, C., Villardefrancos, E., & Ponte, D. (2008). An integrative approach to burnout in secondary school teachers: Examining the role of student disruptive behaviour and disciplinary issues. International Journal of Psychology and Psycholo- gical Therapy, 8(2), 259-270.
  • Manlove, E. E. (1993). Multiple correlates of burnout in child care workers. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 8, 499-518.
  • McBride, B. A. (1996). University-based child development laboratory programs: Emerging issues and challenges. Early Childhood Education Journal, 24(1),17-21.
  • Miles, M. B., & Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative Data Analysis: A New Sourcebook of Methods. Berkeley, CA: Sage.
  • Modigliaui, K. (1986). But who will take care of the children? Childcare, women, and devalued labor. Journal of Education, 168(3), 47-67.
  • Mullis, A. K., Ellett, C. H., & Mullis, R. L. (1986). Job satisfaction among child care workers. Journal of Child Care, 2(6), 65-74.
  • Pakarinen, E., Kiuru, N., Lerkkanen, M., Poikkeus, A., Siekkinen, M., & Nurmi, J. (2010). Classroom organization and teacher stress predict learning motivation in kindergarten children. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 25(3), 281-300.
  • Pearson, L. C., & Moomaw, W. (2005). The relationship between teacher autonomy and stress, work satisfaction, empowerment, and professionalism. Educational Research Quarterly, 29(1), 37-53.
  • Pettygrove, W., Whitebook, M., & Weir, M. (1984, July). Beyond babysitting: Changing the treatment and image of child caregivers. Young Children, 39(5), 14-21.
  • Ransford, C. R., Greenberg, M. T., Domitrovich, C. E., Small, M., & Jacobson, L. (2009). The role of teachers’ psychological experiences and perceptions of curriculum supports on the implementation of a social and emotional learning curriculum. School Psychology Review, 38(4), 510-532.
  • Schwab, R. L. & Iwanicki, E. F. (1982). Perceived role conflict, role ambiguity, and teacher burnout. Educational Administration Quarterly, 18(1), 60-74.
  • Schwarzer, R. & Hallum, S. (2008). Perceived teacher self-efficacy as a predictor of job stress and burnout: Mediation analyses. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 57, 152-171.
  • Seiderman, S. (1978). Combating staff burn-out. Day Care and Early Education, Summer, 6-10. Stremmel, A.J. (1991). Predictors of intention to leave child care work. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 6, 285-298.
  • Stremmel, A.J., Benson, M.J., & Powell, D.R. (1993). Communication, satisfaction, and emotional exhaustion among child care center staff: Directors, teachers, and assistant teachers. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 8, 221-233.
  • Taylor, S. J. & Bogdan, R. (1998). Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods. John Wiley & Sons: New York, NY.
  • Tuğrul, B.& Çelik, E. (2002) Normal çocuklarla çalışan anaokulu öğretmenlerinde tükenmişlik.
  • Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2(121), 1-11.
  • Tye, B., & O'Brien, L. (2002). Why are experienced teachers leaving the profession? Phi Delta Kappan, 84(1), 24-32.
  • Walter, G., & Golan, S. (2006). Preschool and child care expulsion and suspension: Rates and predictors in one state. Infants & Young Children, 19(3), 228-245.
  • Weiqi, C. (2007). The structure of secondary school teacher job satisfaction and its relationship with attrition and work enthusiasm. Chinese Education and Society, 40(5), 17-31.
  • Whitebook, M., Howes, C., Darrah, R., & Friedman, J. (1982). Caring for the caregivers: Staff burnout in child care. In L.G. Katz (Ed.). Current Topics in Early Childhood Education (pp. 211-235). New Jersey: Ablex Publishing Corporation.
  • Whitebook, M., Phillips, D., & Howes, C. (1993 ). National Child Care Staffing Study Revisited: Four Years in the life of Center-based Child Care. Oakland, CA: Child Care Employee Project.
  • Yoon, J. S. (2002). Teacher characteristics as predictors of teacher-student relationships: Stress, negati- ve affect, and self-efficacy. Social Behavior and Personality, 30(5), 485-494.
  • Zhang, Q., & Zhu, W. (2010). Teacher stress, burnout, and social support in Chinese secondary education. Human Communication, 10(4), 487-496.
Toplam 51 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Diğer ID JA55ND66YU
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Ummuhan Yesil Daglı Bu kişi benim

Remziye Ceylan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Temmuz 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012

Kaynak Göster

APA Yesil Daglı, U., & Ceylan, R. (2012). University childcare teachers’ perceptions, beliefs, and thoughts about their profession and jobs: A Turkish case. European Journal of Educational Research, 1(3), 225-240.
AMA Yesil Daglı U, Ceylan R. University childcare teachers’ perceptions, beliefs, and thoughts about their profession and jobs: A Turkish case. eujer. Temmuz 2012;1(3):225-240. doi:10.12973/eu-jer.1.3.225
Chicago Yesil Daglı, Ummuhan, ve Remziye Ceylan. “University Childcare teachers’ Perceptions, Beliefs, and Thoughts about Their Profession and Jobs: A Turkish Case”. European Journal of Educational Research 1, sy. 3 (Temmuz 2012): 225-40.
EndNote Yesil Daglı U, Ceylan R (01 Temmuz 2012) University childcare teachers’ perceptions, beliefs, and thoughts about their profession and jobs: A Turkish case. European Journal of Educational Research 1 3 225–240.
IEEE U. Yesil Daglı ve R. Ceylan, “University childcare teachers’ perceptions, beliefs, and thoughts about their profession and jobs: A Turkish case”, eujer, c. 1, sy. 3, ss. 225–240, 2012, doi: 10.12973/eu-jer.1.3.225.
ISNAD Yesil Daglı, Ummuhan - Ceylan, Remziye. “University Childcare teachers’ Perceptions, Beliefs, and Thoughts about Their Profession and Jobs: A Turkish Case”. European Journal of Educational Research 1/3 (Temmuz 2012), 225-240.
JAMA Yesil Daglı U, Ceylan R. University childcare teachers’ perceptions, beliefs, and thoughts about their profession and jobs: A Turkish case. eujer. 2012;1:225–240.
MLA Yesil Daglı, Ummuhan ve Remziye Ceylan. “University Childcare teachers’ Perceptions, Beliefs, and Thoughts about Their Profession and Jobs: A Turkish Case”. European Journal of Educational Research, c. 1, sy. 3, 2012, ss. 225-40, doi:10.12973/eu-jer.1.3.225.
Vancouver Yesil Daglı U, Ceylan R. University childcare teachers’ perceptions, beliefs, and thoughts about their profession and jobs: A Turkish case. eujer. 2012;1(3):225-40.