Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 27 Sayı: 2, 106 - 110, 01.07.2018
Emine Fulya Akkoyun
Ahmet Emin Demırbaş
Alper Alkan
İmmediat implantasyon; diş çekim soketi ile implantın
uyumsuzluğu nedeniyle primer stabilitenin azalması ve
soket ile implant arasındaki boşluğa yumuşak doku
büyümesinin önlenmesi amacıyla yönlendirilmiş kemik
rejenerasyonuna ihtiyaç duyulması gibi dezavantajlara
sahiptir. Bu tür dezavantajların önlenmesi amacıyla
kişiye özel anatomik diş implantı (KAİ) kavramı ortaya
atılmıştır. Fakat bu tür implantların yerleştirilmesinden
sonra kemik grefti kullanmaya gerek duyulup duyulmadığını bildiren bir çalışmaya rastlanmamıştır. Bu çalışma ile KAİ’lerde greft kullanım gereksiniminin ve bu
durumun stabilite ve sağ kalıma etkisinin araştırılması
Çalışmaya 56 KAİ dahil edilmiştir. İmplantların çekim
soketine yerleştirilmesinden sonra kemik greftleme ve
membran uygulama işlemlerinin yapılıp yapılmadığına
bakılmıştır. İmplantın yerleştirildiği gün ve üçüncü ay
kontrolünde alınan periapikal radyograflarla marjinal
kemik kaybı miktarı belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca implantların
çekim soketleri içindeki stabilitelerini değerlendirmek
amacıyla, implantların yerleştirildiği gün ve 3 aylık
osseointegrasyon süreci sonunda Periotest M® cihazı
ile Periotest değerleri (PTD0 ve PTD3) ölçülmüştür.
Greftleme yapılmayan 38 implantta 20 (%52.6) kayıp,
yapılan 18 implantta ise 9 (%50.0) kayıp gözlenmiştir.
Greft karşılaştırmalarında sağkalım olasılıkları açısından istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmamıştır (p = 0.834). PTD0, PTD3, mezial ve distal kemik kaybı
değişkenleri ile greft kullanımı arasında istatistiksel
açıdan anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmamıştır (p > 0.05).
Sonuç olarak, kişiye özel anatomik implantlarda da
greft kullanımı gerekebilir. Greft kullanımının
implantların sağkalımına ve stabilitelerine olumsuz/
olumlu etki etmediği gösterilmiştir.
- 1. Koh RU, Rudek I, Wang HL. Immediate implant
placement: positives and negatives. Implant Dent
2010; 19:98-108.
- 2. Lundgren D, Rylander H, Andersson M, et al. Healing-in of root analogue titanium implants placed in
extraction sockets. An experimental study in the
beagle dog. Clin Oral Implants Res 1992; 3:136-
- 3. Hodosh M, Povar M, Shklar G. The dental polymer
implant concept. J Prosthet Dent 1969; 22:371-
- 4. Kohal RJ, Hürzeler MB, Mota LF, et al. Custom‐
made root analogue titanium implants placed into
extraction sockets. An experimental study in monkeys. Clin Oral Implants Res 1997; 8:386-392.
- 5. Pirker W, Kocher A. Immediate, non-submerged,
root-analogue zirconia implant in single tooth replacement. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2008; 37:293-
- 6. Pirker W, Wiedemann D, Lidauer A, Kocher AA.
Immediate, single stage, truly anatomic zirconia
implant in lower molar replacement: a case report
with 2.5 years follow-up. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg
2011; 40:212-216.
- 7. Pirker W, Kocher A. Root analog zirconia implants:
true anatomical design for molar replacement--a
case report. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent
2011; 31:663-668.
- 8. Pirker W, Kocher A. True anatomical zirconia implants for molar replacement: a case report from
an ongoing clinical study with a 2‐year follow‐up.
Oral Surgery 2009; 2:144-148.
- 9. Pirker W, Kocher A. Immediate, non-submerged,
root-analogue zirconia implants placed into singlerooted extraction sockets: 2-year follow-up of a
clinical study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2009;
- 10. Mangano FG, Cirotti B, Sammons RL, Mangano C.
Custom-made, root-analogue direct laser metal
forming implant: a case report. Lasers Med Sci
2012; 27:1241-1245.
- 11. Mangano FG, De Franco M, Caprioglio A, et al. Immediate, non-submerged, root-analogue direct
laser metal sintering (DLMS) implants: a 1-year
prospective study on 15 patients. Lasers Med Sci
2014; 29:1321-1328.
- 12. Silvetti M, Mangano C, Macchi A, Mangano F. Impianto custom made in titanio microfuso al laser:
case report. Dent Cadmos 2010; 78:133.
- 13. Regish KM, Sharma D, Prithviraj DR. An overview
of immediate root analogue zirconia implants. J
Oral Implantol 2013; 39:225-233.
- 14. Tan PL, Gratton DG, Diaz-Arnold AM, Holmes DC.
An in vitro comparison of vertical marginal gaps of
CAD/CAM titanium and conventional cast restorations. J Prosthodont 2008; 17:378-383.
- 15. Han HS, Yang HS, Lim HP, Park YJ. Marginal accuracy and internal fit of machine-milled and cast
titanium crowns. J Prosthet Dent 2011; 106:191-
Custom-Made Anatomical Immediate Dental Implants with Bone Grafting
Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 27 Sayı: 2, 106 - 110, 01.07.2018
Emine Fulya Akkoyun
Ahmet Emin Demırbaş
Alper Alkan
Immediate implantation has some disadvantages such
as incongruence with the extraction socket which leads
to the lack of primary stability and need for guided tissue regeneration to prevent soft tissue migration to the
space between tooth and implant. Custom-made anatomical dental implants (CAI) were introduced to avoid
such disadvantages. However, there are no studies
which evaluates the need for grafting and its effects on
stability and survival.
56 CAI were included in this study. The need for bone
grafting after implant placement was evaluated. Marginal bone loss was measured from the periapical radiographs which were taken on the first and 90th day of
implant placement. Furthermore, Periotest values were
measured to evaluate the implant stability with Periotest M® device on the first (PTV0) and 90th day (PTV3)
of implant placement.
20 (52.6%) of nongrafted and 9 (50%) of grafted implants were lost. There was no statistically significant
difference between the survival of grafted and nongrafted implants (p=0.834). PTV0, PTV3, mesial and
distal bone loss values were not statistically significant
in both grafted and nongrafted implants (p>0.05).
In conclusion, even with CAIs, bone grafting may be
required. This study shows that grafting has no negative/positive effect on survival and stability of CAIs.
- 1. Koh RU, Rudek I, Wang HL. Immediate implant
placement: positives and negatives. Implant Dent
2010; 19:98-108.
- 2. Lundgren D, Rylander H, Andersson M, et al. Healing-in of root analogue titanium implants placed in
extraction sockets. An experimental study in the
beagle dog. Clin Oral Implants Res 1992; 3:136-
- 3. Hodosh M, Povar M, Shklar G. The dental polymer
implant concept. J Prosthet Dent 1969; 22:371-
- 4. Kohal RJ, Hürzeler MB, Mota LF, et al. Custom‐
made root analogue titanium implants placed into
extraction sockets. An experimental study in monkeys. Clin Oral Implants Res 1997; 8:386-392.
- 5. Pirker W, Kocher A. Immediate, non-submerged,
root-analogue zirconia implant in single tooth replacement. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2008; 37:293-
- 6. Pirker W, Wiedemann D, Lidauer A, Kocher AA.
Immediate, single stage, truly anatomic zirconia
implant in lower molar replacement: a case report
with 2.5 years follow-up. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg
2011; 40:212-216.
- 7. Pirker W, Kocher A. Root analog zirconia implants:
true anatomical design for molar replacement--a
case report. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent
2011; 31:663-668.
- 8. Pirker W, Kocher A. True anatomical zirconia implants for molar replacement: a case report from
an ongoing clinical study with a 2‐year follow‐up.
Oral Surgery 2009; 2:144-148.
- 9. Pirker W, Kocher A. Immediate, non-submerged,
root-analogue zirconia implants placed into singlerooted extraction sockets: 2-year follow-up of a
clinical study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2009;
- 10. Mangano FG, Cirotti B, Sammons RL, Mangano C.
Custom-made, root-analogue direct laser metal
forming implant: a case report. Lasers Med Sci
2012; 27:1241-1245.
- 11. Mangano FG, De Franco M, Caprioglio A, et al. Immediate, non-submerged, root-analogue direct
laser metal sintering (DLMS) implants: a 1-year
prospective study on 15 patients. Lasers Med Sci
2014; 29:1321-1328.
- 12. Silvetti M, Mangano C, Macchi A, Mangano F. Impianto custom made in titanio microfuso al laser:
case report. Dent Cadmos 2010; 78:133.
- 13. Regish KM, Sharma D, Prithviraj DR. An overview
of immediate root analogue zirconia implants. J
Oral Implantol 2013; 39:225-233.
- 14. Tan PL, Gratton DG, Diaz-Arnold AM, Holmes DC.
An in vitro comparison of vertical marginal gaps of
CAD/CAM titanium and conventional cast restorations. J Prosthodont 2008; 17:378-383.
- 15. Han HS, Yang HS, Lim HP, Park YJ. Marginal accuracy and internal fit of machine-milled and cast
titanium crowns. J Prosthet Dent 2011; 106:191-