Yıl 2021,
Cilt: 30 Sayı: 1, 17 - 20, 09.04.2021
Leyla Paşayeva
Hanifa Fatullayev
Şehmus Kılıç
Osman Üstün
Osman Tugay
Cousinia Cass. is one of the widespread genera of Asteraceae family. There is a large number ofpharmacological activity studies on this genus and it has not yet been examined phytochemically in detail. Pseudo taraxasterol (ψ-taraxasterol) is a pentacyclic triterpene with different pharmacological activity such as antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory. In this report, we aimed to evaluate the ψ-taraxasterolcontent, which isolated from C. stenocephala in seven Cousiniaspecies by high-performance liquid chromatography-photodiode array detector (HPLC-PDA)method. According to quantitative analyses the highest content of ψ-taraxasterol was detected in C. davisiana, C. stenocephala, and C. ramosissima extracts (0.423±0.004, 0.395±0.004 and 0.374±0.000 g/100gextract, respectively). This is the first report on the quantification of pseudo taraxasterol by HPLC-PDA method in this genus, and this result will shed new lights on the advanced biological activity studies on species of this genus.
Destekleyen Kurum
Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri (BAP) Koordinasyon Birimi
Proje Numarası
The authors are grateful to the Erciyes University Scientific Research Projects Coordinating Unit (BAP, project number THD-2019-8713) for financial support and Erciyes University Ziya Eren Drug Application and Research Center (ERFARMA) for providing HPLC facility.
- 1. Amiri MS, Hosseini HA, Rajai P. Preliminary Investigation on Phytochemical Composition and Anti-Bacterial Activity of the Root of Cousinia microcarpa Boiss. Asian J Med Pharm Res, 2014; 4(4): 156-159.
- 2. Chandler R, Hooper S, Hooper D, Jamieson W, Lewis E. Herbal remedies of the maritime Indians: Sterols and triterpenes ofTanacetum vulgare L.(Tansy). Lipids, 1982; 17(2): 102-106.
- 3. Chudzik M, Korzonek-Szlacheta I, Król W. Triterpenes as potentially cytotoxic compounds. Molecules, 2015; 20(1): 1610-1625.
- 4. da Silva FAN, de Farias Freire SM, da Rocha Borges MO, Barros FEV, da de Sousa M, de Sousa Ribeiro MN, Guilhon GMSP, Müller AH, Borges ACR. Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects of triterpenes from Pluchea quitoc DC. aerial parts. Pharmacognosy Res, 2017; 9(Suppl 1): S1.
- 5. Davis P. H and A. Huber M. Vol. 5. Cousinia in Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands,. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 1975.
- 6. Glinski J, Branly KL. Pentacyclic triterpenes. Google Patents; 2001.
- 7. Hooper S, Chandler R, Lewis E, Jamieson W. Simultaneous determination ofSonchus arvensis L. triterpenes by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Lipids, 1982; 17(1): 60-63.
- 8. Marco JA, Sanz JF, Albiach R, Rustaiyan A, Habibi Z. Bisabolene derivatives and sesquiterpene lactones from Cousinia species. Phytochemistry, 1993; 32(2): 395-400.
- 9. Pasayeva L, Üstün O, Demirpolat E, Karatoprak GS, Tugay O, Kosar M. Bioactivity-guided isolation of cytotoxic and antioxidant phytochemicals from four Cousinia species from stenocephala bunge section. Pharmacogn Mag, 2019; 15(65): 682.
- 10. Patocka J. Biologically active pentacyclic triterpenes and their current medicine signification. J Appl Biomed, 2003; 1(1): 7-12.
- 11. Plekhanova N, Turdumambetov K, Sudnitsyna I. Carbohydrates of Cousinia. Chem Nat Compd, 1983; 19(5): 603-604.
- 12. Rustaiyan A, Niknejad A, Sigari H, Ahmadi A. Guaianolides from Cousinia onopordioides. Fitoterapia, 1981.
- 13. Rustaiyan A, Sharif Z, Sadjadi AS. Two farnesol derivatives from Cousinia adenostica. Phytochemistry, 1987; 26(9): 2635-2636.
- 14. Sajjadi SE, Ghanadian M, Haghighi M. Isolation and Identification of Two Phenolic Compounds from a Moderately Cytotoxic Fraction of Cousinia verbascifolia Bunge. Advanced biomedical research, 2017; 6: 66.
- 15. Sajjadi SE, Ghanadian M, Mouhebat L. Cytotoxic effect of Cousinia verbascifolia Bunge against OVCAR-3 and HT-29 cancer cells. Journal of HerbMed Pharmacology, 2015; 4.
- 16. Shahverdi AR, Khorramizadeh MR, Attar F, Saadat F, Vahid S, Ghahraman A. Concomitant chemopreventive and antibacterial effects of some Iranian plants from the genus Cousinia (Asteraceae). Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia, 2007; 17(3): 325-330.
- 17. Sharma SK, Goyal N. Biological studies of the plants from genus Pluchea. Ann Biol Res, 2011; 2(3): 25-34.
- 18. Siddiqui S, Faizi S, Siddiqui BS, Sultana N. Triterpenoids and phenanthrenes from leaves of Bryophyllum pinnatum. Phytochemistry, 1989; 28(9): 2433-2438.
- 19. Singh KN. Traditional knowledge on ethnobotanical uses of plant biodiversity: a detailed study from the Indian western Himalaya. Biodiversity: Research and Conservation, 2012; 28: 63-77.
- 20. Thakur S, Das P, Itoh T, Imai K, Matsumoto T. Latex extractables of Calotropis gigantea. Phytochemistry, 1984; 23(9): 2085-2087.
- 21. Tiansheng L, Cantrell CL, Vargas D, Fronczek FR, Franzblau SG, Fischer NH. Terpenes from Liatris ohlingerae. Phytochemistry, 1994; 37(5): 1295-1299.
- 22. Turdumambetov K, Plekhanova N, Rakhimov D, Yagudaev M. Glucofructans of Cousinia polycephala. Chem Nat Compd, 1989; 25(3): 371-372.
- 23. Turdumambetov K, Rakhimov D, Malikova MK. Oligo-and polysaccharides from Cousinia umbrosa. Chem Nat Compd, 2007; 43(3): 308-309.
- 24. Ulubelen A. Tuzlacı, E: Flavonoids and terpenoids from Cousinia eriosephala. Fitoterapia, 1988; 59: 350.
- 25. Ulubelen A, Tuzlaci E, Mericli A. Triterpenic and steroidal compounds from Cousinia canescens. Fitoterapia, 1986.
- 26. Xu C, Jia H-Y, Zuo B, Liao Z-X, Ji L-J, Sun H-F, Wang Q. Chemical Constituents of the Aerial Parts of Euphorbia Nematocypha. Nat Prod Commun, 2016; 11(2): 1934578X1601100210.
- 27. Yadav N, Dixit V. Hepatoprotective activity of leaves of Kalanchoe pinnata Pers. J Ethnopharmacol, 2003; 86(2-3): 197-202.
Yıl 2021,
Cilt: 30 Sayı: 1, 17 - 20, 09.04.2021
Leyla Paşayeva
Hanifa Fatullayev
Şehmus Kılıç
Osman Üstün
Osman Tugay
Cousinia Cass. cinsi Asteraceae familyasına ait geniş yayılış alanına sahip cinslerden biridir. Bu cins üzerinde yok denecek kadar az farmakolojik etki ve fitokimyasal çalışmalar bulunmaktadır. Psödotaraksasterol (ψ-taraksasterol) antinosiseptif, anti-enflamatuvar aktiviteye sahip pentasikliktriterpen yapısında bileşiktir. Bu çalışmada C. stenocephala bitkisinden izole edilen ψ-taraksasterol bileşiğinin yedi farklı Cousinia türünde HPLC-PDA metodu ile miktar tayini yapılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara gore enyüksek ψ-taraksasterol miktarı C. davisiana, C. stenocephala ve C. ramosissima ekstrelerinde bulunmuştur (sırasıyla, 0.423±0.004, 0.395±0.004 ve 0.374±0.000 g/100gekstre). ψ-taraksasterol bileşiği bu çalışmada HPLC-PDA metodu ile bu cinste ilk defa tayin edilmiş ve bu sonuçların cinsin farklı türlerinin çeşitli biyolojik aktivite araştırmalarında faydalı olacağı düşünülmektedir.
Proje Numarası
- 1. Amiri MS, Hosseini HA, Rajai P. Preliminary Investigation on Phytochemical Composition and Anti-Bacterial Activity of the Root of Cousinia microcarpa Boiss. Asian J Med Pharm Res, 2014; 4(4): 156-159.
- 2. Chandler R, Hooper S, Hooper D, Jamieson W, Lewis E. Herbal remedies of the maritime Indians: Sterols and triterpenes ofTanacetum vulgare L.(Tansy). Lipids, 1982; 17(2): 102-106.
- 3. Chudzik M, Korzonek-Szlacheta I, Król W. Triterpenes as potentially cytotoxic compounds. Molecules, 2015; 20(1): 1610-1625.
- 4. da Silva FAN, de Farias Freire SM, da Rocha Borges MO, Barros FEV, da de Sousa M, de Sousa Ribeiro MN, Guilhon GMSP, Müller AH, Borges ACR. Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects of triterpenes from Pluchea quitoc DC. aerial parts. Pharmacognosy Res, 2017; 9(Suppl 1): S1.
- 5. Davis P. H and A. Huber M. Vol. 5. Cousinia in Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands,. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 1975.
- 6. Glinski J, Branly KL. Pentacyclic triterpenes. Google Patents; 2001.
- 7. Hooper S, Chandler R, Lewis E, Jamieson W. Simultaneous determination ofSonchus arvensis L. triterpenes by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Lipids, 1982; 17(1): 60-63.
- 8. Marco JA, Sanz JF, Albiach R, Rustaiyan A, Habibi Z. Bisabolene derivatives and sesquiterpene lactones from Cousinia species. Phytochemistry, 1993; 32(2): 395-400.
- 9. Pasayeva L, Üstün O, Demirpolat E, Karatoprak GS, Tugay O, Kosar M. Bioactivity-guided isolation of cytotoxic and antioxidant phytochemicals from four Cousinia species from stenocephala bunge section. Pharmacogn Mag, 2019; 15(65): 682.
- 10. Patocka J. Biologically active pentacyclic triterpenes and their current medicine signification. J Appl Biomed, 2003; 1(1): 7-12.
- 11. Plekhanova N, Turdumambetov K, Sudnitsyna I. Carbohydrates of Cousinia. Chem Nat Compd, 1983; 19(5): 603-604.
- 12. Rustaiyan A, Niknejad A, Sigari H, Ahmadi A. Guaianolides from Cousinia onopordioides. Fitoterapia, 1981.
- 13. Rustaiyan A, Sharif Z, Sadjadi AS. Two farnesol derivatives from Cousinia adenostica. Phytochemistry, 1987; 26(9): 2635-2636.
- 14. Sajjadi SE, Ghanadian M, Haghighi M. Isolation and Identification of Two Phenolic Compounds from a Moderately Cytotoxic Fraction of Cousinia verbascifolia Bunge. Advanced biomedical research, 2017; 6: 66.
- 15. Sajjadi SE, Ghanadian M, Mouhebat L. Cytotoxic effect of Cousinia verbascifolia Bunge against OVCAR-3 and HT-29 cancer cells. Journal of HerbMed Pharmacology, 2015; 4.
- 16. Shahverdi AR, Khorramizadeh MR, Attar F, Saadat F, Vahid S, Ghahraman A. Concomitant chemopreventive and antibacterial effects of some Iranian plants from the genus Cousinia (Asteraceae). Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia, 2007; 17(3): 325-330.
- 17. Sharma SK, Goyal N. Biological studies of the plants from genus Pluchea. Ann Biol Res, 2011; 2(3): 25-34.
- 18. Siddiqui S, Faizi S, Siddiqui BS, Sultana N. Triterpenoids and phenanthrenes from leaves of Bryophyllum pinnatum. Phytochemistry, 1989; 28(9): 2433-2438.
- 19. Singh KN. Traditional knowledge on ethnobotanical uses of plant biodiversity: a detailed study from the Indian western Himalaya. Biodiversity: Research and Conservation, 2012; 28: 63-77.
- 20. Thakur S, Das P, Itoh T, Imai K, Matsumoto T. Latex extractables of Calotropis gigantea. Phytochemistry, 1984; 23(9): 2085-2087.
- 21. Tiansheng L, Cantrell CL, Vargas D, Fronczek FR, Franzblau SG, Fischer NH. Terpenes from Liatris ohlingerae. Phytochemistry, 1994; 37(5): 1295-1299.
- 22. Turdumambetov K, Plekhanova N, Rakhimov D, Yagudaev M. Glucofructans of Cousinia polycephala. Chem Nat Compd, 1989; 25(3): 371-372.
- 23. Turdumambetov K, Rakhimov D, Malikova MK. Oligo-and polysaccharides from Cousinia umbrosa. Chem Nat Compd, 2007; 43(3): 308-309.
- 24. Ulubelen A. Tuzlacı, E: Flavonoids and terpenoids from Cousinia eriosephala. Fitoterapia, 1988; 59: 350.
- 25. Ulubelen A, Tuzlaci E, Mericli A. Triterpenic and steroidal compounds from Cousinia canescens. Fitoterapia, 1986.
- 26. Xu C, Jia H-Y, Zuo B, Liao Z-X, Ji L-J, Sun H-F, Wang Q. Chemical Constituents of the Aerial Parts of Euphorbia Nematocypha. Nat Prod Commun, 2016; 11(2): 1934578X1601100210.
- 27. Yadav N, Dixit V. Hepatoprotective activity of leaves of Kalanchoe pinnata Pers. J Ethnopharmacol, 2003; 86(2-3): 197-202.