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Bazı kafes kuşu yemlerinde doğal olumsuzluk faktörlerinin (aflatoksin, nitrat, nitrit, tanen ve sodyum klorür) belirlenmesi

Yıl 2024, , 113 - 121, 03.01.2025


Bu çalışma, Ankara'da satılan bazı kafes kuşu yemlerinde aflatoksin, nitrat, nitrit, tanen ve sodyum klorür düzeylerini belirlemek amacıyla gerçekleştirildi. Toplam 60 yem örneği (muhabbet kuşu, kanarya ve papağan yeminin her birinden 20 adet) analiz edildi. HPLC ile aflatoksin analizleri, spektrofotometrik olarak nitrat, nitrit ve tanen analizleri ve renk reaksiyonuna dayalı bir yöntemle sodyum klorür analizleri yapıldı. Toplam aflatoksin 11 muhabbet kuşu yeminde 2.44-34.30 ppb, 8 kanarya yeminde 0.91-16.75 ppb ve 10 papağan yeminde 1.43-19.29 ppb olarak bulundu. Tüm yemlerde nitrit (0.00-6.19 ppm), nitrat (1.31-25.55 ppm), tanen (%0.04-0.74) ve sodyum klorür (%0.05-0.44) bulundu. Sonuç olarak, sadece 1 muhabbet kuşu yemindeki AFB1 miktarının kafes kuşlarının sağlığı için risk oluşturabileceği, nitrat, nitrit, tanen ve sodyum klorür miktarlarının ise herhangi bir sağlık sorununa neden olmayabileceği sonucuna varıldı.

Etik Beyan

This study is not related with any experimental animal study, thus, is not required an approval of Animal Experiments Local Ethics Committee.


This study was summarized from a doctoral dissertation.


  • References Akande KE, Abubakar MM, Adegbola TA, Bogoro SE. (2006) Nutritional and health implications of mycotoxins in animal feeds. Pakistan J Nutr. 5 (5), 398-403.
  • Akar F, Kaya S, Filazi A, Yarsan E. (1994) Yem ve yem ham maddelerinde bulunan bazı doğal olumsuzluk faktörleri: 1. Tanen ve siyanür düzeyleri. Ank Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 41(1), 119-131.
  • Alçiçek A, Başlar S. (1995) Bitki ve sularda aşırı nitrat birikiminin sonuçları. Ekoloji Çevre Dergisi Ocak-Şubat-Mart. 14, 15-18.
  • Anon. (2008a) Mikotoksikozisler. Access address: tavuk.asp, Access date: 08.07.2008.
  • Anon. (2008b) Mycotoxins. Access address: fieldmanual/chapter37.pdf, Access date: 11.07.2008.
  • Atef M, Abo-Norage, MA. Hanafy MS, Agag AE. (1991) Pharmacotoxicological aspects of nitrate and nitrite in domestic fowls. Br Poult Sci. 32(2), 399-404.
  • Balnave D. (2006) Minerals in drinking water and poultry production. Access address:, Access date: 10.10.2009.
  • Barug D, Van Egmond H, Lopez-Garcia R, Van Osenbruggen T, Visconti A. (2003) Meeting the mycotoxin menace. Access address:, Access date: 11.07.2008.
  • Basmacıoğlu H, Ergül M. (2003) Yemlerde bulunan toksinler ve kontrol yolları. Hayvansal Üretim 44 (1), 9-17. Becer ÜK. (2008) Ticari kedi ve köpek mamalarında mikotoksin, nitrat ve nitrit analizi. Doctoral Dissertation, Ankara University Health Sciences Institute, Ankara.
  • Berger LL. (2006) Salt and trace minerals for livestock. poultry and other animals. Access address:, Access date: 11.10.2009.
  • Blake H. (2008). Toxicoses in birds. Access address: text/miscellaneous/toxicoses.html, Access date: 11.07.2008.
  • Casteel SW, Evans TJ. (2004) Feed-associated toxicant. In: Plumlee KH. ed. Clinical Veterinary Toxicology. Mosby, US. Diaz GJ, Julian RJ, Squires EJ. (1995) Effect of graded levels of dietary nitrite on pulmonary hypertension in broiler chickens and dilatory cardiomyopathy in turkey poults. Avian Pathol. 24, 109-120.
  • Dorina T, Barbieri C, Lugano S, Garavaglia L. (2008) Aflatoxin contamination risk: Bioactive natural compounds for animal health and healthy food. In: Sinyavskiy FB. ed. Impact of Pollution on Animal Products. Springer Netherlands, p. 177-184.
  • Hagerman EA, Robbins TC, Weerasuriya Y, Wilson CT, Mearthur C. (1992) Tannin chemistry in relation to digestion. J Range Manage. 45 (1), 57-62.
  • Henke SE, Gallardo VC, Martinez B, Bailey R. (2001) Survey of aflatoxin concentration in wild bird seed purchased in Texas. J Wildl Dis. 37 (4), 831-835. Horwitz W. (1970) A.O.A.C. Washington.
  • Kaya S, Akar F. (2002). Metaller, diğer inorganik maddeler ve radyoetkin maddeler. In: Kaya S. Pirinçci İ. Bilgili A. eds. Veteriner Hekimliğinde Toksikoloji. Edition 2. p. 207-250. Medisan, Ankara. Lepper HA. (1950) A.O.A.C. Washington.
  • Maia PP, Pereira Bastos de Siqueira ME. (2002) Occurrence of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2 in some Brazilian pet foods. Food Addit Contam. 19, 1180-1183.
  • Martins ML, Martins HM, Bernardo F. (2003) Fungal flora and mycotoxins detection in commercial pet food. Rev Port Cienc Vet. 98(548), 179-183.
  • Mishra HN, Das C. (2003) A review on biological control and metabolism of aflatoxin. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 43, 245-264.
  • Nicholas J. (2003) Aflatoxins in wild bird foods. Access address: consultations/ukwideconsults/2003/aflatoxinsinwildbirdfoods, Access date: 11.07.2008.
  • Nicholson SS. (2007) Nitrate and nitrite accumulating plants. In: Gupta RC. ed. Veterinary Toxicology. Basic and Clinical Principles. Elsevier, London, UK. p. 876-879.
  • Nizamlıoğlu F, Gözün H. (1996) Yemlerinde aflatoksin tespit edilen kanatlıların karaciğer ve böbreklerinde meydana gelen patolojik değişiklikler. Veterinarium 7(1-2), 46-49.
  • O’keeffe M. (2003) Mycotoxins in foods and feeds. In: Farm and Food – The Teagasc Research and Digest. Access address: http://www.foodassurance.teagac, Access date: 12.07.2008.
  • Oruç HH, Ceylan S. (2001) Bursa yöresinde sığırların yemlerinde, içme sularında ve rumen içeriğinde nitrat, nitrit ve kanda methemoglobin düzeylerinin araştırılması. Uludağ Üniv J Fac Vet Med. 20 (1-2), 25-32. Oruç HH, Sonal S, Ceylan S. (2001) Kuş yemlerinde total aflatoksin, nitrat ve nitrit. Uludağ Üniv J Fac Vet Med. 20, 35-38.
  • Pour RJ, Edriss MA. (1997) Effects of dietary sorghum of different tannin concentrations and tallow supplementation on the performance of broiler chicks. Br Poult Sci. 38 (5), 512-517.
  • Price MD, Lowell RA, Mc Chesney DG. (1993) Naturally occurring toxins in feedstuffs center for veterinary medicine perspective. J Anim Sci. 71, 2556-2562. Reed JD. (1995) Nutritional toxicology of tannins and related polyphenols in forage legumes. J Anim Sci. 73, 1516-1528.
  • Reddy SV, Walivar F. (2009) Proporties of aflatoxin and it producing fungi. Access address:, Access date: 13.10.2009. Robinson RM, Ray AC, Reagor JC, Holland LA. (1982) Waterfowl mortality caused by aflatoxicosis in Texas. J Wildl Dis. 18 (3), 311-313.
  • Rustom IYS. (1997) Aflatoxin in food and feed: Occurrence, legislation and inactivation by physical methods. Food Chem. 59, 57-67.
  • Salt S, Özbilgin S, Özmen Ö, Mısırlıoğlu D. (2000) Bazı yabani ve kafes kuşlarında gözlenen klinik ve patolojik bulgular. Uludağ Üniv J Fac Vet Med. 19 (1-2), 127-132.
  • Schofield P, Mbugua DM, Pell AN. (2001) Analysis of condensed tannins: A review. Anim Feed Sci Tecnol. 91, 21-40. Sen NP, Donaldson B. (1978) Improved colorimetric method for determining nitrate and nitrite in foods. J Assoc Off Anal Chem. 61 (6), 1389-1394.
  • Stoltenow C, Lardy G. (1998) Nitrate poisoning of livestock. Access address:, Access date: 24.10.2009.
  • Stroka J, Host V, Anklam E. (2003) Immunoaffinity column cleanup with liquid chromatography using post-column bromination for determination of aflatoxin B1 in cattle feed: Collaborative study. J AOAC Int. 86 (6), 1179-1186.
  • Thompson C, Henke SE. (2000) Effect of climate and type of storage container on aflatoxin production in corn and its associated risks to wildlife species. J Wildl Dis. 36, 172-179. USP-NF (1985) XVI. US Pharmacopial Convention. Inc.
  • Üstün F, Aydın SA. (2007). Tanenler. 2. Toksisiteleri. beslenme üzerine etkileri. detannifikasyon. İstanbul Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 33(1), 33-41.
  • Williams JH, Phillips TD, Jolly PE, Stiles JK, Jolly CM, Aggarval D. (2004) Human aflatoxicosis in developing countries: a review of toxicology. exposure. potential health consequences, and interventions. Am J Clin Nutr. 80 (5), 1106-1122.
  • Wood GE. (1992) Mycotoxins in foods and feeds in the United States. J Anim Sci. 70, 3941-3949.
  • Yavuz H. (1992) Türkiye’de üretilen karma yem ve yem hammaddelerindeki nitrat ve nitrit içeriğinin çeşitli faktörlere göre değişimi üzerine araştırmalar. Ank Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 39 (1-2), 93-118.

Determination of natural adverse factors (aflatoxins, nitrate, nitrite, tannin and sodium chloride) in some cage bird feeds

Yıl 2024, , 113 - 121, 03.01.2025


This study was carried out to determine the levels of aflatoxins, nitrate, nitrite, tannin and sodium chloride in some cage bird feeds sold in Ankara, Turkey. A total of 60 feed samples (20 each of budgerigar, canary and parrot feed) were analysed. Aflatoxin analyses by HPLC, nitrate, nitrite and tannin analyses spectrophotometrically and sodium chloride analyses by a method based on colour reaction were performed. Total aflatoxin was found to be 2.44-34.30 ppb in 11 budgerigar feeds, 0.91-16.75 ppb in 8 canary feeds and 1.43-19.29 ppb in 10 parrot feeds. Nitrite (0.00-6.19 ppm), nitrate (1.31-25.55 ppm), tannin (0.04-0.74%), and sodium chloride (0.05-0.44%) were found in all feeds. As a result, it was concluded that the amount of AFB1 in only 1 budgerigar feed might pose a risk to the health of cage birds, while the amounts of nitrate, nitrite, tannin and sodium chloride might not cause any health problems.


  • References Akande KE, Abubakar MM, Adegbola TA, Bogoro SE. (2006) Nutritional and health implications of mycotoxins in animal feeds. Pakistan J Nutr. 5 (5), 398-403.
  • Akar F, Kaya S, Filazi A, Yarsan E. (1994) Yem ve yem ham maddelerinde bulunan bazı doğal olumsuzluk faktörleri: 1. Tanen ve siyanür düzeyleri. Ank Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 41(1), 119-131.
  • Alçiçek A, Başlar S. (1995) Bitki ve sularda aşırı nitrat birikiminin sonuçları. Ekoloji Çevre Dergisi Ocak-Şubat-Mart. 14, 15-18.
  • Anon. (2008a) Mikotoksikozisler. Access address: tavuk.asp, Access date: 08.07.2008.
  • Anon. (2008b) Mycotoxins. Access address: fieldmanual/chapter37.pdf, Access date: 11.07.2008.
  • Atef M, Abo-Norage, MA. Hanafy MS, Agag AE. (1991) Pharmacotoxicological aspects of nitrate and nitrite in domestic fowls. Br Poult Sci. 32(2), 399-404.
  • Balnave D. (2006) Minerals in drinking water and poultry production. Access address:, Access date: 10.10.2009.
  • Barug D, Van Egmond H, Lopez-Garcia R, Van Osenbruggen T, Visconti A. (2003) Meeting the mycotoxin menace. Access address:, Access date: 11.07.2008.
  • Basmacıoğlu H, Ergül M. (2003) Yemlerde bulunan toksinler ve kontrol yolları. Hayvansal Üretim 44 (1), 9-17. Becer ÜK. (2008) Ticari kedi ve köpek mamalarında mikotoksin, nitrat ve nitrit analizi. Doctoral Dissertation, Ankara University Health Sciences Institute, Ankara.
  • Berger LL. (2006) Salt and trace minerals for livestock. poultry and other animals. Access address:, Access date: 11.10.2009.
  • Blake H. (2008). Toxicoses in birds. Access address: text/miscellaneous/toxicoses.html, Access date: 11.07.2008.
  • Casteel SW, Evans TJ. (2004) Feed-associated toxicant. In: Plumlee KH. ed. Clinical Veterinary Toxicology. Mosby, US. Diaz GJ, Julian RJ, Squires EJ. (1995) Effect of graded levels of dietary nitrite on pulmonary hypertension in broiler chickens and dilatory cardiomyopathy in turkey poults. Avian Pathol. 24, 109-120.
  • Dorina T, Barbieri C, Lugano S, Garavaglia L. (2008) Aflatoxin contamination risk: Bioactive natural compounds for animal health and healthy food. In: Sinyavskiy FB. ed. Impact of Pollution on Animal Products. Springer Netherlands, p. 177-184.
  • Hagerman EA, Robbins TC, Weerasuriya Y, Wilson CT, Mearthur C. (1992) Tannin chemistry in relation to digestion. J Range Manage. 45 (1), 57-62.
  • Henke SE, Gallardo VC, Martinez B, Bailey R. (2001) Survey of aflatoxin concentration in wild bird seed purchased in Texas. J Wildl Dis. 37 (4), 831-835. Horwitz W. (1970) A.O.A.C. Washington.
  • Kaya S, Akar F. (2002). Metaller, diğer inorganik maddeler ve radyoetkin maddeler. In: Kaya S. Pirinçci İ. Bilgili A. eds. Veteriner Hekimliğinde Toksikoloji. Edition 2. p. 207-250. Medisan, Ankara. Lepper HA. (1950) A.O.A.C. Washington.
  • Maia PP, Pereira Bastos de Siqueira ME. (2002) Occurrence of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2 in some Brazilian pet foods. Food Addit Contam. 19, 1180-1183.
  • Martins ML, Martins HM, Bernardo F. (2003) Fungal flora and mycotoxins detection in commercial pet food. Rev Port Cienc Vet. 98(548), 179-183.
  • Mishra HN, Das C. (2003) A review on biological control and metabolism of aflatoxin. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 43, 245-264.
  • Nicholas J. (2003) Aflatoxins in wild bird foods. Access address: consultations/ukwideconsults/2003/aflatoxinsinwildbirdfoods, Access date: 11.07.2008.
  • Nicholson SS. (2007) Nitrate and nitrite accumulating plants. In: Gupta RC. ed. Veterinary Toxicology. Basic and Clinical Principles. Elsevier, London, UK. p. 876-879.
  • Nizamlıoğlu F, Gözün H. (1996) Yemlerinde aflatoksin tespit edilen kanatlıların karaciğer ve böbreklerinde meydana gelen patolojik değişiklikler. Veterinarium 7(1-2), 46-49.
  • O’keeffe M. (2003) Mycotoxins in foods and feeds. In: Farm and Food – The Teagasc Research and Digest. Access address: http://www.foodassurance.teagac, Access date: 12.07.2008.
  • Oruç HH, Ceylan S. (2001) Bursa yöresinde sığırların yemlerinde, içme sularında ve rumen içeriğinde nitrat, nitrit ve kanda methemoglobin düzeylerinin araştırılması. Uludağ Üniv J Fac Vet Med. 20 (1-2), 25-32. Oruç HH, Sonal S, Ceylan S. (2001) Kuş yemlerinde total aflatoksin, nitrat ve nitrit. Uludağ Üniv J Fac Vet Med. 20, 35-38.
  • Pour RJ, Edriss MA. (1997) Effects of dietary sorghum of different tannin concentrations and tallow supplementation on the performance of broiler chicks. Br Poult Sci. 38 (5), 512-517.
  • Price MD, Lowell RA, Mc Chesney DG. (1993) Naturally occurring toxins in feedstuffs center for veterinary medicine perspective. J Anim Sci. 71, 2556-2562. Reed JD. (1995) Nutritional toxicology of tannins and related polyphenols in forage legumes. J Anim Sci. 73, 1516-1528.
  • Reddy SV, Walivar F. (2009) Proporties of aflatoxin and it producing fungi. Access address:, Access date: 13.10.2009. Robinson RM, Ray AC, Reagor JC, Holland LA. (1982) Waterfowl mortality caused by aflatoxicosis in Texas. J Wildl Dis. 18 (3), 311-313.
  • Rustom IYS. (1997) Aflatoxin in food and feed: Occurrence, legislation and inactivation by physical methods. Food Chem. 59, 57-67.
  • Salt S, Özbilgin S, Özmen Ö, Mısırlıoğlu D. (2000) Bazı yabani ve kafes kuşlarında gözlenen klinik ve patolojik bulgular. Uludağ Üniv J Fac Vet Med. 19 (1-2), 127-132.
  • Schofield P, Mbugua DM, Pell AN. (2001) Analysis of condensed tannins: A review. Anim Feed Sci Tecnol. 91, 21-40. Sen NP, Donaldson B. (1978) Improved colorimetric method for determining nitrate and nitrite in foods. J Assoc Off Anal Chem. 61 (6), 1389-1394.
  • Stoltenow C, Lardy G. (1998) Nitrate poisoning of livestock. Access address:, Access date: 24.10.2009.
  • Stroka J, Host V, Anklam E. (2003) Immunoaffinity column cleanup with liquid chromatography using post-column bromination for determination of aflatoxin B1 in cattle feed: Collaborative study. J AOAC Int. 86 (6), 1179-1186.
  • Thompson C, Henke SE. (2000) Effect of climate and type of storage container on aflatoxin production in corn and its associated risks to wildlife species. J Wildl Dis. 36, 172-179. USP-NF (1985) XVI. US Pharmacopial Convention. Inc.
  • Üstün F, Aydın SA. (2007). Tanenler. 2. Toksisiteleri. beslenme üzerine etkileri. detannifikasyon. İstanbul Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 33(1), 33-41.
  • Williams JH, Phillips TD, Jolly PE, Stiles JK, Jolly CM, Aggarval D. (2004) Human aflatoxicosis in developing countries: a review of toxicology. exposure. potential health consequences, and interventions. Am J Clin Nutr. 80 (5), 1106-1122.
  • Wood GE. (1992) Mycotoxins in foods and feeds in the United States. J Anim Sci. 70, 3941-3949.
  • Yavuz H. (1992) Türkiye’de üretilen karma yem ve yem hammaddelerindeki nitrat ve nitrit içeriğinin çeşitli faktörlere göre değişimi üzerine araştırmalar. Ank Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 39 (1-2), 93-118.
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Veteriner Farmakoloji
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Ali Bilgili 0000-0001-6819-7952

Hakan Güreli 0009-0004-6977-9451

Yayımlanma Tarihi 3 Ocak 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Temmuz 2024
Kabul Tarihi 28 Ağustos 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Bilgili, A., & Güreli, H. (2025). Determination of natural adverse factors (aflatoxins, nitrate, nitrite, tannin and sodium chloride) in some cage bird feeds. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 35(2), 113-121.