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Normal ve Hepatitisli Tavuklardan Campylobacter İzolasyonu Üzerinde Çalışmalar

Yıl 1992, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 29 - 48, 01.12.1992


Bu araştırmada selektif izolasyon yöntemleri kullanılarak, termofilik
Campylobacter türlerinin tavuk karaciğerlerinde yoğunluğunun belirlenmesi
amaçlanmıştır. Etlik Hayvan Hastalıkları Araştırma Enstitüsü Tavuk hastalıkları teşhis laboratuvarına gelen yumurtacı ırklara ait tavuk karaciğerleri ile mezbahalardan toplanan broiler karaciğerlerden eküvyonla alınan örnekler
modifiye preston selektif besiyerine ekildi. Miroaerofilik koşullarda 42°C'de
48 saat inkübasyona bırakıldı. Bu sürenin sonunda üreyen mikroorganizmalar
Campylobacter türleri yönünden üreme ve biyokimyasal testler ile incelendiler.
ldentifiye edilen termatilik Campylobacter türleri iki farklı sistem
ile biyotiplendirildiler.
Incelenen 4 broiler sürüsünün 3'ünde, laboratuvarımıza gelen 124
adet yumurtacı tavuğun 5'inde Campylobacter türleri saptandı. Kesim periyodundaki
7-9 haftalık breilerlerin % 45'inden Campylobacter izolasyonu
yapılmıştır. Bunun% 44.1'i C.coli,% 55.8'i C.jejuni şeklinde idenlifiye edildi.
Tavuk karaciğerlerinde C.laridis ise bulunamadı.
Lior biyotiplendirme sistemine göre izole edilen C.jejuni suşları 3 biyotipe,
C.coli suşları 2 biyotipe ayrıldı. Suşların çoğunun biyotip l'de toplandığı
tespit edildi. Skirrow-Benjamin biyotiplenirme sistemine göre 2 biyotipe
ayrılan C.jejuni suşlarının çoğunun biyotip l'e girdiği saptandı.


  • ACUFF, G.R., VANDERZANT, C., HANNA, M.O., EHLERS, J.G., GOLAN, F.A. and GARDNER, F.A. (1986): Prevalence of Campylobacter jejuni in Turkey careass processing of turkey products. J. Food Protect., 49:712-717.
  • ARDA, M. (1978) : Genel Bakteriyoloji. A. Ü. Vet. Fak. Yay. No: 342, Ankara.
  • BAROT, M.S., MOSENTHAL, A.C. and BOKKENHEUSER, V.D. (1983) : Location of Campylobacter jejuni in infected chicken livers. J. Clin. Microbiol., 17:921-922.
  • BAUDITZ, R. (1967) : Avian infectious hepatitis. Vet. med. Rev., 1 :21 -34.
  • BERG., R.L., JUTILA, J.W. and FIREHAMMER, B.D. (1971) : A revised classification of Vibrio fetus. Am. J. Vet. Res., 32 : 11-22.
  • BINNS, W. (1953) :An electron micrograph of Vibrio fetus. Cornell Vet., 53 : 560-561 .
  • BLASER, M.J., TAYLOR, D.N. and FELDMAN, R.A. (1983): Epidemiology of Campylobacter jejuni infections. Epidemiol. Rev., 5 : 1Ş.7--"f76.
  • BLASER, M.J., BERKOWITZ, I.D:;-tAFORCE, F.M., CRAVENS, J., RELLER, B. and WANG, W-L.L. (1979) : Campylobacter enteritis : Clinical and epidemiological features.Ann. lntern. Med., 91 : 179-185.
  • BOL TON, F.J. and ROBERTSON, L. (1982) : A selactive medium for isolating Campylobacter jejuni/coli. J. Clin. Pathlo., 35 : 462-467.
  • BRYNER, J.H ., FRANK, A.H. and O'BERRY, P.A. (1962) : Dissociation studies of vibrios from the bovine genital tract. Am. J. Vet. Res., 23 : 32-41 .
  • BUCK, G.E. and KELLY, M.T. (1981) : Effect of moisture content of the medium on colony morphology of Campylobacter fetus subsp, jejuni. J. Clin. Microbiol., 14: 585-586.
  • BUCK, G.E., PARSHALL, K.A. and DAVIS, C.P. (1983) : Electron microscopy of the coccoid form of Campylobacter jejuni. J. Clin. Microbiol., 18 : 420-421 .
  • BUTZLER, J.P., DEKEYSER, P., DETRAIN, M. and DEHAEN, F. (1973) : Related vibrio in stools. J. Pediat., 82 : 493-495.
  • BUXTON, A. and FRASER, G. (1977) : Animal Microbilogy. 1 Blackwell Sci. Publ., Oxford.
  • CARLONE, G.M. and LASCELLES, J. (1982) :Aerobic andanaerobic respirtery system in Campylobacter fetus subsp, jejuni grown in atmosfer containing hydrogen. J. Bacteriol.,152:306-314.
  • DIKER, K.S. ve YARDlMCI, H. (1986) : Campylobacter jejuni izolasyon yöntemlerinin karşılaştırılması ve nemin koloni morfolojisi üzerine etkisi. Mikrobiyel. BüLt. 20 : 115-119.
  • DIKER, K.S. and YARDlMCI, H. (1989) : Isolation and characterization of Campylobacter species from chickens. Doğa Tu. Vet. Hayv. Derg. , 13: 257-264.
  • DOYLE, M.P. (1984) : Assodation of Campylobacter jejuni with laying and eggs. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 47: 533-536.
  • FLETCHER, R.D. and PLASTRIDGE, W.N. (1964) : Gaseous environment and growht of microaerophilic vibrios. J. Bacteriol., 87 : 352-355.
  • FRICKER, C.R., GIRDWOOD, R.W.A. and MUNRO, D. (1983): A comparison of procedures for the isolation of Campylobacter's from seagull faeces. J. Hyg Comb. 91 : 445-450.
  • GARCIA, M.M., EAGLESOME, M.D. and RIGBY, C. (1983) : Campylobacter's important in veterinary medicine. Vet. BuJI., 53 : 793-818.
  • HOFFMAN, P.S., KRIEG, N.R. and SMIBERT, R.M. (1979a) : Studies of the microaerophilic nature of Campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni, 1. Physiological aspects of enhanced aerotolerance. canad. J. Microbiol., 25 : 1-7.
  • HOFFMAN, P.S., GEORGE, H.A., KRIEG, N.R. and SMIBERT, R.M. (1979b) :Studies of the microerophilic nature of Campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni. ll. Role of exogeneus süperoxide anions and hydrogen peroxide. Canad. J. Microbiol., 25 : 8-16.
  • HOFSTAD, M.S., McGEHEC, E. H. and BENNETT, P.C. (1958) : Avian infectious hepatitis. Avian Dis. 2 : 358-364.
  • KAPLAN, R.L. GOODMAN, L.J., BARRETI, J.F. TRENHOLME, G.M. and LANDAU, W. · (1982) : Comparison of rectal swaps and stool cultures in deleeling Campylobacter fetussubsp. jejur'ıi. J. Clin. Microbiol., 15 : 959-960.
  • KARMALI, M.A., ALLEN, A.K. and FLEMING, P.C. (1981a) : Differentiating of catalase positive Campylobacter's with special referance to morphlology. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol.,31 : 64-71 .
  • KINDE, H., DENIGEORGIS, C.A. and PAPPAIOANOU, M. (1983) : Prevalance of Campylobacter jejuni in chicken wings. Appl. Enviran. Microbiol., 45 : 1116-1118.
  • LEAPER, S. AND OWEN, R.J. 51982) : Differentation between Campylobacter jejuni and allied thermophilic Campylobacter's by hybridization of deoxyribonucleic acids. FEMS Microbiol. Letters 15: 203-208.
  • LEVI, A. and RICCIARDI, I.D. (1982) : Campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni (C.jejuni) :identification of stains isolated from chicknes in Rıo de Janerio. Rew Microbiol. 13 : 332-334.
  • LINDBLOM, G.B. SJOGREN, E. and KAIJSER B. (1986) : Naturel Campylobacter colonization in chickens raised under different environmental conditions. J. Hyg. 96 : 385- 391.
  • LJOR, H. (1984) : New ex ıended biotyping scheme for Campylobacter coli, and "Campylobacter laridis". J. Clin. Microbiol. 20 : 636-640.
  • LUECHTEFELD, N. W. and WANG, W.L.L. 51981) : Campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni in a turkey processing planı . J. Clin. Microbiol., 13: 266-268.
  • McFADYEAN, F. and STOCKMAN, S. (1913): Garcia ve ark. (1983) : tarafından bildirilmiştir.
  • NEILL, S.D., CAMPBELL, J.N. and GREENE, J.A. (1984) : Campylobacter species in broiler chickens. Avian. Pathol. 13 : 777-785.
  • NEILL, S.D., CAMPBELL, J.N. and O'BRIEN, J.J. (1985) : Egg penetration by Campylobacter jejuni. Avi an Pathol, 14 : 313-320.
  • NEWELL, D.G. (1983) The surface protein antigen including flagella of C.jejuni, Abstr. Pap. see. Int. Workshop Campylobacter ınfect., Brussels, p. 26.
  • NORKRANS, G. and SVEDHEM, A. (1982) : Epidemiological aspects of Campylobacter jejuni enteritis. J. Hyg., 89 : 163-170.
  • OSTEROM, J., NOTERMANS, S., KARMAN, H. and ENGELS, G.B. (1983) : Origin and prevalence of Campylobacter jejuni in poultry processing. J. Food protect. 46 : 339-344.
  • PECKHAM, M. C. (1958) : Avian vibrionik hepatitis. Avian Dis. 2 : 348-358.
  • PECKHAM, M.C. (1984) : Vibrionic hepatitis. In Diseases of Poultry. Ed. M.S. Hofstad,8th ed, pp. 221-229, lowa State University Press, Ames, lowa.
  • PIANTERI, G., MAMOLO, G., CARFARELLI, A., BOSSI, G., BIGNAMINI, M.L. and BO,G. (1985) : The occurrence of Campylobacter jejuni in chickens, L'lgiene Moderna 83 : 510-517.
  • POKUMUNSKI, S., KASS, N., BOROCHOVICH, E., MORANTZ. B. and ROGOL, M.(1986) : Ineidence of Campylobacter spp. in broiler flocks manilared from hatching to slaughter. Avian PathaL 15 : 83-92.
  • RHOADES, N.F. (1954) : The illustration of the morphology of Vibrio fetus by electron mikroscopy. Am. J. Vet. Res., 15 : 630-631.
  • ROSEF, O. (1981) : The occurence of Campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni and Salmonella bacteria in same wild birds. Nord. Vet. Med.,33: 539-543.
  • SEBALD, M. et VERON, M. (1963) : Teneur en bases de I'ADN et classification dev vibrions. Ann. In st. Pesteur, 105 : 897-91 O.
  • SHANE, S.M., GIFFORD, D.H. and YOGASUNDRAM, K. (1986): Campylobacter jejuni contamination of egss. Vet. Res. Commun. 10: 487-492.
  • SHANKER, S. , LEE, A. and SORRELL, T.C. (1986) : Campylobacter jejuni in broilers : the role of vertical transmission. J. Hyg. 96 : 153-159.
  • SHANKER, S., ROSENFIELD, J.W., DAVEY, G.R. and SORRELL,T.C. (1982) : Campylobacter jejuni : incidence in processed broilers and biotype distribution in human and broiler isolates, Appl. Enviran. Microbiol. 43 : 1219-1220.
  • SKIRROW, M. B. (1977) : Campylobacter enterilis : a "new" disease. Br. Med. J., 2 : 9.
  • SKIRROW, M.B. and BENJAMIN, J. (1980) : "1001" Campylobacter's: cultural characteristics of intestinal Campylobacter's from man and animals. J. Hyg., 85 : 427-442.
  • SKIRROW, M.B, and BENJAMIN, J. (1982) : The classification of "thermophilic" Campylobacter's and their distribution in man and domestic animals In Campylobacter 1. Ed. Newell, D., pp. 40-44, MTP Press Limited, Lancaster.
  • SMIBERT, R.M. (1974) : Genus Campylobacter. In Bergey's Manuel of determinative Bacterilogy. Ed. RE. Buchanan, NE Gibbons, 8.ed., pp. 207-212, Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore.
  • SMIBERT, R.M. (1978) : The genus Campylobacter. Ann. Rev. Microbiol, 32 : 673-709.
  • SOERJADI, A.S., SNOEYENBOS, G.H. and WEINACK, O.M. (1982) : lntestinal calanizatian and compatitive exclusion of Campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni in chicks. Avian Dis., 26 : 520-524.
  • SOERJADI-LIEM, A.S., SNOEYENBOS, G.M. and WEINACK, O.M. (1984) : Comparalive studies on competative exclusion of three isolates of Campylobacter subsp. jejuni in chickens by native gut microflora. Avian Dis. 28 : 139-146.
  • TRUSCOTT, R.B. and STOCDALE, P.H.G. (1966) : Correlation of the identity of bile and cecal vibrios from the same field oases of avian vibrionic hepatitis. Avian Dis. 10 :67-73.
  • WANG. W.L.L., LUECHTEFELD N. W., BLASER, M.J. and RELLAR, L.B. (1983) : Effect of incubatian atmosphere and temparature on isolation of Campylobacter jejuni from human stools. Canad. J. Microbiol. 29 : 468-470.
  • WEBER, A., LEMBKE, C. and KETTNRE, A. (1981) : Nachweis von Campylobacter jejuni in kotproben von klinisch gesunden brieftauben. Beri. Münch. Tierraztl. Wschr. 94: 449-451 .
  • YOGASUNDRAM, K. and SHANE, S.M. (1986) : The viability of Campylobacter jejuni on refrigerated chicken drumsticks. Vet. Res. Commun. 10 : 479-486.
  • YUSUFU, H.I. ,FENIGEORFIS, C., FARVER, T.B. and WEMPE, J.M. (1983 : Prevalence of Campylobacter jejuni at different sampling sites in two California turkey processing plants. J. Food. Protect. 46 : 868-872.

«Studies on isolation of Campylobacter from normal chickens and chickens with hepatitis»

Yıl 1992, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 29 - 48, 01.12.1992


This study was aimed to calculate concentration of the thermophlic
Campylobacter species in chicken liver by selective isolation. Liver samples
collected by swab from layer which were referrals to Etlik Animal Disease
Rescearch lnst. Lab. and which were collected from slaughter house.
Samples taken from liver were cultured by modificated Preston selective
and incubated at 42°C in microaerophilic atmosphere for 48 hours. The
multiplied microorganism were examined by using growth and biochemical
tests. lsolated species of thermophilic Campylobacter were biotyped by two
different biotyping systems.
Campylobacter species were identified in a broiler flock of 3 out of 4,
layer 5 out of 124 referrals in the Iab.
In the of slaughtering broilers that aged were 7-9 weeks, Campylobacter
was isolated at a percentage of 45 %, 44.1 % was C.coli and 55.8 %
was identified as C.jejuni, C.laridis coulddn't identified in chicken liver.
C.jejuni strains which were isolated by "Lior Biotyping system" had 3
biotypes and C.coli strains had 2 biotypes. Most of strains from all two species
accumulated into biotype 1 of each species. In addition, C.jejuni strains
were classified as biotype 1 (most of strains) and biotype 2 by using biotyping
scheme of Skirrow-Benjamin.


  • ACUFF, G.R., VANDERZANT, C., HANNA, M.O., EHLERS, J.G., GOLAN, F.A. and GARDNER, F.A. (1986): Prevalence of Campylobacter jejuni in Turkey careass processing of turkey products. J. Food Protect., 49:712-717.
  • ARDA, M. (1978) : Genel Bakteriyoloji. A. Ü. Vet. Fak. Yay. No: 342, Ankara.
  • BAROT, M.S., MOSENTHAL, A.C. and BOKKENHEUSER, V.D. (1983) : Location of Campylobacter jejuni in infected chicken livers. J. Clin. Microbiol., 17:921-922.
  • BAUDITZ, R. (1967) : Avian infectious hepatitis. Vet. med. Rev., 1 :21 -34.
  • BERG., R.L., JUTILA, J.W. and FIREHAMMER, B.D. (1971) : A revised classification of Vibrio fetus. Am. J. Vet. Res., 32 : 11-22.
  • BINNS, W. (1953) :An electron micrograph of Vibrio fetus. Cornell Vet., 53 : 560-561 .
  • BLASER, M.J., TAYLOR, D.N. and FELDMAN, R.A. (1983): Epidemiology of Campylobacter jejuni infections. Epidemiol. Rev., 5 : 1Ş.7--"f76.
  • BLASER, M.J., BERKOWITZ, I.D:;-tAFORCE, F.M., CRAVENS, J., RELLER, B. and WANG, W-L.L. (1979) : Campylobacter enteritis : Clinical and epidemiological features.Ann. lntern. Med., 91 : 179-185.
  • BOL TON, F.J. and ROBERTSON, L. (1982) : A selactive medium for isolating Campylobacter jejuni/coli. J. Clin. Pathlo., 35 : 462-467.
  • BRYNER, J.H ., FRANK, A.H. and O'BERRY, P.A. (1962) : Dissociation studies of vibrios from the bovine genital tract. Am. J. Vet. Res., 23 : 32-41 .
  • BUCK, G.E. and KELLY, M.T. (1981) : Effect of moisture content of the medium on colony morphology of Campylobacter fetus subsp, jejuni. J. Clin. Microbiol., 14: 585-586.
  • BUCK, G.E., PARSHALL, K.A. and DAVIS, C.P. (1983) : Electron microscopy of the coccoid form of Campylobacter jejuni. J. Clin. Microbiol., 18 : 420-421 .
  • BUTZLER, J.P., DEKEYSER, P., DETRAIN, M. and DEHAEN, F. (1973) : Related vibrio in stools. J. Pediat., 82 : 493-495.
  • BUXTON, A. and FRASER, G. (1977) : Animal Microbilogy. 1 Blackwell Sci. Publ., Oxford.
  • CARLONE, G.M. and LASCELLES, J. (1982) :Aerobic andanaerobic respirtery system in Campylobacter fetus subsp, jejuni grown in atmosfer containing hydrogen. J. Bacteriol.,152:306-314.
  • DIKER, K.S. ve YARDlMCI, H. (1986) : Campylobacter jejuni izolasyon yöntemlerinin karşılaştırılması ve nemin koloni morfolojisi üzerine etkisi. Mikrobiyel. BüLt. 20 : 115-119.
  • DIKER, K.S. and YARDlMCI, H. (1989) : Isolation and characterization of Campylobacter species from chickens. Doğa Tu. Vet. Hayv. Derg. , 13: 257-264.
  • DOYLE, M.P. (1984) : Assodation of Campylobacter jejuni with laying and eggs. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 47: 533-536.
  • FLETCHER, R.D. and PLASTRIDGE, W.N. (1964) : Gaseous environment and growht of microaerophilic vibrios. J. Bacteriol., 87 : 352-355.
  • FRICKER, C.R., GIRDWOOD, R.W.A. and MUNRO, D. (1983): A comparison of procedures for the isolation of Campylobacter's from seagull faeces. J. Hyg Comb. 91 : 445-450.
  • GARCIA, M.M., EAGLESOME, M.D. and RIGBY, C. (1983) : Campylobacter's important in veterinary medicine. Vet. BuJI., 53 : 793-818.
  • HOFFMAN, P.S., KRIEG, N.R. and SMIBERT, R.M. (1979a) : Studies of the microaerophilic nature of Campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni, 1. Physiological aspects of enhanced aerotolerance. canad. J. Microbiol., 25 : 1-7.
  • HOFFMAN, P.S., GEORGE, H.A., KRIEG, N.R. and SMIBERT, R.M. (1979b) :Studies of the microerophilic nature of Campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni. ll. Role of exogeneus süperoxide anions and hydrogen peroxide. Canad. J. Microbiol., 25 : 8-16.
  • HOFSTAD, M.S., McGEHEC, E. H. and BENNETT, P.C. (1958) : Avian infectious hepatitis. Avian Dis. 2 : 358-364.
  • KAPLAN, R.L. GOODMAN, L.J., BARRETI, J.F. TRENHOLME, G.M. and LANDAU, W. · (1982) : Comparison of rectal swaps and stool cultures in deleeling Campylobacter fetussubsp. jejur'ıi. J. Clin. Microbiol., 15 : 959-960.
  • KARMALI, M.A., ALLEN, A.K. and FLEMING, P.C. (1981a) : Differentiating of catalase positive Campylobacter's with special referance to morphlology. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol.,31 : 64-71 .
  • KINDE, H., DENIGEORGIS, C.A. and PAPPAIOANOU, M. (1983) : Prevalance of Campylobacter jejuni in chicken wings. Appl. Enviran. Microbiol., 45 : 1116-1118.
  • LEAPER, S. AND OWEN, R.J. 51982) : Differentation between Campylobacter jejuni and allied thermophilic Campylobacter's by hybridization of deoxyribonucleic acids. FEMS Microbiol. Letters 15: 203-208.
  • LEVI, A. and RICCIARDI, I.D. (1982) : Campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni (C.jejuni) :identification of stains isolated from chicknes in Rıo de Janerio. Rew Microbiol. 13 : 332-334.
  • LINDBLOM, G.B. SJOGREN, E. and KAIJSER B. (1986) : Naturel Campylobacter colonization in chickens raised under different environmental conditions. J. Hyg. 96 : 385- 391.
  • LJOR, H. (1984) : New ex ıended biotyping scheme for Campylobacter coli, and "Campylobacter laridis". J. Clin. Microbiol. 20 : 636-640.
  • LUECHTEFELD, N. W. and WANG, W.L.L. 51981) : Campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni in a turkey processing planı . J. Clin. Microbiol., 13: 266-268.
  • McFADYEAN, F. and STOCKMAN, S. (1913): Garcia ve ark. (1983) : tarafından bildirilmiştir.
  • NEILL, S.D., CAMPBELL, J.N. and GREENE, J.A. (1984) : Campylobacter species in broiler chickens. Avian. Pathol. 13 : 777-785.
  • NEILL, S.D., CAMPBELL, J.N. and O'BRIEN, J.J. (1985) : Egg penetration by Campylobacter jejuni. Avi an Pathol, 14 : 313-320.
  • NEWELL, D.G. (1983) The surface protein antigen including flagella of C.jejuni, Abstr. Pap. see. Int. Workshop Campylobacter ınfect., Brussels, p. 26.
  • NORKRANS, G. and SVEDHEM, A. (1982) : Epidemiological aspects of Campylobacter jejuni enteritis. J. Hyg., 89 : 163-170.
  • OSTEROM, J., NOTERMANS, S., KARMAN, H. and ENGELS, G.B. (1983) : Origin and prevalence of Campylobacter jejuni in poultry processing. J. Food protect. 46 : 339-344.
  • PECKHAM, M. C. (1958) : Avian vibrionik hepatitis. Avian Dis. 2 : 348-358.
  • PECKHAM, M.C. (1984) : Vibrionic hepatitis. In Diseases of Poultry. Ed. M.S. Hofstad,8th ed, pp. 221-229, lowa State University Press, Ames, lowa.
  • PIANTERI, G., MAMOLO, G., CARFARELLI, A., BOSSI, G., BIGNAMINI, M.L. and BO,G. (1985) : The occurrence of Campylobacter jejuni in chickens, L'lgiene Moderna 83 : 510-517.
  • POKUMUNSKI, S., KASS, N., BOROCHOVICH, E., MORANTZ. B. and ROGOL, M.(1986) : Ineidence of Campylobacter spp. in broiler flocks manilared from hatching to slaughter. Avian PathaL 15 : 83-92.
  • RHOADES, N.F. (1954) : The illustration of the morphology of Vibrio fetus by electron mikroscopy. Am. J. Vet. Res., 15 : 630-631.
  • ROSEF, O. (1981) : The occurence of Campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni and Salmonella bacteria in same wild birds. Nord. Vet. Med.,33: 539-543.
  • SEBALD, M. et VERON, M. (1963) : Teneur en bases de I'ADN et classification dev vibrions. Ann. In st. Pesteur, 105 : 897-91 O.
  • SHANE, S.M., GIFFORD, D.H. and YOGASUNDRAM, K. (1986): Campylobacter jejuni contamination of egss. Vet. Res. Commun. 10: 487-492.
  • SHANKER, S. , LEE, A. and SORRELL, T.C. (1986) : Campylobacter jejuni in broilers : the role of vertical transmission. J. Hyg. 96 : 153-159.
  • SHANKER, S., ROSENFIELD, J.W., DAVEY, G.R. and SORRELL,T.C. (1982) : Campylobacter jejuni : incidence in processed broilers and biotype distribution in human and broiler isolates, Appl. Enviran. Microbiol. 43 : 1219-1220.
  • SKIRROW, M. B. (1977) : Campylobacter enterilis : a "new" disease. Br. Med. J., 2 : 9.
  • SKIRROW, M.B. and BENJAMIN, J. (1980) : "1001" Campylobacter's: cultural characteristics of intestinal Campylobacter's from man and animals. J. Hyg., 85 : 427-442.
  • SKIRROW, M.B, and BENJAMIN, J. (1982) : The classification of "thermophilic" Campylobacter's and their distribution in man and domestic animals In Campylobacter 1. Ed. Newell, D., pp. 40-44, MTP Press Limited, Lancaster.
  • SMIBERT, R.M. (1974) : Genus Campylobacter. In Bergey's Manuel of determinative Bacterilogy. Ed. RE. Buchanan, NE Gibbons, 8.ed., pp. 207-212, Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore.
  • SMIBERT, R.M. (1978) : The genus Campylobacter. Ann. Rev. Microbiol, 32 : 673-709.
  • SOERJADI, A.S., SNOEYENBOS, G.H. and WEINACK, O.M. (1982) : lntestinal calanizatian and compatitive exclusion of Campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni in chicks. Avian Dis., 26 : 520-524.
  • SOERJADI-LIEM, A.S., SNOEYENBOS, G.M. and WEINACK, O.M. (1984) : Comparalive studies on competative exclusion of three isolates of Campylobacter subsp. jejuni in chickens by native gut microflora. Avian Dis. 28 : 139-146.
  • TRUSCOTT, R.B. and STOCDALE, P.H.G. (1966) : Correlation of the identity of bile and cecal vibrios from the same field oases of avian vibrionic hepatitis. Avian Dis. 10 :67-73.
  • WANG. W.L.L., LUECHTEFELD N. W., BLASER, M.J. and RELLAR, L.B. (1983) : Effect of incubatian atmosphere and temparature on isolation of Campylobacter jejuni from human stools. Canad. J. Microbiol. 29 : 468-470.
  • WEBER, A., LEMBKE, C. and KETTNRE, A. (1981) : Nachweis von Campylobacter jejuni in kotproben von klinisch gesunden brieftauben. Beri. Münch. Tierraztl. Wschr. 94: 449-451 .
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Toplam 60 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Fatma Koç Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1992
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1992
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1992 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Koç, F. (1992). Normal ve Hepatitisli Tavuklardan Campylobacter İzolasyonu Üzerinde Çalışmalar. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 7(2), 29-48.